04 Apr 2016 - BVI Spring Regatta The third and final day of the 45th BVI Spring Regatta and Sailing Festival delivered the fleet with a light easterly of 8-12 knots throughout the morning, becoming a little lighter towards the end of racing. In CSA-Racing 3, the J/105 Dark Star, skippered by Jonathan Lipuscek took first with 8.5 points, including five bullets and a tie for first over eight races sailed. Event website
31 Mar 2016 - Double Handed Farallones Race This year's BAMA Doublehanded Farallones Race (San Francisco, CA) was 'nuking.' The J/105s nearly swept their class. It was the duet of John Robison & Simon James on Lightwave who won their PHRF 9 division with an elapsed time of 9:41:22 and corrected time of 10:01:44. Taking third place was Richard Pipkin & Mary McGrath on the J/105 Racer X, finishing 9:58:30 on elapsed and 10:19:28 on corrected. Event website
27 Mar 2016 - Wind was the word in St. Thomas The real story of the 43rd St. Thomas International Regatta (STIR) was wind. Lots of it. Gusts blustered over 30 knots all three days with 6 to 8 foot seas. Yet combine these conditions with 80-degree weather, bright sun and bathwater warm turquoise seas and it's a recipe that racers on the 67 entered boats relished. In CSA Spinnaker Racing 3, Puerto Rico's Jonathan Lipuscek on his J/105, Dark Star, successfully defended their title. Event website
21 Mar 2016 - GBCA Performance Cup Six J/105s checked in to Galveston Bay Cruising Association's March 19-20 Performance Cup. They were greeted by 20-30 knot north winds gusting to 35+. There were reports of 39 knot gust with many seeing sustained 30-35 knot breezes. The super strong gusts on Saturday moved the buoys around to the extent that GBCA's PRO was forced to cancel racing. While testing crew skills in the tough wind conditions, Bill Lakenmacher sailed around the windward mark only to jokingly report that he watched it sail past him as he returned to the starting area. Winds on Sunday were originally predicted to be 10-15 knots but to no one's surprise were actually in the 20-25 range with 30+ knot gusts. With some difficulty, GBCA managed to get the line set and start all races on time. Bee Bednar's Stinger was forced to withdraw before the first race with equipment failures. John Bell's Kinderspel2 and Uzi Ozeri's Infinity had similar issues during one or the other of the following races. With what surely amounted to super crew work and great tactics, Brad Robbins' Rumpus, took the tie breaker over John Barnet's Vici and Bill Lakenmacher's Radiance to win their first ever J/105 regatta. Although very experienced racers, Brad and company are relative newcomers to Fleet 17, having joined the fleet in 2015. Congratulations guys!
21 Mar 2016 - San Diego NOOD The second stop of the Helly Hansen National Offshore One Design (NOOD) Regatta series relished three days (March 18-20) of quality conditions for more than 100 teams in San Diego. With 12 classes spread out on two ocean courses and one bay course, 10 J/105s were on hand to complete seven races. Rick Goebel's Sanity won four of those to claim the victory with 12 points. Dennis Case's Wings put together a great weekend for second place with 18 points, followed by Gary Mozer's Current Obsession 2 with 25. Complete results
18 Mar 2016 - Scachet Head Race The Scachet Head Race (on Puget Sound, the second of three races in the Center Sound Series hosted by Corinthian YC Seattle) was a challenging one for many with chilly temperatures and winds howling in the 20-25 knots plus range for most of the day. Class 4 is the one-design J/105 fleet. Winning the day and hanging onto first by virtue of a tiebreaker is Erik Kristen & Kathryn Meyer's More Jubilee. In second is Jim Geros' Last Tango, also with three points. Third place counting two third places is David Cohen & Lance Rummel's Inconceivable. They are followed by Robert Blaylock's Usawi in fourth and Jerry Diercks' Delirium in fifth. Next race in the Center Sound Series will be the Three Tree Point Race on March 26. The entire fleet was treated to a Chalk Talk by hometown Olympic Gold Medalist Carl Buchan on March 11. More Center Sound Series/Scachet Head Race sailing information
10 Mar 2016 - Spring One Design Tested by strong system-generated, cross-current wind, a heavy ebb tide, and 22 J/105 teams hungry for their first win of the season, Rolf Kaiser, Shannon Ryan and the other crew of Donkey Jack finished on top at the 2016 StFYC Spring One Design Regatta, March 5-6. Gale force winds were forecasted on Saturday afternoon, so PRO Bartz Schneider and his RC team compressed time on the water with three short races, featuring a .4-mile-long reach against the ebb tide to the offset buoy to enable a square downwind leg. Southerly winds built in pulsing storm-driven fashion and showed a westerly shift, challenging racers to find the early starboard layline. Donkey Jackposted consistent finishes of 4-2-2 to lead the day by 3 points, despite Tom Kennelly's team on Wonder taking bullets in both race 2 and 3! Kaiser credited their relatively conservative strategy with Saturday's success: "Our goal was to start 'upriver' at the pin, and then make sure we could tack before we got to the port-tack layline as it (too) came up quickly on such a short course. Then we made sure to tack well under the crowd (fetching the windward mark) since you could always make it with such a strong left-to-right ebb. After that we just focused on keeping the boat upright downwind." Noted Rules expert and sailing coach Dave Perry finished up a week of seminars in San Francisco with an all-day session Saturday, following the J/105 fleet on-the-water and providing a debrief in the evening. Following his advice, several boats got out to the starting area much earlier on Sunday to practice and collect pre-race information. Day two presented sailors with more customary winds from the WSW and even some sunshine. "Now this was in the brochure!" remarked Santiago Said, owner of the Chilean J/105 Patagonia Virgin (#346), as he sailed out to the starting area aboard Bruce Stone's Arbitrage. His smile grew wider when Arbitrage won the first race of the day. Santiago had come all the way from Chile to crew for Stone in this regatta, and he left for home with Dave Perry's book and the hope that some of his colleagues read it. He seemed to think they could use help in following the Racing Rules of Sailing! Both races Sunday featured tough decisions concerning the accelerating ebb and a rather large transition zone between westerly influenced outside pressure and southerly puffs along the shore. Pat Benedict and his team on Advantage3 demonstrated their savvy local knowledge by winning the final race of the regatta in convincing fashion. "In the last race, we got a great start and stayed in the ebb upwind. Downwind we took relief along the shore even though the wind was slightly lighter. It must have paid off, because on the last leg we nipped Akula at the finish," Benedict explained, and added, "These kind of days keep you coming back!" In the end, it was Donkey Jack that held onto the overall lead with a 3-6 and clinched the first regatta win of the season. We "had challenging conditions to start the season but everyone seems to be able to keep their boats and people in one piece," reflected Kaiser. "Plus, there were a few new faces out there we are happy to welcome to the fleet. Let's get 20+ boats on the line for each event this year!" More Spring One-Design sailing information
10 Mar 2016 - Blakely Rocks Race The first of many races in the Center Sound Series took place this past weekend. The Blakely Rocks Race is a 16.7nm dash up and around a famous rock in the Sound and back to the finish line. Hosted by Corinthian YC of Seattle, the Center Sound Series continues all year long and concludes in the fall. The J/105s sailed one-design as Class 4. It was Jim Geros' Last Tango taking the class win followed by Erik Kristen/Kathryn Meyer's More Jubilee in second, David Cohen/Lance Rummel's Inconceivable taking third, Jerry Diercks' Delirium in fourth and Chris Phoenix's Jaded in fifth position. More Blakely Rocks Race sailing information
04 Mar 2016 - Gonzo report from Miami to Havana Race The J/105 Gonzo from Chicago was sailed by Ed Reagan and his team in the inaugural Miami to Havana Race this year that finished in the historical Hemingway Harbor in Havana, Cuba. Here is Ed's report on their experience: "We sailed aboard Gonzo, our J/105, co-captained by myself and Ken Ganch with a total crew of eight in the Miami to Havana race. It started in lighter winds right outside of government cut on a beautiful Florida day, albeit it was cooler than usual with a cold front heading in. That was welcome news as were all heading south veering southwest as the fleet headed down the keys so North winds were favorable and were forecast to go Northeast at some point. There were also fairly cold temperatures forecast for the first night but fortunately the water was warm. The route from Miami to Key West takes you south and you constantly turn to the west keeping outside of the reefs, which are well marked along the entire stretch of the Keys. On our port side was the Gulf stream, so you have a narrow band in which you want to sail to avoid sailing against the Gulf Stream that is running counter to our course at up to 6 kts! One of the most strategic decisions is where and when to cross the Gulf Stream. As the first afternoon went on, the winds steadily built along with the waves. There were long periods with sustained wind speeds 15-25 knots and the Gulf Stream varied but seemed to have reached 4-5 knots at that time according to our readings. The challenge was to get through it as efficiently as possible and then, hopefully, catch a counter-current closer to the coast of Cuba that was still heading west. The moon was very small and the stars were brilliant the first night when we were crossing the Gulf Stream. Wind speeds maintained all through the next day and into night when we finally saw Cuba at dusk. The winds died down only for the last 50 miles and we sailed along the length of Havana and finished right about midnight. We took second in PHRF C and eighth overall! Imagine that!? A Chicago boat collecting silverware for placing in a race to Havana. That's awesome! Hemingway Club Nauticio in Havana hosted the fleet with excellent facilities and the staff was gracious and welcoming. There was a race along the Malecon on Sunday but winds were very strong and only a handful of boats completed the race after several dropped out. Overall for us, it was an amazing experience and hope others do the same in the future!"
03 Mar 2016 - Winter Newsletter Members will receive the Winter edition of the J/105 newsletter via e-mail. It is also posted on the newsletter page.
19 Feb 2016 - Miami to Havana Race It was a beautiful, sunny day that saw the 46 sailboats prepared for a brisk forecast at the start of the first-ever Miami to Havana Race, organized by the Southern Ocean Racing Conference (SORC). In PHRC C class, it was Ken Ganch & Ed Reagan's J/105 Gonzo from Columbia YC in Chicago, IL happily celebrating taking the silver in one of the more eccentric collection of boats in any class. Event website
18 Feb 2016 - 18 boats already on the NAC list! 18 J/105s registered on the first day that the 2016 North American Championship website went live! Sign up now, and pay at the end of summer. The event will be hosted by Larchmont Yacht Club in Larchmont, NY from October 19-23. For charters and logistics, contact Paul Beaudin at j105loulou at gmail.
17 Feb 2016 - Texas Invitational The second annual Texas J/105 Invitational Regatta is scheduled for April 2-3. The format is based on the pioneering Bermuda J/105 Regatta wherein local crews consisting of a local owner and two of his or her crew team up with a non-Galveston Bay or Dallas (Fleet 16 and Fleet 17) skipper and two of his or her crew for two jam-packed days of sailing fun. Weather permitting, 10 races with five helmed by local owners and five by non-local owners are to be sailed over the two-day period. Six invitees have already accepted invitations, but there are still boats available. If you are interested in an invitation or would like to join in with your own boat, contact Uzi Ozeri (uzio at hotmail), Bee Bednar (bee at panoramatech dot com) or Bill Lackenmacher (Bill at lockeprotective dot com).
17 Feb 2016 - 2016 NAC website The event website for the 2016 Stella Artois J/105 North American Championship at Larchmont Yacht Club in Larchmont, NY from October 19-23, 2016 is now live here.
10 Feb 2016 - Bermuda J/105 Regatta November 2015 saw the annual running of the Bermuda J/105 Invitational event with competitors coming from the UK and the US to compete. The format involves crews comprising a local owner and two crew teaming up with an overseas skipper and two crew for three days of fast and furious fun on and off the water! Where else in the world would you get to do all this on a beautiful island and be racing in the company of the Americas Cup catamarans? This year's event runs from November 17-19. Invites will be going out soon but if you are interested in attending, please e-mail the Class President James Macdonald at jmwork@ibl.bm. This link is also useful: www.gotobermuda.com. Video of last year's event
01 Feb 2016 - Three Bridge Fiasco 369 singlehanded and doublehanded entrants signed up for the Three Bridge Fiasco on January 30, an iconic event on San Francisco Bay that lays testament to the support of shorthanded sailing in the Northern California area as well as the pursuit race curriculum. With starts strung out from 0900 to 11:12:10 AM for PHRF ratings ranging from 264 to -102, the 21.7 nm reverse pursuit course has become a must-do for sailors from all walks of life and all areas of the country. For many, it might be the only race they may sail shorthanded all year. For others, it's another of the fun runs combined with long distance and offshore events fulfilling a busy competition schedule. The start and finish off the Golden Gate Yacht Club can be done in either direction and the marks of the course-the Blackaller Buoy representing the Golden Gate Bridge, Red Rock Island representing the Richmond San Rafael Bridge and Yerba Buena Island representing the Oakland /SF Bay Bridge-can be rounded in any direction and any order. Playing the currents, the wind, and out foxing your competitors is the name of the game-along with a little luck. The 2016 Three Bridge Fiasco provided yet another legendary day of fun, challenges, camaraderie and variety of weather for all participants, the majority of which completed the course before the daylight faded, and enjoyed a robust breeze for their final legs and ride home. (Submitted by Erik Simonson) In the 11-boat double-handed J/105 fleet, Steve & Gregg Kent on Perseverance placed first, followed by Steve Marsh & Ben Wells on Masquerade and Jeff Littfin & Brendan Bradley on Mojo. Complete results
01 Feb 2016 - GBCA Icicle Series The fifth and final race of Galveston Bay Cruising Association's Icicle Series was completed with beautiful partly cloudy Texas skies, temperatures in the mid 70s and 15-25 knot winds. Does it sound like and Icicle race to you? Bee Bednar's Stinger finished this race in second place just behind the GP26 Pingo. Bill Lakenmacher's Radiance finished fourth in the race but still in the points. Bee's second-place finish gave Stinger the tie-breaker for a second place finish with Infinity in third.
31 Jan 2016 - Regata de Chiloe Two J/105 teams from the St. Francis YC, one led by Bruce Stone and the other by Ralph Silverman, journeyed south last week to Patagonia, Chile to compete in the prestigious Regata de Chiloe 2016, held every other year in the lovely Chiloe archipelago, framed by volcanoes to the east and Pacific Ocean to the west. Bruce reported that the regatta is run by the Chilean Navy under the auspices of Club Nautico Oceanico de Chile, and with eight days of racing, it might be one of the longest in duration. He said, "Ending up in a different small port each night, it places a premium on navigation and also juggling shoreside logistics. Aside from the Race Committee's ocean-going patrol boats and helicopters, over 50 private support boats (for meals and lodging) followed the fleet, and had their own subtle competition, trying to get to the next port for a great anchorage prior to the arrival of the 70 racing boats. Each was at anchor with hot showers and a late lunch ready for whenever their team arrived, the earliest being 4:30 pm and the latest 8:30 pm. Per Chilean custom, shoreside events or dinner onboard generally began around 10:00 pm, therefore racing did not start until between noon and 2:00 pm. With just two days of windward-leeward buoy racing, and five days of 25-30 mile point-to-point racing, the courses wound around islands and required skill in avoiding shoals and the salmon fishing farms along the shoreline." Stone's team, on the chartered J/105 Patagonia Virgin, included Bill Higgins (bow) and Bruce's wife Nicole Breault (main/tactics), together with owner Santiago Said (trim), Ignacio Alvarado Segovia (mast) and Victor Cook (pit). Ralph chartered Harald Schilling's J/105 Sandy and was supported by Melissa Purdy Feagin (main/tactics) and daughter Whitney and husband Randle made an appearance onboard for the final long-distance race. Stone further commented, "The Chilean J/105 fleet is strong and growing, with just over 30 boats racing, and more expected to buy boats in the next one to two years. Members expressed satisfaction with the size and cost of the boat, and the fact that they could race with family members on board, as did every J/105 in this regatta except for the Navy cadets." He continued, "This week offered an extremely difficult combination of light air and strong current, placing a premium on local knowledge, and we were in fourth place going into the last day. We then found our wheels in perfect SF Bay conditions of 14-18 knot winds, scoring a third and then a bullet to take the top spot on the podium. The Baeza family team on Utopia and Jorge Gonzalez on Plan B tied for second with Utopia winning the tie-breaker, then Jose Manuel Ugarte on Scimitar just another point back to take fourth. Martin Baeza told us that competing in the 2015 J/105 NAs at St. Francis Rolex Big Boat Series took their game up to a much higher plane, and they intend to come to the NAs in Larchmont this October. Ralph and his team on Sandy turned in a solid performance, hanging really close but finishing sixth." Along with Baeza, several other Chilean teams, including the naval cadets, now intend to come to the U.S. for the J/105 North Americans, while both Bruce and Ralph are considering returning to Patagonia for the next Regata de Chiloe in 2018, or possibly sooner for the Chilean J/105 fleet's National Championship in December, held in the north near Valparaiso. Event website
20 Jan 2016 - 80th Mount Gay Round Barbados Series Coastal Series The final day of the Coastal Series at the 80th anniversary Mount Gay Round Barbados Regatta, organized by Barbados Cruising Club in association with Barbados Tourism Marketing Inc., and Mount Gay, concluded in fine style with sunshine, wind up to 28 knots and a relatively flat sea. Peter Lewis and team on Whistler (J/105) in CSA Division had one of the best starts of the day, at the pin end of the line. They kept up the pace on the long beat to South Point and some good kite trimming on the long run back ensured them their third win of the series. In doing so, they beat Conviction the local TP52 sailed by Clint Brooks and team representing the Barbados Offshore Sailing Syndicate (BOSS). Event website
17 Jan 2016 - GBCA Icicle 3 Saturday January 16, three J/105s dominated Galveston Bay's third Icicle Series Race. In somewhat cool 50+ degree temperatures and 15-20 knot winds, Uzi Ozeri's Infinity, Bee Bednar's Stinger and John Barnett's Vici hit the line in for a picture perfect start. Amazingly, Vici managed to hold her genoa in the strong winds. She did lose some ground during the beat on the first leg, but holding that genoa was to turn out to be a brilliant choice. Stinger rounded the first mark approximately one boat length ahead of Infinity and two boat lengths ahead of Vici. As if by magic, the winds dropped dramatically down to the 5-10 knot range, and the big genoa on Vici proved to be the proper weapon to conquer Stinger and Infinity. As far as they were concerned, first place among the 105s was settled. Stinger and Infinity rounded the third and final mark together heading toward the finish 3.5 knots away and hoisted their jumbo kites. From that point on, the two boats sailing on starboard with Infinity on the leeward side were in a virtual tie until just before the finish. In the controlling position, Infinity held Stinger out until the last minute, but after the final gybe, Stinger managed just enough extra speed to eek out the victory. Over 60 boats, of varying vintages and styles, competed in this race. The three 105s Vici, Stinger and Infinity, finished 1, 2 and 3, followed by 2 J/109s. It's safe to say that a good time was had by all.
11 Jan 2016 - 2016 Class Rules The 2016 Class Rules are posted here.
19 Dec 2015 - Grand Slam Dominates Chilean J/105 Nationals In the first weekend of December, the Chilean J/105 fleet held their fourth National Championship on Algarrobo Bay. It was a fantastic turnout for this rapidly growing fleet on the southwestern coast of South America, as 18 boats were on the starting line. During Saturday's racing, the light wind conditions allowed the fleet to sail two of the three races programmed for the day. On Sunday and Monday, wind conditions were stronger, and all eight races were completed for the championship. Grand Slam and Archimedes where fighting for the overall lead. However, Grand Slam was crowned the 2015 J/105 Chilean Champion. Patricio Seguel was at the helm with his son Matias Seguel calling tactics and making the decisions along the windward-leeward course. Father and son were a fast, smart combo, compiling a very steady record, winning four of the eight races for a total of 13 points net. Vernon Robert skippered Archimedes and found themselves in a battle for the silver with three other boats toward the end of the series. In the end, Archimedes counted 33 points total to secure second overall. However, Jorge Gonzalez's Plan B nearly caught them, closing fast with a 7-4 to finish with 35 points net and the bronze on the podium. Miguel Perez's Recluta finished in fourth with 37 points. Miguel Salas' Big Booty took the fifth position with 40 points.
06 Dec 2015 - San Diego Hot Rum Series The third and final race of the very popular San Diego Yacht Club Hot Rum Series finished as it started under clear sunny skies and perfect sailing conditions. The winds from 9-18 knots made for a fast trip around the five-legged pursuit course. The J/105s continued to dominate Class 3 and did very well overall in the 141-boat fleet. Dennis Case's Wings was first in class and third overall holding off Rick Goebel's Sanity who took second in class and fourth overall. Dag-Fish's Viggen was fourth in class and eight overall. Steve and Lucy Howell's Blink was sixth in class and 12 overall. Ed Sanford's Creative was seventh in class and 23 overall. All in all. a good showing for the J/105 and a whole lot of fun. Results
30 Nov 2015 - Fall Newsletter Members will receive the Fall edition of the J/105 newsletter via e-mail. It is also posted on the newsletter page.
27 Nov 2015 - San Diego Hot Rum Series The second race in the famous San Diego YC Hot Rum Series took place this past weekend in spectacular sailing conditions off Point Loma. With a fresh 10-14 knot breeze from the NNW, the fleet took off under sunny skies. The J/105s are dominating Class 3, and the racing cannot be much closer as Rick Goebel's Sanity and Dennis Case's Wings both tied on 4 points each for the class lead with Dag Fish's Viggen in third with 7 points. Steve & Lucy Howell's Blink! is sitting in fifth with 11 points, Ed Sanford's Creative is seventh with 14 points and Mike O'Connell's Speedplay is ninth with 17 points. In the overall standings, the J/105s are right in the hunt for the top three. Case's Wings is currently third with 12 points and Goebel's Sanity is fifth with 16 points. San Diego YC Hot Rum Series sailing information
27 Nov 2015 - Bermuda International Race Week The 2015 edition of the XL Catlin Bermuda International Race Week was blessed with relatively classic Bermuda sailing conditions for the international group of sailors in the J/105 fleet. The forecast could not have been much better, with the first day's racing schedule to have NNE winds of 10-20 knots, partly cloudy skies, followed by more of the same on Friday with slightly less wind, and then closing with light air and a sunny day on Saturday. The Royal Bermuda YC's PRO Hank Stuart completed the 10-race no-throw-out series for the fleet of seven boats. The format is unique: local Bermudian crews of three persons are matched with international crews of three people, with the Bermuda and International skippers swapping for each race, each skipper helming five races each. The racing on Thursday started off in cool temperatures with puffy breezes ranging 20-30 degrees in the 12-22 knot range. Fast out of the gate was local Peter Bromby and co-skipper Chris Murphy sailing Chequemate, posting a perfect score of five bullets to take a commanding lead. The Yabsta crew with Trevor Boyce (BER) and Stew Neff (USA) sailed to a 4-2-2-2-2 scoreline to secure a strong hold to second place. Settling into third place after the first day was the team of Jon Corless (BER) and John Barnett (USA) with a 5-6-3-3-5 record. The second day dawned with beautiful blue skies and a moderate breeze from the ENE, blowing 6-10 knots, gusting higher at times during the day. Continuing their remarkable string of firsts was the Bromby/Murphy team on Chequemate, starting out their day with a first place in race 6, and closing out the day with a third to remain comfortably at the top of the standings. With two races being sailed in light to moderate winds, the Great Sound saw big, puffy, dark grey clouds sliding across the race area and producing massive shifts for each leg. The standings were jumbled for the balance of the top teams. The Yabsta Boyce/Neff crew survived the day with a 3-7, while behind them the Back in Black crew of Ed Faries (BER) and Mark Riley (USA) posted a 2-1 for the day and jumped into third overall. Mayhem dropped back to fourth place with a 4-6 record, and Passion's team comprised of Jim Macdonald (BER) and Andrew Kennedy (USA) from Annapolis tightened the gap with the top three with a 5-2. On the final day, the J/105 teams sailed three more races. The day started with PRO Stuart sounding the horn and the AP went up the Club's flag pole alerting the classes to stay ashore. The Race Management Team went afloat to hunt for wind. At 10:32:55, the AP came down and the fleet was on for racing. On the final day, the Yabsta team of Boyce/Neff won the day based on their very consistent 3-1-3, enabling them to secure a second overall as well as second in both divisions. Boyce was second in the Bermuda skipper category and Neff second in the International group. The Mayhem crew of Corless/Barnett posted a 1-6-1 to take second for the day and secure third overall, with Corless taking third in the Bermuda group and Barnett fourth in the International. Third on the day was Chequemate's Bromby/Murphy team with a 2-5-2 record to hang on for the overall win and winning each category. Of note was that Mark Riley on Back in Black was third in the International skippers' group. Thank you to the great sponsors of this event: Bacardi Limited, EFG, Bermuda Tourism Authority and J/105 sponsors: XL Catlin & Butterfield Group. Bacardi Bermuda Keelboat Race Week sailing information
23 Nov 2015 - J/105 Dark Star Tops St. Croix Regatta From November 13-15, the St Croix YC in Christiansted, St Croix unfurled the regatta flags and signaled the start of the Caribbean winter racing season. The 23rd edition of the regatta included Optimists, with a VISA (Virgin Island Sailing Association) sponsored Optimist clinic on Friday and racing on Saturday and Sunday. The Big Boat race on Friday was renamed Captain Nicks Race in honor of the founder Nick Castruccio, who turned 90 this year. The race for the rum was Saturday and Sunday's overall winner. The runaway winner in CSA Spinnaker Class for the Captain Nicks Race Regatta was the J/105 Dark Star from San Juan, Puerto Rico, skippered by Jonathan Lipuscek from Club Nautico Puerto Rico; they posted the unbeatable scoreline of 1-1-1 for three points. For the weekend regatta, again Lipuscek's Dark Star crew rattled off six bullets in CSA Spinnaker Racing Class to finish with 6 points, winning their weight in Cruzan Rum as the overall regatta winner! St. Croix YC website
13 Nov 2015 - Hot Rum Series in San Diego, CA The J/105s swept PHRF 3 Class at the Hot Rum Series in San Diego, CA, taking six of the top eight positions. Leading the gang was Rick Goebel's Sanity in first place (sixth overall), followed by Dennis Case's Wings in second place (eighth overall), Dag Fish's Viggen third place (12th overall), Ed Sanford's Creative (13th overall), then Steve & Lucy Howell's Blink! in sixth and Mike O'Connell's Speedplay in eighth. San Diego YC website
06 Nov 2015 - Chesapeake Bay Championship Over Halloween weekend, Annapolis Yacht Club hosted the J/105 Chesapeake Bay Championship. The J/105s had a great turnout with 17 boats participating. The top three teams all sailed extremely well and posted mostly all top five finishes in their scorelines. Improving every single race was Scott Gitchell's crew on Tenacious, starting out with a fifth place, then posting a 3-2-1 tally to win bragging rights as Chesapeake Bay Champion. Just behind him, the duel became a tie-breaker scenario, with Andrew Kennedy's Bat IV winning that fight over Lewis' Mirage, both sitting on 15 points. For the balance of the top five, it is hard to imagine how close the racing was on the water. The next four boats in the standings all finished within six points of each other, the last race being the determining factor in the final outcome. By virtue of a third in the last race, Cherner's Crash took fourth place with 22 points while Konigsberg's Inigo took fifth in the finale, dropping them into fifth overall with 24 points. In fact, Inigo also had to win a tie-breaker over Robbins' Allegiance. Annapolis YC website
01 Nov 2015 - San Diego Yacht Club Wins Lipton Cup The 101st Challenge for the Lipton Cup saw 12 elite yacht club teams sailing J/105s in a three day (Oct 30-Nov 1) round-robin series on San Diego Bay. Hosted by San Diego Yacht Club, their team led by skipper Tyler Sinks took over the lead on day two and held on today to take the title. A strong third day by Newport Harbor Yacht Club moved them up to second, passing defending champions St. Francis Yacht Club who finished third. Event website
28 Oct 2015 - Annapolis YC Fall Series In the J/105 class, 16 boats enjoyed the weekend of sailing at the Annapolis Yacht Club Fall Series with Cedric Lewis on Mirage posting three bullets on their way to winning the class with just 14.5 points. Sailing nearly as consistently was Scott Gitchell's crew on Tenacious who completed the series with 18 points. By winning the first race long distance race for double-points, Jim Konigsberg's Inigo was well-placed to win the regatta, added a 4-9 to drop into third overall. The balance of the top five included Matt Robbins' Allegiance in fourth with 34 points, closely followed by Andrew Cherner's Crash just 1.5 points back. Complete results
26 Oct 2015 - Minutes posted Minutes from the 10/19/15 Annual Meeting are posted. Class Business page
26 Oct 2015 - Leaders Hold Spots in Fleet 6 Season Finale Eclipse and Stratos held their 1-2 spots in the last racing day of the 2015 Fleet 6 season. Revelation took the bullet in the distance race to move to third. Thanks to all the boats that came out to race this season! Results
25 Oct 2015 - Masters Regatta "I'm going to tell my crew we've got to go faster," said Malin Burnham on the first day of the International Masters Regatta, and that is just what they did. Just shy of his 88th birthday, Malin Burnham can also celebrate his 2015 International Master Regatta first place victory. Sunday's wind conditions were less than favorable, but the Race Committee tried their best to find whatever San Diego Bay could offer. A race was finally started right after 2:30 pm but abandoned before the first boat reached the windward mark. Congratulations to Malin Burnham, the 2015 International Masters champion! Results, photos and tracking replays are posted here.
19 Oct 2015 - Eclipse and Stratos frostbite to the top at Manhasset Fall Series Frigid temperatures and a solid breeze greeted six hearty boats braving the weather for the season finale at Manhasset Bay Yacht Club's Fall Series. Damian Emery's Eclipse has the lead, but the big story is Marcus Wunderlich's Stratos sitting in second, winning two of the six races. This is a big jump up the ranks for Marcus and team. Only next Sunday's distance race remains which will ensure a no worse than silver for the long-time Fleet 6 treasurer sitting only three out of first. Following respectively is Conundrum in third and Revelation in fourth. This is the course for next year's North Americans which will be held the following weekend with this being the Pre-NAC. The report off Stratos: The Manhasset Bay YC hosted some great racing for the J/105 fleet this past weekend. For those who braved the cool fall temperatures, the fresh NW breeze offered the opportunity to complete six races over Saturday and Sunday. The Manhasset Bay crew did a great job keeping the races rolling (and the sailors moving and warm) with winds in the mid- to high-teens for most of the weekend. Sailing into the New York shore, conditions were shifty with stronger winds at the bottom of the course and flatter water near the weather mark. Damian Emery and his team on Eclipse mastered the shifts on the first day, pulling out a 1,1,2 combination. Racing was tight, however, with Marcus Wunderlich's Stratos keeping it close and winning the third race on Saturday. Stratos carried the momentum into Sunday, winning the first race, before Eclipse gathered itself to win the last two races. Conundrum and Revelation were also in the mix of top three finishers all weekend, so final standings after two days of racing will make for an exciting final day on October 24. Complete scores
17 Oct 2015 - Greenport Ocean Race Over the Columbus Day Weekend, the Chinese Yacht Club and Old Cove Yacht Club, with additional support from The Village of Greenport, Shelter Island YC, and the Orient YC, held their end-of-season offshore yacht race known as the Greenport Ocean Race, a 90nm navigation around the buoys and islands that comprise the eastern end of Long Island Sound and Block Island Sound. Simultaneously, they also ran the Greenport Bay Race of about 32nm for smaller boats. In PHRF Spin 2 Division, it was Steve Marenakos' J/105 Reckless in forst. Second was Stephen Guyer's J/105 Alliance. Greenport Ocean Race sailing information
17 Oct 2015 - UK Double-Handed Nationals Organized by the Royal Southampton YC, in conjunction with the Royal Ocean Racing Club, the second edition of the IRC DoubleHanded UK National Championship took place in the Solent last weekend. A huge variety of keelboats entered with about 40 teams taking part. Three races were scheduled with no discard, but only two races were sailed. The variety of courses were designed to test all the elements of Double-Handed racing with a laid marks course, a round the cans race and a long passage race. The largest class racing, IRC 2 Class, had 15 yachts vying for the class and five yachts took podium positions. Race One was won by the defending champion, Paul Griffith's J/109, Jagerbomb, and William Newton's J/105 Jelly Baby crewed by Bill Darley was third. The winner of Race Two was Andrew Roberts' J/105 Jin Tonic crewed by Bill Edgerley. In the end, it was the J/105 Jin Tonic that took the class championship by a single point over the J/109 Jagerbomb. Fourth was the J/105 Jelly baby (Bill Newton & Bill Darley). Sixth was the J/105 Voador (Alex Adams & Robert Smith). And, tenth was the J/105 Mostly Harmless (Tom Hayhoe & Natalie Jobling). "The Royal Lymington Yacht Club organized a series of double handed races back in 2011, and we decided to give it a go and much to my surprise I enjoyed the challenge of adapting a boat that is normally raced with a crew of 7 to one that 2 can handle," commented Andy Roberts, skipper of Jin Tonic. "I quickly learnt that every maneuver took more time and more effort and they should be kept to a minimum. Racing short-handed means you are utterly dependent on your partner, their skills and input both tactical and navigational, as well as the sail handling. The boat needs to be prepared differently, simplify everything, so there was no umming and arring about sail calls, we just use what we have got, remembering that not having an extra 450 kilos of crew weight on the rail meant that the boat was tuned differently so that we could de-power much earlier than usual to keep the boat on its feet and footing rather than crabbing sideways. I think one of the things that helped us get a good result was having a clear strategy on the route we were going to take around the course so that we had no last minute panic moves to make, for example, dropping the spinnaker on the correct side for the next hoist. Spinning the kit when going upwind is seriously slow, losing at least half a knot of boat speed for 5 or 10 minutes. We did not chose a J/105 for any other reason than there were three others in Lymington, yet we have found it to be a super boat for both short-handed and fully-crewed racing; easy to handle and always feels safe even when surfing along at 14 knots. To summarize, we felt we did well by keeping it simple, so we had time to focus on the race. A big thank you to everyone at the Royal Southampton YC, for all their hard work to give us such an enjoyable regatta." RORC Double Handed UK National Championship information
13 Oct 2015 - J/Fest Southwest Seven J/105s completed seven races at J/Fest Southwest from October 10-11 at Lakewood Yacht Club in Seabrook, TX. Mark Masur on Two Feathers won four races and finished second in the other contests for 10 points and the victory. John Barnett on Vici took second with 12 points, and Uzi Ozeri on Infinity was third with 24. Event website
02 Oct 2015 - American YC Fall Series weekend two cancelled Due to inclement weather, the second weekend of American Yacht Club's Fall Series has been cancelled. Last weekend's results are final, with Damian Emery's Eclipse prevailing by one point. Results
02 Oct 2015 - J/Fest San Diego The San Diego Yacht Club hosted the 20th Anniversary of the J/Fest regatta in Southern California, including one-design fleets such as the J/105s. The racing consisted of a Fun Bay Pursuit race on Friday afternoon followed by windward/leeward courses in the Coronado Roads area on Saturday and Sunday. The SDYC PRO, Summer Greene, managed to provide five races. The trio of J/105s enjoyed their weekend on the race course watching Dennis Case's Wings sail off to five straight bullets. Trading places most of the time were Steve Howell's Blink! and Stew Cannon's J-OK. In the end, Howell got the better of Cannon and took the silver. Event website
02 Oct 2015 - Long Island Sound Offshore Championship Storm Trysail Club and the Riverside Yacht Club in Connecticut hosted this year's Long Island Sound Offshore Championship. It was a strong turnout of nearly 40 boats with a J/105 one-design class participating. The fleet was treated to a nice cross-section of sailing conditions: a mix of light air on Saturday 6-10 knots and more breezes on Sunday at 12-20 knots. Starting with the half-dozen-boat J/105 class, it was the family affair of George and Alex Wilbanks who, in the first four races, scored three firsts. Randy Bourne's Strange Brew sailed consistently, winning the last race and, as a result, put himself into a tie for first place with the Wilbanks. It was not enough to overcome the three bullets that Revelation had banked earlier in the regatta. Bob Zannetti's Venturesome posted all top three scores, ending up with the bronze. Riverside YC website
29 Sep 2015 - McLaughlin wins J/105 Canadian Championship Eighteen teams competed in the J/105 Canadian Championship, held September 25-27 in Toronto, Ontario. Terry McLaughlin's team on Mandate dominated the event, winning eight of the nine races to take the title by 44 points over Peter McDermott Hall, with James Rathburn two points further back in third. Results
28 Sep 2015 - American YC Fall Series weekend one: Eclipse and Loulou lead The American Yacht Club Fall Series got off to a great start with 15 boats and solid east winds to kick off Fleet 6's largest fall event. Day one had the breeze pushing 20 with a steep chop. Loulou took the day but not without a battle from Damian Emery's Eclipse which prevailed in very shifty conditions on day two to take the weekend lead by 1 point. This is after six races, and with another weekend to go it should be a good battle at the top. Not far back are Revelation, Skipperdee and Conundrum. Results
27 Sep 2015 - Texas Navy Trophy The last offshore race in the four-race Texas Offshore Racing Circuit (TORC) took place the weekend of September 26-27. Bee Bednar's Stinger finished first, followed by J.D. Hill's J/122 in second. Stinger managed to win all four races in the series, and as a result won the Texas Navy Trophy for the third time. The race start saw winds in the 6-8 knot range with predictions indicating that the wind would drop to the 5-knot range after sunset. This proved to be incorrect. Just after sunset, a rapidly developing storm pushed 6-8 knot winds into the 20-28 knot range with gusts of 30+.
24 Sep 2015 - 2016 Chiloe Regatta The racing season in Chile starts now for their 35-boat J/105 fleet in the northern part of the country, and in a few months around half of them are trucked south to Puerto Montt for racing in their summer series, culminating in the medium-distance races of the seven-day Chiloe Regatta on January 23-30, 2016. Arbitrage is going and has chartered a local boat. Since this is through an archipelago with stops each evening at a different island, each team charters a cruising boat to follow along, with comfortable accommodations and dining on board. You fly into Puerto Montt around January 18, pick up the boat and cruise for two days to Castro where the regatta starts this year. The regatta ends back in Puerto Montt on January 30. Some people stay longer for a vacation to the south in the national parks, or up north to visit wine country. Anyone interested should reach out to the local fleet secretary Martin Baeza at mbaeza@procasa.cl if they want to do the same, or wait until we report back and then go in 2017! The regatta website is www.regatachiloe.cl. Video
24 Sep 2015 - NAC Video For a quick J/105 NA video wrap-up, click here.
21 Sep 2015 - HOOD Regatta The Houston Open One Design (HOOD) Regatta was held from September 19-20 at the Houston Yacht Club in Texas. Four J/105s completed five races, with Uzi Ozeri's Infinity handily taking the top spot with a line of 1,1,2,1,1 for 6 points. Brad Robbins' Rumpus placed second with 13 points, and Bee Bednar's Stinger third with 15. Complete results
20 Sep 2015 - J/105 North American Champion: Shawn Bennett on team Jose Cuervo Opening the regatta with what would prove to be his worst finish, a fourth, Shawn Bennett and his team on Jose Cuervo then racked up four first place finishes for a nearly perfect record against 26 other teams competing for the 2015 J/105 North American Championship, run concurrently with Rolex Big Boat Series at the St. Francis Yacht Club (San Francisco, CA). Shawn won not only the right to have his name inscribed on the J/105 NA half-model trophy, but also the St. Francis YC Commodore's Cup, and he received a coveted Rolex Submariner Watch. In second place was Mojo (Jeff Littfin), with Risk (Jason Woodley/Scott Whitney) in third place, last year's Big Boat Series winner Arbitrage (Bruce Stone) in fourth, and Blackhawk (Ryan Simmons) in fifth. Event website and results
19 Sep 2015 - North American Championship Day 3 The leader of the J/105 North American Championship coming into today was Shawn Bennett's Jose Cuervo, with a score of 4-1-1-1. In Race 5, JC found herself back in the second tier early on, passing Alcatraz in fourth, but continuously made gains throughout the race, picking off boats on each leg and eventually taking the gun to ensure a ten-point lead going into the final day. Event website and results
18 Sep 2015 - North American Championship Day 2 It was a clean sweep on day 2 of the J/105 North American Championship at St. Francis Yacht Club in San Francisco, California as Shawn Bennett's Jose Cuervo won both races to tally 7 overall points. Jeff Littfin's Mojo stands in second with 12 points and Bruce Stone's Arbitrage in third with 14 points. Winds ranged from 8-10 knots at the start of racing to 16-18 by the end of the day. Racing continues through Sunday as part of Rolex Big Boat Series. Event website and results
17 Sep 2015 - North American Championship Day 1 If any regatta is worthy of doubling as a major championship for one of its classes, it is the St. Francis Yacht Club's Rolex Big Boat Series, which started Thursday, hosting 89 boats on San Francisco Bay. Held annually for over five decades and revered for its keen offerings both competitively on the water and socially ashore, the four-day event is serving as the North American Championship for the J/105 Class, which with 27 boats comprises the largest fleet. Today, the unthinkable happened, when the club's race committee-known for expertly conducting more than its fair share of regattas thanks to San Francisco's ideal winds (consistently strong), challenging conditions (currents aplenty) and superior setting (stadium sailing at its best)-had to postpone the morning race for two hours due to lack of breeze. It left the J/105 sailors champing at the bit, but in the end nothing was missed when both of today's scheduled races were completed in 15 knots of westerly breeze. As all Classes must do, the J/105s rotate each day between the Treasure Island circle and the Alcatraz circle. Today, J/105s started with Treasure Island, sailing a 10.9 mile course, and followed it with an 11.1 mile race on the afternoon's Alcatraz course. The latter race's downwind finish wowed spectators at Crissy Field and the St. Francis Yacht Club Race Deck as competitors jockeyed for position under their large spinnakers. As tradition calls for, all Classes finished their second race the same way and at the same place: between the Race Deck and a mark set just shouting distance from the shore, with the Golden Gate Bridge set to the west as a backdrop. Shawn Bennett's Jose Cuervo and Ryan Simmons' Blackhawk are tied for first with 5 points each, after both tallying a 4 and 1. Jeff Littfin's Mojo is one point back in third. Racing continues through Sunday. Event website and results
15 Sep 2015 - Bermuda National Championship Peter Bromby and crew of Chequemate won the J/105 Bermuda National Championship contested for in the Great Sound at the weekend. Bromby finished four points clear of second-placed Jon Corless and crew of Mayhem with James MacDonald and crew of Passion rounding out the podium. Read the full article here.
11 Sep 2015 - J/105 North American Championship Kicks Off Thursday, September 17 from San Fran 27 J/105 teams are gathering for racing at the J/105 North American Championship, a part of Rolex Big Boat Series in San Francisco, California. The competition begins Thursday, September 17 and continues through Sunday, September 20. Keep up with all the action from St. Francis Yacht Club at the regatta website.
04 Sep 2015 - Marblehead ONE Regatta In somewhat light conditions at the Marblehead ONE Regatta, the PROs from the three principal yacht clubs (Eastern, Boston, Corinthian) running the regatta did an admirable job starting up to nine races for some of the fleets. In the largest Class at the regatta, the 16-boat J/105 fleet managed to get in seven races. The Blown Away crew won their first major J/105 regatta. Their dominance in the conditions was evident after posting two bullets in the first two races. They won with a total of 18 points. Fred de Napoli's Allegro Simplicita won three races and closed in with bullets in the last two races, finishing in second. Third was Jon Wale's Bantry, winning a tie-breaker to collect the bronze. Losing that tie-break on 32 points was Mark and Jolene Masur's Two Feathers from Fort Worth Boat Club in Texas. Fifth place was taken by Merlin with skipper Charlie Garrard at the helm. Regatta website
28 Aug 2015 - J/105 Wins Doublehanded in Difficult ROLEX Fastnet Race The Rolex Fastnet Race celebrated its 90th birthday in 2015. The founding fathers of the club and its flagship event would have been in awe of their creation with 300 boats signing up within just 24 minutes of the entry list opening in January, a record-sized fleet of 356 boats starting from the Royal Yacht Squadron line making the Rolex Fastnet Race by far the largest of the world's classic 600 mile offshore races, in terms of participation. Stuart Childerley and Kelvin Rawlings took victory in the two-handed class aboard their J/105 Jester. Childerley and Rawlings' performance was such that they also ended up top British boat, finishing fourth overall under IRC. Yvonne Beusker and Edith Voskamp's J/105 Panther finished 38th in class and were, in fact, top women's team in the entire race! Read about their journeys at https://www.facebook.com/panthersailingteam. Complete regatta stories, photos, videos and results
28 Aug 2015 - Summer Newsletter Members will receive the Summer edition of the J/105 newsletter via e-mail. It is also posted on the newsletter page.
17 Aug 2015 - Thanks to Steve Kent for the following SFYC Summer Keelboat regatta update: After moving to San Francisco a little over a year ago and buying Perseverance to race in Fleet 1, we won our first regatta at the SFYC Summer Keelboat event this past weekend. Without a doubt, this is one of the most competitive fleets I've had a chance to sail in. As we expected, over the last year we struggled to learn the boat, assemble a team, figure out the rig, etc. We tore up some gear making the transition from SoCal relatively light air sailing to the breeze on The Bay. What a great experience! Guys from the top of the fleet like Mojo, Donkey Jack and Arbitrage were generous with advice, and a new jib and main from Quantum have all helped us improve. A couple things made all the difference this weekend. We forgot about 'winning' the start, and instead focused on being at full speed with a hole to leeward anywhere on the line. We also worked hard at a 'quiet boat,' not something easy for me but Alex Steele was a great coach on this aspect. In the end, it was a close regatta with Bruce Stone's Arbitrage team just two points back (after two bullets on Sunday), and Ryan Simmons' Blackhawk team challenging at every mark in third. Looking forward to the J/105 North Americans at StFYC Rolex Big Boat Series next month and a full four days of racing against the best!
14 Aug 2015 - Buzzards Bay Regatta The 43rd Buzzards Bay Regatta was held August 7-9 at the New Bedford Yacht Club in Dartmouth, MA. Buzzards Bay delivered yet again on good conditions for the three-day weekend regatta. Fair weather and plenty of breeze provided favorable conditions. In PHRF 2, Richard Fontaine's J/105 Good Trade from Mass Maritime led a sweep of the class. Fourth was Ed Joyce's J/105 Dark'n'Stormy. Event website
10 Aug 2015 - Verve Cup The J/105 Asylum, owned by Jon Weglarz, took top spot in the one design section of the Verve Cup in Chicago. "Our team won the regatta in the first two days. Sunday, we just maintained our position." The top three boats - Sealark, Vytis and The Asylum - have been battling each other for 15 years in their fleet. "Our section was a little light. We hope that for 2016 the J/105s will be back with more entries." Pictured Ellen Wesley, Sean Wilson, Andy Vincent, Heidi Rocke, Jon Weglarz, Tom Spees (The Asylum). Complete results
07 Aug 2015 - RORC Channel Race Report The Royal Ocean Racing Club Season's Points Championship continued with the Channel Race, the tenth race of the series, and the last RORC race before the Rolex Fastnet Race. Eighty-seven yachts started from the Royal Yacht Squadron Line, around marks in the English Channel, with a Solent finish on a 130nm course. IRC 3 Class has a raft of J/105s participating. Top dog again happened to be Nick Martin's J/105 Diablo-J, sailing two-handed against fully-crewed boats and succeeding admirably at fourth in class. As a result, Diablo-J currently sits fourth in the overall series standings. In the separately scored IRC Two-handed class, the fleet saw Diablo-J continue to excel during the season, taking a fifth in class. In the overall Two-handed Series, Diablo-J is ranked third. More RORC Channel Race sailing information
31 Jul 2015 - Transpac Race J/105 result Congratulations to Ed Sanford's J/105 Creative from San Diego YC who took fifth in class at the 2015 edition of the Transpac YC's 2,225nm Transpac Race! Transpac Race website
31 Jul 2015 - Ugotta Regatta For the better part of last weekend's Little Traverse YC Ugotta Regatta, the fleet enjoyed the usual gorgeous weather in Harbor Springs, MI on the waters of Little Traverse Bay. The PHRF 4 class was a mixed bag of boats, but the J/105s had fun. Top boat was Sam Powers' Gryphon at third in class with Bill Petzold's Green Flash in fourth. Carter Williams sailed Creative Destruction to a ninth with friends and family sailing the boat. Separately, the J/105s sailed a one-design regatta the day before the weekend event. Four W/L races were sailed. Bill Petzold's Green Flash won a tie-breaker on 9 points each with Sam Powers' Gryphon. Third was Carter Williams' Creative Destruction. Ugotta Regatta sailing information
31 Jul 2015 - J/105 Chicago to Mackinac Race report Carter Williams has enjoyed sailing his J/105 Creative Destruction for years. Having grown up sailing in Harbor Springs during the summers, Carter decided to again sail the Chicago-Mac Race this year, but with a youth sailing team. Here's Carter's report: "Creative sailed with a mostly junior crew, finishing third in the hugely competitive J/105 class! We had Libby Forsen as our navigator. She's taken the Starpath Navigation course and, at 16 years old, this was her first time sailing the Mac Race. Sonny Jenema was sailing his second Mac at 18 years old. JT Ludington, 21 years old, was on his first Mac. Preston Carey, 16 years old, was on her second Mac. It was a young crew! The old guys were Carter Williams, Mike Duff and Robert Matthews. Sunday morning it was hot, with little wind and lots of biting flies. Despite the lack of wind, the kids stayed focus, which we attribute to close attention to the watch schedule. As the wind built Sunday evening into the Manitou's, everyone was well rested, so we were able to get the whole crew on the rail late Sunday night and early Monday morning. As a result, we blasted through the Manitou's, slowly picking up more boats. As we came into Grays Reef Monday early am, there were three J/105s in front of us. With the chop around Grays Reef, we sailed our angles well, gybed right on the lay line, and closed the gap on one boat a bit more, maybe to a quarter mile. As we turned the corner at Grays Reef, it was a tight spinnaker reach into the Mackinac Straits. Clark kept up high, so it was difficult for us to fully close the gap, but the kids were focused all on the rail. Slowly but surely, we were inching on Clark. About an hour from the bridge, a squall hit, driving all the boats down into a broach. The kids moved quick, got the spinnaker down, and jib out. They had all the waypoints in for the rest of the course, so in the fog/whiteout, we were back on course quickly. That helped us move up to third place overall! As we hit the other side of the bridge, we covered Clark while looking for our opening to move up to second place, but time and wind ran out so we could not move up. The kids absolutely loved it! They cannot wait to do it again. We are trying to assemble two junior teams to sail J/105s next year, and would encourage other boats to do the same. Perhaps we will give an award for the boat with highest score with three or more juniors (under 21) aboard! After the Mac Race, we took our J/105 back down to Harbor Springs for the Ugotta Regatta. Being an off year, we did not have enough J/105s for a class. So, I and the new owner of J/105 hull 29 (the ex-Convexity), Sam Powers, contributed our boats to let the sailing school and juniors field two boats in the Ugotta Regatta. The boats were skippered by junior sailors, racing under the Storm Trysail IOR Collegiate rules (keeping two boat lengths). The kids had lots of fun racing the Ugotta Regatta too!
28 Jul 2015 - Whidbey Island Race Week The big boat segment of Whidbey Island Race Week, based at Oak Harbor on Whidbey Island (WA), was July 20-24 for 68 one design and PHRF entrants. The small boat segment had been held July 18-19 for one design and Portsmouth entrants. Ten J/105s competed in 12 races, with James Geros' Last Tango coming out on top with 24 points. Kent Sisk and John Weil on Troublemaker took second with 34 points, one ahead of Doug Schenk, Eric Hopper and Matt Davis on Free Bowl of Soup. Complete results
27 Jul 2015 - LORC Championship 2015 The Winner of the LORC J/105 Championship for 2015 is Jamaica Me Crazy. Congratulations to Peter Hall and his team. They won in a tie breaker with Hey Jude, having had four bullets to Hey Jude's one bullet over 13 races. The LORC J/105 Championship was created in 2013 in support of the Lake Ontario Racing Council (LORC) series of regattas that the fleet attends. For the last three seasons, the fleet has attended the following three regattas: ABYC Open, RCYC Open and the PCYC Open. Hey Jude won the LORC J/105 Championship in 2013 and 2014. The winner has to have attended all three regattas, and the low score wins with no drops. The trophy, a half model donated by Fogh Marine & North Sails, is currently on display in the Ovens Room at the RCYC Island Clubhouse. The Trophy will be presented to Jamaica Me Crazy on August 9 at the Awards Ceremony for the J/105 Summer Regatta.
27 Jul 2015 - CanAm Challenge At this weekend's CanAm Challenge at Youngstown Yacht Club in New York, Terry McLaughlin and Rod Wilmer's Mandate edged out fellow Canadian James Rathbun on Hey Jude for the victory in the 13-boat J/105 fleet. Mandate posted a 1,1,3,1,1,2,2 for 11 points, two better than Hey Jude. Peter Hall's Jamaica Me Crazy rounded out the top three with 33 points. Seven races were completed. Complete results
27 Jul 2015 - Marblehead NOOD More than 130 boats in nine classes competed in the Helly Hansen NOOD Regatta in Marblehead. Fred deNapoli's Allegro Semplicita, the J/105 class winner, took home the black Wilmington Trust Leader Spinnaker. The "leader spinnaker" was given to the winning boat of each day, and switched owners a few times over the regatta. Ultimately, the overall class winner took it home for good. In second place was mark Marsur's Two Feathers, followed by Mark Lindquist's Sterling. Complete results
23 Jul 2015 - Bayview Mac Race According to Chairman Peter Wenzler, a white squall hit the fleet shortly after the start, making a whole lot of wind out of what started as a light downwind breeze. While some spinnakers became streamers at the tops of masts, others were locked and loaded or temporarily switched out for easier-to-handle headsails before the wind calmed and then elevated again to a more sustainable 22 knots over flat, waveless water. The bigger boats sailed the 259 nm Cove Island Course while the smaller boats sailed the 204 nm Shore Course, with both courses finishing at Mackinac Island. The bigger boats enjoyed a strong beat home in 18-22 knots after turning the corner at Cove Island. The bulk of the Shore Course fleet enjoyed a mid-morning finish, reaching in a solid 20-25 knots. The J/105s nearly swept Class J Racing, taking four of the top five positions. Leading everyone home was Windshadow helmed by Jim Murphy from Bayview YC. Following in their tracks in second place was Mark Denuyl's Goof Lookin from Port Huron YC, then in fourth was Don Harthorn's Snake Oil from Lake Shore Sail Club, and fifth was last year's winner Pterodactyl skippered by Mark Symonds from Grosse Pointe YC. Regatta website
20 Jul 2015 - Larchmont Race Week Larchmont Race Week got underway on July 11-12 with the second half held July 18-19 to complete the 117th edition. Returning this weekend were the racer/cruiser division and the one-designs. All fleets enjoyed the continuation of competitive racing in a 3-5 knot southwesterly breeze on Saturday and a late-filling 6-12 knot southwesterly on Sunday. Thirty boats sailed on the cruising course with 18 in the PHRF spinnaker division and 12 in the non-spinnaker group. Three races were completed in each fleet. This weekend also included a distance race around Execution Light on Sunday, an event new to the Race Week format. "The addition of the distance race to the Race Week format added some fun and variety," noted Cruising circle PRO Jed Kelly. One-design PRO Nick Langone was able to run seven races for the fleets. Winning the nine-boat J/105 fleet was Paul Beaudin from Harlem Yacht Club on loulou. Jeremy Henderson and Harald Edegran's Conundrum and the AYC Jr. Big Boat Team's Young American rounded out the top three. Complete results
18 Jul 2015 - TransPac 2015 Nearing the halfway mark, Ed Sanford and his J/105 Creative are sailing the rum line doing a steady 8.5-9.0 kts. They are third in fleet and ninth overall with the fastest boats starting today. The trimaran Lending Club 2 hoping to set a LA to Honolulu record is sailing at speeds of 28-31 kts. You can follow on the Yellow Brick Road tracking system here.
18 Jul 2015 - Minutes posted Minutes from the 7/13/15 Executive Committee Meeting are posted. Class Business page
16 Jul 2015 - St. Malo Race The RORC Season's Points Championship continued last weekend with the highly popular Cowes Dinard-St. Malo Race (Cowes, England). With 173 entries, the 151 nautical mile race featured the largest RORC fleet since the 2013 Rolex Fastnet Race. With an 0850 hrs start time, the teams sail west out of the Solent and around marks consisting of Casquets-Les Hanois-St. Malo finish. The weather forecast was promising, but no one expected race records to be set. In short, the weather was fabulous, the breeze on big time and the race was nothing short of sensational. In IRC Two-Handed, three British teams racing J/105s swept the podium. Alex Adams and Chris Holliman on Voador won the class from Jester, sailed by Kelvin Rawlings and Stuart Childerley. Nick Martin's Diablo-J was third. That was quite an extraordinary feat for the 20+ year old J/105 design, sailing against all the latest hot IRC designs from European boat shops! The three J/105's performances were so emphatic that the same three J/105s took sixth, seventh and ninth in IRC Overall, crushing many of the top JPK 10.10s and JPK 10.80s and Sun Fast 3600s in the process. If that weren't enough, trophies for this trio of J/105s, Voador, Jester and Diablo-J also took fourth, fifth and sixth, respectively, in IRC Three class (a fully-crewed division). RORC St Malo Race sailing information
16 Jul 2015 - 2015 NAC You still have time to register for the J/105 North American Championship, which takes place in San Francisco on September 17-20 in conjunction with the exciting Rolex Big Boat Series at the St. Francis Yacht Club. Sign-up prior to August 15 without a late fee. Skippers from out of the Bay Area may purchase HA sails without them counting against their sail tags as long as they sell them by year-end, or they can tag them in 2016. There are boats available! In fact, teams from Long Island, Connecticut, Texas and Chile have already chartered, and several more teams have shown indications of interest. For information about chartering, contact Regatta Chairman Bruce Stone at 917-822-4060 and leave a voice message with your call back info. Register here
14 Jul 2015 - Red Grant Regatta The Raritan Yacht Club of Perth Amboy, New Jersey hosted their 69th annual Red Grant Regatta on July 11-12 as part of the yacht club's 150th anniversary celebration. The regatta hosted 56 boats including nine J/105s and nine J/109s, along with several PHRF spinnaker/non spinnaker and cruiser classes. The weather was typical summer conditions for Lower NY Harbor/Raritan Bay with warm temperatures and light breezes of 5-8 knots. In the very competitive J/105 fleet, Marcus Wunderlich's Stratos edged out Paul Zajac's skal in the last reach of the last race to win the race and take home the regatta trophy by a point over Ann and Gary Myer's Magic. Magic was unbeatable the first day of the regatta, taking all the bullets. Skal took third overall. The regatta benefitted the charity Easter Seals of New Jersey and had the lead sponsor of Goslings. Results
14 Jul 2015 - Chicago Mackinac Race Twenty-two J/105s took part in the 298 nm Chicago Mackinac Race over the weekend. Kenneth Ganch of Illinois on Gonzo won the J/105 division, followed by Terry Timm and David Laidlaw on Send in the Clowns and Carter Williams on Creative Destruction. Results
03 Jul 2015 - Stratford Shoal Light regatta The Riverside Yacht Club in Connecticut ran the annual Stratford Shoal Light regatta last weekend. It is a popular event for those who enjoy offshore racing as it all takes place from mid-Long Island Sound to eastern Long Island Sound. This year's race took place on a fairly windy Saturday. Strong easterlies made for big waves on Long Island Sound. With such a long fetch, the beat upwind to the first marks were rough, but the effort was well worth it for those crews that stuck it out to enjoy surfing and planing conditions all the way home to the Riverside YC finish line. In such demanding sailing, it's not surprising the J/105s swept the podium in PHRF 2 class. Marcus Wunderlich's team on Stratos took class and J/105 honors. Second was the American YC Junior Big Boat Team on Young American, another fantastic performance for this young crew. Then, the Larchmont YC Junior Offshore Team sailing Privateer took third overall. In the shorter Cable & Anchor Bell Race, the J/105 Strange Brew sailed by Randy Bourne won the PHRF Non-Spinnaker I class. Stratford Shoals Race sailing information
29 Jun 2015 - Long Beach Race Week Ullman Sails Long Beach Race Week concluded with a splash, as classic Long Beach conditions gelled, and a solid breeze filled in from the west. Ivory cirrus swirled in the blue skies; steady waves and swell barreled through the courses. LBRW had its origins in 1980, and is hosted by neighboring Long Beach Yacht Club and Alamitos Bay Yacht Club. In PHRF-4, the J/105 Off The Porch (Scott McDaniel) took the victory. Complete results
28 Jun 2015 - Emil Bus Mosbacher Sportsmanship Trophy At the 2015 Storm Trysail Block Island Race Week, Josh Burack (New Rochelle, NY), owner of J/105 Peregrina, won the Emil "Bus" Mosbacher Sportsmanship Trophy. Peregrina lost its mast in Tuesday's Round the Island Race when a shroud broke. The mast folded in half at the top spreader. Burack then volunteered for Race Committee duty and was placed on a safety boat. Prior to racing on Wednesday, fellow J/105 competitor Damian Emery's Eclipse (Shoreham, NY), a two-time Block Island winner, broke its gooseneck during practice before the day's first race. Burack raced back to Champlin's Marina, removed the gooseneck fitting from his broken mast, and got it to Eclipse with time to spare. "Before we left the dock on Wednesday, we noticed a crack in the gooseneck, but decided it would likely be fine until the end of the week, but of course the moment we went up with the main, it busted," said Dave Shrader, trimmer on Eclipse. "If it wasn't for Josh running in and stripping the gooseneck off his stricken boat for us, it would've been a lot worse. We didn't even miss a race," he said. "It's this sort of camaraderie and respect for one another that makes Race Week so special." The J/105 Class was decided on the last day, where Emery's Eclipse staged a come-from-behind victory to win the class and the J/105 East Coast Championship. Eclipse was placed fourth after Wednesday's racing, 11 points out of first, but finished the regatta with a 1-2-1-2 to score a 1 point victory over Paul Beaudin's loulou (New York, NY). 2009 Storm Trysail Race Week winner Bruce Stone's Team Arbitrage (San Francisco, CA) was another four points back to take third. Stone reported hitting his career high speed in a J/105, surfing at 20.9 kt over the ground when winning the Around Island Race in 30+ kt of wind. "It turned out that we had no working instruments on our chartered boat, Play Station, but were able to log the SOG using our Velocitek ProStart. We maintained a sustained surf both faster and of longer duration than even on SF Bay, despite the bigger waves. What a hoot! We'll be back at Block Island in 2017." (photo credit Nicole Breault)
27 Jun 2015 - Eclipse Pulls Out Miracle to Take 3rd Block Island Victory Damian Emery sailed a near perfect day to advance to the podium and take the East Coast Championship away from loulou by 1 point. The first race had loulou in front until the second upwind when Eclipse got the pass with loulou attempting to cover both sides and coming up short of both Eclipse and Arbitrage for a third. The start of the last race had loulou struggling at the boat and forced to the right with Eclipse in the middle. A new wind developed out of the left side and left both boats back in the pack with Eclipse closer to the top and loulou, the bottom. Both boats advance but it would not be enough for loulou, with Eclipse finishing right behind Mark Lindquist's Sterling and loulou several boats back falling to second. This is Damian's third victory in a row at the biannual event. In third was Class President Bruce Stone and followed by Bermuda's Distant Passion. (Photo Credit: Aliki Navajas) Complete results
26 Jun 2015 - Topsy Turvy Thursday at East Coasts Two races got off in moderate breeze Thursday at the East Coast Championship at Block Island Race Week after a brief postponement. The first race in a very unsettled breeze had regatta leaders Paul Beaudin and James Macdonald in the weeds and Damian Emery figuring it out to take the gun followed in second by Mark Masur and then Bruce Stone. This moved Emery up to second and took a bite out of loulou's lead. The breeze was more settled for race two with loulou off clean at the pin to never look back rounding the top by 10 lengths and extending to win by a 1/4 leg. Following was Eclipse to solidify his second position and take the daily trophy. Next was Two Feathers again having a great showing for second in the daily prizes. Friday will have loulou starting with a 6-point advantage over Eclipse with Arbitrage (Play Station) and Distant Passion following 9 points out of first. Results
25 Jun 2015 - Transpac 2015 We will have a J/105 entered in this year's Transpac. Ed Sanford and his Creative crew are going to do it again. In 2013, they learned a few things on their first race. The first and foremost is to be sure they have backup kites because without them it is a slow trip. This year, Ed will be carrying a total of 14 sails that will include masthead kites and a code zero. The first fleets will start July 13 outside of the Los Angeles harbor and finish off Diamond Head. If you want to follow their progress, go to the Transpac website and locate the Yellow Brick Road tracking system. Transpac website
25 Jun 2015 - East Coasts at Block Island: 3 down 2 to go Block Island Race Week mid-point: In the J/105 Class, Paul Beaudin's loulou posted a 1-5-1 to leapfrog from second into first. Loulou now has the low score of 20 points and leads previous leader James MacDonald's Distant Passion by 3 points. Bruce Stone's Arbitrage is third with 29 points, while two-time reigning champion Damian Emery's Eclipse is fourth with 31 points. For Beaudin, Wednesday was about getting his new crew members in sync and improving his starts. "We had great speed all day. In fact, we've had great speed all week," said Beaudin. "We have a couple of new people on the boat, and after a couple of days we're working very well together. I've been over early quite a bit this week, but (Wednesday) we got relatively clean starts. That, combined with really good boatspeed has helped drastically." Complete story and results link
24 Jun 2015 - Big Breeze at Block on Day 2 Tuesday had the breeze up at the East Coasts at Block Island. The classic Around The Island Race was sailed. Bruce Stone showed his San Fran form to take the gun followed by Andrew Kennedy's Bat 4 from Annapolis and Paul Beaudin's loulou of Harlem, NY. Loulou made big gains upwind recovering from an over early and downwind gear failures to pass four boats on the last long beat inching out current leader James MacDonald of Bermuda. Big gear failures in the 30-knot breeze had Josh Burack losing the rig on Perigrena. On a tack, the rig snapped at the top spreader. Eclipse had the jib halyard snap at the start, but at least made it around the course for a seventh with five minutes lost at the start and bareheaded changes. The next few days have moderate sunny conditions. Results
24 Jun 2015 - East Coast Championship at BIRW Starts With Stiff Competition Day one had beautiful weather for sailboat racing with 12-16 knots of wind and sunny skies. Three races had the 16-boat J/105 fleet working hard all day. Race 1 had loulou first around the top mark followed by Eclipse, back with Pam Morris trimming the spinnaker after a year long maternity leave. Eclipse made the pass downwind to take the gun in the first race. But it was James MacDonald and team Bermuda on Distant Passion that kept every finish solid and took a strong bullet in the last race for the top spot on the leader board on Day One. Paul Beaudin's loulou is sitting second, followed by Damian Emery's Eclipse, the last boat of the week winner of this bi-annual event. With five days of racing and no throw outs, this will be an exciting event for sure. Results
21 Jun 2015 - Tenacious Takes Top Honors in J/105 Fleet at AYC Annual Regatta Brothers Carl and Scott Gitchell used to argue so much aboard the J/105 they co-own their crew took to calling them "The Bickersomes." Age and maturity have mellowed the brothers over the years, and things are less contentious on Tenacious as a result. "We're not yelling at each other as much," Scott Gitchell said. It was all peace and harmony for the Tenacious team during Saturday's Annapolis Yacht Club Annual Regatta. With Carl driving and Scott trimming the main and calling tactics, Tenacious got the gun in both races in taking top honors in J/105 fleet. Read the full article here.
19 Jun 2015 - J/105 Jib Class Rule Change A change to the J/105 Class Rule for jib materials of construction has been passed by the Executive Committee. This change will be effective January 1, 2016. The new Class Rule 6.5.1 will read: "The roller jib shall be constructed of either woven ply, laminated ply, and/or single ply. The use of Vectran, PBO or Cuben Fiber in the construction is not permitted." You can view the entire 2015 Class Rule Change #1-Jib Construction Proposed Change on the Class Business page.
14 Jun 2015 - NYYC Annual Regatta The 161st New York Yacht Club Annual Regatta presented by Rolex meant a lot of different things to a lot of different people, and when the three-day event concluded after a day of around-the-island racing (Friday, June 12) and a weekend of around-the-marks competition (June 13-14), there was plenty of satisfaction to be had. For Event Chair David Bush-Brown, there was satisfaction that the Annual Regatta, robust-as-ever with 169 entries, had successfully upheld its keen sense of tradition, which for well over a century and a half has kept the New York Yacht Club at the forefront of sailing. "A lot of changes have happened to our sport and the regatta over 161 years," said Bush-Brown, "but one thing remains the same: spirit of competition and camaraderie." That spirit was evident on Saturday night when the New York Yacht Club hosted over 1,000 sailors for cocktails and dinner on the expansive grounds of its waterfront Harbour Court clubhouse. It was also evident during Sunday's two-hour postponement ashore when the Newport Shipyard, where many of the boats were docked, felt less like a paddock area for preparation and more like a venue for a class reunion, with long-time friends as well as newly-established acquaintances swapping war stories and discussing what lies next on the sailing horizon. Sunday's sailing, when it got going by mid-afternoon in an easterly of 10-14 knots, delivered even more color than Friday's and Saturday's held in relatively lighter air, and when all was said and done, winners in 19 classes were the most satisfied of all that they had shined on the stages of Narragansett Bay and Rhode Island Sound for a rotating mix of stadium-style, drop-mark and navigators-course competition. Three J/105s competed in the PHRF Spinnaker 2 class, which got in three races. Fred Darlington's Tonto notched a 1,4,1 for 6 points and the victory. Donald Santa's Santas Reign, Dear followed in second with 9 points, and Mark Masur's Two Feathers placed fourth with 14 points. Complete results
14 Jun 2015 - Chicago NOOD More than 100 boats in 10 classes competed in the Helly Hansen NOOD Regatta in Chicago, including 11 J/105s. Tom & Gyt Petkus' Vytis came out of top after the seven races with a line of 1,1,5,1,2,1,4 for 15 points. Clark Pellett's Sealark took the runner-up spot with 22. Tied on points at 29 in third and fourth were Jon Weglarz on The Asylum and Kenneth Ganch on Gonzo. Complete results
11 Jun 2015 - Spring Newsletter Members will receive the Spring edition of the J/105 newsletter via e-mail. It is also posted on the newsletter page.
02 Jun 2015 - Conundrum Breaks Three-way Tie to Take Cedar Point OD Regatta Conundrum took the Cedar Point Regatta with a three-way tie breaker followed by Revelation and loulou, all with 15 points. The next two spots were held by new comers: Za Jelliffe's Arete and Dave Willis on Solution who was carrying a BFD. The J/105 fleet had one day of challenging but very good tight racing with every boat having at least one solid finish. Day 2 was skunked with no wind. Complete results
29 May 2015 - FIGAWI Race The FIGAWI Race is a classic 36nm pursuit race from Hyannis Port, Massachusetts on Cape Cod to Nantucket Harbor. Dawning with a gorgeous sunrise and a fresh breeze from the WNW, the day got better and better for a spectacular race. In PHRF S2 division, the J/105s swept the top four spots, led by the Joyce/Reservitz/Wagner trio on Dark'n'Stormy. Their classmates that followed were Matt and Lisa Schmidt's Hardtack in second, Steve Widdis' Prima in third and Ed Lobo's Waterwolf in fourth. Regatta website
29 May 2015 - Swiftsure Race This year's Swiftsure Race in Victoria, BC, Canada had nearly all the best elements of a near perfect race: good winds, smooth waters, incredible competitors from far and wide, the largest complement of racers in years. The Swiftsure is now actually five different races over three separate courses, plus an inshore regatta. The J/105s swept top honors in the L3 Division. At the top of the trio was Matt Davis' Free Bowl of Soup from Arizona YC. They won their class in the Oregon Offshore Race last year and went on to repeat that same performance in the Pacific Cup Race. Second was Jerry Diercks' Delirium, and third place went to Ed Wilder's Avalanche. Swiftsure Facebook page
26 May 2015 - Young American Kids kill it again with a first in fleet in the Block Island Race Repeating its PHRF class 3 victory from last year was American Yacht Club's J/105 Young American, an entry with junior sailors. The kids were the majority onboard with Peter Becker serving as the team's single adult safety officer and coach. "Last year, we won our class and finished third overall, which was a huge moment," said Becker. "This year, we were first in PHRF division and first overall in PHRF, so we bested our performance by a big margin. The kids are on fire; they love it!" The Young American team was pressured up at the start for their spinnaker run in 25 knots. When the tack of their chute blew out, they switched to a spare and were surfing down Long Island Sound at 15 knots. "We were all hiking off the stern and hanging with the big boats and double-handed boats. They started the double-hands, then small to large classes in order, so Comanche was the last start. It was really cool when it went whizzing by us doing 18-20 knots." From the team report: "The AYC Jr. Big Boat Team really enjoys distance sailing with the J/105, and this race was no exception. The spinnaker run out the Sound to Block was rewarding. The wind was gusting upwards of 27 knots at the start diminishing to 18-20 knots for most of the leg. With our top speed at 13 knots and a very high average speed, we were able to sail effectively the same speed as the J/44s, a J/122 and Carina which was incredibly rewarding and a testament to speed of the J/105 in windy surfing conditions. The bigger boats started not long after us, and it took until New Haven for them to get to us and to get past us. Much of the fleet chose to sail high along the CT shoreline with Young American choosing a route more towards the rhumb line. Unfortunately we fell into a hole which allowed the bigger boats to get past us by a mile or two. On the final approach to 1BI, we made very good use of our A3 and gained several miles back on the fleet ahead of us. A couple of notes on changes we made to the J/105 for this type of racing. First a masthead VHF antenna is now required, as is DCS capability. We also added a bobstay to the sprit and a lashing between the pole and the forward bulkhead to firmly hold the pole extended. With the bobstay, the pole did not flex and it felt like there was better transfer of force into the boat. The challenging part of sailing a J/105 in a distance race of this length is the lack of a proper galley stove and bunks that are suited for sleeping while under way. Someday we may look into installing proper pipe berths and a gimbaling stove burner. The sail home from Block saw a windy beat back to the Gut where we made good use of the new Doyle #3 heavy jib. After fighting the foul current at the Gut, the wind moderated to 12-15 knots, and with smoother water we had a very pleasant sail home to finish at 6:00 pm just as the current was turning to an Ebb and the wind was dying in the transition to a fresh and cold southerly wind. At the finish, we were very unsure how we had done as we could only identify the J/120 that was in our division that came from behind to pass us in the last few miles and really could not see any boats behind us. After a quick look on Yacht Scoring, we were pleasantly surprised to discover that we might be in a good position." The junior crew consisted of Carina Becker, Will McKeige, Kelly Hanlon, Hector McKemey, Nick Davis, Andy Rochat, Sam Papert, with Peter Becker, the only adult onboard, acting as safety officer and coach.
23 May 2015 - GBCA/TMCA Spring Fling Galveston Bay Cruising Association and Texas Mariners Cruising Association were joint organizers for the first ever Galveston to Port Arthur (yes Janis Joplin's hometown) Spring Fling Race. This race is one of the four-race Texas Offshore Racing Circuit (TORC). Of the six boats originally vying for the Texas Navy Trophy, only two (Bee Bednar's J/105 Stinger, and J.D. Hill's J/122 Second Star) signed up. Preliminary weather forecasts were for 8-10 kt winds from the SE, but what racers saw was NE winds in the 15-20 kt range with 5-8 foot seas. The resulting slug fest saw Bee Bednar's J/105 Stinger take line honors over the J/109 Harm's Way and Second Star. Of the 24 boats entered, only four managed to finish the race in the allotted time frame. Bee's three bullets in the four-race TORC together with a one race drop-out assures that Stinger has won the Texan Navy Trophy for the third time.
22 May 2015 - Pacific Northwest One-Design Regatta There was a nice turnout of J/105s at the Pacific Northwest One-Design (POD) Regatta, run and hosted by Corinthian Yacht Club of Seattle. Taking the J/105 class was Jim Geros' Last Tango with a 1-2-2-1 score for 6 points. Second was Jerry Diercks' Delirium with a 3-1-1-3 record for 8 points. Then, in third overall was David Cohen's Inconceivable with a 2-3-3-2 for 10 points. CYC PNW One-Design sailing information
22 May 2015 - Swiftsure Regatta The St Francis Yacht Club played host to the Phyllis Kleinman Swiftsure Regatta last weekend for fleets including the J/105s. The San Francisco Bay conditions delivered, with the StFYC PRO able to run five races on the western end of the Bay between Alcatraz Island and the Golden Gate Bridge. It was Jeff Litfin's Mojo with a record of 4-1-6-1-1 for 13 points, who won with 12 points. In second place was Bruce Stone's Arbitrage. In a four-boat fight for the top five, Arbitrage hung on to post a 2-2-5-11-5 for 25 points. Just two points behind them was the trio of Steve, Paul and Gregg Kent on Perseverance with 27 points. The rest of the top five included Ryan Simmons' Blackhawk in fourth and Doug Bailey's Akula in fifth. St. FYC Swiftsure Regatta sailing information
14 May 2015 - Edlu Race They have done it again facing the most extraordinary odds. And they overcame all manner of challenges to pull off yet another stunning victory in their class and overall. The American Yacht Club Junior Offshore Team have seemingly made the extraordinary seem ordinary. After winning the Stamford Vineyard Race on a club member's J/122 Patriot last year, they can now add first in PHRF 2 Class and first PHRF Overall sailing their J/105 Young American in the Edlu Distance Race. As a result, they also picked up the Commodore Wilfred Kluss Trophy for the PHRF yacht with the best corrected time. The Larchmont Yacht Club 60th Annual Edlu distance race was held on May 9 in pea soup fog with visibility of only about one quarter mile. Thirty seven yachts from 14 yacht clubs competed in six divisions of IRC and PHRF ratings. The course for the IRC and PHRF spinnaker boats was approximately 32 miles to Buoy 11B off Eaton's Neck/Stamford. The non spinnaker division sailed a 16.4 mile course to the red bell off Lloyd's Neck. The first start went off at 0911 in an easterly breeze of 8-10 knots with a flooding tide. The final boat crossed the finish line off the Larchmont breakwater just a few minutes before the time limit of 7 pm to hearty cheers from the Race Committee. The fog was the real challenge as several boats withdrew after reporting to the Race Committee that they had rounded the wrong mark due to poor visibility. According to Doug Mckeige, the "adult supervision" on board the J/105 Young American, "The kids really had a fun time sailing the race. It was quite a challenge for them, especially working on their charts, navigation, currents and strategy. My son Will was on board along with a bunch of his junior sailing buddies: Hector McKemy, Richard O'Leary, Malcolm, TJ and Chris. We mixed up the roles along the race to ensure everyone had a hand in trying the various roles on the boat. In the end, Will and Hector did most of the driving. It was tough on anyone wearing glasses to be peering through the thick fog for so long!" Whether they knew it or not, the Young Americans had another J/105 hot on their tail for most of the race, Za & Libby Jelliffe's Arete, finishing only two minutes behind them to take second in Class/second Overall. George and Alex Wilbanks' J/105 Revelation placed fifth. In the PHRF Double Handed division, only 47 seconds back on corrected time and placing third in class was Marcus Wunderlich's J/105 Stratos. Two more J/105s filled out the top five, including Marc Berkowitz's Clean Slate in fourth and Charlie Cannam's Engarge in fifth. More Edlu Distance Race sailing information
10 May 2015 - HYC Offshore The second race of the four race Texas Offshore Racing Circuit was held on April 9 under the auspices of the Houston Yacht Club. The seven competitors included the J/122 Second Star, J/109 Harm's Way, J/120 Aeolus, J/105 Stinger, Ericson 39 SolAire, Cal 39-II SD Outrageous and the Ericson 38 Good Leif. Bee Bednar's J/105 Stinger took top honors over Andy Westcoat's J/109 Harm's Way, and Ken Humphries Outrageous in third. With 17-18 kt winds, gusting to 22+, this race was much more fun then the frustrating light air first one. Andy's Harm's Way led the J/109-J/105 match racing duel for all but three of the first 45 nm. After closing to within striking distance at the 45 nm mark, the J/105's ability to dive deep and routinely surf in the big winds resulted in a convincing win for Bee. Stinger committed no errors this time. She had plenty beer left at the end.
08 May 2015 - Race to the Straits The conditions could not have been much better at the Sloop Tavern YC Race To The Straits in Seattle, Washington - sunny skies, solid winds out of the North and Northwest. As a pursuit race, the slower rated boats start first, so Saturday morning just after 8am the first boats began sailing across the start line and continued until a bit after 10am. Class 7 was the J/105 One Design Class sailing DHFS. First boat home was Erik Kristen's Jubilee, second was Matthew & Tessa Gardner-Brown's Dulcinea, and third were Henderson & Barber aboard Delirium. Complete information and results
04 May 2015 - Great Battles Wrap American Spring Series Light air continued for the second weekend of the spring opener. Saturday had George and Ann Wilbanks' Revelation winning the day with a 1,1,3 followed by Paul Beaudin's loulou with a 3,2,1, putting loulou in first and Revelation in second going into the last day. Sunday had a match race for the two top spots with Revelation pressuring loulou hard at every opportunity. Race one was Conundrum first followed by Revelation and loulou right behind. The final race had both point leaders with an even closer match, pushing them back in the pack with loulou making the last pass on the downwind to take the regatta by three points. The junior team from American Yacht Club sailing Young American (ex Kinsem) came on strong, winning the last race to take their first regatta podium finish followed by Conundrum with a 1,3 to move up to fourth. Six different boats had bullets in this regatta, with Young American taking three. Even though the cold weather left many not launched in time for this event, the racing was still as competitive as it has been in years. Complete results
04 May 2015 - Annapolis NOOD The three day Helly Hansen Annapolis NOOD Regatta (May 1-3) was light on winds as 14 fleets competed, including 18 J/105s. Carl and Scott Gitchell's Tenacious took the victory with 13 points in four races. Jim Konigsberg's Inigo came in the place position with 23 points, and James Macdonald's Distant Passion in the show spot with 25. Complete results
04 May 2015 - Yachting Cup There is one word that competitors will not be using to describe the final day of racing at the 2015 Yachting Cup: boring. Sunday's racing saw split head sails, shrimped kites, and a sailor in the water all in one race. With fast sailing, sunny skies and plenty of action, this day was truly a testament to how exciting San Diego sailing can be. Eight J/105s competed in eight races. Rick Goebel's Sanity came out on top with 18 points. Dennis Case on Wings trailed in second with 21 points. Complete results
01 May 2015 - LYC 2015 Heald Bank The Lakewood Yacht Club annual 90 nm Heald Bank offshore race was held April 25-26. It is one of four offshore events forming the basis for the Texas Navy Trophy. Since 1971 this trophy, donated by the State of Texas, has been awarded annually to the overall winner of the PHRF Texas Offshore Racing Circuit (TORC) by the Texas Navy. The winner must enter all four races. The trophy currently resides at the Galveston Bay Cruising Association Clubhouse. The J/122 Second Star, J/120 Aeolus, J/109 Airborne, J/105 Vici, J/105 Stinger and the Ericson 38 Good Leif formed the six-boat spinnaker class. Typically run in strong spring winds, this race was characterized by extremely light winds, and was won by Bee Bednar on the J/105 Stinger with a 23:55:24 elapsed time. Stingers corrected time of 21:57:33 was 12:22 faster then the J/120 and 29:57 better then the J/122. The track in the graphic shows some of the extreme frustrations this race entailed. Speeds ranged from 0 to 8+ knots with a short burst of 12. What the graphic does not show is the dense fog that covered the race course from 2 a.m. until just a bit after sunrise. It can be just a little eerie to pop out of the fog within a few boat lengths of a big offshore oil platform. While winning was great, Stinger committed a inexcusable error. She ran out of beer!
27 Apr 2015 - AYC Spring has topsy turvy weekend one Chilly temps and very light and fluky conditions greeted the hearty 10 boats that showed for the first weekend of the Fleet 6 season. With snowflakes only two days prior, this year is getting off to very slow start for all the sailors on Long Island Sound. Race one had loulou launched at the last turn only to be nipped at the finish by Za Jelliffe and team on Arete. The second race had the juniors on Young American helmed by Megan Ploch just ahead of loulou at the first mark, a position they held to the finish with loulou being the first major casualty of the weekend sailing into a hole that they never got out of (going from second to last). This was a pattern that would continue throughout the weekend, and it turned out that no leader was immune from the 'way back affliction.' Arete followed the kids to lead on day one. Day two was a bit warmer but still light and challenging. David Greenhouse on Skipperdee had the most solid day posting a 2,1 and moving them to the top of the standings with the juniors on Young American taking another bullet in the first race, tied right behind with loulou. Going into weekend two, with the next race bringing the throw-out into play, will have the top three boats tied and the top 6 separated only by 6 points. Full results
24 Apr 2015 - J/Fest San Francisco The 2015 J/Fest regatta hosted by St. Francis Yacht Club had an excellent turnout of 50 boats, who were treated to a wet and wild weekend of sailing in classic 15-25 knot breezes. The 21-boat J/105 fleet saw Phil Laby and his Godot crew recover from an 11 in the first race to post a 4-4-1-1 in the remaining bouts to win the tie-breaker on 21 points with colleague Jeff Littfin on Mojo. Not far off was Adam Spiegel on Jam Session sitting on 27 points in third. Bruce Stone on Arbitrage claimed fourth, and in fifth was Doug Bailey on Akula.
J/Fest San Francisco sailing information
19 Apr 2015 - Minutes posted Minutes from the 4/13/15 Executive Committee Meeting are posted. Class Business page
09 Apr 2015 - RI-15-01 J/105 Rule Interpretation 15-01 "Jib Minimum Weight Requirements" is now posted on the Rule Interpretation page.
02 Apr 2015 - Three Tree Point Race Great breeze and three weekends in a row in Washington. Over 30 knots for Scatchet Head, 20s the next weekend for the Islands Race, in the 30s for the final Snowbird off Shilshole and then finishing off the Center Sound Series with upper teens and low 20s for the Three Tree Point Race. What an incredible spring to be out racing sailboats on Puget Sound. A race the fleet generally worries about simply making it to the mark down in the East Passage off the south side of Three Tree Point, everyone was pleasantly surprised the CYC race committee wasn't seen motoring by them to shorten the course at the halfway mark. Class 4, the J/105 fleet, was sailed away with by Jerry Diercks and crew aboard Delirium. Full regatta report and pictures
02 Apr 2015 - St. Thomas Regatta The first day of racing at the St. Thomas Regatta took the fleet out of Cowpet Bay, around the heads to the east, then heading south down, mostly downwind on port tack to the port of Charlotte Amalie. After a midday break, the fleet then raced back to Cowpet Bay mostly upwind on starboard tack. The leader of CSA 3 after the first day was Jonathan Lipuscek's J/105 Dark Star with a 2-1. They beat their classmate Bryan Coon's J/105 Solstice who took second. For day two on Saturday, Dark Star managed to pull off two bullets for a huge class lead both for the day and the regatta. Their fellow classmates on Solstice also had an excellent day posting a 3-3. The stage was thus set for the final day of racing with more of the same spectacular, gorgeous sailing conditions. Lipuscek's team collected four firsts and two seconds en route to a dominant class win with just 8 points. Solstice, skippered by Bryan Coon, narrowly lost out a good chance to get onto the podium, finishing in fourth just one point back. St. Thomas Regatta sailing information
31 Mar 2015 - Texas Invitational In spite of losing PRO Dwight Bengston at the last minute, J/105 Fleet 17's first annual Texas Invitational went off without a hitch under absolutely beautiful blue Texas skies in perfect winds and temperatures. A big thanks goes to John Barnett (Vici) and a host of Lakewood Yacht Club volunteers for quickly stepping up to the plate to make sure the 10-race schedule was executed to perfection. Seven boats competed with both Fleet 17 and non-Fleet 17 owners on the helm. The 10 races were split into evens and odds. Fleet 17 owners helmed odd numbered races, and non-Fleet 17 owners helmed even number races. Big thanks to the Bermuda fleet for allowing Fleet 17 to copy their format. This is a super format which produces a fabulous opportunity for owners and crew to travel without having to drag their boats along. Five races were sailed on Friday in light winds under clear skies with temperatures in the 70s. Three races went off under similar conditions on Saturday, and then the big Texas sea breezes filled in for some spectacular kite flying in 18-25 knots on Sunday. There was a bit of carnage but no actual protests. For the local Fleet 17 owners, Bill Lakenmacher's Radiance took first with 12 points, Uzi Ozeri's Infinity came in second with 15 and Brad Robbins' Rumpus finished in third. The non-Fleet17-ers had Glen Darden (Dallas) on Infinity in first, James Macdonald (Bermuda) on Radiance in second, and Mark Smith (Fort Worth) in third. The same boats took the top three places overall with Ozeri/Darden in first, Lakenmacher/MacDonald in second, and Robbins/Smith in third. Videos are here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrSWPRlj4p0 and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jN0NIcdBt4. A few thousand photos and final results will be posted here.
27 Mar 2015 - Scatchet Head Race Winds were howling on Puget Sound on March 14 for the second race in the Corinthian Yacht Club of Seattle's Center Sound Series: the Scatchet Head Race. Sixty-six boats made it out for the start. In Class 4, the J/105 A3 flying one-design class was once again taken by those fast sailors aboard Erik Kirsten's J/105 Jubilee. Leaving the J/105 Last Tango over six minutes back in second and the J/105 Avalanche another 13 minutes back in third. The J/105's reported flying along under control with their smartly chosen A3s pulling them along at speeds over 16 knots, pushing into 17 at times. Scatchet Head Race sailing information
16 Mar 2015 - Slow Start, Big Turnout at St. Francis YC Spring One Design Regatta On the first day of the 2015 season opener, the St. Francis YC Spring One Design regatta, it seemed everyone was there: 80 boats, 300 sailors, 8 fleets. Everyone, that is, but the wind. Early season conditions prevailed, and the lack of breeze resulted in a string of postponements with, ultimately, no racing. "We knew that even if we were able to get off a start," says regatta chair and Express 27 sailor Peggy Lidster, "we wouldn't have been able to get around any windward mark. There was no wind in any direction, and we were fighting an ebb." Sailors made the most of the day by enjoying the sun, admiring the fleets' many sets of new sails and meeting back at the St. Francis Yacht Club for food, drinks, lawn games and even a s'mores pit in the courtyard. Conditions varied throughout Sunday, wavering between 7 and 20 knots. The unsteady breeze kept all fleets alert as fresh crew shook off wintertime cobwebs, and fresh sets of sails took on their first tacks and douses. "Looking around, you could feel a fervor for the start of the season. These are the Bay area one design keelboat fleets, and everyone brought their A-game," says Lidster. "The entire central Bay was filled with sails, from Alcatraz to the gate to the shore. The number of sailboats and the camaraderie between fleets was fantastic. It felt like days of old!" While the smaller boats competed on the City Front course, the 21 boat J/105 fleet started off the western face of Alcatraz, heading upwind 1.3 miles toward the mid-span of the Golden Gate Bridge. There was a heavy ebb, creating the inevitable short chop as the current flows into the prevailing westerly, especially acute as winds eventually built to 20 knots by the third race. The day was dominated by Bruce Stone's team on Arbitrage #116, turning in a 3, 1 and 2 to finish with just six points. Scooter Simmons' Blackhawk placed second with 10 points, and Phillip Laby's Godot third with 13. (Photo credit: Chris Ray) Complete results
16 Mar 2015 - San Diego NOOD It came down to the very last race to determine the winner of the seven-boat J/105 fleet at the San Diego NOOD. With a victory in that contest, Dennis Case's Wings took the title, beating out Gary Mozer's Current Obsession 2, who placed second in that race and the regatta (Case had nine points to Mozer's 10). Stewart Cannon's J-OK rounded out the top three with 17 points. Five races were completed. Complete results
14 Mar 2015 - Winter Newsletter Members will receive the Winter edition of the J/105 newsletter via e-mail. It is also posted on the newsletter page.
13 Mar 2015 - Gill Commodore's Cup A record entry of 81 yachts entered the Gill Commodore's Cup, the prelude to the St. Maarten Heineken Regatta. 30 knots of wind with breaking waves provided testing conditions for the fleet. The starting area on the south side of St. Maarten provided some relief from the ocean swell, but the big breeze from the east cascaded over the hill tops forming bullets of pressure causing several boats to spin out. The best performers were the teams that kept their yachts under control in difficult conditions. CSA 8 saw Bryan Coon's J/105 Solstice take class honors.
13 Mar 2015 - Blakely Rock Light Race 66 boats made it out for Corinthian Yacht Club Seattle's Blakely Rock Light Race - the first in their three race Center Sound Series. Winds were out of the north at 6-8 by start time, and at 10am class one led the fleet off the line toward the first mark in the course. With a starting area off Shilshole Marina, the Northerly breeze takes sailors up to a temporary mark set off the tank farms south of Edmonds, then all the way south to Blakely Rock before returning to the finish area off Shilshole Marina, a distance of just over 20nm. Picture 66 boats working up the sound in sunny skies through the last of the ebb, and the winds building up towards 10 knots as it slowly oscillated right to left. The solid J/105 one design fleet became the indicator for many as they split across the course, and those from behind watched who had the advantage on which side of the course before making their tactical choices. Most in the fleet pushed west into the last of the ebbing current, and as the later starters compressed into the fleet ahead, a few boats were seen heading off to the east toward Shilshole Marina. Winds built a touch more on the run down the sound, a solid 10-12 with a few puffs to 14 knots as the sun continued to warm up the city and create that solid thermal suction as temps downtown moved into the 60s. Rounding the rock and the long drag race across the sound to Magnolia began. Each boat battled for a clear lane, and if you got your bow across a boat that was slightly faster and could sail slightly higher, you were tossed off the wheel and had to tack away to clear before coming back on port and lining up again for Magnolia. The bigger faster boats continued to blow through the fleet on the long tack toward Magnolia Bluff, and the closer you got to that shallow muddy beach, the better you made out against your fleet. Tough to keep a clear lane but if you got forced outside to the left, you found yourself coming back in on the transoms of your competitors. Next up was West point and how to get across the sand bar without running aground but stay close enough in to spend the least amount of time in the adverse flooding current. But then an odd thing happened; usually you tack onto port and get out of the current along the beach and sail away from anyone on the outside. But there was still a finger of ebbing current out in the middle of Shilshole Bay. If you held out to the left just long enough, boats tacked over onto port in positive current and lifted right up past the ship canal toward the breakwater before tacking over onto the layline and the finish. The seven boat J/105 fleet, Class 4, was dominated by Jubilee, skippered by Erik Kirsten. Just a minute back in second was Delerium, leaving third to Inconceivable. Thanks for contribution from Ben Braden at Sail Northwest. Blakely Rock Light sailing information
06 Mar 2015 - Corinthian Yacht Club CYC Midwinter Regatta Going on the hunch that the light northerlies would give way to more substantial westerlies, the RC at the Corinthian Yacht Club of Belvedere Midwinters raised the postponement flag before the 11:55 first gun and let it ride. The wind filled with a mid spring like blast from outside the Gate (CYC is in Tiburon, CA) and filled in nicely across the course allowing the RC time to square things up to the freshening breeze with a Yellow Bluff weather mark and a Knox leeward rounding. While the start was delayed, the flood in the start area began to transition to the early phases of ebb and the ever changing strategy of favorable current vs. wind strength played into the tacticians minds. Many chose a more direct line and others swung wide seeking more favorable wind direction on the downhill runs. Sunday brought 20 plus of northerly. In the J/105 fleet, the clear winner was Charles James' Roxanne with two bullets followed by Neil Gibbs' Nimbus with two seconds. Third was Dick Maclay's Yellowfin. Complete results
04 Feb 2015 - Texas Invitational Galveston Bay Fleet 17 announces the first annual J/105 Texas Invitational March 27-29 at Lakewood Yacht Club. This regatta will feature at least eight locally owned boats with split crews - half from outside Fleet 17's area and half local. Five of the 10 scheduled races will have the local owner on the helm. The other five will feature non local owner drivers. The format is similar to the Bermuda Invitational with emphasis on fun and enjoyment. There are three Fleet 17 J/105s looking for invitees. If you are interested, please contact Bee Bednar at bee @ panoramatech . com.
Fleet 17 website
02 Feb 2015 - GBCA Cruzan Rum Icicle Series The fifth and final race in the GBCA Cruzan Rum Icicle Series took place on Saturday, January 31 in 60+ degrees temperatures and 12-17 knot breezes. Some 60 boats started, including J/70s, J/80s, J/105s, J/109s and FT10. Uzi Ozeri's Infinity managed to finish in third place and take the second place trophy in the series. Another beautiful sail on The Bay.
25 Jan 2015 - Icicle 4 Another spectacular day on the Bay. GBCA's Cruzan Rum Icicle Series race 4 took place under light 7-10 knot breezes without a cloud in the sky and 60+ degree temps. The J/109 Hamburg was followed by the FT10 ONO, the J/92 77, and Uzi Ozeri's J/105 Infinity, with a J/70 following to collect series points. Video
25 Jan 2015 - J/105 at Key West Race Week Jon Weglarz of Chicago, IL and his team on The Asylum made the trek south to beautiful Key West for the annual Race Week. Jon placed second in PHRF 2 with 21 points, making him the Midwinter Champion. Ten races were completed. Check out daily report and photos on the event website.
22 Jan 2015 - J/105 at Strictly Sail J/105 Fleet 5 had a booth at the 2015 Chicago Strictly Sail Show held at McCormick Place January 14-18. The booth was manned by Fleet 5 members and had the J/105 Bella (Chicago NOOD winner) as the center piece where visitors to the booth could climb aboard and see what the boat looked like. There was also a flat screen with a loop of the 2014 North Americans video running continuously. There was a lot of interest as the Fleet 5 members were enthusiastically talking to potential owners and crew. Fleet 5 grew by three boats in 2014 and is attempting to keep up the momentum in 2015.
22 Jan 2015 - Mount Gay Rum Round Barbados Race Despite generally light airs with winds reaching no more than 15 knots, three teams have won their skipper's weight in rum for breaking records in the 79th Mount Gay Rum Round Barbados Race. Peter Lewis on his J/105 Whistler won the 35ft and Under and the CSA divisions said he couldn't have asked for a better day, "It was an excellent race and despite the generally light airs it was a beautiful day for sailing and one of the best on record. We were a bit concerned the big boats would swamp us towards the end, but thankfully we were far enough ahead." Full results
18 Jan 2015 - GBCA Icicle 3 Finally! GBCA's third Icicle race on January 17 saw some 60+ boats find themselves in 64 degree temperatures and mostly sunny Texas skies. The wind gods' decision to provide fluky 2-10 knot breezes made for some extremely interesting sail choices and some very strange position changes along the 8 mile run. In the 14 boat sprit fleet, including J/70s, J/80s, J/92s, J/105s, J/109s, a GP26 and a single FT10, leads changed from last place to second and then back. The FT10, J/109, Uzi Ozeri's J1/05 Infinity and a J/70 followed by Bee Bednar's J/105 Stinger finished in the top five collecting points for the overall series.
14 Jan 2015 - Minutes posted Minutes from the 1/12/15 Executive Committee Meeting are posted. Class Business page
10 Jan 2015 - GBCA Icicle 2 For once, January in Texas took on aspects of that Northern Yankee weather. GBCA's second Icicle began with the temperature at 39 degrees, heavy cloud cover, and high humidity that switched into light rain for the last two-thirds of the race. Twenty-five brave competitors started, but it was to be a J-sprit race with six J-sprits finishing in the top six. Uzi Ozeri's J/105 Infinity took third just behind the J/109 Hamburg and J/92 77. Bee Bednar's J/105 Stinger finished sixth behind the J/109 Harm's Way and the J/80 Doodah. Hopefully next weekend will be more like the usual winter Texas weather with temps around 60 degrees.
03 Jan 2015 - The First Icicle Galveston Bay's first Icicle race on January 3 of 2015 began in gray overcast skies, 10-12 knot NW winds, 58 degree temps, and finished in beautiful warm Texas sun. On the order of 50 boats started with two 105s, a GP 26, two 109s, two J/92s, a couple of J/80s and one FT 10 in the sprit class. The downwind start saw Bee Bednar's J/105 Stinger round the first mark ahead of all but the 80s and the 92s, with Uzi Ozeri's J/105 Infinity just behind. The second and third slightly off the wind legs were almost perfect for the 105s. Stinger managed to roll the GP 26 at the second mark and then fend the light speedster off at the finish. Infinity finished in third.
30 Dec 2014 - 2015 Class Rules The 2015 Class Rules are posted here.
18 Dec 2014 - Scimitar Repeats at J/105 Chilean Championship Over a three-day weekend in December (the 6th to 9th), the last event of 2013-14 Chilean J/105 National Championship took place off Algarrobo. An excellent, highly competitive field of 17 teams were on the starting line, ready to do battle to determine the season-ending leaders for this local offshore fleet. The weekend's weather gods smiled on the sailors, providing them great wind conditions, with a 10-15 knot southwest breezes (the best local wind) and enormous waves over 6.5 feet tall. From the earlier regattas, it was clear the three teams that were dominating those events would have to settle in for a three-way battle for the top spots on the podium. Or, they would have to contend with a late bloomer, a new team ready to ascend the leadership with better tacticians or crew. Repeating as they had from 2013, Team Scimitar skippered by Jose Ugarte, finished in first place thanks to their consistent firsts, seconds and thirds. Miguel Salas' Big Booty followed closely with 34 points to take second overall, but had to win a tie-breaker over the Plan B team skippered by Jorge Gonzalez. Plan B got the short end of that stick due to fewer top three finishes. The Chilean J/105 fleet will race again in the Sailing Week 2015, where many classes and fleets join to celebrate this event. This will take place from January 24-31, 2015 off Algarrobo as well.
14 Dec 2014 - Fall Newsletter Members will receive the Fall edition of the J/105 newsletter via e-mail. It is also posted on the newsletter page.
12 Dec 2014 - Hot Rum Series III For the three weekends that comprise the San Diego YC's Hot Rum Series, you can expect just about anything weather-wise. For the last weekend, the weather didn't cooperate, with light airs prevailing most all day. Six J/105s took up the challenge in Class 3 with Dag Fish's Viggen taking class honors and second in class. Third in Class and second J/105 was Dennis Case's Wings, losing a tie-breaker with Viggen at 13 points each.
Hot Rum Series website
03 Dec 2014 - Pacific Northwest Snowbird Series #1 Here's Ben Braden's latest report on the first of their Snowbird Series taking place on the Sound: Stellar, spectacular, this is why we do this, I can't believe how nice it was--these comments and more rolled around the boisterous and smiling group of sailors gathered at the Anthony's Bar after participating in the first Snowbird Series race of the year, hosted by Shilshole Bay Yacht Club. Bookending a spectacular week of cool temperatures, sunny skies and strong Northerly winds, Saturday's weather couldn't have been much better. 'Are there really people crazy enough to race in this freezing weather? Hell ya!' laughs Lisa Cole sailing aboard the J/105 with the most race miles under their keel, Last Tango. With a forecast of 5 knots or less and temps in the 40s, the fleet was met with a building 12-14 knot northerly, sunny skies and temps in the mid 40s, but with the sun shining so hard it was easy to stay warm and enjoy the stellar views. One of those dry sunny winter days when the mountains seem so close that you can touch the little bit of white at their peaks. When the lighthouses stretch so tall that you think you're just a few feet away from them and a day the lucky few that came out racing will be talking about for the next month as they await Snowbird Series Race #2 on December 13. Eighteen boats registered for the first race of the series, and the RC broke them up into a NFS class and three Flying Sails classes with remarkably good rating spreads for their Time on Time scoring. As with many of the smaller races over the year, SBYC is bringing out the sub 125 raters with even a class of raters from 153 to 204 in class B flying sails. Class C brought out an Olson 911, Q boat, Catalina 36, J/30 and a Jeanneau 36. Class D has a J/105, Farr 30, Beneteau 44.7, J/35 and a Wauquiez 42. Eighteen boats of amazingly different designs and eras out racing on an amazing PNW cool & crisp fall day. A course area that starts off Shilshole Marina and took racers up to the always elusive Spring Beach spar buoy, back downwind to West Point, through the starting area and up to the NOAA weather buoy and back downwind through the finish was led off the line by the small class of Non-flying sails boats. As they headed out into the sound on starboard, class B lined up with Perfectly Strange hovering in that pin end position, the precursor to the always sought after port tack start. With the perfect left shift holding through the sequence, they nailed it and crossed the fleet while looking back at the international sign of disapproval held high on some of the crossed boats. But their advantage quickly disappeared as the wind shifted back to the right and built on the outside leaving the little Pocket Rocket sailing in the middle of their fleet, losing the gains they made on the port tack start. The final two starts rolled off the line without a hitch and a few tacks in and around Meadow point led the fleet into that long port tack up to the Spring Beach buoy. The Dufour 34, Frog Prints was charging north, out in the front after starting first in the NFS class, but sailing in that unenviable position of having to be the first boat to find the little white spar buoy that so easily gets lost in the background. As the fleet was consistently lifted with the wind shifting to the NW, Frog Prints finally found and rounded the mark causing many to bump out a few inches on their jib sheets as they put their bows down a degree or two towards the first mark in the course. Poles forward for the first few miles of the run with the waves almost big enough to surf, the wind almost strong enough to scoot, and those stellar views all around the boat. The further south the fleet sailed the more the wind shifted behind them and as they got within the last mile of West point the inside boats had the advantage sailing their hotter angle towards the mark. The Farr 30 Deep Pickle led the low road around the mark with the J/105 Last Tango hot on their tail. Deep Pickle kept legging out on the second upwind, and they extended their lead by over four minutes in front of Last Tango at the shorter weather mark (the first NOAA buoy). Behind them Kowloon led the five boats in Class C with Grayling and Outlaw pushing hard up there transoms. Back to the finish, everyone went after rounding the NOAA buoy with Deep Pickle leading the way finishing over 5 minutes in front of the J/105 Last Tango, but not far enough in front to hold their position after correction, leaving Last Tango in first, Deep Pickle in second & Bonni Jean in third. Full results can be found at the Shilshole Bay Yacht Club website, as well as entry forms for the December 13 race. SBYC Snowbird Series sailing information
27 Nov 2014 - St Croix Regatta The St Croix International Regatta, hosted by the St Croix YC, has a lot going for it and continues to attract more sailors. What's not to like sailing off their famous beach? For one, the winning skipper's weight in Cruzan Rum is first overall prize; secondly, there are three spectacular days of racing in classic Caribbean sailing conditions; and lastly, there are live bands each night on the beach with island-style hospitality. The event is somewhat unique from a regatta format as well since there is a pre-regatta called the Commodore's Race Trophy. This enables the locals, in particular, to practice. The CSA Racing was dominated this year by Jonathan Lipuscek's J/105 Dark Star, taking four firsts and two seconds on their way to a massive win; the only blemish on their record being a DSQ in race 4. Event website
27 Nov 2014 - Hot Rum Series #2 Report San Diego's favorite fall racing event, the Hot Rum Series, continues in full swing. This fun-loving "free-for-all" generally sees the fleet starting inside of San Diego Harbor, takes them on a tour that heads out past the majestic Point Loma, around some buoy set offshore, then back home to again finish inside the channel just off Harbor Island. It's consistently one of the largest PHRF pursuit-style races run annually-with the little boats starting first and the big boats starting last; whomever crosses first wins. The enormous Class 3 is generally the provenance of the large, aggressive J/105 class. Sitting in second overall and leading the J/105s is Dennis Case's Wings, followed by Dag Fish's Viggen in fourth. Event website
27 Nov 2014 - HYC Turkey Day The 36 entries in the Houston Yacht Clubs annual Turkey Day regatta had to be a big disappointment for the race organizers, but can be explained by what turned out to be a bad weather forecast that included winds in the 25-30 knot range with temps in the 40s. Fortunately, the big winds never showed up, the temps stayed in the 60s, and Saturday's overcast dreary skies and 15-20 knot breezes transformed into Sunday's bright blue and clear skies with temps in the 70s. Even better, the winds held steady with a few gusts above 20. The RC split the small seven boat spin fleet into two classes with Bee Bednar's J/105 and two J/109s in Spin A. The only other J/Boat, Scott Tuma's Butter Ball Beaver Nuggets J/80, was assigned to Spin B. At the end of the racing on Saturday, the 105 and 109s were all tied for first place with 4 points. The tie breaker went to the 105. It's worth noting that had the J/80 been in Spin A, there would have been a four-way tie for first. Under the beautiful conditions on Sunday, and in spite of a horrific hoist of a jumbo kite, Bee's 105 easily took first to win Spin A and take home a big 25.6 pound turkey. Next up is HYC's revognah regatta (spell it backwards) on January 1. HYC website
23 Nov 2014 - Bermuda J/105 Invitational Day 3 The final day of the Bermuda J/105 Invitational Regatta, sponsored by XL, saw three races completed in a stiff northerly breeze. The opening race (8) of the day was in 14-18 knots, and the fleet had to deal with large wind shifts as well as difficult chop that this wind direction always brings. The race went to Yabsta (Trevor Boyce) - his second bullet of the regatta, ahead of Chequemate (Peter Bromby). Race 9 (the final International race) started with a shift to the left in strong breeze. A coming together shortly after the start saw protests hailed and flags raised, as the finer points of rules were discussed on the racecourse. Sadiiqi came out of this mess pinned out to the right and behind, never to recover. After two laps, Passion (Bill Lakenmacher) beat Chequemate (Kevin Murphy) to the line. Race 10 (the final Bermuda race) rounded out the series, with Chequemate (Peter Bromby) taking the final win ahead of Passion (James Macdonald). A fun distance race "Last Race" then took the teams on a tour of the Great and Little Sounds, before working down Granaway Deep back to RBYC. Yabsta won this race for the prize presented by Triangle Rigging. After a brief hearing, by International Umpire Bob Duffy, to sort out the protests, the final results were tabulated and prizes were awarded. The "boat of the day," sponsored by Butterfield Bank, went to Chequemate. For the International Trophy, sponsored by Bermuda Tourism Authority: Passion (Bill Lakenmacher) 13 points; Yabsta (Stewart Neff) 15 points; Sadiiqi (Richard Mitchele) 16 points. For the Bermuda Trophy, sponsored by Goslings: Chequemate (Peter Bromby) 10 points; Morning Glory (Glenn Astwood/Jon Corless) 15 points; Sadiiqi (Pete Ramsdale) 18 points. For the Overall Trophy, sponsored by XL: First - Chequemate (Kevin Murphy, Henry Colie, Scott Callahan, Ian Feathers, Peter Bromby, Lee White) 29 points; second - Morning Glory (Jason Owen, Andrew McIrvine, Paul Wiseman, Glenn Astwood, Jon Corless, Paul Wring) 33 points; third - Passion (Bill Lakenmacher, Daniel Lakenmacher, Peter Sutch, James Macdonald, Mary Geraghty, Nik Smale) 33 points. Results are on www.lflag.com under RBYC/J105.
22 Nov 2014 - Bermuda J/105 Invitational Day 2 The second day of the Bermuda J/105 Invitational Regatta, sponsored by XL, saw five races completed in a stiff north westerly breeze. The opening race of the day was in 13-15 knots, and the majority of the fleet picked the southerly side of the course to good effect. The opening race went to Morning Glory (Jason Owen), with the boat continuing to lead the overall. Race 4 (Bermuda helm) had a battle between Moring Glory (Jon Corless) and Chequemate (Pete Bromby) for the two-lap race, with Bromby taking the win in a close finish. Race 5 (International) saw the fleet split, with Sadiiqi (Richard Mitchele) hard left and the bulk of the fleet middle to right. With the left paying handsomely, Sadiiqi took her second win of the competition from Passion (Bill Lakenmacher), who was having a very consistent day. Race 6 and the breeze had shifted a little to the south and built to 16-18 knots. Both Morning Glory and Sadiiqi showed solid upwind speed, keeping them ahead of the fracas at the first windward mark as the rest of the fleet converged. At the end of the race, Morning Glory took the win from Sadiiqi, with Yabsta picking up some penalty points. Race 7 - the last race of a very long day. Sadiiqi led after the first lap, but Yabsta had a better leeward rounding and took the lead on the second upwind, and then kept a comfortable lead to the finish from Sadiiqi and a hard charging Passion, making up a number of places. Boat of the day (sponsored by TOPS Limited) went to Sadiiqi.
20 Nov 2014 - Bermuda J/105 Invitational Day 1 The first day of the Bermuda J/105 Invitational Regatta, sponsored by XL, saw two races completed in a light northerly breeze. The first race was for International helms, and Morning Glory (Jason Owen) and Yabsta (Stewart Neff) led out on the left side of the course, but Sadiiqi (Richard Mitchele) quickly headed right into more pressure and led at the first mark, and maintained the lead to the bottom of the course. The next lap of the course, Sadiiqi successfully covered the competition and took the opening win, with Yabsta second to Morning Glory's third. Race 2, with Bermuda helms, got under way after the course was reset in the now more easterly and lighter breeze. Congestion at the start boat had two boats shut out and having to circle back to start. Morning Glory (Jon Corless) recovered from a poor start and were well placed after the first lap, with Chequemate (Peter Bromby) chasing hard. Coming down to the finish it was Morning Gory ahead of Chequemate, with Sadiiqi (Pete Ramsdale) holding off Passion (James Macdonald). The format for the event is for alternate races to be helmed (International and Bermuda), with the combined results counting for the XL Trophy. After the first day the overall results are Morning Glory (4 points); Sadiiqi (4 points); Chequemate (6 points). Six International (UK, US, Canada) yacht clubs are represented, in addition to the two Bermuda Royal Clubs. Racing continues Friday and Saturday.
14 Nov 2014 - 2014 Caribbean NOOD Championship Wow. What a week it was! First and foremost a huge thank you to Sunsail for making the 2014 NOOD Caribbean Championship a reality. Eight teams raced in the grand finale event: the five 2014 NOOD winning teams and three teams joined in the Open Class. The weather was on the competitors' side so that all five days of competition were perfect. From buoy racing on the first day, and for all the distance racing, they had the wind and sun beating down, which only made the beach bar rendezvous that much more important to quench thirsts. The Caribbean Championship was five days of competition, but seven days of fun. They managed to sneak in a lay day at the Bitter End Yacht Club that crossed over with Bitter End's Pro-Am Regatta so that after a day of playing with the beach cats, they could rub elbows with the rock stars of the sport. The final day of racing brought them into The Bight on Norman Island, where they crowned the winners and recognized all those that made the week unforgettable. Gary Mozer of the J/105 Class took the honor for NOOD Overall Champion after winning his spot at the 2014 San Diego NOOD. Pictures
09 Nov 2014 - Videos page Check out the new Videos page at the bottom of the Menu bar at left. Right now, we have two videos--one from Fleet 1 and one from Fleet 4. If your fleet has a video (or would like to make one), please contact the Class Office. Videos page
07 Nov 2014 - J/Fest Southwest J/Fest Southwest Committee Chairman Al Goethe and the team at Lakewood Yacht Club (LYC) welcomed teams to the 5th Annual J/Fest Southwest Regatta, sailed November 1-2 on Galveston Bay. Over the weekend, most fleets were treated to 6+ races in classic Galveston Bay sailing conditions--breeze, chop and plenty of wind shifts. The well-traveled and very experienced team on Mark and Jolene Masur's Two Feathers won the J/105 class in a closely fought affair. Not surprisingly, just 2 points behind them was Uzi Ozeri's Infinity. However, the biggest fight in the entire regatta may have been for the bronze in the J/105s, with five teams all scrapping for any advantage over one another to claw their way onto the podium. When the smoke cleared, all five teams finished just four points apart! Winning this dustup by just one point was John Barnett's Vici with 32 points to take the bronze. Fourth was Bill Lakenmacher's Radiance with 33 points after suffering an SCP (scoring penalty) in the last race. Then fifth, yet one more point back was Alan Bates' Zippity with 34 points. John Bell's Kinderspiel 2 and Mark Young's Killer Rabbit each won one of the final two races and had a mathematical possibility of finishing third, but instead ended up tied with one another (with Kinderspiel 2 getting the nod on countback for sixth place). Results
03 Nov 2014 - St. Francis Yacht Club wins 100th Lipton Cup Chris Raab and his crew from St. Francis Yacht Club showered champagne on an 85-year-old dry spell after crossing the finish line for the 100th Lipton Cup challenge. The three-day regatta was a true test of skill, with competitors completing a full rotation through 12 charter boats in conditions that ranged from strong, full winds to shifty, unpredictable breezes. While teams like Newport Harbor excelled in the lighter winds, St. Francis demonstrated their versatility by competing well throughout the range of wind conditions. Some of the best competition didn't come from the 12 J/105s, but from the spectators. Throughout the day a swarm of boats circled the outside of the course, each hoping to secure a front row seat as history was made on the final day of the regatta's centennial installation. Each of the day's four races was filled with exciting sailing, lead changes and demanding technical maneuvers. In the first race of the day, San Francisco broke away from the fleet with an early gybe on the first downwind leg. Though the maneuver initially appeared premature, a wider look at the course revealed what skipper Chris Perkins noticed: the majority of the fleet had overshot the gate mark. San Francisco stole away with a significant lead and maintained their position all the way to the finish line. Behind them was San Diego, who under the direction of skipper Brad Rodi managed to pull off the most impressive comeback of the whole regatta. Between rounding the weather mark on the first lap and coming upwind off the gate mark, San Diego went from the 11th position to second. Four boats were OCS at the start of the next race, giving Seattle Yacht Club the opportunity to gain an early lead. With a solid race, they kept their position to finish in first place. Seattle repeated their victory with another first place victory in Race 11. Going into the final race, it was still anyone's game with a mere six point spread separating the top three teams: St. Francis, San Francisco and San Diego. St. Francis held tight to third place throughout the race, finishing behind Newport Harbor and Long Beach. They won the regatta with a total of 51 points, seven above San Diego who finished second. Newport Harbor's two first place finishes nudged them ahead of San Francisco for third place. Both teams had a total score of 60 points. Coronado rounded out the top five teams in fifth place with a total of 71 points. Overall, the regatta was an incredible showcase of talented, diverse sailing. Not only was the racing technical, but so was the equipment. This regatta featured the innovative RaceQs app, which allowed race fans from their home clubs to watch the action with a 3D race display online. Race replays are available through the Tracking link at the event website.
27 Oct 2014 - Manhasset Bay Race Week Ends Fleet 6 Season Manhasset Bay Race Week saw the cooling of loulou's season-long hot streak in the final distance race off the regatta. Great conditions met the racers with a clear fall day and 10 knots of breeze. loulou took the pin end and had an easy run to the first mark and held the lead on a downwind run to the next turn. The next leg, a 5-mile beat, initially had loulou still in control until they failed to cover Eclipse and let them sneak to the inside of a shore lift. Eclipse came back just a nose ahead and maintained a close cover pushing loulou to the outside. The second half of this beat was in a channel with very shifty winds. The brief Eclipse encounter allowed two other boats, Revelation and Peregrina, to the inside, also to pass. This put Eclipse one point up for the series, and they held their ground to the finish. Eclipse took the gold, loulou silver and Revelation the bronze. Paul Beaudin on loulou, although trying hard for a win was very happy for the great competition they have in the local fleet. Complete results
27 Oct 2014 - Augie Diaz wins International Masters Regatta Established in 1975, the International Masters Regatta hosted 12 notable teams on San Diego Bay for an 11-race round robin event in J/105s. A newcomer to the event, Augie Diaz took the lead on day one, and while he stumbled some on day two, he stayed in the top five on the final day to take the title. Rounding out the top five was Don Trask, Jonathan Wright, Gary Jobson, and Chuck Nichols. Results
21 Oct 2014 - Minutes posted Minutes from the 10/16/14 Annual Meeting are posted. Class Business page
20 Oct 2014 - J/105 Midwinter Championship classified a Level B regatta The J/105 Midwinter Championship at Key West Race Week has been designated a Level B Regatta. The Notice of Race will be amended to reflect this change. "Level B: The crew aboard (including a 100 percent Owner) shall be comprised of Group 1 competitors, except that the crew may include one Group 3 competitor." Classes and sailors from across the country and around the world already have Quantum Key West 2015 on their winter calendars. Boats ranging in size from 23 to 72 feet will compete in the waters off America's southernmost city during the 28th edition of Key West Race Week, scheduled for January 18-23. Register at the regatta website
20 Oct 2014 - Windy Start to First Weekend of MBYC Fall Series Things got off to a moderate start on Saturday with the first two races sailed in light shifty conditions, with the final race of the day bringing on the breeze that would hold for the rest of the weekend. Paul Beaudin and team loulou had the edge on day one to take all three races with Damian Emery's Eclipse in second, and a strong showing by Marcus Wunderlich's Stratos in third. Revelation, skippered by George Wilbanks, came on strong on the windy second day to win both races. Day one had some interesting action with the fleet heading to a change mark, only to have it picked up and towed off with the fleet in pursuit. Turned out, the change was for another class. Day two had cool temps and solid breeze in the 20 knot range with higher gusts. Loulou broke their jib tack at the start of the first race putting them back a few minutes, with Revelation showing their usual comfort in high wind to take the gun. Stratos blew the tack off the kite just at the finish but held off a late charge by loulou. Next Saturday will be the last of the 2014 LIS Season with a distance race. Results
16 Oct 2014 - Connecting College Sailors to Big Boat Racing Over 430 college sailors raced on 52 owner-coached keel-boats over Columbus Day Weekend (October 11-12) in the Storm Trysail Intercollegiate Offshore Regatta (IOR) sailed in Western Long Island Sound. The team from the University of Toledo sailing the Express 37 Troubador was the overall winner after winning three races and finishing second in two races in the 10-boat PHRF class. The Intercollegiate Offshore Regatta is organized by the Storm Trysail Foundation (STF) and the Larchmont Yacht Club and this year was led by Regatta Chairman Barry Gold. The goal of the IOR is to introduce dinghy sailors to the fun and teamwork of big boat racing, which is a new aspect of the sport to many dinghy sailors. It also gives college sailors with big boat skills a chance to compete in some of the best-prepared boats around. The 52-boat fleet was divided up into five classes: 12 IRC 32'-43' boats, five J/44s, 13 J/109s, 10 PHRF boats and 12 J/105s. Roger Williams University won the 12-boat J/105 class sailing Jeremy Henderson's Conundrum that posted a tally of 1-2-2-3-1 for a mere 9 points. Second was Boston University aboard Rob Alexander's Young American, and in third was the University of Wisconsin racing Josh Burack's Peregrina. In this highly competitive fleet, Princeton University took fourth on Gary Myer's Magic, and rounding out the top five was US Naval Academy 2 onboard Za Jelliffe's Arete. Regatta website
10 Oct 2014 - 2015 J/105 North Americans during Rolex Big Boat Series at the St. Francis YC J/105 Fleet One and the St. Francis Yacht Club are pleased to invite J/105 owners to bring their boats to San Francisco in September 2015 for the J/105 North Americans, part of Rolex Big Boat Series. We're already working up a list of potential boats to charter, or local owners who would like to ride along with a top team. Just drop an email to Bruce Stone at bruce@brucestone.com to indicate your interest. We're also encouraging interested parties to charter earlier in the year or crew with a local owner to get a feel for what is offered. Check out the exciting three-minute video from the 2014 Rolex Big Boat Series. Video
08 Oct 2014 - Foulweather Bluff Race Light fickle conditions ruled this year's Foulweather Bluff Race, hosted by Corinthian YC Edmonds. "Fleet 6" was topped by the J/105 Last Tange followed by the J/105 Usawi in second. Pictures by Jan Anderson Marine Photography
06 Oct 2014 - loulou wins American YC Fall Series Team loulou, continuing their season hot streak, sailed a very consistent regatta in very inconsistent conditions to win the American Fall Series by 7 points, dropping the last race with no other finish lower than second. The regatta had a bit of everything from a very light first weekend to a blustery shifty second weekend that featured pouring rain, planing conditions, no wind holes and 90 degree shifts - sometimes all in the same race. Revelation, also consistent, took silver, followed by Conundrum in third and Eclipse in fourth. Another positive note had three skippers racing who were new to the fleet this season. Complete results
04 Oct 2014 - San Diego J/Fest Over the past weekend, the San Diego J/Fest Regatta could not have been more satisfied with the spectacular weather and warm gentle breezes offshore. Sponsored by JK3 Nautical Enterprises and hosted by San Diego YC, the sailors were provided excellent racing and great social entertainment on the lawns of the club. J/Fest San Diego has always proved to be a popular event as it marks the beginning of the active fall and winter series of racing in South Bay and offshore. The world of J/105s saw a very familiar face atop the standings. After learning how to start and round marks in the first race, nothing was going to stop Dennis Case's Wings from winning all the rest of the races, posting a third and four firsts to win with a mere 7 points. Sailing a very consistent series was Steve & Lucy Howell's Blink!, with a 1-3-3-3-5 score for 15 points. Taking third was Sean O'Keefe's Decolores 2 with a 6-2-2-5-2 for 17 points. Rounding out the top five were Dag Fish sailing Viggen to fourth and Jon Dekker's Airboss sliding into fifth. Regatta website
29 Sep 2014 - GBCA Performance Cup The Galveston Bay Cruising Association's 30th annual Performance Cup was held the weekend of September 27-28. Extremely tight racing began under crisp clear and relatively cool Texas skies precisely at 11:00 AM each day. E to ESE winds ranged from a low of 5 to a high of 15 knots. Four races on Saturday were followed by two on Sunday. Six J/105s comprised the largest of the four fleets. By taking first with 2,1,1,2,1,4, Uzi Ozeri's Infinity also brought home the Performance Cup. Bee Bednar's Stinger took second with 3,5,3,1,3,2 followed by John Barnett's Vici 4,3,2,4,4,1 in third.
29 Sep 2014 - AYC Fall Series Weekend One dominated by loulou Light air ruled weekend one of American YC Fall. 15 boats registered. Day one had the first race go to loulou. After a poor start, loulou consistently dug right to the lifted breeze to pass Eclipse and Revelation at the top mark never looking back. In the second race, Eclipse got away clean and had a big lead only to have the wind die and the race was abandoned. Day 2 started with a dead calm. Young American had fun ghosting around with their Save The Sound reacher while the rest of the fleet waited. Sun awnings were the order of the day. When it looked like the day would be lost, a nice 7 knot breeze suddenly appeared and the RC got a race off. The pin was favored. loulou was there and led wire to wire. Paul's comment was "Some boats are sporting flatter jibs which point well in breeze but seem to struggle in lighter air. We were using our regular jib cut and had very good upwind wheels." loulou has 2 points followed by Revelation with 6 and Conundrum with 7. Complete results
28 Sep 2014 - Rod Wilmer and Terry McLaughlin's Mandate Succeeds at J/105 North American Champ Light air ruled the J/105 North American Championship hosted by Royal Canadian Yacht Club in Toronto, Ontario, Canada - and so did Rod Wilmer and Terry McLaughlin on Mandate. In the five-race series, the Mandate crew of McLaughlin, Wilmer, John Millen, Sandy Andrews, Fraser Howell, Graham Hicks and Andrew McTavish earned just 10 points (1,3,2,2,2). Rick Goebel's Sanity (12 points) gained second place, and Peter Hall's Jamaica Me Crazy (13 points) third. No races occurred Sunday due to lack of breeze. McLaughlin has swept the major J/105 championships this year, as he is also the current Midwinter Champion. The next J/105 North American Championship moves to St. Francis Yacht Club in San Francisco from September 14-20, 2015. Twenty-seven teams competed from Bermuda, Canada and the United States. Photos from Tim Wilkes, as well as complete results are available at the regatta website.
27 Sep 2014 - Wilmer/McLaughlin Team Maintain Slim Advantage at J/105 North American Champions Five races are now in the books, and just three points separate the top three teams at the J/105 North American Championship hosted by Royal Canadian Yacht Club in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Rod Wilmer and Terry McLaughlin on Mandate notched a pair of seconds in Saturday's races to total 10 points overall, heading into the final day of competition on Sunday. Knocking on the door are Rick Goebel's Sanity (12 points) and Peter Hall's Jamaica Me Crazy (13 points). No races occurred Friday due to lack of wind, but Saturday brought 4-8 knots under cloudless skies and temperatures in the high 70s on Lake Ontario. Competition was unable to get underway until mid-afternoon when Hall mastered the conditions, with Wilmer/McLaughlin and Goebel close behind. Goebel moved up to the top spot in the day's other battle, as Wilmer and McLaughlin kept hold on second, and Hall dropped to third. Twenty-seven teams are competing from Bermuda, Canada and the United States. Racing concludes Sunday. Photos from Tim Wilkes, as well as complete results are available at regatta website.
25 Sep 2014 - Wilmer/McLaughlin Master Light Conditions at J/105 North American Championship Rod Wilmer and Terry McLaughlin excelled in the light air of the opening day of the J/105 North American Championship hosted by Royal Canadian Yacht Club in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. McLaughlin (current J/105 Midwinter Champion and Sail Canada's Rolex Sailor of the Year) and the Mandate team tallied at 1,3,2 in Thursday's contests for a two point advantage. Rick Goebel's Sanity stands in second with 8 points. Following closely in third is Peter Hall's Jamaica Me Crazy (9 points) and James Rathbun's Hey Jude (current J/105 North American Champion) with 10 points. The fleet of 27 J/105s took to the waters of Lake Ontario under sunny skies with temperatures in the low 70s. The winds began around 4 knots when the Wilmer/McLaughlin team grabbed the regatta's first victory. Rathbun trailed in second and Goebel in third. In the next battle, Goebel took line honors, as Hall and Wilmer/McLaughlin followed. Rathbun moved to the top spot in the day's last race in winds hovering at 6 knots. Wilmer/McLaughlin were the runner up, with Hall in third. Twenty-seven teams are competing from Bermuda, Canada and the United States. Racing continues through Sunday, but no races took place on Friday due to lack of wind. Photos from Tim Wilkes, as well as complete results are available at the regatta website.
24 Sep 2014 - HOOD Regatta Houston Yacht Club's Houston Offshore One Design (HOOD) regatta began with some 94 boats spread over three lines. Spectacular Texas weather with smooth seas, moderate winds and cool temperatures made for some wonderful racing for all involved. The big boat class consisted of five J/105s and four J/109s each in separate fleets. After the smoked cleared, Uzi Ozeri's Infinity took first with five bullets. Bee Bednar's Stinger finished second, while Tylan Ilhan's Zippity finished third in the 105 fleet.
21 Sep 2014 - J/105 North American Championship this week The J/105 North American Championship will be hosted this week by the Royal Canadian Yacht Club in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 27 teams are competing from Bermuda, Canada and the United States. Racing begins Thursday, September 25 and continues through Sunday, September 28. The fleet boasts an impressive array of talent including James Rathbun, current J/105 North American Champion, and Terry McLaughlin, current J/105 Midwinter Champion. A full list of entrants may be found on the regatta website.
19 Sep 2014 - J/105 Jam Session wins Dutch Shorthanded competition 2014 The Noorzeeclub and Shorthanded.nl organized together a shored-handed competition. During the year, there are 10 events were you can score points. At the end of the season, the best score of four events will decide who is the winner. Junique (J/122) and Batfish (J/133) were already in a battle for several events, Junique at #1. Jam Session had only done three events, so at the last event they needed to score good points. That was the Bruine Bank Race, a race around a sandbank where skippers can decide if they want clockwise or counter-clockwise around the marks. Jam Session sailed clockwise and after 13h:47m:25s, Jam Session finished, one hour behind the Batfish and 0:45 min behind the Junique, making them second in the race and a total score 351 points, just 5 points more than the Junique in the competition! Results
16 Sep 2014 - Summer Newsletter Members will receive the Summer edition of the J/105 newsletter via e-mail. It is also posted on the newsletter page.
15 Sep 2014 - Long Island Sound Championship Storm Trysail Club and Riverside Yacht Club provided two days of quality one design racing. Eight J/105s turned out for this inaugural event which proved to be very challenging, testing all the competitors with an unexpected 15-20 knot easterly on day one with huge swells and a shifty northerly on day two. Competitors included new owners Kirk Stirland on Bangarang and Greth Lester who just purchased Ghostdog, but crewed with Paul Beaudin on loulou to get a crash course in 105 sailing and all the latest go fast techniques. loulou showed superior point and straight line speed in the first two windy races to take two firsts. Race three had Za Jellife on Arete take his first fleet win by successfully getting the jump on a big outside shift and staying spot on to hold off loulou. Riverside had one of the better apres race spreads with a complementary slider feast which included a variety like fried oyster and pulled pork sliders. Day two had lighter but extremely shifty conditions with the race course close to the lee shore. The Wilbanks family Revelation controlled the day taking race one after several lead changes in the 20-30 degree shifts, followed by loulou and Morning Glory. Loulou had what they thought to be a comfortable three-point edge going into the last race when a finishing boat in another class got trapped in the middle of the 105 start and tacked right on top of loulou off the line. This put them in the 'way back machine' well in last place, with Revelation, Bangarang and Arete launching into what seemed like an insurmountable lead. But the loulou team clawed back over 50 boat lengths to nip Arete at the finish and take the regatta by one point over Revelation. Carl Olsen and Morning Glory sailed a solid event for the bronze. Results
14 Sep 2014 - Rolex Big Boat Series A year after the contest for the 34th America's Cup, world-class sailing is still alive and well on San Francisco Bay. In fact, for the last four days (Thursday, September 11 through Sunday, September 14), the 50th Anniversary edition of the Rolex Big Boat Series has hosted hundreds of sailors on 99 teams, rotating onto three strategically-placed race circles that triangulate the constant wind and tide challenges of the largest Pacific estuary in the Americas. Having developed stadium sailing long before the America's Cup made it a local colloquialism, the St. Francis Yacht Club ensured fast fun for spectators as well as competitors by designing each day's second race (always sailed in a blustering afternoon breeze) to finish within cheering distance of the clubhouse's famous second-story race deck that commands attention east to Alcatraz Island and west to a sun-drenched, or alternately fog-enshrouded, Golden Gate Bridge. The J/105s made up the largest fleet at Big Boat this year, and Bruce Stone's Arbitrage held the lead every day, earning the team the Commodore's Cup plus the Rolex watch. "This is the toughest fleet in the country I think," said Stone who missed winning last year by a narrow margin. "We felt that the courses were really interesting compared to the past, and St. Francis Yacht Club did a really excellent job," he said. "For us, it was all about keeping the boat moving with all the lulls and gusts and changing of conditions and tides." Scooter Simmons' Blackhawk took the silver position, and Phillip Laby's Godot the bronze. Complete results
13 Sep 2014 - Hey Jude Wins J/105 Canadians Jim Rathbun's Hey Jude team won three of six races to take the overall win over Terry McLaughlin's Mandate team for the Canadian J/105 Championship. All other J/105 crews in the top five were fighting amongst each other for the remaining spots. Greg Mezo's team on Forro took third, with Peter Hall's Jamaica Me Crazy on fourth and Bill Bevan's Endeavor taking fifth. This event was the last major regatta for all Lake Ontario J/105 teams taking place in the upcoming J/105 North American Championship hosted by Royal Canadian YC later in September. RCYC website
27 Aug 2014 - RI-14-01 J/105 Rule Interpretation 14-01 Definition of "Passing" the windward mark and retraction of the sprit is now posted on the Rule Interpretation page.
25 Aug 2014 - ONE Regatta The Offshore New England Championship a.k.a ONE Regatta, formerly the PHRF New England Championship, is New England's premier large boat sailing event. The ONE Regatta is hosted by Boston YC, Corinthian YC and Eastern YC, all in Marblehead, MA. The event is organized and promoted by Mass Bay Sailing Association, and each year one of the three clubs will host the onshore festivities while all three clubs will produce excellent racing on the water. 17 J/105s came out for the event, which was dominated by Fred deNapoli. Allegro Semplicita won seven of eight races, and adding in a second tallied just 9 points. Ken Colburn's Ghost and Jonathan Wales' Bantry tied on points at 34 to round out the top three. Complete results
14 Aug 2014 - J/105 Rules Proposals for comment Thank you to Matt Arno and his Technical Committee for preparing this year's J/105 Rules Proposals. Comments are encouraged on the Forum.
11 Aug 2014 - Verve Cup in Chicago This year's Verve Cup, which featured a three-day offshore course race from Friday through Sunday and a one-day distance race on Saturday, included 12 racing sections. Sailing conditions were ideal throughout the weekend. On the final day of sailing on Sunday, temperatures were in the upper 70s with winds out of the ENE at 7-11 knots. Both circles completed a total of nine races throughout the weekend, with Circle A completing three races and Circle B completing two Sunday. "A lot of the sailors have said that this is the best weather we've had for a regatta in quite a while," said Verve Cup Chairman Martin Sandoval. "The Race Committee did a great job on the water cycling through the sequences to get racers started. They worked very efficiently on the water." CYC Member Sandy Curtiss, skipper of Rocking Horse, won the J/105 section with his crew, which included his two sons, Alex and Will. "Sailing in the race with my two sons was pretty special," Curtiss said. "I haven't sailed with them in quite a while, so it felt good to have them with the crew in place." "We had fun. We did our job," said Rocking Horse crewmember Ted Towey. "I'd emphasize how much fun we had. We all get along extremely well, so it was good humor and hard work out on the water this weekend." Complete results
09 Aug 2014 - LYRA Regatta The Ashbridge's Bay Yacht Club (ABYC) hosted the 130th annual Lake Yacht Racing Association (LYRA) Annual Regatta. This event consisted of both long-distance and course racing, with the fleets representing numerous LYRA member yacht clubs in the Great Lakes. The J/105s were tuning-up for their J/105 North Americans locally in Toronto being held later in September at Royal Canadian Yacht Club. Many local top teams were in attendance, but the fleet was a bit disappointed to get in only one race. The highly-talented 12-boat fleet saw Peter Hall's Jamaica Me Crazy win, followed by Terry McLaughlin and Rod Wilmer in second. Third was snagged by Jim Rathbun's Hey Jude. Ted Weir's Tusk and Gavin Disney's The Usual Suspects, respectively, rounded out the top five. Website
02 Aug 2014 - Whidbey Island Race Week The City of Oak Harbor, the Oak Harbor Yacht Club, the Oak Harbor Junior Sailing program and the Whidbey Island organizers welcomed racers to sailboat racing in Penn Cove and in the Saratoga Passage. For 32 years, sailors have convened in Oak Harbor, Washington for 'Adult Summer Camp' to enjoy a spectacular sailing event in the Pacific Northwest. Surrounded by snow-capped mountains, predictable breeze and an occasional Orca sighting, Whidbey Island Race Week has earned the reputation for offering some of the best racing in the region. Under the management of the talented couple Charley and Schelleen Rathkopf, they have managed Race Committee at Whidbey Island Race Week for over a decade and have a highly experienced race committee team. The Whidbey is a 'must-do' for Pacific Northwest sailors and it attracts a broad range of boats from the Seattle, WA area as well as Victoria and Vancouver, British Columbia. This year's racing featured J/105 one-designs as well as PHRF handicap racing. The J/105s had a half-dozen boats on the starting line and after winning 7 of 9 races sailed, it was pretty clear that everyone knew who was #1 in the J/105 fleet: Jerry Diercks and crew on Delirium. While they gave it their all, the trio of Cohen, McKinnon & Rummel who sailed Inconceivable strung together a series of seconds and thirds to take second. Robert Blaylock's USAWI took whatever thirds that were left to also finish third for the event. Regatta website
27 Jul 2014 - Marblehead NOOD With a storm front moving through Massachusetts Bay Sunday afternoon, the conditions between Saturday and Sunday of the Sperry Top-Sider NOOD Regatta in Marblehead could not have been more different. As the first guns sounded, the rain started to fall and by the third leg of the J/105 fleet's first race the combination of light air and building chop kept many of the lead boats from making significant gains up the course. "It made the course very challenging going upwind," said J/105 overall winner Ric Dexter. "Our fleet was extremely close, all three top boats were within one point of each other. Fred deNapoli in the second place boat, and Two Feathers [third place] from Dallas are all fantastic competition and inspirational sailors." Dexter and his crew aboard Circe's Cup not only won the J/105 class but also the Wilmington Trust leader spinnaker, a new award added to this year's Marblehead NOOD. Complete results
25 Jul 2014 - Pacific Cup This year's Pacific Cup ran from San Francisco to Hawaii. Many in the fleet suffered light airs in the beginning of the race and at least midway through the race due to the wobbly Pacific High that couldn't make up its mind which way to move next. After 13 days at sea, the big winner in the Weems & Plath PHRF Division B, was the J/105 Free Bowl of Soup from the Corinthian YC in Portland, OR (Eric Hopper skipper with crew of Eric Albertson, Scott Davey, Keith Sheets, and Doug Schenk as Navigator). Regatta website
21 Jul 2014 - Chicago-Mackinac Race At 333 miles (289.4 nautical miles), the Race to Mackinac is the oldest annual freshwater distance race in the world. The Mac starts at the Chicago Lighthouse just off Navy Pier and continues to Mackinac Island. Twenty J/105s competed this year. John Moore's Here's Johnny! was first in class and 11th overall. Mark Gurney's Buzz was second in the J/105s and 17th overall. Mark Symonds' Pterodactyl followed, and was 24th overall. Overall results
17 Jul 2014 - Bayview Mackinac Race This year's Bell's Beer 90th Bayview Mackinac Race began on July 12 in Southern Lake Huron, with 9-11 knots of breeze offering the 227 boats in 14 classes a swift downwind leg along the two courses offered, either to the Presque Isle Lighthouse (on the Michigan shoreline), where the Shore course begins taking a left, or the Cove Buoy where the Cove Island Course does the same (about 130 miles away from the start). The shorter Shore course covers 204 nm along the Michigan shoreline before heading west to Mackinac Island Bell's Beer finish line. The longer Cove Island Course is 259 nm and takes sailors around a buoy off the tip of the Bruce Peninsula in Canadian waters before heading west toward the finish line. A westerly breeze of 9-11 knots allowed an initially mellow downwind spinnaker run to the first turning points in each of two courses. During the evening, however, "a lot of everything" happened when it came to weather and wind, including rain, dense fog and gusts up to 36 knots. The front continued to move and produced a brisk westerly breeze that kept the fleet "on its nose" throughout Saturday evening and into Sunday. That meant the Cove Island course had the unfortunate task of playing windshifts for nearly 90nm upwind to Mackinac Island after rounding the Cove Buoy. PHRF D division had an eclectic, diverse group of boats in their fleet of 16 entries. The J/105s swept the class. The resounding winner by over 1.5 hours on elapsed time was the J/105 Pterodactyl (Mary Symonds). Behind was the J/105 Send in the Clowns (Terry Timm) in second place. Fourth was Snake Oil (Don Harthorn). Regatta website
16 Jul 2014 - Southern Chesapeake Bay Leukemia Cup Regatta For the 2014 edition of the Southern Chesapeake Bay Leukemia Cup Regatta, Mother Nature served up better weather than in some recent years, although Saturday was a better day for power boating than for sailing, with pleasant temperatures but light airs. Four Fleet 15 boats signed up for the regatta: David Clark's Corryvreckan, Bob Rock's Shamrock, Don DeLoatch's Special K, and Rich Payne's Flying Colors. Since the regatta organizers required five entries to constitute a one-design class, the J/105s were forced to sail with the crowded, 10-boat PHRF A fleet. Continue reading
15 Jul 2014 - Minutes posted Minutes from the 7/7/14 Executive Committee Meeting are posted. Class Business page
01 Jul 2014 - NYYC Rolex New York Yacht Club Race Week at Newport presented by Rolex will feature the J/105 class racing Thursday to Saturday, July 17-19. For complete information and to register by July 4, go to the regatta website.
25 Jun 2014 - Spring Newsletter Members will receive the Spring edition of the J/105 newsletter via e-mail. It is also posted on the newsletter page.
23 Jun 2014 - J/105 Midwinter Championship Returns to Key West Race Week in 2015 Quantum Key West is excited for the return of the J/105 Class to beautiful Key West. Mark your calendar for January 18-23, 2015 as the J/105 Midwinter Championship. Race Week is the perfect winter escape with a full racing schedule, unique shoreside fun, and fantastic sailing conditions. Event details, information on logistics and planning, and more will be posted on the event website.
22 Jun 2014 - Offshore PHRF Series at Cleveland Race Week Cleveland Race Week concluded its 10-day event with 69 boats competing in the PHRF Offshore Series. The 'Big Boat' portion of the regatta began Thursday night with beautiful breeze on Lake Erie, and continued Friday night with lighter air. Friday featured a finish line at the William G. Mather steamship in the heart of downtown Cleveland's harbor. Both Saturday and Sunday's races took place under sunny skies and winds that started on the low end each day but built in the afternoon. Six J/105s competed in PHRF Spin E with Jim Sminchak and Doug Moose winning on It with a line of 1-1-1-1-[3]-2 for 6 points. Rob Mock's Unbridled placed second with 9 points, and Jim Uhlir's Trio rounded out the top three with 15 points. Regatta website
16 Jun 2014 - Cleveland Race Week Eight fleets of one-design boats invaded Cleveland Race Week at Edgewater Yacht Club in Cleveland, Ohio from June 13-15, including five J/105s. Winds started strong on Saturday morning, but died off throughout the day. Sunday dawned with light breeze but increased, making for a beautiful day of racing in Cleveland. The J/105s were able to complete six total races, of which Jim Sminchak and Doug Moose on It won four. They won with 9 overall points, followed by Jim Uhlir's Trio with 13 points, and Rob Mock's Unbridled with 14. Complete results
13 Jun 2014 - RORC de Guingand Bowl The Royal Ocean Racing Club's Seasons Points Championship continued last weekend with the De Guingand Bowl Race, the fifth offshore race of the annual RORC offshore championship. Designed to last 24-36 hours, the De Guingand Bowl Race starts and finishes in The Solent and is a flexi-course allowing the Royal Ocean Racing Club to design a bespoke course. In IRC 3 Class, Nick Martin's J/105 Diablo-J took second overall and also third in the IRC Double-handed class. At this juncture in the overall RORC Season Series, Martin's J/105 is lying second in IRC Double class, second in IRC 3 and sixth in IRC Overall. RORC website
09 Jun 2014 - Chicago NOOD Prior to the 2014 Sperry Top-Sider NOOD Regatta Chicago, Skipper Steve Knoop had raced in the previous 25 Lake Michigan NOOD stops aboard his Tartan 10. Making his maiden NOOD appearance in the J/105 fleet this weekend, Knoop looked anything but a newcomer, sailing his way to Overall Winner honors at the country's largest regatta series. After strong winds on Lake Michigan Sunday led to an eventual abandonment, Knoop and crew aboard Bella were awarded the prestigious honor based on their overall performance during the first two days of racing in the highly-competitive J/105 Class. "This was our first year in the J/105, before that I was with T/10 for 26 or 27 years," said Knoop. "We took lessons learned from T/10 and brought it here. Chicago is a unique weather system, light air in the summer brings thermals out of the southeast and it's a matter of how you play them. This regatta has been about what side of the course you were on and how it played out. Local knowledge was a huge factor." As overall winner in Chicago, Knoop received a charter aboard a Jeanneau 44i courtesy of Sunsail, to compete in the NOOD Caribbean Championship. Complete results
06 Jun 2014 - North Sea Race A fleet of 52 yachts entered the 180nm Royal Ocean Racing Club North Sea Race - the fourth race of the RORC Season's Points Championship. Starting from Harwich on the East Coast of England, the line was blessed with a 15 knot easterly wind, providing a true beat to the first turning mark of the course. The breeze was to fade during the race, which suited the big boats in general. The J/105 Dream Machine sailed by John Van Veen and Rob Vis were the overall IRC Double-handed Class winner amongst the 15 teams competing from France, Belgium, Netherlands and the UK.
Royal Ocean Racing Club website
06 Jun 2014 - Southern Bay Race Week The J/105s sailed in the PHRF A2 fleet as a two-boat competition at Southern Bay Race Week. Rich Payne's Flying Colors and Don DeLoatch's Special K conducted a match race for fleet honors, with Special K winning six of the seven races sailed. Complete report
02 Jun 2014 - Cedar Point One Design Regatta Seven fleets attended the 2014 Cedar Point One Design Regatta on Long Island Sound, hosted by Cedar Point Yacht Club in Westport, CT on May 31-June 1. Fourteen boats comprised the J/105 fleet, won by Paul Beaudin's loulou with 12 net points. Six races took place, and Damian Emery's Eclipse snagged second place with 14 points, while Richard Swann's Ghost Dog came in third. Complete results
30 May 2014 - FIGAWI Race The 43rd Annual Figawi Race did not disappoint the 206 boats and 3,000+ sailors making the annual pilgrimage from Hyannis to Nantucket Harbor nearly 25.0nm away. According to Brad Mascott on the J/105 Two If By Sea, "Big wind and big seas made for a fast sleigh ride to Nantucket for those brave enough to carry their chutes. Wind was 15-20 knots from NE, which made for a broad reach on port tack for the spinnaker fleet on Course #5 on their way to Tuckernut Shoal Bell #1. As the J/105s started, Dark 'n' Stormy had a great start, popped the chute and never looked back on their way for a 3-peat win in its division. Another J/105 to my starboard had trouble with another spinnaker boat as they both nearly broached with a t-bone, and then when the dust settled the J/105's spinnaker exploded on the forestay! Other boats also blew spinnakers and halyards. We chose not to fly our spinnaker as we had our cruising crew onboard and still thoroughly enjoyed the fast and easy ride at 7-9 knots surfing down the waves! Our second leg was a slog upwind to #15 north of great point and thank God it was only approximately four miles long in some huge waves. The J/105 took it in stride. The J/122 Patriot trucked past us as they looked to be in fine fighting form. Both Patriot and the J/44 Spice popped their chutes one last time to the finish and both looked good on the nearly dead downwind final leg. Really hard to complain with sunny skies all day, strong breeze and temps in the 50s-60s leading into a raucous scene at the wharf. The BaHa Brothers band were in fine form in the tent as crews and friends told stories, danced and drank the night away." The Division S2 Spinnaker saw Dark 'n' Stormy, sailed by Joyce & Wagner Reservitz, win followed by Jonathan Bloom's J/105 Bear Spirit in third and Diana Brown's J/105 Clio in fourth. The top four boats all finished within a two minute time span! FIGAWI Race information
30 May 2014 - Block Island Race The 69th Storm Trysail Club Block Island Race, which started on the Friday of Memorial Day Weekend, attracted 69 boats. While George David's custom 90 footer Rambler won IRC on both handicap and elapsed with a fully professional crew, the polar opposite was true of the J/105 that won the hearts of everyone at the awards ceremony on Sunday. That team was Young American, the J/105 that won PHRF 1 and represented American Yacht Club with its junior offshore team aboard. According to the team's coordinator and adult crew member Peter Becker, "The seven Young American juniors are part of the club's junior big boat program, which sees 35 kids between the ages of 14 and 17 spending a huge amount of time on the water learning sailing and seamanship skills. Beating out the Sound, we were under-powered, and there was a funny sea wave, but they magically called a couple of shifts, got inside some big lifts and were in good company. The biggest problem was the big boats, which were in better wind and better current, while the smaller boats had the current turn on them. Coming back we were in foul current, which was not enjoyable at all." Finishing around 4 a.m. on Sunday, the Young American team thought they had done horribly but soon learned they were first in PHRF Class 1 and third overall. The team also won the Harvey Conover Memorial Overall Trophy awarded to the boat that has won her class and, in the judgment of the Flag Officers and Race Committee, had the best overall performance. Becker's son Key who was one of three designated skippers onboard, summed up the experience by saying, "It was pretty light, but instead of getting frustrated, we held it together, worked as a team, shared our ideas and made it work." Storm Trysail Club website
22 May 2014 - Blackhawk Wins Swiftsure Regatta The Swiftsure Regatta is a classic city front event that takes place along the San Francisco city shoreline, just south of Alcatraz Island. The regatta is well attended by the local J/105 fleet on San Francisco Bay. Scooter Simmons' son, Ryan sailed and skippered Blackhawk to the overall win in the J/105 class. They won by a whisker, beating Jeff Litfin's Mojo crew on a tie-breaker. Starting with a 1-3-1, Simmons' crew nearly lost it all by taking a 10th in the last race to Litfin's first. Blackhawk took the tie-break on most firsts. Third, just three points back was Jason Woodley & Scott Whitney on Risk followed by Bruce Stone's Arbitrage then Doug Bailey on Akula in fifth. Complete results
19 May 2014 - Seattle NOOD Mostly light winds and strong current on Puget Sound provided the backdrop for the Sperry Top-Sider Seattle NOOD Regatta, held May 16-18. One hundred ten boats competed in 17 classes, including seven J/105s who completed six races. Jerry Diercks three-peated as regatta winner on Delirium with three bullets and a total of 14 points. Todd Rickard's SeaMist and Erik Kristen's Jubilee tied on points at 18 for second and third place, respectively. Complete results
19 May 2014 - Manhattan Regatta Twelve J/105s competed in this year's Manhattan Regatta under blue skies, good wind and of course a strong current. After a storm that passed through the day before, the ebbing tide was intensified by the river's surge, making starts quite challenging. With the exception of one distance race, course legs were short (under a mile) which offered lots of quick action and lead changes. New owner Dennis Driscoll (Hornet) did not let the New York Harbor's chaos rattle him, as his team took the lead on the first day with a couple of bullets in four races and held on to it Sunday to win the regatta. Overall second place goes to Mark Van Schalkwyk (Circe) who almost lost everything in the fifth race with an OCS but clawed his way back to a fourth place finish. A big welcome back and third place goes to Fairhope, skippered by Gareth Gaston. Fairhope snuck onto the podium spot in his first regatta since getting his boat repaired from Hurricane Sandy damage. Complete results
15 May 2014 - Edlu Distance Race The format of the Edlu Race in Larchmont, NY was transformed back in 2005 into a day race. The starts have been made much earlier, and the distance is set so that all boats can finish before sunset. The course for this year was 32 nm from Larchmont Breakwater to Gong 11B off Eaton's Neck and back. The J/105s took the top two spots in the Edlu. Winner was George & Alex Wilbanks' Revelation, and in second was the American YC Junior Big Boat team with coach Peter Becker aboard Young American. Regatta website
11 May 2014 - Oregon Offshore International Yacht Race 29 yachts started the 38th annual Oregon Offshore International Yacht Race on May 8. This 193-mile race began at 8:10 am in confused seas and heavy chop, with winds at the start of the race from the south, gusting to 20 knots. Rain went from drizzle to pelting as the southerly front enveloped the fleet, air temperature was 51 degrees for the start of the race. The race begins off the coast of Astoria, Oregon, starting off the mouth of the Columbia River, with the fleet heading north along the coast, then turning east into the Strait of Juan de Fuca and finishing in the harbor at Victoria, British Columbia. Division winners in PHRF Overall include the J/105 Free Bowl of Soup with Eric Hopper, Doug Schenk and Matt Davis in PHRF B. Complete results
08 May 2014 - Vallejo Race 149 boats showed up to race at the Vallejo Race in Vallejo, CA. After a short postponement on day one and with a fickle, light southwest breeze, the race committee sent the first two divisions off to fight a building ebb for the long 21 miles to Vallejo. Then the wind died. Once half of the divisions were started, the northwesterly finally arrived at 1330, as a wall of wind hit the boats, and within seconds they were off. Once around the windward turning mark, they had a one tack beat to get into San Pablo Bay for the real fun to begin. After Point San Pablo, the boats turned down just enough that some chose to set the chute. A building breeze, ebb and big waves created surfing all the way to Mare Island. The racers woke up Sunday morning under gray skies, and some drizzle fell before the sun came out. At noon the starts were off with a bang in plenty of wind to get out of the Napa River and into San Pablo Bay. Although it was building as the day wore on, it was nothing like Saturday's 25 knots. On Saturday's 21.5nm race down the bayou, PHRF 3 was won by the J/105 Racer X sailed by Mary McGrath. In the one-design J/105 class, the top three were Arbitrage (Bruce Stone), Godot (Phil Laby) and Advantage 3 (Pat Benedict). On Sunday's 14.5nm race back, Bruce Stone's Arbitrage continued their winning ways, bulleting the race and winning class overall. Vallejo YC website
08 May 2014 - Race to the Straits It was a blustery weekend of sailing in Seattle, WA for the Race to the Straits regatta. Class 7 Double-handed was made up of seven J/105s. The winner was Erik Kristen sailing Jubilee, followed by Matt & Tessa Gardner-Brown aboard Dulcinea. In third was Paul Henderson & Ramona Barber on Delirium, followed by Bob Blaylock & Mario Laky on Usawi in fourth and Ian Wesley-Smith on Cyrano in fifth. Sloop Tavern YC website
05 May 2014 - Conundrum Dominates American YC Spring Series The final day of the American Yacht Club Spring Series saw gusts to 35 knots and planing conditions. Several boats reported speeds in the mid teens, with newcomer Zack Fluhr (sailing his boat Ajax) hitting 17 knots. Needless to say, he was pretty stoked. Everyone on the course handled the big breeze without any major issues. Two races sailed, and everyone went with spinnakers on all the downwind legs. Jeremy Henderson and Harald Edegran sailed Conundrum very consistently and rarely not in front to win the event by a comfortable 12 points over Loulou and Morning Glory respectively. Conundrum posted five firsts in the eleven race series. Complete results
05 May 2014 - Annapolis NOOD Strong westerly winds on Chesapeake Bay delivered favorable racing conditions for sailors competing in the final day of the Sperry Top-Sider NOOD Regatta Annapolis (held May 2-4) where the current J/105 North American champion dominated the 17-boat J/105 fleet. James Rathbun's Hey Jude of Toronto tallied a near perfect scoreline of 1,1,1,1,2,1 for just seven points in the six races. The local team of Lewis/Salvesen on Mirage was a distant second with 24 points. Michael Mountford's Live Edge, also of Toronto, rounded out the top three with 28 points. Complete results
04 May 2014 - Rick Goebel's Sanity team selected Overall Winner at Yachting Cup The heat wave that had hovered over California began to give way Sunday as the 42nd annual Yachting Cup regatta awoke to its third and final day for the 11 competing fleets. As coastal clouds and the cool Pacific put locals on notice that 'May Grey' weather may soon return, it proved to be only slightly cooler and only slightly windier than Saturday. But progress nonetheless. The Near Roads Course, closer to Point Loma, fit in three races for its six fleets. Making the most of the day was Rick Goebel's Sanity team, posting all bullets to move up and win the J/105 fleet. After reviewing the competition within all 11 fleets, the Organizing Authority selected Sanity team as the Overall Winner of the Yachting Cup. Complete results
01 May 2014 - AYC Spring Series Seventy-eight boats participated in the American YC Spring Series last weekend. After two days and six races, the fleets were pleased with the performance of AYC's excellent Race Committee work on this opening weekend of the Series. The J/105s have a clear leader in the form of Conundrum (Harald Edegran & Jeremy Henderson) who managed to score three firsts and two seconds for just 7 points net. Trailing them in a tie-breaker at 14 points each are Carl Olsson on Morning Glory and Paul Beaudin on LouLou.
Complete information
20 Apr 2014 - PSSR It simply does not get much better than the two days of racing that showed up for this year's Puget Sound Spring Regatta, hosted by Corinthian Yacht Club of Seattle. 55 boats made it out April 12-13 for two of the most stellar days of the year for sailing in the Pacific Northwest. Nine local J/105s competed, and the fleet was once again sailed away with by the fast crew aboard Jerry Diercks Delirium. 10 points behind them, but just three points in front of the third place Jaded, was Erik Kristen's Jubilee. Complete regatta information
12 Apr 2014 - Minutes posted Minutes from the 4/7/14 Executive Committee Meeting are posted. Class Business page
11 Apr 2014 - J/Fest West A staple of the St. Francis Yacht Club spring series for decades, a fleet of 48 boats were treated to beautiful conditions for J Fest during the first weekend in April. Starting with sunny, cloudless mornings, the StFYC PRO kept the fleet in the confines of the harbor until 11am under postponement. As soon as the first whispers of the seabreeze wafted in under the Golden Gate Bridge, StFYC PRO John Craig sent the fleet out to the starting line just off Alcatraz Island and the magnificent San Francisco city front. The Blackhawk success continued in the J/105 class, as Scooter Simmons with tactician Brent Draney and company held off Jeff Littfin's Mojo by three points after five races. Scooter and crew posted a line of 8-1-1-1-1 for 12 points. Third was Adam Spiegel's Jam Session. St. Francis YC website
28 Mar 2014 - Three Tree Point Race At the final race of Corinthian Yacht Club of Seattle's Center Sound Series, the Three Tree Point Race, the battle of the J/105s in Division 6 was once again won by Erik Kristen and crew aboard Jubilee, finishing less than a minute in front of Jerry Diercks' Delirium.
28 Mar 2014 - Doublehanded Farallones in San Francisco, CA Sergei Podshivalov, sailing his J/105 Javelin in the DH Farallones for the first time, sailed to a corrected time victory in PHRF 4. Here are some of Sergei's observations: "It was my first time going to Farallones, so I was intent to make it even if we had to finish at midnight. Had plenty of food on board to prevent the crew mutiny. We did a few timed drifts before the start, and concluded that the StYC breakwaters would be a good a place to be at the 5 min warning. Had anchor ready, but didn't have to use it, were maybe 5 boat lengths away from the line at the gun. Better be safe than sorry. Luckily it was enough breeze to clear the South Tower; eventually the pressure has built up and once we were 5 miles out of the gate, the wind veered such so we were fetching the islands. The happiness didn't last that long. The wind dropped to 4 knots or less, and we just stopped and drifted northwest with the current. Even jellyfish of which was plenty around were moving faster than us. Need to learn how to make J/105 move in the light wind. Saw some other boats around making a knot or so. At 2:45 the wind built up again, to a reasonable 8 knots and we started to move. Half an hour later we had to crack off to fetch the mark. Too bad too much distance was lost due to this northerly drift and inability to make the boat to move. We rounded the islands at happy hour, wind blowing 16 -18 knots at 5 pm, then immediately jibed and set the kite. Apparently this wind angle was very favorable to the J/105, and we were able to beeline to the Golden Gate on a very hot reach, rounding up every so often, but still moving at about 10-12 knots boat-speed. Other boats either kept going with the jib, or carrying the kite but leaving the mark to windward. Once we reached Point Bonita at 8:15, the wind started to die down to 6-8 knots and was almost behind us. Eventually we had to heat up and then jibe. Close to the bridge the wind increased to 18 knots and we rounded up right by the South Tower, but fortunately missed it! As soon as we went past the Golden Gate, the wind calmed again, so we went inshore jibing back and forth to avoid the ebb. We soon crossed the finish line and opened a well-earned cold beer!" Results
27 Mar 2014 - Winter Newsletter Members will receive the Winter edition of the J/105 newsletter via e-mail. It is also posted on the newsletter page.
20 Mar 2014 - Spring One-Design Invite Hosted at St. Francis Yacht Club, the annual spring-season opening regatta for the J/105 fleet sailing on San Francisco Bay took place last weekend. With a terrific turn-out of 19 boats, the largest one-design fleet in the event, the competition was sure to be close. Continuing their excellent performance last year was Scooter Simmons' Blackhawk team. Their 4-2-1-4-1 tally for 12 points was enough to be crowned the Spring Champions. Not giving much away and sailing exceedingly well was Jeff Litfin's crew on Mojo. Starting out with an extraordinary 2-1 in the first two races, they settled into a good rhythm and posted a 4-5-2 for the next three to lose the 'match race' to the Blackhawk gang but still secure second overall. Phil Laby's Godot, started out with a 10th, but posted a very consistent 3-3-3-4 for 23 points to snag third overall. Next up was Doug Bailey's Akula, grabbing fourth with a 3-9-6-2-6 for 26 points. And fifth went to Adam Spiegel's Jam Session, who won a three-way tie at 27 points. Losers of the tie-break were Bruce Stone's Arbitrage in sixth and Jason Woodley/Scott Whitney's Risk in seventh. Check out video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5odXWACM5A&feature=youtu.be. St. Francis YC website
18 Mar 2014 - Gary Mozer named Overall Winner at San Diego NOOD A dominating final day of sailing in the J/105 class earned Gary Mozer and crew aboard Current Obsession 2 the prestigious Overall Winner title at the Sperry Top-Sider NOOD Regatta San Diego, hosted by San Diego and Coronado Yacht Clubs on March 14-16. The Beverly Hills-based skipper made tactful decisions in the breezy conditions on San Diego Bay to claim top honors at the country's largest regatta series. As overall winner, Mozer and crew received an invitation to the Caribbean to sail against fellow NOOD Overall Winners. The event attracted 120 entrants to compete in 14 divisions, with racing held on the ocean and bay courses. An additional feature was the pursuit-start North Sails Rally Race, an 11nm tour of San Diego Bay won by the J/105 Viggan with Joe Dagostino and Tom Fisher. New to the 2014 NOOD season is the "Local Boat of the Day" award presented by North Sails. Designed to recognize a skipper who exemplifies superior local knowledge of the course as well as precise execution during their races, San Diegan Rick Goebel, epitomized those characteristics on Sanity, also in the J/105 class, claiming this weekend's distinction. Gary Mozer video interview
09 Mar 2014 - Terry McLaughlin Prevails at J/105 Midwinter Championship Terry McLaughlin dominated the fleet at the J/105 Midwinter Championship hosted by Lakewood Yacht Club in Seabrook, Texas. Sailing Avici with Paul Parsons, Kevin Taylor, Jeff Cooke, Emmett Dickheiser and Monica Parsons, McLaughlin (recently named Sail Canada's Rolex Sailor of the Year) totaled only 22 points in the 11 race series. They endured a 20 percent penalty in race three, and otherwise tallied all top three finishes. Hometown helmsmen Bill Lakenmacher on Radiance (32 points) and Uzi Ozeri on Infinity (46 points) rounded out the top three. McLaughlin raced with Paul Parsons years ago, but actually didn't know the rest of his crew, since Paul did the organizing. "Our win was a true team effort," McLaughlin said while accepting his trophy. He also complimented the great Race Committee, noting, "It has been a long time since I have experienced 10 races in two days!" With favorable breezes on Friday and Saturday, the Race Committee was able to complete five races per day, leaving just one on Sunday (won by Lakenmacher). The top five: Terry McLaughlin, Avici (22 points), Bill Lakenmacher, Radiance (32), Uzi Ozeri, Infinity (46), Mark Young, Killer Rabbit (50), Greg Turman, Horny Toad (51). Eleven teams competed. Photos (courtesy of John Lacy Photography) are available at http://www.flickr.com/photos/lacyphotos/sets/72157642007204024/, and complete results are available at the regatta website.
08 Mar 2014 - Terry McLaughlin Extends Lead Heading into Final Day of J/105 Midwinters Terry McLaughlin lengthened his advantage after another five-race day at the J/105 Midwinter Championship. Sailing Avici with Paul Parsons, Kevin Taylor, Jeff Cooke, Emmett Dickheiser and Monica Parsons, McLaughlin (recently named Sail Canada's Rolex Sailor of the Year) notched another round of consistent scores to total just 20 points in 10 races heading into the final day of competition. The event is being hosted by Lakewood Yacht Club in Seabrook, Texas with 11 teams. Local Bill Lakenmacher on Radiance continued his stellar performance, and kept hold of second place with 31 points. Fellow Texan Uzi Ozeri on Infinity maintained his bronze position with 43 points. The day dawned with light breezes around 4-5 knots, as Greg Turman's Horny Toad lodged Saturday's first victory, trailed by McLaughlin and Lakenmacher. Radiance won the ensuing contest over Ozeri and McLaughlin. The breeze kept creeping up a couple knots each race so by the third bout, teams saw 10-12 knot winds, when Mark Young's Killer Rabbit took the bullet. Again Lakenmacher and McLaughlin made it into the top three. Avici returned to the first spot in the next battle, followed by Alan Bates on Zippity and Matt Arno on Blue Flash. McLaughlin ended the day with another victory, ahead of Turman and Lakenmacher. Racing concludes Sunday. Photos (courtesy of John Lacy Photography) are available at http://www.flickr.com/photos/lacyphotos/sets/72157642007204024/, and complete results are available at the regatta website.
07 Mar 2014 - Terry McLaughlin Earns Advantage at J/105 Midwinter Championship Terry McLaughlin, recently named Sail Canada's Rolex Sailor of the Year, has taken the lead after day one of the J/105 Midwinter Championship hosted by Lakewood Yacht Club in Seabrook, Texas. Sailing Avici with Paul Parsons, Kevin Taylor, Jeff Cooke, Emmett Dickheiser and Monica Parsons, McLaughlin won three of the day's five races, and has a point total of 10. Locals Bill Lakenmacher on Radiance and Uzi Ozeri on Infinity hold the next two spots, with 15 and 20 points, respectively. Winds on Galveston Bay held at a steady 10-16 knots throughout Friday. McLaughlin started the event with a bullet, as Greg Turman's Horny Toad placed second, and Bee Bednar's Stinger third. Avici again took first in the next contest, while Lakenmacher and Ozeri moved up to the silver and bronze positions. Mark Young's Killer Rabbit earned the victory in race three, as again Lakenmacher and Ozeri rounded out the top three. McLaughlin returned to the highest mark in race four, followed by Young and Bednar. The closing battle was won by Lakenmacher, as McLaughlin settled for second and Ozeri for third. Racing continues through Sunday. Photos (courtesy of John Lacy Photography) are available at http://www.flickr.com/photos/lacyphotos/sets/72157642007204024/, and complete results are available at the regatta website.
04 Mar 2014 - Midwinter Championship launches Friday 11 J/105 teams are gathering for racing at the Midwinter Championship this Friday through Sunday in Seabrook, Texas. Lakewood Yacht Club is again our gracious host. Keep up with all the action at the regatta website, and look for photos on the J/105 Class Facebook page. Regatta Website
15 Feb 2014 - Chiloe Island Regatta in Chile The 2014 Chiloe Regatta was the second year of participation for the J/105 fleet in Chile. With 14 boats attending, the J/105s are by far the biggest and most successful one design in Chile. And there where many boats sailing with family crew. The competition between Scimitar and Recluta was tough from the beginning. Recluta was the top J/105 in the previous edition, so they were hoping to continue the tradition and started off on a good track. During the week these guys from Valparaiso had many good races, so they managed to stretch into a little lead for the final day. But, in Chiloe, any position is uncertain until the very end and the very shifty 18 to 20 kt breezes on the last day broke down the tradition. Recluta had a bad result in the first of two windward leeward races, losing the lead to Scimitar. After the first race, the conditions in Puerto Montt Bay were very tricky with 50 degree wind shifts, lots of rain and current. So, when the RC at 16:15 communicated to the fleet that there would not be more races, the championship was complete. Scimitar's young crew, that had been under the deck staying somewhat dry and warm from the heavy rain, were about to explode! They jumped on deck and started taking off their clothes and were getting ready to jump into the 14 degree Celsius water in the rain. But, before they managed to leap, both fathers Toti and Maceta and Carola (Maceta's wife) managed to control the kids exuberance and kept them aboard. Their crew of nine managed to get back to the yacht club and have a dry celebration. The Chiloe Island Regatta is the most famous and competitive regatta in Chile. It runs every two years around Chiloe Island, 650 miles south from Santiago and after the first version in 1990, 23 editions have been organized since. The regatta is mainly long distance races of 12 to 30 miles plus some windward leeward courses during a seven day program with one day off in the middle.
10 Feb 2014 - Lookin good Guess what's on the front cover of the in flight Air Canada magazine?
06 Feb 2014 - San Juan Regatta Gusts blowing 20+ knots and rolling seas created challenging yet exhilarating conditions for nearly 100 sailors from five islands that competed in the 13th Club Nautico de San Juan International Regatta (CNSJIR), held January 31-February 2 in San Juan, Puerto Rico. The CNSJIR Race Committee reveled in the brisk conditions launching as many as 13 races for the six classes that sailed with teams hailing from five Caribbean island nations. In the 7-boat CSA Spinnaker class, which included three Melges 32s, it was Puerto Rico's Jonathan Lipuscek's J/105 Dark Star that won with a decisive five firsts in six races. "We did very well considering the conditions and the competition," explains tactician, Rafi Martinez. "Our strategy was to focus on good boat handling, make few errors and on the downwind when the Melges plane to maximize the waves and puffs to our advantage." San Juan International Regatta sailing information
31 Jan 2014 - Mount Gay Round Barbados Race Series Billed as Barbados' Ultimate Sailing Challenge, the new format Mount Gay Round Barbados Race Series was deemed a huge success. It incorporated a series of coastal races as well as the iconic Mount Gay Round Barbados Race, and a final 300-mile sprint to Antigua to tie-up with the Superyacht Cup. Organized by the Barbados Cruising Club in association with the Barbados Tourism Authority and Mount Gay, this annual event (January 15-24) played its part in kick-starting the Caribbean racing season. With nearly 50 boats from all around the world (Great Britain, USA, Canada and New Zealand plus a strong Caribbean contingent from BVI, St Lucia, Antigua, Barbados) close competition prevailed throughout the week. The breezy conditions made for some spectacular racing conditions. "We had excellent conditions and we sailed well as a team," said Peter Lewis, skipper of the J/105 Whistler. "We touched about 14 knots of boat speed in 25 knots of wind so our spinnaker runs added excitement." Whistler took the 35 and Under Class honors with an elapsed time of 7:37:06. They also took second in CSA Racing Class during the three-day regatta held earlier. Regatta website
24 Jan 2014 - Minutes posted Minutes from the 1/13/14 Executive Committee Meeting are posted. Class Business page
17 Jan 2014 - Fast track to Key West It was a quick race for the 30 boats competing in the 160 mile Ft. Lauderdale to Key West Race. David Bond's J/105 Loki won PHRF B! Results
09 Jan 2014 - NOR posted and registration open for 2014 J/105 Midwinters Lakewood Yacht Club, J/105 Fleet 17, and the J/105 Class Association invite you to attend the J/105 Midwinter Championship to be held March 7-9, 2014 in Seabrook, Texas on the waters of Galveston Bay. On the regatta website, you will find: the official Notice of Race (now posted!), online registration form (now open), information on charter boat availability, information about lodging and information on Galveston Bay weather. Here is the deal. It's going to be a cold winter. Your 105 is going into storage. It may even be going up on blocks. Why not store it in sunny South East Texas and join locals for the Icicle series, the GBCA Spring, the HYC Midwinter, and then the J/105 Midwinter Championship? This is what March should look like - shirt sleeve weather and big winds. Regatta website
03 Jan 2014 - Chilean J/105 Nationals With shifty winds and a closely fought regatta for the top five finishers, it was anyone's guess who would emerge as the ultimate winner in the Chilean J/105 Nationals. Providing the stage was the Club de Yates Algarrobo, with sailing taking place on Algarrobo Bay (located about 60 miles west of the capital Santiago). The championship was raced over the December 7-8 weekend. Saturday's sailing had light wind conditions and only two races were completed. On Sunday, the fleet was blessed with much stronger Northwest breeze conditions, large Pacific swells and much better racing conditions. The CYA PRO and Race Committee managed to do an amazing job to get four windward-leeward course races completed before the cut-off time to send the sailors back to shore exhausted, but happy, for the exuberant awards ceremonies. In the end, a familiar boat known to J/105 sailors in the Northeastern USA won by a large margin. With her new owner driving fast and staying out of trouble, the famous Scimitar and her skipper/owner Jose Manuel Ugarte were crowned 2013 Chilean National Champions, accumulating a 4-6 on the first day, but following up with three straight bullets in the windier conditions on Sunday to take the title with just 13 points total. The battle for the balance of the podium was fierce between Patricio Seguel on Grand Slam, Jorge Gonzalez on Plan B and Miguel Salas on Big Booty. Leading this trio after the first day's racing was Gonzalez's Plan B by just two points over Seguel's Grand Slam; Big Booty didn't figure in the picture yet for even the top five. With the light air specialists now having to contend with big breeze and epic waves flowing into the crescent-shaped Algarrobo Bay, the game was changing dramatically for all the players wanting to grab silver on the stage at the end of Sunday's racing. After their 8-1 on day 1, Seguel again started off the day with an eighth, rose to third, dropped to 21st, then won the last race. Seguel and crew secured second overall on a three-way tie-breaker at 21 points total for the silver medal. Gonzalez started the regatta well and seemed to excel in the light air on Saturday, knocking out a 3-4 to be leading the regatta. Sunday was a different story for them, struggling with finishes of 6-9-6-2, but still managing to secure third overall on the podium. Perhaps the toughest break was that taken by Salas. They sailed five of the six races in the top five but still lost the tie-break to take fourth overall. Fifth overall was Rodrigo Gumucio's Spin Out, also sailing in the top eight all regatta-long but not good enough to hop onto the podium. Chilean J/105 Nationals sailing information
02 Jan 2014 - Updated Documents The updated J/105 Class Rules and Constitution, effective February 1, 2014, are now posted. The Rules can be found through the Racing link at left, and the Constitution through the Governance link at left.
23 Dec 2013 - Rest in Peace Walt Walt Nuschke passed away on December 20. Thank you to Nelson Weiderman for the following words: Walt took over as J/105 Chief Measurer in 2008, and he only retired from that job in 2012 when his health took a turn for the worse. Previously he had been the Vice President, the President and on the Technical Committee for the J/105 Class. He was a tireless worker for us and saw it through many changes in the Class Rules and many Rule interpretations. He wanted the Rules to be simple as possible, but no simpler. He made the technology work for us and spiced up many a North Americans with the apps (that he commissioned) that went on all the boats. He was there when we had 75 boats (and two starting lines) at the 2007 North Americans in Annapolis. And he was a great one for affordability. He used his engineering background to engineer better solutions to problems. When we still had forestay measurements, he helped me get mine right at Block Island Race Week. Walt will be missed. He was always the "go to" guy for questions, even after he was no longer the Chief Measurer.
Walt's obituary: Mr. Walter L. "Walt" Nuschke, 66, of 130 West North Street, Waynesboro, PA, died at 7:55 P.M., Friday, December 20, 2013 in Meritus Medical Center, Hagerstown, MD, following a courageous battle with cancer. Born August 16, 1947 in Clarksville, TX, he was the son of Paul and Thelma (Brumley) Nuschke of Fayetteville, PA. Walt graduated from McLean High School, McLean, VA, with the class of 1965. He later graduated from Penn State University in 1970 with a Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering. He and his wife, Judith S. "Judy" (Stinson) Bartholow have been together since December 20, 1989 and were married on October 4, 2013 in Waynesboro. Walt has been the owner and president of L.S.I. Controls, Waynesboro, since 1979. He was a member of J105 Sailing Associates in Annapolis, MD, where he was a past president. He was also a member of Joe Stickell American Legion Post #15, Waynesboro, the National Woody Club, and Delta Epsilon at Penn State. Walt was passionate about sailing and also enjoyed being outdoors, gardening, Penn State Sports, antique cars, especially his 1931 Woody, and spending time with his grandchildren. He was also a little league coach and a youth basketball coach for many years. In addition to his parents and wife, he is survived by three children, Sarah Petsky and her husband Tim of Severna Park, MD, Paul Nuschke and his wife Annie of Philadelphia, PA, and Jesse Nuschke and his wife, Tizzie of Richmond, VA; one step-son, Jason Bartholow and his wife, Kristia of Waynesboro; seven grandchildren, Chloe, Kyle, Conrad, Luka, Stella, Caroline, and Madison; one brother, David Nuschke and his wife, Melissa of Enola, PA; one sister, Paula Alford and her husband, Jim of Great Falls, VA; and a number of nieces, nephews, and cousins. A memorial service will be held at 1:30 P.M., Thursday, December 26, 2013 in Grove-Bowersox Funeral Home, 50 S. Broad St., Waynesboro. Burial will be private at the convenience of the family in Green Hill Cemetery, Waynesboro. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to The American Cancer Society, 384 Floral Ave., Chambersburg, PA 17201. Online condolences
13 Dec 2013 - Hot Rum Series The infamous Hot Rum Series in San Diego attracted 143 entrants to compete over three Saturdays on Nov. 9, 23, and Dec. 7. Using an inverted start system, with the 11.9 mile course routed around fixed marks, wind direction and strength frequently impact the final results. The J/105s generally seem to dominate Class 3 by sheer numbers as well as by some remarkable performances. Not surprisingly, a perennial contender topped the fleet, Dennis & Sharon Case's Wings. They were followed by Steve Howell (sailing with wife Lucy) on the ever popular Blink!, taking third in class. Ed Sanford's Creative sailed nicely to take fourth. Full results
13 Dec 2013 - Santa Barbara YC Holiday Regatta The annual Santa Barbara YC Holiday Regatta has been known over the course of time to experience the extremes in weather. The forecast for the weekend event was exciting for those who enjoy downwind planing conditions. With morning winds of 10-20 kts NW increasing to 20-30 kts in the afternoon and gusts to 35 kts with 6-10 ft seas, the fleet was going to be in for wild ride on Saturday! The J/105s saw Mark Noble's Escapade take the win followed by Larry Harteck's Repeat Offender in second and Tom Bollay's Armida in third. Santa Barbara YC Holiday Regatta sailing information
04 Dec 2013 - Fall Newsletter Members will receive the Fall edition of the J/105 newsletter via e-mail. It is also posted on the Newsletter page.
24 Nov 2013 - Bermuda J105 Invitational Regatta The final day of competition (Saturday) in the Bermuda J/105 Invitational Regatta, sponsored by XL, got underway shortly after the breeze filled in. With everything to play, the teams had a single race to decide the local winner, and a single race to decide the international winner, plus a fun race back to Hamilton Harbour to round out the event. Race 9 had two general recalls before the race committee, led by Charles Tatem, resorted to starting under more punitive conditions - anyone over the line early now had to restart by rounding the end of the line. The racing finally got underway in the freshening conditions, and the win went to Back in Black, with Elusive and Yabsta taking second and third. Race 10 started under the black flag rule. This enabled an orderly start, and after three circuits of the course the win went to Mayhem, followed by Elusive and Back in Black. The event now concluded with a long distance race back to Hamilton Harbour, taking in the Small Sound and the channel up to dockyard. Mayhem took line honours and won the Bermuda Project Managers prize. The Tops Limited boat of the day was Back in Black. Results are: the Overall (XL Trophy) in 1st place was Elusive (21 points), followed by Passion (24 points) and Mayhem (42 points). The top International helmsmen (Bermuda Tourism Trophy) in 1st place was Bill Lakenmacher (11 points), followed by Steve Cucchiaro (15 points) and Greg Turman (17 points). The top local helmsmen (Goslings Trophy) in 1st place was Chuck Millican (6 points), followed by James Macdonald (13 points) and Jon Corless (16 points). Royal Bermuda YC website
22 Nov 2013 - Minutes posted Minutes from the 11/14/13 Annual Meeting are posted. Class Business page
11 Nov 2013 - Bermuda Sailing Association Keelboat Championship James MacDonald clinched a maiden J/105 national title on the penultimate day of the 2013 Bermuda Sailing Association (BSA) Keelboat Championships in the Great Sound. MacDonald came from behind to claim the top prize after pipping rival skipper John Corless on a countback after the two teams remained tied at the end of the eight-race series for the championship. MacDonald, who was joined by crew Paul Watson, Alison Hill, Nick Smale, Mary Geraghty and Jay Tucker, entered the final day of racing in the J/105 fleet trailing overnight leader Corless by a single point. Chuck Millican rounded off the podium finishers respectively. Full story
05 Nov 2013 - J-Fest Southwest Lakewood Yacht Club's annual J-Fest Southwest Regatta began on Saturday, November 2 under almost brutal conditions. Northerly winds in the 20-25 knot range produced the usual big chop with the potential for some serious carnage. The 8 J/105s on the line survived with only minor damage to sails and hardware. Saturday saw Bee Bednar's Stinger hold on to first place with Matt Arno's Blue Flash in second and Uzi Ozeri's Infinity in third. Sunday's 16-20s made for somewhat better conditions but resulted in a reversal of fortunes for the top three boats. Infinity came out on top with Blue Flash in Second and Stinger in third. Six points separated the top five finishers. Complete results
04 Nov 2013 - NAC Awards Check out the North American Championship award photos for the top five teams helmed by James Rathbun of Hey Jude, Damian Emery of Eclipse, Cedric Lewis of Mirage, Bruce Stone of LouLou and Jack Biddle of Rum Puppy. NAC award pictures
04 Nov 2013 - Photos Photos from day 4 of the North American Championship are available here.
04 Nov 2013 - Lipton Cup The 99th edition of the Sir Thomas Lipton Cup hosted eight yacht club teams representing California and Louisiana, competing in equally matched J/105s for three days (November 1-3) of fleet racing inside San Diego Harbor. Defending champion California Yacht Club was unable to overcome a day one black flag penalty, falling short by one point to 2013 champion San Diego Yacht Club. Winning SDYC teams included Brad Rodi (skipper), Chris Busch, Andrew Campbell, Steve Hunt, Al Pleskus, Molly Pleskus and Chuck Sinks. Complete results
03 Nov 2013 - James Rathbun Earns J/105 North American Championship James Rathbun of Toronto, Ontario led after day one of the J/105 North American Championship and never relinquished his advantage. He is now the 2013 J/105 North American Champion. With crew Mark Robertson, Dave Jarvis, Andrew Van Nostrand, Ian Richardson and Scott Collinson, Hey Jude tallied 6,3,1,1,1,4,5,2 for just 23 points in the eight-race series. Damian Emery's Eclipse of New York placed second with 39 points, and local Cedric Lewis on Mirage came in third with 45 points. The event was hosted by Annapolis Yacht Club in Maryland. After racing was cancelled on Saturday due to lack of breeze, conditions allowed for three races on Sunday in winds between 12-16 knots. Jim Konigsberg's Inigo won the opening contest, trailed by Emery and Lewis. Emery moved up to first in the next race, with Bruce Stone's LouLou in second and Chris Groobey's Java in third. Emery again took the bullet in the final bout, followed by Rathbun and Stone.
The top 10:
1) James Rathbun, Hey Jude, 23 points
2) Damian Emery, Eclipse, 39
3) Cedric Lewis, Mirage, 45
4) Bruce Stone, LouLou, 56
5) Jack Biddle, Rum Puppy, 58
6) Ken Colburn, Ghost, 61
7) Stephen Phillips, Le Renard, 63
8) Hugh Bethell, Jester, 68
9) Michael Mountford, Live Edge, 96
10) Jim Konigsberg, Inigo, 102
27 teams from Bermuda, Canada and the USA competed in the event. Photos are available on the J/105 Facebook page. Complete Results
02 Nov 2013 - NAC update No racing today at the North Americans due to lack of wind in Annapolis. The Championship will be determined tomorrow. You will be able to follow live updates on the Class Twitter page, and results will be available on the regatta website.
02 Nov 2013 - And more photos Photos from day 2 of the North American Championship are available here.
02 Nov 2013 - More photos More photos from day 1 of the North American Championship are available here.
01 Nov 2013 - James Rathbun Extends Lead at J/105 North American Championship James Rathbun's Hey Jude won both of Friday's races at the J/105 North American Championship to open up a 10-point lead on day two of the event. Rathbun, of Toronto, now has three consecutive bullets, succeeding a sixth and third in the initial races on Thursday, for 12 points. With a pair of fourth-place finishes today, Cedric Lewis' Mirage moved into second overall with 22 points. The next two boats are tied at 24: Ken Colburn's Ghost and Stephen Phillips' Le Renard. The championship is hosted by the Annapolis Yacht Club in Maryland. Teams were postponed onshore until noon, waiting for a line of storms to pass through the area. Once they did, the fleet was sent out for two races. The first was started in about 5 knots of breeze that died quickly as the boats went up the first beat. When the wind filled in, it shifted left and settled in at 6-8 knots for the rest of the day. Following Hey Jude in Friday's opening battle were Chuck Lawrence's Froya and Damian Emery's Eclipse. In the second contest behind Rathbun came Hugh Bethell's Jester and Phillips. Racing continues through Sunday for the 27 teams from Bermuda, Canada and the USA. Photos are available on the J/105 Facebook page, and complete results may be found at the regatta website.
01 Nov 2013 - Seattle Grand Prix Regatta One of the regattas many sailors look forward to in the Seattle area is the season-ending Seattle Grand Prix hosted by Seattle YC on Puget Sound. This year's event was characterized by epic conditions for at least one of the days, blowing 20-25 knots and sunny with puffy white clouds. In the J/105 one-design class, Jerry Diercks' Delirium sailed an excellent series to post a 2-1-1-3-1-4 for 8 points net to nearly sweep their class. Taking second was Erik Kirsten's Jubilee with a 3-2-2-2-3-4 for 12 points net for the runner-up position. Third was Lorenzo Migliorini's Allegro Vivace with a 5-3-3-5-2-1 for 14 points net. Rounding out the top five were Jim Geros's Last Tango in fourth and Stephen Summers's Life is Good in fifth. Seattle YC website
01 Nov 2013 - NAC photos Day 1 North American Championship photos from Dan Phelps are available on this website.
31 Oct 2013 - James Rathbun Leads Tight Pack at J/105 North American Championship The standings couldn't be much closer after day one of the J/105 North American Championship, hosted by Annapolis Yacht Club in Maryland. Just four points separate the top five after three races were completed on Thursday. James Rathbun's Hey Jude holds the top position with scores of 6,3,1 for 11 points. Bruce Stone's LouLou trails by one point in second place after tallying a 4,4,3. Stephen Phillips's Le Renard is in third with 12 points, earned from an 8,2,2 performance. Ken Colburn's Ghost netted 13 points for fourth place, and Cedric Lewis's Mirage has 14 points for fifth. Colburn, of Massachusetts, won the opening race of the championship, as Lewis and Damian Emery's Eclipse completed the top three. Emery, of New York, topped the fleet in race two, with Phillips and Rathbun behind him. Rathbun, of Toronto, won the day's final bout, with Phillips again in second and Stone in third. Winds on the Chesapeake Bay were between 12-14 knots, with some gusts and a 2-foot chop. Racing continues through Sunday for the 27 teams from Bermuda, Canada and the USA. Photos are available on the J/105 Facebook page, and complete results may be found at the regatta website.
30 Oct 2013 - North American Championship Launches Thursday 27 teams have descended upon Annapolis, Maryland for the 2013 J/105 North American Championship. Racing begins Thursday and runs through Sunday for the competitors from Bermuda, Canada and the USA. Keep up with the action on Twitter and on the regatta website.
28 Oct 2013 - International Masters Regatta Eleven teams from throughout the US and UK descended on the International Masters Regatta, hosted by San Diego Yacht Club on October 25-27. Sailing in equally matched J/105s, 11 races were held inside San Diego Bay, with local Chuck Nichols separating from the fleet to take the title. John Jennings was second with Rod Johnstone in third. Regatta website
28 Oct 2013 - Manhasset Bay Fall Series At the 35th Annual Manhasset Bay Yacht Club Fall Series from October 19-20 and 26, Harald Edegran and Jeremy Henderson on Conundrum scored all bullets to win the Series with 4 points. George and Alex Wilbanks on Revelation notched all seconds for 8 points and second place. Josh Burack's Peregrina placed third with 13 points. Complete results
25 Oct 2013 - Bermuda J/105 Invitational Regatta, Sponsored by XL The Bermuda J/105 Class is preparing for the inaugural Bermuda J/105 Invitational Regatta, Sponsored by XL Group. Eight teams are lined up for the event to be held November 21-23. This event will bring together sailors from the USA, Canada, UK and Bermuda to form eight teams competing for the XL Trophy (Overall Series); the Bermuda Tourism Trophy (International Series); and the Goslings Trophy (Bermuda Series). Teams are made up of three international sailors and three Bermuda sailors who will sail together in each race. Races will be designated as Bermuda or International. The respective nominated helmsman shall helm for that race, and compete for either the Bermuda or International trophy, with all the team results counting towards the XL Trophy. This is the first time this format has been used. Participation in the event was quickly fully subscribed, being limited by the number of local boats, and there is much interest for an invitation for 2014. One of the Island's top Race Officers, Charles Tatem, will oversee the racing, and the event is hosted by the Royal Bermuda Yacht Club. Racing will take place in the Great Sound, with the first race getting underway shortly after 10am each day. A final fun race The Last Blast will round out the event. Royal Bermuda YC website
22 Oct 2013 - Harvest Moon Regatta (Thank you to Bee Bednar for this update.) Every October, a couple hundred boats of all varieties line up off Pleasure Pier in Galveston for Lakewood Yacht Club's 150-mile Harvest Moon Regatta race to Port Aransas, TX. This is a PHRF only race so sometimes how you finish is not always how you finished. For the first time in a number of years, the entry list included more then one J/105. In this case, three J/105s - Bee Bednar's Stinger (PHRF of 78), John Bell's Kinderspel2 and Greg Turman's Horny Toad (yes that is a real Texas toad, PHRF 87) - raced in the Bacardi PHRF Racing Fleet's PS-C class with the Viper 830 Rented Mule (PHRF 69). The Bacardi Fleet started downwind at 14:55 in cool and light 10-knot breezes out of about 10 degrees. As the evening progressed, the winds increased to the mid 20s, finally topping out at 28+ in the early morning light. Rented Mule took line honors with Stinger finishing in sixth place scratch. The two other J/105s finished about an hour after that. This was definitely a hot chute run and perfect for the Mule. Being able to fly the big 110 sq mt kite made the difference for Stinger's second place. Turman's Horny Toad finished third, and Bell's Kinderspel2 came in fourth. Stinger's maximum speed was 18.1 knots. Have no idea what the Mule's top speed was, but even with the smaller class kites, the other two 105s hit speeds above 14 knots. It's somewhat interesting to look at the overall finishes in the 21 boat racing fleet. Rented Mule was the first boat across the line followed quickly thereafter by a J/44, two J/120s, the Hobie 33 Soap Opera and Stinger. On corrected time, it appeared that the final overall finishing order would be Rented Mule, Soap Opera and Stinger. Well, that will teach us one design hardheads a thing or two! Rented Mule finished fourth and Stinger eighth overall. Nevertheless sailing under spinnakers under the big moon-lit skies and spectacular stars provided a beautiful environment for all races. The big party afterward is a big payoff for a long 20+ hour run. The ride back on Stinger turned out to be more then just interesting. After about four hours motoring toward Galveston, the winds picked up to around 5 knots so we decided to hoist the main to gain a bit more speed. This resulted in a few degrees of lean which of course none of us thought much about. About an hour later, a considerable amount of water in the port quarter berth made it a big deal. Stinger was taking on water though what is thought to be the upper rudder bearing. At that point along the Texas coast, there is no place to run. It took a little thinking to realize that the incoming water was actually due to the fact that because of the lean the rudder stock was under the water line. Flattening out the boat allowed the water to flow into the bilge where the auto pump flushed it out pretty quick. It also simultaneously stopped the incoming water flow. All movable weight was moved forward. Sailing somewhat fatter angles minimized the lean and significantly reduced the flow over the top of the rudder stock. Stinger safely returned home after a slow 29 hour trip. Moral of this story is: always check all potential leaks before you leave the dock on any kind of extended run. The leaking bearing is the result of not recognizing the full extent of damage due to hitting a submerged object some time prior to the race. Regatta website
21 Oct 2013 - College Big Boat Regatta The Intercollegiate Offshore Regatta (IOR) as it is officially known, run by the Storm Trysail Foundation and the Larchmont Yacht Club, had an epic regatta this year. Over 300 college sailors hopped aboard 54 borrowed offshore boats to make this year's IOR the largest collegiate regatta in North America. Eleven J/105s were in the fleet. As a result of a stationary low, strong northeast winds blew for three days before the regatta as well as for the two days of racing, making conditions extreme, even for experienced Long Island Sound racers. After two races were sailed on the first day in winds blowing from 22-30 with higher gusts, the race committee sent the dwindling fleet back to the harbor in hopes of more benign conditions the next day. But the low pressure system still refused to budge and conditions remained the same. After a two-and-a-half hour harbor postponement, the RC called it quits and neither the owners of the borrowed boats nor the sailors thought it was a bad call. After two races, the standings were tight; three divisions were won by boats with two firsts and the other two divisions were won with scores of a first and a second. Picking an overall winner was impossible; therefore, the Paul Hoffman Trophy for the overall winner of the 2013 IOR went jointly to Georgetown and the College of Charleston. The Charleston team sailed on Austin Fragomen's J/105 Warlock. Each boat had the boat owner or his representative aboard as well as a second adult. The adults are encouraged to teach boat-speed, boat-handling and sail trim since much of big boat sailing is new to dinghy sailors. Since the regatta is a stand-alone event and is not used to rank the teams, the regatta organizers encourage teaching during the regatta. The only line that is drawn covers tactics. The college sailors call their own tactics since figuring out which way to go on the race course is universal to all sailboats. Intercollegiate Offshore Race sailing information
07 Oct 2013 - Kestrel wins American Fall Series Sean and Susan Doyle were victorious at the premier Long Island Sound fall regatta. Although never winning a race, consistency paid for Kestrel posting no worse than a fourth place during the 11 race two- weekend event. 16 boats competed with everyone else in the top five winning at least one race. George and Ann Wilbanks on Revelation and Damian Emery on Eclipse each had a strong regatta posting four firsts each to take second and third respectively. The top five rounded out with Paul Beaudin's Loulou fourth and Harald Edegran's Conundrum fifth. Fleet 6 is showing growth with two new boats on the line for this event. Results
01 Oct 2013 - SoCal Championship J Fest hosted by JK3 and San Diego Yacht Club sponsored by Ullman Sails saw four classes of J boats from the J/120s down to the new J/70s. The largest fleet this year was again the J/105s with 14 boats. The J/105s were double dipping the J Fest regatta by also hosting the SoCal Championships within the same regatta. Last year, the SoCal Champs were the weekend before the North American Championship also hosted by SDYC with 22 boats showing up to battle the kelp and winds off Pt. Loma. The first day of racing started with glassy conditions but soon saw winds to 16 knots and 85 degree sunny San Diego weather with a little twist. The usual steady San Diego breeze was shifty with velocity changes of 8 knots or more. The first race of the day saw several top boats getting high scores and several lead changes. Race two saw a 40-minute delay for the J/105s due to the shifty wind and the committee trying to get the course square. After the first day, the top 3 J/105s were Wings, Current Obsession 2, and Viggen, separated by one point. The second day brought on steady conditions but lighter overall wind under 12 knots. In the J/105s, Dennis Conner and Gary Mozer made significant comebacks from the slow start on Saturday with Mozer once again taking the top place on the podium followed by Wings and DC's Pholly. Complete results
30 Sep 2013 - American Yacht Club Fall Series Sean Doyle is on top for weekend one of the American Yacht Club Fall Series. 19 boats are registered in the classic two-weekend event on Long Island Sound. Two days of beautiful weather with 8-12 knots of wind in challenging shifting conditions had the fleet working hard. This first weekend had six races with Doyle coming out on top, and five points separating the top four boats. Kestrel is follow by George Wilbanks on Revelation that put in a great day on Sunday to move up to second with a 1,5,1. Revelation is the only boat to put two wins on the board, with every other race won by a different boat. Damian Emery's Eclipse and Paul Beaudin's Loulou are third and fourth, respectively. Current results
30 Sep 2013 - Rolex Big Boat Series Just as the America's Cup finals did for two weeks before it, the Rolex Big Boat Serie (St. Francis Yacht Club's signature regatta) took over San Francisco Bay for four days of spirited racing this week (Thursday through Sunday, September 25-28), giving 107 teams in 10 classes the chance to enjoy stadium sailing at its finest. In fact, for 49 years the annual event has captured for its competitors the thrill of sailing in a famous venue with even more famous winds. Thus, there is always plenty of fast action for spectators to enjoy from multiple vantage points around the Bay, including St. Francis Yacht Club's own race deck, which serves as one end of the finish line in each day's final race. For Sunday's traditional Bay Tour finale (the single long race that wraps up each class's series and determines final winners) the fleet's final push to the finish was tame in comparison to previous days when boat speeds were jacked up by brisk breezes and a strong flood tide, but the end result was all that mattered. The J/105 Blackhawk, skippered by Scooter Simmons (Belvedere, CA), managed a sixth to maintain its lead in that class, and take home the Atlantic Perpetual Trophy. With 27 points in the seven-race series, Simmons topped Bruce Stone on Arbitrage (second place), Jason Woodley and Scott Whitney on Risk (third place), as well as the remaining J/105s in their 22-boat fleet. Complete results
22 Sep 2013 - Quisset Round-the-Bay a Nail Biter Results from the Quisset Round-the-Bay race (MA) are in, and the J/105s made it a one-design 1-2-3 finish. Mark Lindquist of the Beverly Yacht Club in his J/105 Sterling beat Eric Wagner of the Buzzards Yacht Club in his J/105 Dark 'n' Stormy by two minutes and 11 seconds in the long distance race September. 7. Lindquist finished at 04:24:14 to Wagner's 04:26:25. In third place was Matthew Schmitt, also of the Buzzards Yacht Club, in his J/105 Hardtack at 04:28:47. Complete story
20 Sep 2013 - Star & Bar Regatta One of the all-time late summer sailing classics in the greater Puget Sound region that surrounds Seattle, Washington is the Star & Bar Regatta hosted by Seattle YC. The J/105s enjoyed some great one-design class racing with the top three teams, all hailing from CYC Seattle, having a very tight battle for the podium positions. In the end, it was Delirium sailed by Jerry Diercks that amassed a consistent scoreline of 2-2-1-2-1-DNF for 8 points net to take the gold. Second was Jubilee helmed by Erik Kristen that scored 3-1-2-3-3-1 for 10 points net. Consistent top finishes in the last three races brought Lorenzo Migliorini's Allegro Vivace into third position with a tally of 4-3-4-1-2-2 for 12 points net. Star & Bar Regatta information
13 Sep 2013 - Summer Newsletter Members received the Summer edition of the J/105 newsletter via e-mail. It is also posted on the Newsletter page.
10 Sep 2013 - GBCA Rum Series Galveston Bay Cruising Association's annual pursuit style Rum Race Series concluded on September 7 with the eighth and final race. The series traditionally begins near the end of May and finishes at the end of August or beginning of September. Racing is divided into non-spin, sprit-spin, non-sprit spin, single/double handed, and Club Cruising classes. Entrants in the Club Cruising Class enjoy having their PHRF ratings adjusted based on where they finish in each race. The new ratings are computed by the all powerful super chicken. This year saw some 60+ boats competing in these classes. Boats in the sprit-spin class included Melges 24s, 105s, 109s, 120s, 80s, J70s, a 122, a GP26, an FT10, and a Beneteau 47.7. After the smoke cleared, Bee Bednar's J/105 Stinger eked out a third place overall behind a Melges 24 and the GP26. Click on the picture at left to see a larger version.
06 Sep 2013 - Stamford Vineyard Race For those teams that sailed the shortest Seaflower Reef Course, the racing was close and there were two standout performances by J/105s sailing in separate PHRF divisions. Winning the PHRF Double-handed division was Carl Olsson's Morning Glory from Larchmont, NY. And, taking second in the PHRF 2 Racing division was David Spence's Synergy from Maplewood, NJ. Complete information
03 Sep 2013 - Annapolis Race Week 15 J/105s took to the waters of the Chesapeake Bay for Annapolis Race Week over the Labor Day holiday. Gearing up for next month's North American Championship, also hosted by the Annapolis Yacht Club, the fleet lodged six races, with Hugh Bethell's Jester winning the division. The team finished with 14 points after scores of 1,3,2,1,5,2. Cedric Lewis on Mirage was three points behind with 17, including three bullets, and Carl & Scott Gitchell's Tenacious was third with 30 points. Complete results
30 Aug 2013 - J Cup Plymouth With gusts close to 20 knots ripping through the race area in Plymouth Sound, the final day of the B&G J-Cup 2013, produced some ballistic action at the event hosted by the Royal Western Yacht Club. It was a fitting end to another fabulous weekend of sailing - the sailors enjoyed near-perfect sailing conditions for most of the regatta, closing with an epic final day of sailing. In an extremely close J/105 class, just four points separated the top three boats at the final day of racing. A win for Chris Jones' Journeymaker in the final race, their third bullet of the regatta, was not enough to beat Andy Robert's Jin & Tonic, who never placed outside of the top two throughout the three days. Complete information
19 Aug 2013 - Summer Keelboat The Summer Keelboat regatta took place at the San Francisco Yacht Club from August 17-18 with 20 J/105s. In the five races, Bruce Stone's Arbitrage tallied dominating scores of 2,1,1,5,1 for 10 points and the victory. Scooter Simmons' Blackhawk was the runner-up with 17 points, and Jeff Littfin's Mojo came in third with 21 points. Complete results
17 Aug 2013 - Cowes Week 2013 With seven boats, the J/105s enjoyed some spirited racing and a past class winner again rose to the top to take class honors at Cowes Week 2013. Winning three of the six races was Fiona & Malcolm Thorpe's beautiful navy blue King Louie, netting 10 points in the end to win class. Never far off the pace and well within striking distance to the end was Charles Nicholson and Neil McGrigor's Jin & Tonic, taking second overall with 13 pooints. Chris Jones Journeymaker 5 snagged the bronze in class. Finally, taking fourth was Jacana (Paul Wood) and fifth was Jos Of Hamble sailed by the honourable Professor Roger Williams. Regatta Website
14 Aug 2013 - Chicago Yacht Club Verve Cup Nine J/105s competed in the Verve Cup last weekend. Clark Pellett's Sealark won the event, followed by Vytis in second, and Here's Johnny in third in a primarily light air regatta. The weather was beautiful! Full results
12 Aug 2013 - Swiftsure Regatta 15 J/105s competed at the Phyllis Kleinman Swiftsure Regatta at St. Francis Yacht Club during the first weekend of August. Jeff Littfin & John Case won three races out of four on Mojo, earning the regatta victory with 8 points. Adam Spiegel's Jam Session placed second with 12 points. Just one point further back was Jason Woodley and Scott Whitney on Risk. Complete results
05 Aug 2013 - LYC Bay Cup II Under hot Texas skies, the second race of Lakewood Yacht Club's Bay Cup Series was completed on August 10. Beginning in Trinity Bay, crossing the Houston Ship Channel, and finishing near the Clear Lake entrance in Galveston Bay, this race totaled some 17.56 nautical miles. Winds from ESE in the 8-9 knot range at the start gradually increased to 15-17 knots SSE at the finish. Bee Bednar's Stinger and Uzi Ozeri's Infinity were the only two J/105s entered. Competitors included a Melges 24, Viper 640, J/70, two J/109s, 1D35, Beneteaux 44.7, J/24, and a J/22 divided into two PHRF classes. After the smoke cleared, Bee Bednar's Stinger hung on to second place between the Melges and the Viper in PHRF A.
29 Jul 2013 - Ugotta Regatta The Ugotta Regatta, sponsored by Credit Suisse, took place from July 26-28 at Little Traverse Yacht Club in Harbor Spring, MI. Six J/105s competed. For the tour of bay on Saturday, the course was 18 miles under overcast skies with variable winds building to 18 knots over 4 hours. Mac/Bayview winner Perydactal (Mark Symonds) participated. Why not do the 2 Mac races and finish buoy racing in Harbor Springs? Little Traverse Sailors, a boat of primarily junior sailors came in second, showing that the J/105 is a great boat for juniors to compete in high end regattas. Carter Williams' Creative Destruction won the J/105 division, and was overall winner for regatta (beating out Wind quest, J/111s, Gl70s, Melges, etc.). This was the first time a J/105 won the entire regatta. Complete results
29 Jul 2013 - Texas Offshore Racing Circuit The Texas Offshore Racing Circuit (TORC) concluded on July 26 with Galveston Bay Cruising Association's Texas Race Week (TRW) offshore Galveston. In addition to TRW, the TORC consists of two offshore distance races each of approximately 90 miles. Winds ranged from 5-15 on Thursday to Saturday's 12-19. Surprisingly the weather was not as hot as usual so the sailing was fabulous. The TRW spinnaker fleet included two J/105s, two J/109s, a Melges 32, an Olsen 30, a Navy 44, and an Express 37. After three full days of racing, Brian Uffelman's J/105 Avici took first with a spectacular 2,1,1 followed by Steve Ryan's Melges 32 Mojo in second with 1,2,4, and Bee Bednar's J/105 Stinger in third with 3,4,3. Having participated in the entire TORC, Avici, Stinger and the J/109 Airborne were the only boats competing for the Texas Navy Trophy. Brian Uffelman's Avici finished first, Bee Bednar's Stinger second and Dave Christiansen's Airborne third.
28 Jul 2013 - Marblehead NOOD Robert Slattery's Ghost tallied a perfect six bullets in six scored races (dropping a fifth in race 4) to dominate the 19-boat J/105 fleet at the Marblehead NOOD over the weekend. Fred deNapoli's Allegro Semplicita placed second with 21 points. 2012 winner Charlie Garrard on Merlin rounded out the top three with 26. Complete results
25 Jul 2013 - Edgartown Week & Round Island After notching only eight knots of breeze on opening day (July 18), Edgartown Yacht Club's three-day Race Week cranked into high gear for a subsequent two days of action, loading up 25 teams with 20 knots of breeze for a second day of the event's Big Boat Buoy Races and giving 62 teams an exhilarating run for their money in 25 knots plus during the 54.7 nautical mile Round-the-Island Race, which was scored separately and comprised the final day of racing (July 20). Sailing in Class 3 PHRF in the BBBR and in Class 4 in the Round Island was the J/105 Dark'n'Stormy sailed by Ned Joyce from Buzzards Bay YC. "In the light air, after the first day, we were in last place overall," said Ned Joyce (Cataumet, MA), who won PHRF B class in the Big Boat Buoy Races with his J/105 Dark'n'Stormy, "but in the heavy air we turned in three first-place finishes to win. That's what we are more used to having on Buzzards Bay where we usually sail." Joyce went on to win his class in the Round-the-Island Race, making him one of only two racers to claim victory in both of the weekend's double-header events. Edgartown Yacht Club website
25 Jul 2013 - Rockland Castine Regatta Two great days of racing took place this past weekend at the 3rd Annual Rockland Castine Regatta hosted by Rockland Yacht Club. In all 32 boats made it to the line for the start on both days. There were two cruising classes, three racing classes, a shorthanded division, and a multihull division each sailing a 20 mile course, to and from, Rockland and Castine Harbors. Day one was the sleigh ride to Castine with a 10-20 knot WSW breeze that was reasonably consistent throughout the race. Keemah, the J/105 owned by Don Logan, in racing class two was the second boat to finish. It was not the day for the big boats as they were never able to catch all the way up to most of the smaller boats. Day 2 would be another story completely. Day two started off with a whimper and finished off with a bang. The weather intelligence provided the race committee with a forecast for some wind although it didn't look like it just after the starting sequence had begun. A nice 5 knot northerly filled just outside Castine harbor, and the race committee anxiously started the race on time. However, that wind proved to be a fluke and very light air commenced for the rest of the starting sequence. Luckily a nice 1 knot+ outgoing current kept most of the boats moving toward the goal of Rockland harbor while the whole fleet waited for a southwesterly wind to fill for a great upwind leg back home. The wind did fill to about 10-15 knots and provided some large oscillations between 200 degrees and 250 degrees during the race. The boats that hit the shifts just right each time made huge gains, however, if you got caught on the wrong side it was hard to recover. The shifts only took place every 40 minutes or so, which created a wait and see, patience game. The outgoing current meant that you didn't need to go to a shore but boats would go to each side of the course and create some major leverage of about 1-2 miles at times. The larger boats were able to catch up with the fleet on day two. Keemah won the overall by 1 minute and 35 seconds. Congratulations to Keemah and Don Logan's crew on a second consecutive overall win of the Rockland Castine Regatta. Rockland Castine Regatta sailing information
22 Jul 2013 - Whidbey Island Race Week 71 teams competed at Whidbey Island Race Week in 10 one design and PHRF fleets. Racing out of Oak Harbor, WA was held July 15-19, with a perfect scoreline of all bullets posted in the J/105 fleet (Jerry Diercks). Diercks on Delirium won Boat of the Week with 11 straight bullets and solid crew work. In the six-boat J/105 class, James Geros on Last Tango finished second with 26 points, and Matthew Gardner-Brown in third with 37 points. Regatta website
22 Jul 2013 - Bayview Mackinac Race Closure has come to the Bayview Mackinac Race, which had 221 starters on July 20 with only 12 retirees. Seven J/105s joined in on the journey. The J/105s saw a two-peat take place in their midst, with past race winner Pterodactyl skippered by Mary Symonds finishing late Sunday night to win by only two minutes. Chasing them hard the entire race was Good Lookin sailed by Dean and Lana Walsh. Just seven minutes back from them in third position was Snake Oil skippered by Don Harthorn. The rest of the top five include Windshadow sailed by Jim Murphy in fourth and Rampage led by Matt Haglund in fifth. Finishes
22 Jul 2013 - J/105 Invitational Regatta This past weekend the San Francisco J/105 fleet was treated to its own race course on the Berkeley Circle courtesy of Sausalito YC. SYC has been running the event for J/105s-only for years between Sausalito, the Golden Gate Bridge and Alcatraz. However, with all the America's Cup hoopla going on, SYC wisely moved the event to the Berkeley Circle to avoid having J/105s sliced in half by 50 kt 72-foot AC catamarans careening out of control. On Saturday, the winds started at 15 kt, quickly grew to a consistent 30-32 kts, and even hit 50 kts after racing was over and folks were motoring home in their boats across San Francisco Bay! Scooter Simmons' Blackhawk dominated the first day of racing with a fourth and two bullets, while Bruce Stone and the team on Arbitrage were just three points behind with a 2-4-3. Jeff Littfin's Mojo and Phil Laby's Godot were tied for third a couple more points back, so with such a closely bunched crowd, the regatta was anyone's to win going into Sunday. As has often been the case with the SF J/105s, whatever happened on Saturday would have little bearing on the outcomes for Sunday to determine the final winners. Arbitrage was called over early in the first race. Nevertheless, Stone's team clawed their way back for a hard-earned second. In the last race, the Arbitrage team turned in another consistent race, finishing third, to claim the top spot on the podium despite no bullets. Littfin's Mojo took second and Laby's Godot third. Past regatta winner Risk (Jason Woodley & Scott Whitney) secured fourth, while early regatta leader Simmons' Blackhawk slid down to fifth place; much of that could be attributed to that fact they sailed a borrowed boat on Sunday after their own boat blew-up the jib roller due to Saturday's heavy winds. According to Stone, "Steering was quite difficult both days, and big gains were made switching gears. Nicole Breault, our main trimmer and tactician, worked really hard to keep us moving from normal trim into footing mode to punch through the significant chop and get into the next shift. Since we cross sheet, she had the jib at hand and was able to work both main and jib all the way up the race course. We feel this made a huge difference in our performance." Sausalito YC J/105 Invite sailing information
22 Jul 2013 - Fiesta Cup The 7th annual Fiesta Cup took place on July 20-21 at Santa Barbara Yacht Club with eight J/105s participating. Tight racing ensued over the six-race series, but Rick Goebel's Sanity took top honors with 19 points. Just four points separated the top four, with Alex Bernal/Tedd White's Free Enterprise in second (21 points), Larry Harteck's Repeat Offender in third (22 points), and Steve Howell's Blink! in fourth (23 points). Complete results
21 Jul 2013 - Conundrum Wins 115th Larchmont Race Week Conundrum bested the nine-boat field in the 115th running of Larchmont Race Week. It took the final leg of the ten-race series to decide the outcome. The last race began with Damian Emery's Eclipse holding on to a one-point lead as well as the tiebreaker advantage with four race victories to two for Harald Edegran and Jeremy Henderson's team on Conundrum. That meant Conundrum not only needed to beat Eclipse, but also put a boat between them. The drama started early in the final race, when both Eclipse and Conundrum were OCS at the gun. The two boats were vying for position at the pin end and the call from the race committee came instantly, so both competitors were able to circle back and restart quickly. By the weather mark, the two J/105s had climbed into the top five with Eclipse slightly ahead. But the downwind leg turned into a challenging one. Rather than moving clockwise as expected, the wind went the other way and favored boats that got to the starboard jibe layline in the bottom third of the leg. Covering was also tricky in the lumpy and light conditions. Conundrum seized the opportunity brought on by the unexpected shift, and shot ahead of Eclipse. The upwind beat was a parade to the right side with Conundrum rounding in third and Eclipse in fourth. Conundrum set off downwind still needing to put one boat between it and Eclipse. It was flying a new Doyle spinnaker Edegran and Henderson had just purchased from Paul Beaudin, whose Loulou was just ahead in second place. Loulou was flying a 2011 chute. Conundrum's sail investment appeared to pay off as it gradually caught and passed loulou (despite shouts of tactical advice for loulou from the crew on Eclipse). Conundrum crossed the finish line with its fourth consecutive second place; Eclipse was fourth. "We tried to hold them off but just couldn't do it," Beaudin said afterward. George and Alex Wilbanks won the final two races on Revelation to move into third for the regatta. Fourth went to Beaudin on loulou, and fifth to the American Yacht Club junior sailors sailing with Peter Becker on Young American. When the day began, Conundrum's Edegran was overheard hoping for just enough wind for two races but not so much to eliminate the chance for some fluky shifts. His wish was granted. Complete results
21 Jul 2013 - Minutes posted Minutes from the 7/15/13 Executive Committee meeting are posted. Class Business page
18 Jul 2013 - Chicago to Mackinac Race There was nothing quick about getting to the finish line in the extreme light wind conditions sailors faced in the 105th Chicago Yacht Club Race to Mackinac, presented by Veuve Clicquot. In the 333-mile invitation-only race from Chicago Yacht Club to Mackinac Island, there were 301 boats and 2,472 crew registered for this year's race. Winning the Mackinac Cup Division was Providence, an Ericson 35 owned by Jerry and Greg Miarecki of the Chicago YC. Providence won the division with a corrected time of 57:16:27. This division included boats from Sections 5-8, Beneteau 36.7, J/105 and Tartan 10. The J/105s had the largest J/One-Design fleet with 16 boats participating. Topping the fleet was the 2012 Bayview Mac winner, Mary Symond's Pterodactyl from Grosse Point YC. Top local Chicago boat was Mike Tuman's Striking in second followed by Clark Pellett's team on Sealark in third, Mark Gurney's Buzz in fourth and John Moore's Here's Johnny in fifth. Results by division
11 Jul 2013 - J/105 in Transpac Race This years Transpac Race from Long Beach, California to Honolulu includes the J/105 Creative owned by Ed Sanford. Creative was in the first start July 8 and is doing very well after two and a half days. Currently his fleet is closely bunched, but on a handicap basis Creative is in the lead. Since the start, the fleet has been jib reaching in 10-12 kts winds. Soon the fleet will be spinnaker reaching where the J/105 excels. The faster boats start July 11 and July 13 at 13:00. This race is too early to predict but considering the good start this first fleet got, they my never be caught so stay tuned! Creative is carrying a code zero and a masthead spinnaker. Track the progress
01 Jul 2013 - Spring Newsletter Members received the Spring edition of the J/105 newsletter via e-mail. It is also posted on the Newsletter page.
01 Jul 2013 - Long Beach Race Week Ullman Sails Long Beach Race Week brought broken hearts to some but a happy daze to others in a wild windup to the West Coast's largest keelboat regatta Sunday, co-hosted by the adjacent Long Beach and Alamitos Bay Yacht Clubs. Gary Mozer on Current Obsession 2 swept the first six races in the seven-boat J/105 fleet and sat out the seventh race, giving him 14 total points. Rick Goebel's Sanity placed second with 22 points, and Scott McDaniel's Off the Porch was third with 23 points. Complete report and results
29 Jun 2013 - Emery Wins Block Island No XXV Fog was the sub plot at the 25th biannual running of the Storm Trysail Block Island Race Week. There was so much of it and it was so thick, that had it been gasoline vapors a single match strike would have annihilated the North East and there would have been nothing Brad Pitt or Superman could have done about it. Fog prevented racing entirely on Thursday and lifted just enough for one race on Friday. As the mist cleared, Damian Emery once again jumped out in front, leading the fleet to the left corner to put an exclamation point on a resounding regatta victory. Emery racked up just ten points in seven races and failed to win only two. Bruce Stone also sailed an excellent regatta, skippering Paul Beaudin's Loulou with Beaudin on the bow. But Loulou amassed 18 points and had to settle for second. James MacDonald sailed his Bermuda based Distant Passion to third. He was followed in fourth by Jordan Mindich on Shakedown and Fred Darlington on Tonto in fifth. Emery and crew were awarded the Everett Morris Memorial Trophy for the Best Overall Performance at Block Island Race Week XXV. Complete results
25 Jun 2013 - Block Island Report: Emery in Command Damian Emery has Eclipse back (following some Hurricane Sandy damage), and he and his team appear to be sailing it faster than ever. Eclipse captured the first three races of the 25th Block Island Race Week and stands in first with just three points and a six-point lead over second-place James MacDonald on Distant Passion. Emery narrowly won the first race, holding a slim lead over Bruce Stone on loulou throughout the entire contest. In the second race on Monday, Eclipse took off to the right side of the course for a second time and built a huge lead. He went right again in the third contest on Tuesday and held his lead over all challengers in a quasi-bizarre around the island race. The distance race was weird for two reasons. The first was an unusual convergence zone on the back side of the island that seemed to randomly deal out wind cards. This happened at the same time that the J/105s were surrounded by other fleets of varying sizes and speeds. The second was that the race committee finished the J/105s and other fleets early, before the full island circumnavigation was completed. The RC did so despite a building wind (around 18 knots at the finish), despite that it was still early on a beautiful sunny day, despite that the next leg was a beat, and despite that all boats had to finish sailing all of the way around the island to get back to New Harbor anyway. MacDonald sailed a smart race in the face of these factors to finish second behind Emery and move into second place in the standings one point ahead of Stone. Loulou's race was indicative of the conditions that faced competitors. Over early at the start, loulou gradually clawed back into contention, only to sail into a low pressure zone near the end of the first beat. Loulou rounded the weather mark in ninth, then caught a gust of wind that carried it past three boats in the convergence zone, bringing it into sixth at the finish and third place in the overall standings with 10 points. The 14 J/105s participating at this year's Block Island Race Week still have three more days of racing and a promise of further interesting competitive episodes. Full standings
23 Jun 2013 - Houston Yacht Club Leukemia Regatta Five J/105s competed in Houston Yacht Club's annual Leukemia Cup Regatta. The hot Texas sun and high temperatures created 12-16 knot breezes that made for some exciting and extremely close racing. Five points separated the leaders from the followers after three five-leg races. It was clearly anyone's regatta. The last two races on Sunday in similar conditions saw Mark Young's Killer Rabbit finish 6 feet ahead of Bee Bednar's Stinger to take first place honors. Mark Smith and Marion V finished in third place. Houston YC website
23 Jun 2013 - Bill Volk Regatta Five J/105s participated in the Bill Volk Regatta & RAINE Cup at Keyport Yacht Club in Keyport, NJ from June 22-23. Paul Zajac's Skal took top honors with tallies of 1,2,1 for four points. Mark van Schalkwyk's Circe was just one point back in second, also with impressive scores of 2,1,2. David Spence's Synergy placed third with 10 points. Complete results
16 Jun 2013 - Doyles Win NYYC Annual Regatta Sean and Susan Doyle won a closely contested New York Yacht Club Annual Regatta. Only five J/105s participated, but the competition was first rate and the racing extremely tight, with numerous position changes. In almost every race, the winner was decided moments before the line. The top four boats finished with 11 points, 12 points, 13 points, and 14 points for the five race series. The Doyle's Kestrel won two of the races, as did Mark and Jolene Masur on Two Feathers, who led after the first day of racing. But Kestrel took a 1st and a 3rd on the second day, while Two Feathers had less luck. Fred Darlington's Tonto finished the 159th annual NYYC event in second, Two Feathers was third, John and Marisa Koten's Planet Claire fourth, and Ned Joyce's Dark n Stormy fifth. Full report
16 Jun 2013 - Cleveland Race Week 71 one-design boats invaded Cleveland Race Week at Edgewater Yacht Club in Cleveland, Ohio from June 14-16. Seven fleets competed, including 5 J/105s. Light and inconsistent breeze on Saturday allowed only the J/105s to complete a race. Sunday dawned with winds between 14-16 knots, and all fleets were able to run three races. Mindy Sminchak on It made it a perfect weekend with a line of 1-1-1-1 for just 4 total points. They also won their division in the Offshore PHRF Series which ran June 20-23. Complete results
15 Jun 2013 - Leukemia Cup Eastport YC and Annapolis YC co-hosted the 21st annual Leukemia Cup regatta in Maryland. More than 100 boats were out there supporting this cause. The racing was held on a very sunny, 70-degree day with 10-15 knots of breeze. Perfect conditions on the water for sailing, except for the 2 knots of current that plagued the fleet much of the afternoon. Scott Gitchell bested 11-boats and took top honors in the J/105 class on Tenacious. Website
15 Jun 2013 - SailMaine Shakedown Regatta The Annual SailMaine Shakedown Regatta was held under the threat of the remnants of Tropical Storm Andrea, which cleared through the area well before the delayed captain's meeting and first gun. PRO Ted Smith and Race Committee Boat host Dave Gooch set a short course in 18 knots of northwesterly breeze for a brisk first race. The breeze persistently backed and diminished throughout the day, but some longer courses were set to challenge the sailors. In the A division, it was a battle throughout the regatta that included Keemah, Don Logan's J/105 helmed by Stephanie Helms. With two firsts in the final two races, Team Keemah captured the division and the overall trophy for the regatta. Regatta website
15 Jun 2013 - Susan Hood Trophy Race Every year, the western Lake Ontario offshore yacht racing fleet looks forward to what many consider to be the start of their offshore sailing season - the 76 nm overnight race called the Susan Hood Trophy Race held on Memorial Day weekend and hosted by Port Credit YC. In PHRF 3 class, the J/105s took first and second with Mandate (Terry McLaughlin and Rod Wilmer) winning by nearly an hour and a half over Belles & Whistles (Gordon McIquham). Terry McLaughlin and Rod Wilmer on the Mandate from Royal Canadian YC in Toronto were one of those yachts that won their division with a finishing time of 0:12:35:29 over 30 minutes ahead of the next J/105, making them this year's Susan Hood Trophy Race Cup Overall Winners. Regatta website
10 Jun 2013 - June Invitational Regatta 17 J/105s participated at the Invitational Regatta at San Francisco Yacht Club from June 8-9. Jason Woodley/Scott Whitney raced Risk to the top of the pack with 11 points and a line of 2,1,1,5,2. After the five races, Phillip Laby's Godot trailed in second with 18 points, and Bruce Stone's Arbitrage rounded out the top three with 24 points. Complete Results
09 Jun 2013 - Chicago NOOD Wind, waves and sunshine greeted competitors on day 1 of the Chicago NOOD over the weekend. While conditions calmed down on day 2, it was a beautiful weekend of racing in the nine-boat J/105 fleet. Clark Pellett's Sealark snagged the victory with 22 points in seven races. Michael Tuman's Striking was two-points back in second, and John Moore's Here's Johnny finished just one more point behind him with 25 points. Complete results
03 Jun 2013 - Cedar Point One Design Regatta The racing was ultra tight at the Cedar Point One Design Regatta at Cedar Point Yacht Club in Westport, CT over the weekend. Only three points separated first through fourth, but Kevin Grainger's Gumption3 came out on top with 14 points. In the 14-boat J/105 fleet, seven races took place. Damian Emery's Eclipse was just one point back in second, and there was a tie on points for the next spots between Harald Edegran/Jeremy Henderson's Conundrum and Paul Beaudin's loulou (17 points). Complete results
03 Jun 2013 - Cal Race Week It was a clean sweep for Gary Mozer at Cal Race Week. With 5 wins in 5 races, Current Obsession 2 took the victory in the seven-boat J/105 fleet. Rick Goebel's Sanity was runner-up with 10 points, and Rich Bergmann's Zuni Bear placed third with 19. Complete results
31 May 2013 - FIGAWI Race This year's famous FIGAWI race was perhaps one for the record books. It was wild, wet, cold, rainy and windy. The several thousand sailors in the race faced the same conditions as many of their sailing friends who were participating in the Storm Trysail Club Block Island Race just a bit further east of Nantucket - powerful NNW winds of 15-25 kts and mountainous seas drove the fleet fast across Nantucket Sound from Hyannis to Nantucket in an epic, wet and windy roller-coaster ride. Of the 210 boats that registered, about 75 percent of them completed the race due to the crazy conditions. The pursuit-style race with quartering seas and winds were fun conditions for most of the teams planing and surfing like mad all the way across Nantucket Sound. In Division S were lumped all the fast asymmetric spinnaker sprit boats, with 13 boats vying. First boat home was the J/105 Dark'n'Stormy sailed by Andrew Reservitz. Regatta website
31 May 2013 - Swiftsure Classic in Victoria, BC In the Cape Flattery Race, Lorenzo Migliorini's Allegro Vivace was first in class, first division and first overall in the toughest class with 59 entrants. Perhaps even more impressive was that fact that the whole race was light air with only five minutes of spinnaker work on a J/105, yet they were still able to win overall. Regatta website
20 May 2013 - Aldo Alessio 18 J/105s competed at the Aldo Alessio Perpetual Trophy Regatta at St. Francis Yacht Club (San Francisco) over the weekend. It was tight racing amongst the leaders, but Bruce Stone's Arbitrage took the victory with 16 points in the five-race series. Adam Spiegel's Jam Session was close behind at 18 points, as well as Scooter Simmons' Blackhawk with 19.5. Two teams tied on points for the following places-Jason Woodley & Scott Whitney on Risk and the Donkey Jack group of Shannon Ryan, Rolf Kaiser & Steve Kleha (both with 21 points). Complete results
20 May 2013 - Seattle NOOD Jerry Diercks repeated as Seattle NOOD J/105 champion over the weekend. Diercks raced Delirium to all top-three finishes in the 12 races, including six bullets, for 19 overall points. Erik Kristen's Jubilee tallied an impression line as well, with four race victories, to total 29 points and second place. Eric Hopper's Free Bowl of Soup placed third with 38 points. Seven J/105s competed. Complete results
20 May 2013 - 3rd Annual Manhattan Regatta May 18-19 Despite the fact that several Fleet 10 J/105s are still on the hard due to the wrath of Hurricane Sandy, this year's Manhattan Regatta was still able to sustain its reputation as an exciting and challenging event for J/105s in the NY/NJ metro area. 8-10kt winds on Saturday and 10-15kt winds on Sunday gave seven teams enough power to push their J/105s around NY Harbor and tolerate the soaking rain. And as always, the currents, ferries and barges did not disappoint. Paul Beaudin's loulou won the coveted Libby award with finishes of 1-1-3-1-1-2. Planet Claire, helmed by John Koten, finished second and Dave Spence's Synergy grabbed third. Marcus Wunderlich's Stratos showed a much stronger second day with a couple of thirds and second place finish, but not enough to break their 24pt tie with Circe, whose bullet on Saturday gave them the decision and a fourth place finish. Though on paper the scores seem pretty consistent, the reality was anything but. Many legs of the windward/leeward courses saw several place changes across the entire fleet. And everyone, especially the winners, had their share of mishaps, including swamped spinnakers and hitting marks. As one racer noted, "This is the regatta that reminds you all the things you forgot over the winter." Complete results
20 May 2013 - Lakewood Yacht Club's Shoe Lakewood Yacht Club's Annual Shoe Regatta was held May 18 and 19 on beautiful Galveston Bay. The big bright Texas sun and moderate temperatures brought forth SSE winds in the 15-20 knot range with a few gusts to 26. Five J/105s battled it out in sometimes difficult but extremely close racing. The five competitors frequently finished within seconds of each other. Bill Lackenmacher's Radiance held on to first place throughout the regatta finishing with 2,2,1,2,2,1,2. Monty Python's Killer Rabbit, OOPS that's Mark Young's Killer Rabbit finished second with 1,1,4,4,1,2,3 followed by Bee Bednar's Stinger with 3,3,2,1,3,5,1. Lakewood YC website
15 May 2013 - J/105s Shine at Larchmont Edlu Breezy conditions made for some challenging sailing conditions under the 58th Edlu Distance Race, which took place on May 11. Larchmont YC's Race Committee decided to go for an early start with the first warning sound shortly after 9AM. Southerly winds gradually increased from 12-15 knots to 20 knots with gusts up to 25 knots throughout the race. Several J/105s attended and finished at the top of their respective divisions. Morning Glory not only won PHRF division II but finished (on time-adjusted basis) as the fastest PHRF boat of the day. Morning Glory was followed by Young America, which finished just four minutes later after approximately 32 miles of sailing. The PHRF double-handed division was also dominated by J/105s. Stratos finished first, followed by EnGarde. Jaded finished in fifth position. An onboard view from Marcus Wunderlich on Stratos: "Southerly winds of 20 knots with gusts up to 25 knots made for some challenging but exciting sailing conditions, the kind of weather under which the J/105s perform best. It all came down to the right choice of sails and avoiding being overpowered under broad reaching conditions. We frequently hit 13 knots and despite the shortage of crew (we sailed double-handedly), we were able to keep Stratos well under control during the entire race."
14 May 2013 - Oregon Offshore J/105 #519 Free Bowl of Soup, out of Portland, Oregon, was fifth to finish, placing first in PHRF B and seventh overall in the Oregon Offshore. This was the 37th annual running of the Oregon Offshore 193 mile race from Astoria, Oregon to Victoria, BC as a feeder to the International Swiftsure. This year was true to form with variable conditions consisting of no wind to the upper 20s for some boats (though Free Bowl of Soup never saw anything over 18kts). The race started at 10:05am Thursday in remarkably nice conditions of 10-12kts out of the North. The wind built throughout the afternoon, also clocking a bit West creating some steep seas, before finally dying to almost nothing in the morning. The next day was light and variable until getting around Cape Flattery and past Neah Bay. Inside the Straits of Juan de Fuca, they had a nice midnight broad reach with speeds from 9-11.4 kts for several hours. At daylight, the wind backed and eventually shut down creating a challenging fight against the fading ebbing tide. Free Bowl of Soup was lucky to ride the beginning of the flood tide near Sooke through Race Passage in virtually no wind. Finally, they caught a new 7-8kt Southeasterly that brought them into Victoria at 4:10pm Saturday afternoon. The J/105 is a great versatile boat and handles offshore conditions quite well. Their sail inventory consisted of class jib, main, and spinnaker supplemented by a light air reaching 1A, a light air running AP, a heavy air reaching kite (not used) and a daisy staysail. They sailed with four crew this year, which was nice for space, but another set of hands would have been nice periodically, particularly downwind. They look forward to switching into One-Design for the Seattle NOOD. The main items that will come off consist of the life raft (strapped on in front of the mast), emergency rudder, Man-Overboard-Module (MOM), ditch bag w/EPIRB, jack lines, gimbaled propane burner, and lee cloths. More info and complete results
07 May 2013 - Revelation Repeats as AYC Spring Champ Revelation wrapped up its second consecutive American Yacht Club Spring Championship with finishes of 2-3-4-9-1 over the second weekend of the 11-race regatta. George and Alex Wilbanks started Saturday in second place, but their team moved into the lead by making fewer mistakes than the competition. Sean and Susan Doyle matched Revelation's three race victories with three of their own in the 14-boat fleet. But Kestrel finished 10th twice and had to count one of them in the series that only allowed one discard. That accounted for much of the nine-point difference that separated the two boats in the event. Paul Beaudin came on strong the final weekend. His loulou won two races and moved up to third. Harald Edegran and Jermey Henderson finished fourth aboard Conundrum, while Kevin Grainger finished fifth on Gumption3. Conundrum and Gumption3 both won one race, as did Carl Olsson's Morning Glory. The top 12 boats in the event all had at least one finish of 5th or better in the changing conditions. Complete results
05 May 2013 - Tequila Storm Hits San Diego The typically sleepy sailing conditions of San Diego got hit by a tequila storm for the annual Yachting Cup, with 20+ knots on Saturday preceding the Cinco de Mayo party that night. Amid stories of torn sails and broken boats, there were 83 boats competing in 10 PHRF and one-design classes. Winning the Scuttlebutt Sailing Club overall crown was Dave Vieregg's Triple Play team, which took the title in the 13-boat J/105 class. Complete results
05 May 2013 - Annapolis NOOD 18 J/105s competed in this weekend's Annapolis NOOD, which is the same host as the 2013 J/105 North American Championship. Cedric Lewis and Fredrik Salvesen took Mirage to the victory with 33 points. Also the winners in 2011, they tallied a line of 5,2,9,2,1,8,5,1 to beat the MBE Syndicate of Marty Hublitz, Bobby Marinelli and Eddie Hornick on Veloce who totaled 45 points. Jim Konigsberg's Inigo placed third with 52 points. Eight races were completed in all, with Friday as the nicest day of breeze around 15 knots. For Saturday and Sunday, the winds began around 10-12, but decreased and became shifty with choppy seas. Complete results
30 Apr 2013 - Race for the Case The Lloyd Harbor Yacht Club Spring Series Race for the Case is less than 3 weeks off. Entry is now available. Sign-up early
30 Apr 2013 - Doyles Lead Halfway Through AYC Spring Sean and Susan Doyle are at the top of the leaderboard midway through the American Yacht Club's Spring series. Their Kestrel posted finishes of 2-2-4 on Saturday and then came back with a 2-1-1 on Sunday. The performance left them with 8 points counting one throw-out at the halfway point of the regatta. One might think that recording only eight points in six races would have left Sean and Susan with a wide lead. It did not. Hot on their heels with just 9 points are the veteran J/105 sailors from Cedar Point, George and Alex Wilbanks, on board Revelation. Their finishes: 6-1-3 and 1-2-2. That one point difference between the Doyle and Wilbanks teams on Sunday is the difference so far in the event. Kevin Grainger, winner of the third race on Saturday, stands in third with 14 points. Tied for fourth: the new AYC junior team sailing Kincsem and Harald Edegran/Jeremey Henderson aboard Conundrum. Thirteen boats raced in the 105 class, which has the largest one-design turnout at the event. The racers all got beautiful weather for the season opening weekend, with warm temperatures and plenty of wind to sail six races. The event concludes next weekend. Complete results
29 Apr 2013 - Houston Yacht Club Offshore The Houston Yacht Club's annual offshore triangle is part of Texas Offshore Race Week. It is one of a three-part series required to win the Texas Navy Trophy. The eight yachts competing in the spinnaker class included two J/105s, a J/109, a J/120, a Beneteau 44.7, a Beneteau 36.7, a Macgregor 65 and a Contessa 34. Bee Bednar's Stinger finished in second just behind the J/109. Except for the care required to get to the start, the race was unremarkable in that it was basically a parade from the start to the finish. Another big compressed natural gas tanker required the RC to postpone the start in order to allow sufficient time for all of the spinnaker boats to arrive at the starting line.
29 Apr 2013 - Houston Yacht Club's Reach Down the Beach Houston Yacht Club's second annual Reach Down the Beach from Galveston to Freeport (40 nm) was held on April 25. Two J/105s signed up but only one showed up and finished. Bee Bednar's Stinger took line honors about 30 minutes ahead of a J/120. That elapsed time also resulted in first overall. Average wind backed and veered around 105 degrees providing a 120 TWA resulting in an average overall speed of approximated 8.2 knots. Surprisingly the most interesting part of this race was yet to come. As Stinger neared the Freeport City Marina, she was stopped by two Coast Guard ribs with mounted and manned 50 caliber machine guns. The Coasties had established a 1000 foot security zone around a compressed national gas tanker that was poised to exit the channel. Their ribs were making sure that no one came withing 1000 feet of that boat. As Stinger circled, the larger of the two ribs came up and asked what Stinger's intentions were. Stinger responded by saying that she was heading to the Freeport Marina. That produced an escort, in the narrow channel, by the smaller rib allowing Stinger to safely pass the tanker. Interestingly, the Coastie manning the 50 cal was a 20+ year old young lady. Seeing that she had both hands on the 50 cal, Stinger figured the best option was to keep very clear.
26 Apr 2013 - J/Fest San Francisco This year's J/Fest hosted by St. Francis Yacht Club had another strong turnout. The J/105 class on San Francisco Bay continues to remain a strong fleet and fresh blood is always popping up over the course of time to make life interesting. Such was the case this past weekend. Leading the way home was Steve Kleha sailing the renown Donkey Jack to first place with a 3-5-10-4-1 record for 23 pts to just nip a group of four veteran boats hot on their tail. Second was the team of Jason Woodley and Scott Whitney sailing Risk to a 4-2-5-5-9 tally for 25 pts, just two points back. Third was Pat Benedict on Advantage 3 putting on a strong effort to finish in the money with a 5-7-6-6-3 scoreline for 27 pts. Rounding out the top five based on a tie-breaker at 29 pts were Scooter Simmons on Blackhawk in fourth and Walter Sanford on Alchemy in fifth. Complete results
26 Apr 2013 - Grand Slam Wins Chile J/105 Nationals For two consecutive weekends of April (6-7th and 13-14th), the fleet of 18 J/105s sailed on the beautiful waters in the Bay of Algarrobo, competing for top honors in the Chilean J/105 fleet's first National Championship. Both weekends had a great wind conditions for sailing, between 10 and 15 knots from the southwest - the best local wind - and gently rolling offshore swell in excess of 6.5 feet. Teams that could master good upwind speed and turn the top mark and make use of the great surfing conditions often made significant gains on their competitors. From the beginning, it was clear that three teams were battling for the podium and dominated the regatta. However, notably five boats won races in the nine race event, and 13 of the 18 boats (nearly 75 percent of the fleet) posted top five scores in their overall records. That's a wonderful indicator of good, close, competitive racing to have the kind of scoring distribution across the fleet. In the end, Patricio Seguel's team on Grand Slam were declared Chile''s first J/105 National Champions. They managed to hold off their two closest competitors and after two discard races, scored all top three finishes for a total of 13 net pts. Scoring two firsts and two seconds was not enough to chase down the leader for Miguel Salas' team on Big Booty, ending up with 19 net pts to secure a well-deserved second overall. Chasing both teams was Vernon Robert's Arachimides, themselves also counting two firsts and a second in their scoreline, but not enough to catch the others with a 22 pts net for the regatta. Rounding out the top five were Pedro Perez's Recluta with 28 pts net in fourth place and in fifth was Daniel Gonzalez's crew on Tricalma with 31 pts. The J/105 was introduced in Algarrobo, Chile 17 years ago with a few units, and at the end of 2010 the class was launched by Algarrobo Yacht Club members. Nowadays there are more than 25 boats in the central part of Chilean Coast. As a result of that effort and passionate enthusiasm by Chilean sailors, the J/105 class has become the principal family-fun, one-design yacht in Chile. The fleet will meet again on May 11-12 in Vina del Mar for the Chilean Navy Day Celebration, locally known as Glorias Navales, where many classes join together to celebrate the event. More Chilean J/105 Nationals sailing information and photos
24 Apr 2013 - Minutes posted Minutes from the 4/18/13 Executive Committee meeting are posted. Class Business page
13 Apr 2013 - North Americans NOR posted and registration open The Notice of Race is now posted for the 2013 J/105 North American Championship. Be in Annapolis October 31 through November 3 for your chance to compete with many of the best J/105 sailors in the world! Registration is open, so enter early to save. Do not wait until the last minute to register. Everyone wants to know who is coming! NAC website
09 Apr 2013 - Houston Yacht Club's Elissa Over the weekend of April 6-7, six J/105s battled it out during Houston Yacht Club's annual Elissa regatta. The Elissa regatta is held every year to benefit Galveston's Tall Ship Elissa. Winds in the 15-25 knot range made for some exciting extremely tight racing under beautiful Texas skies and very comfortable temperatures. First place changed hands several times during the 6 races, but Mark Young on Killer Rabbit won his first ever J/105 regatta and was properly doused in the drink afterward by his admiring competitors. Has Fleet 17 found a new tradition? Bill Lakenmacher on Radiance stole second by one point from Bee Bednar on Stinger. A great time was had by all.
02 Apr 2013 - Dark Star Shows Well at St. Thomas Rolex Regatta Jonathan Lipuscek's J/105 Dark Star from Puerto Rico was leading the last race and the regatta in the CSA II class at the 40th International Rolex Regatta in St. Thomas USVI when the forestay broke on the downwind leg. Even with the DNF, they finished third in the event. The forestay pin came loose and as it worked out bent the toggle too severely to repair on the run. They took the mainsail down with the spinnaker flying to access a halyard to hoist the bowman, but could not get it reattached while surfing at 10 knots. Good idea to check these periodically. Paul Beaudin, also on board, built a new Carbon jib to the CSA Rule which does not measure girths. The sail had about 6" more roach and put the leech right on the spreaders. Dark Star also tested a class sized spinnaker using 1/2oz cloth. Both sails made a big difference in performance with no penalty under this rule. The rule also allowed a much heavier crew, 1700 lbs, which was a real treat in the 15-20 knot Caribbean trade winds. This is a beautiful place to sail. Regatta website
31 Mar 2013 - Register now for Fleet 10 annual Manhattan Regatta Please join Fleet 10 in competitive sailing and merriment in one of the most exciting ports in the world, New York Harbor. The challenge of navigating between tugs, barges, and the Staten Island ferry, whilst in a current, makes for intense and complex, competitive racing.Last year there were nearly a dozen boats on the starting line with talk of even more this year. Courses will be primarily windward/leeward under the watchful gaze of the statue of liberty and multi-support boats. Social events include an outdoor barbeque aboard Liberty State Park's lightship and an awards party at North Cove Marina on Sunday after racing. Please bring family and friends to watch the action. Never far from the shores of either New York or New Jersey, the race provides spectators and tourists alike with the site of big boat racing. Register
28 Mar 2013 - Winter Newsletter Members will receive the Winter edition of the J/105 newsletter via e-mail. It is also posted on the Newsletter page.
18 Mar 2013 - Sperry Top-Sider NOOD Regatta The second stop for the eight event Sperry Top-Sider NOOD Regatta circuit was in San Diego, CA on March 15-17. The feast or famine tradition for this event prevailed, where strong conditions in past events were set aside this year for light and spotty winds. Three race courses hosted 101 boats competing in 12 one design classes, with the J/105 and the Viper 640 leading the way with 14 boats in each fleet. Gary Mozer's Current Obsession 2 dominated the four-race series scoring all firsts and seconds for 6 points. Tom Hurlburt and Chuck Driscoll on Blow Boat took second place with 12 points. Rich Bergmann's Zuni Bear came in third with 21 points. Complete results
10 Mar 2013 - Bill Zartler's Solaris Repeats as J/105 Midwinter Champion Bill Zartler and his Solaris team will be keeping the title of J/105 Midwinter Champion. Despite placing seventh in Sunday's only race, Solaris hung on for the two-point victory and back-to-back Midwinter Championship trophies. With crew Chris Lewis, Karen Lewis, Gustavo Eacobar, Michael Byrne and Cynthia Powell, Zartler completed the nine-race series with 28 points and a line of 8,1,5,1,3,1,1,1,7. Host Lakewood Yacht Club in Seabrook, TX claimed the top two boats of the event, as Bill Lakenmacher's Radiance placed second with 30 points. New York's Paul Beaudin on Avici came in third at 40 points. Zartler praised the Race Committee for fulfilling their goal of nine races, and also commended the stellar competition. "It was great to have competitors coming from all over the country, and see the fleet continue to grow" he said. Teams were postponed on shore in the morning when a line of storms came through. When the AP flag came down and the 13 boats were sent to the race course, winds averaged 10-12 knots. Greg Turman's Horny Toad won Sunday's only race, trailed by Beaudin and Lakenmacher. The top five: Bill Zartler, Solaris (28 points), Bill Lakenmacher, Radiance (30), Paul Beaudin, Avici (40), Greg Turman, Horny Toad (52), James Macdonald, Distant Passion (52). The J/105 Class extends its appreciation to the Lakewood Yacht Club and all of its volunteers. Photos are available on the J/105 Facebook page, and complete results may be found at the event website.
09 Mar 2013 - Bill Zartler's Solaris Commands Day 2 of J/105 Midwinter Championship Reigning Midwinter Champion Bill Zartler snagged three bullets on day 2 of the J/105 Midwinter Championship to take a six-point lead into the final day of the competition on Sunday. Racing Solaris with Chris Lewis, Karen Lewis, Gustavo Eacobar, Michael Byrne and Cynthia Powell, Zartler has recorded 21 points in the eight races. Host Lakewood Yacht Club in Seabrook, Texas boasts the top two racers thus far, as Bill Lakenmacher's Radiance stands in second place with 27 points. Paul Beaudin and Damian Emery on Avici hold the third place position with 38 points. It was another beautifully breezy day on Galveston Bay with winds starting at 10-12 knots and building to 16-20, with temperatures around 70 degrees. Uzi Ozeri helmed Infinity to another regatta victory in the day's first contest, followed by Mark Masur's Two Feathers. Zartler lodged a third in that race, before winning the next three contests. Familiar faces rounded out the top three in races 6-8, with Lakenmacher claiming three second-place tallies, Beaudin finishing in third on two occasions and Ozeri taking the other third. Racing concludes Sunday. Photos are available on the J/105 Facebook page, and complete results may be found at the event website.
09 Mar 2013 - Blakely Rock Race Generally described as the most unique of all the light-air Blakely Rock Center Sound Series races, the Northwest offshore sailing season is off to a great start. Over the course of the day, the wind waxed and waned and flopped and held, but just as the fleet began to wonder whether the race would be shortened, the sailors could see the forecasted northerly coming down the Sound. In the PO4 Division was the one-design J/105 fleet. The top three included Jerry Diercks sailing Delirium to first in class. Not far behind was Jim Geros' Last Tango in second, and taking the last spot on the podium was Erik Kristen sailing Jubilee; all three teams from CYC Seattle. Corinthian YC website
08 Mar 2013 - Bill Zartler's Solaris on Top After Day 1 of J/105 Midwinter Championship Local Bill Zartler took Solaris to the top of the leaderboard after four races on the first day of the J/105 Midwinter Championship. Defending Champion Zartler, of host Lakewood Yacht Club in Seabrook, Texas, began the day with an eighth place tally, then won two of the next three races for an overall score of 15 points. He leads another local, Bill Lakenmacher on Radiance, by 2 points. Paul Beaudin of New York, NY is another point behind with 18. LYC's Uzi Ozeri on Infinity kicked off the event with a win in race 1, followed by Donald Santa's Santas Reign, Dear and Mark Smith's Marian V. Conditions were perfect on Galveston Bay with 70 degree temperatures and winds between 10-12 knots. Zartler took the victory in race 2, with Lakenmacher in second and Greg Turman's Horny Toad third. Lakenmacher moved up to race winner in the third bout, trailed by Santa and Beaudin. Zartler won the race back to shore by claiming race 4, when wind conditions had increased to 16-18 knots. Beaudin placed second and Lakenmacher third, although with a scoring penalty notched a 9. Racing continues through Sunday. Photos are available on the J/105 Facebook page, and complete results may be found at the event website.
08 Mar 2013 - Midwinters Underway Today It is a gorgeous day at Lakewood Yacht Club in Seabrook, Texas for the first day of racing at the J/105 Midwinter Championship! All those reading this from home, you are missing 70 degrees and winds 12-16 knots. The goal is 4 races today. Pictures will be posted on Facebook later. Also look for a few real-time updates on Twitter. Keep up with results at the event website.
07 Mar 2013 - Midwinter Championship Launches on Friday Teams are gathering at the beautiful Lakewood Yacht Club in Seabrook, Texas for the J/105 Midwinter Championship. Racing begins Friday and runs through Sunday. Photos will be posted to the J/105 Facebook page daily, and results will be updated at the event website.
03 Mar 2013 - Lakewood Yacht Clubs Bay Cup I After a 1-hour postponement due to low water levels, 47 boats in Lakewood Yacht Club's annual Bay Cup I regatta got off to a rousing beginning at 11:30. Winds out of the NW ranged from 10-20 knots with an occasional 9 thrown in just for fun. As the day progressed, the winds strengthened to 18+ with maximum gusts in the low to mid 30s. The 9-boat PHRF A fleet included a Melges 24, four J/109s, two J/105s, one J/80 and a Beneteau 10R. The 11.74 mile course was divided into 4 legs with a reaching start, a run to the second mark, and two beating legs to the finish. Kevin Hayes/Mike McGagh's Melges 24 Mojo took first with Bee Bednar's J/105 Stinger coming in second and Al Goethe's J/109 Hamburg finishing third. The warm Texas sun and strong winds made for an exciting day on Galveston Bay. Results
22 Feb 2013 - SCYA Midwinters After a busy fall 2012 sailing nearly four J/105 regattas in a row, the San Diego J/105 sailors were back on the water for the SCYA Midwinters. Dennis & Sharon Case on Wings sailed a closely fought series to win with three firsts and two seconds, beating Rick Goebel and gang on Sanity by just 3 points. Lying third was Dave Vieregg on Triple Play. SCYA Midwinter Regatta website
18 Feb 2013 - Block Island XXV to Host J/105 East Coasts This year's J/105 East Coast Championship will be held during Block Island Race Week. The Class expects to draw boats from the Newport area, Long Island Sound, New Jersey and even Annapolis. The 25th anniversary of BIRW will also serve as host to a number of other national and East Coast Championships as the Storm Trysail organizers work to stage a memorable regatta. The dates are June 23-28. Make your plans to attend early as ferry reservations (for vehicles), housing, and mooring space will become increasingly limited as enthusiasm for the event builds. This is not an event you want to sign up for at the last minute. BIRW website
13 Feb 2013 - Santa Barbara Hot Rum Round Up Santa Barbara's racing season starts very early in the year. The first race of the Hot Rum Series in January was moderate breeze while the second one was plagued with very thick fog. The starting order is determined by PHRF ratings with the highest rated boats starting first and the lowest starting last. Theoretically all the boats should finish at the same time. The 32 entrants range from Harbor 20s with a 230 rating to a RP 68 at a -69 rating. Three J/105s sailed in Class B with Larry Harteck's Repeat Offender, Dan Durbeck's Perfect Timing 2 and Mark Noble's Escapade racing against 11 boats in their class. Saturday February 9 was the third and final race of the series. The wind was blowing 20-25 knots with some smaller boats electing not to go out. 19 boats finished the race but the most exciting part was the photo finish. Leading the race to the finish line was J/24 Bullet followed by J/105 Repeat Offender. Closing fast on the two J Boats was the Farr 40 Skian Dhu with the RP 68 Taxi Dancer looking to pass all three. What boat was going to out gut and out hike the smaller or bigger boat to lean for the finish tape for an amazing finish! The J/105 beat the J/24 by only 1 second and Taxi followed behind by another 4 seconds. The Farr 40, having been rolled by Taxi Dancer a couple minutes earlier, finished 21 seconds later. The series went to Taxi Dancer with 9 total points. Santa Barbara Yacht Club Racing website
07 Feb 2013 - San Juan International Regatta The winter sailing season in the Caribbean is beginning to wind-up into a higher gear. Starting with the San Juan International Regatta, the racing takes place in San Juan Bay where temperatures reach a comfortable high in the low 80s and winds customarily blow 10-15 knots in February. The event was hosted by Club Nautico de San Juan from February 1-3 and welcomed over 140 sailors in 102 boats racing in 10 classes. Postcard-perfect sailing conditions prevailed, just as advertised. Generally perfect with mostly sunny skies and winds blowing under 10 knots the first day and gusting to nearly 20 knots on the final day of competition. The mark of a truly great regatta is the opportunity for lots of racing. True to reputation, the SJIR Race Committee ran as many as 13 to 16 races over three days for the dinghy classes and seven races for the newly-added CSA spinnaker class. In the nine-boat CSA class, Julio Reguero of Puerto Rico from the host club CNSJ sailed his J/105 Umakua fast and consistent. They scored an impressive 4.5-1-1-DNS-1-1-1 for 9.5 pts net to win by a landslide. Also finishing in the top five and taking fourth in class was the J/105 Dark Star sailed by another local Jonathan Lipuscek, managing a 7-2-2-5-7-3-2 scoreline for 21 net pts. Regatta website
01 Feb 2013 - Three Bridge Fiasco The J/105s have seen the 3BF as an honorable right of passage to start their sailing season. Showing they were up to the task in this popular and highly competitive fleet on the Bay, David Miller and Roger Wise sailed Bald Eagle to a near 4-minute win over the team of David Gross and Alex Samodurov racing Nirvana. Just 40 seconds back was Richard Butts and Jill Visor, sailing Melilani to snag third for the race. 12 J/105s competed. Complete results
24 Jan 2013 - Minutes posted Minutes from the 1/14/13 Executive Committee meeting are posted. Class Business page
30 Dec 2012 - Happy New Year Didn't get a Calendar for the Holidays? It's not too late to purchase your 2013 J/105 Wall Calendar! Merchandise page
25 Dec 2012 - Holiday spammer We apologize for the J/105 spam you may be receiving today. Our web host is working to resolve the issues. In the meantime, delete any messages you receive.
18 Dec 2012 - J/105 gifts Buy a J/105 gift for yourself and your crew! 2013 wall calendars and headstay templates are available on the Merchandise page.
18 Dec 2012 - J/105 Class leads today's Scuttlebutt Check out today's Scuttlebutt, which features the J/105 Class as the lead story. Scuttlebutt website
15 Dec 2012 - Tricalma Wins J/105 Chilean Nationals With 19 boats on the starting line, the 2012 Chilean J/105 Nationals were sailed in a wide variety of conditions that challenged the sailors during the six races sailed. On the first day, the J/105 teams experienced nice steady 10-12 kts Southwest winds, enabling the PRO to run three races. On the second day, the wind shifted into the Northwest and got lighter during the day with winds ranging from 5-10 kts, the fleet again enjoyed three good races. Most of the boats sailing had family crew onboard, including lots of women and kids as crew. In fact, several boats had husband/wife combinations and a few even "engaged couples." The camaraderie amongst the sailors was evident as all had a lot of fun both on and off the water. The racing was very close for the fleet with both first, second, third and fourth determined by tie-breakers. Finishing first was Tricalma sailed by Daniel Gonzalez. Second was Recluta III sailed by Miguel Perez, also with 15 pts. Third on the podium was Big Booty sailed by Miguel Salas, and losing the tie-breaker at 17 pts was Patricio Seguel's Grand Slam, taking 4th overall. Rounding out the top five was Sergio Baesa's family team with 21 pts. They had perhaps the most family on one boat, Sergio Baesa father & son, Sergio Jr's wife, daughter and two friends. Their hull #173 was the first J/105 brought into Chile 15 years ago. Today, there are now 24 J/105s in Chile, most in the Algarrobo/Valparaiso sailing harbors. The next event is the "Bio Bio Circuit" at the end of January 2013.
14 Dec 2012 - Fall Newsletter Members received the Fall edition of the J/105 newsletter via e-mail. It is also posted on the Newsletter page.
09 Dec 2012 - Calendars for the holidays Cross a few people off your gift list by purchasing the 2013 J/105 wall calendar on the Merchandise page.
07 Dec 2012 - Vashon Island Race The J/105 Dulcinea helmed by Matthew Gardner-Brown won her Class 7 by the narrowest of margins--8 seconds--in the Winter Vashon, the annual 30.7nm race that kicks off the South Sound Series in Washington. Tacoma Yacht Club website
07 Dec 2012 - Hot Rum The last major San Diego YC racing event came to a close on the first day of December with the final of three races in the Hot Rum Series. The fleet of 130 boats in 6 classes enjoyed gorgeous sunny, warm sailing conditions on the 11.9 nm pursuit race course located off the majestic Point Loma. Taking both the Class and J/105 honors was Sharon and Dennis Case sailing Wings to a 4-3-1 scoreline for just 8 points. Second 105 home was Dave Vieregg's Triple Play with a 2-5-4 tally for 11 points. Third was the Dagostino/Fisher duo on Viggen with a 3-9-3 for 15 points. San Diego Yacht Club website
04 Dec 2012 - Midwinters NOR Posted and Registration Open Lakewood Yacht Club, J/105 Fleet 17 and the J/105 Class Association invite you to attend the 2013 J/105 Midwinter Championship from March 8-10, 2013 in Seabrook, Texas on the waters of Galveston Bay. The Notice of Race is now posted and registration is open at the Midwinters website.
28 Nov 2012 - 2013 J/105 calendars Introducing the seventh J/105 wall calendar (and the 2013 regatta schedule along with it). This high-gloss calendar measures 11 inches wide and hangs 17 inches tall. Each month includes a unique, dynamic, and full color photo from this sailing season. Photography has been contributed by professionals Allen Clark, Bronny Daniels, Leighton O'Connor, and Tim Wilkes. Treat yourself and your entire crew for the holidays! Merchandise page
20 Nov 2012 - HYC Turkey Day Regatta There are times when one should be brave enough to say enough is enough. There are times when the race you thought was going to be a big deal turns out to be a crap shoot and you just don't have enough dice to play. There are times when not going out should rule the day. At those times one should be brave enough to soak one's sins in appropriate libations at the bar. This weekend's Houston Yacht Club's Turkey Day Regatta was one of those. On Saturday the wind Gods decided that under no circumstances should the breeze exceed 2 knots, but faked everyone out by providing 4 knots at the start and then taking all of that away in the middle of the first race to never give it back. It's so much fun to bob around at .01 knots. Fortunately, we had enough Shiner Bock to keep everyone happy. The Neptune subs kept hunger at bay. An incoming current allowed at least two of the three 105s to at least round the windward mark but was not enough to avoid abandoning the race and the day. Sunday saw dead spots float across the course so that only the very lucky survived. Uzi Ozeri's infinity brilliantly exploited the dead spots to take first in the day's only race. Bee Bednar's Stinger streaked across the finish line in second place at a blazing .9 knots. Mark Young's Killer Rabbit rounded out the day in third. Not sure anyone can say a good day was had by all, but the weather was spectacular. Temps never got below 68 or above 70, and there was nary a cloud in the brilliantly blue Texas sky. HYC website
15 Nov 2012 - Good news from Waterline Acquisition of J/Boats files - From the introduction of the J/24 in 1977 until about 2009, Tillotson-Pearson or its successor company Pearson Composites built the vast majority of J/Boats. They have files and records on every boat built. Since Pearson Composites and J/Boats ended their relationship, these files have been inaccessible. Recently, WLS with the knowledge and cooperation of J/Boats, secured all of these files and records. The end result of which is a better ability to provide "Factory" service and parts for the 13,000+ J/Boat owners out there. There are about 500,000 documents relating to every J/Boat ever made. We are in the process of having them scanned, indexed and catalogued, and brought into a searchable web form. We are also integrating all the bills of materials and parts to our parts department and web-store. We were hoping to have the scanning and indexing all completed before we announced this, but the storm has forced our hand. Many J/Boats of many vintages will be in need of repairs and specialty parts. Having access to this information will help us pinpoint the exact "factory" parts that the boat was built with and, perhaps more importantly, where to source it. Not only was TPI sitting on a half-million documents that were of little use to them, they also have a back forty full of useful molds. Laymen probably think each boat uses two, three, or maybe four molds. Not so. There are many, many molded pieces that go into each boat. Many of these parts are the ones that wear out or get broken. Sure, there are work-arounds, but they are expensive and it can be a real problem getting the parts to fit and operate properly. As part of our deal on the files, we have also secured the rights to make parts out of the original molds. This includes items such as rudders, hatches, sea-hoods, pedestal, interior parts, etc. Access to these molds will greatly expand our capabilities to service J/Boat owners and help retain value of your J/Boat. With this acquisition of molds, we also have the capability to complete repairs that would simply be financially unrealistic without this tooling. Deck broken? We may be able to replace it. Major hole? We may be able to scarf in a new, molded hull section. So, if your beloved J/Boat was beat up in the storm, don't despair--Waterline Systems stands ready to help you restore it. Waterline website
11 Nov 2012 - Lipton Cup Challenge in J/105s The 98th edition of the Sir Thomas Lipton Cup Regatta hosted 10 California yacht club teams along with New York YC (Newport, RI) and Southern YC (New Orleans, LA). The round-robin format completed 11 races during the three day event, with winds in the teens to low twenties providing grueling short-course conditions inside San Diego Bay. After beginning the event with an 11th, Bob Little's California Yacht Club team of Doug McLean, Whit Batchelor, Dave Kurt, Ben Mitchell, and Drew Freides took the lead on the final day and held on for the title. Complete results
10 Nov 2012 - J/105 Masters Regatta The International Masters Regatta was established in 1975 by St. Francis Yacht Club Member, Don Trask. For years, the world's greatest master sailors such as Elvstrom, Buchan, Burnham, Tillman, Trask, Irish, Harken, North, Holland, Hinman and Dickson have competed in this prestigious international sailing event on the San Francisco Bay. After a three year hiatus, this year's event has moved down to the sunny, friendly climate of San Diego, with the San Diego YC hosting the event for the first time in 2012. The regatta, sailed in J/105s, included buoy-racing inside the beautiful bay alongside San Diego's gorgeous waterfront. On Saturday, the regatta incorporated San Diego's most beloved race, the Hot Rum, where the master sailors mixed it up with 100+ other boats. The weather prognosticators could not have been more accurate for the three-day weekend. Truly "chamber of commerce" conditions were forecast and the weather Gods delivered. Gorgeous sky-blue days with NNW winds from 8-15 kts all three days made for some great racing inside San Diego Bay, as well as for the famous Hot Rum Race for the Masters 105 sailors. After the first day of racing on Friday, the regatta leader was Bruce Munro from San Francisco with a 3-2-1-4 for a five pt lead over the fleet. The make-or-break race for many of the teams was the fifth race counter, the Hot Rum Race on Saturday. Making their bid for the top five was Jon Andron's team from San Francisco, winning the Hot Rum Race with Ireland's Ron Holland finishing 2nd and San Diego's own Malin Burnham snagging 3rd. On the last day of racing with five teams within five points of eachother, the top of the podium was up for grabs. Starting out of the blocks fast on Sunday was Bruce Munro's team, winning the first race with an emphatic 500 yard lead. However, after starting fast, the Munro team saw the wheels fall-off the shopping trolley with consecutive 7-7s to finish 2nd overall. Sailing a very consistent series on the last day to win was Dennis & Sharon Case with a 3-4-4 to win by just 3 pts. Third was one of Denmark's (and later Toronto's) more famous citizen sailors, Hans Fogh who finished the series with an exclamation point- first in the last race. Fourth was Jon Andron and fifth was local San Diego sailor Chuck Nichols. The Master Regatta was ably handled by San Diego YC's band of volunteers, excellent RC/PRO and it sponsors. Several sailors were overheard asking whether they could be included for the 2013 edition already! It was clear all the crews aboard the 10 boats had a wonderful time sailing amongst one another and wished they could sail again next year! Regatta website
01 Nov 2012 - Chesapeake Bay Championship The threat of Hurricane Sandy cut off Sunday racing in the 2012 J/105 Chesapeake Championship Regatta and shortened it to just three races on Saturday, but the regatta was no less exciting. Pete McChesney and his Mystery Machine team dominated the 12-boat fleet with three straight bullets. However, the competition, particularly among the top five contenders, was tight and challenging. "We didn't have any horizon jobs," McChesney said. "The first boats were tight in every race for sure." Sailing with McChesney was his team of experienced regulars including his wife Margaret, Shane Zwingleberg, Scott Snyder, Stan Welle, and Lisa Simpkins. "We got lucky and made some moves where we got clean lanes," McChesney said. "Coming off the starting line there were always three, four, five boats that were really close. We did manage to round the (first) weather mark first in all three races, so that made the second beats a little easier because we didn't have to work to find clear air." McChesney described northeasterly breeze ranging from 10 to 14 knots. "There were some shifts," he said, "maybe 20 to 25 degrees, but it was more like one long shift on the beat with the wind coming from the Bay Bridge, instead of the five shifts you get on a beat when it's northwesterly." Continually working to maintain clean air paid off for the Mystery Machine team in more than one way in their victory. "When we weren't winning, we'd tack away to get a clean lane," McChesney said, "and in one race when we did that we were lifted straight to the mark." A more serious dogfight was going on right behind McChesney and company in the pursuit of the second and third spots in the fleet. Jim Konigsberg and the Inigo crew and Donald Santa and his Santas Reign Dear team went into Race 3 tied on points, each having tallied a second and a fifth-place finish. When Konigsberg and his crew were able to get in front of Santa in the third race to finish second, they nailed down the second spot in the series. Carl and Scott Gitchell and the Tenacious crew went into the start of the third race a point ahead of both Konigsberg and Santa. But as is usually the case in the always-competitive J/105 fleet positions can shuffle fast, and a fifth-place finish in Race 3 dropped the Gitchell brothers to fourth overall. The Capital's complete article and results
28 Oct 2012 - Harvest Moon Regatta 210 yachts participated in Lakewood Yacht Club's 26th annual Harvest Moon Regatta over the period from October 25-27. The 150-nautical mile race from Galveston to Port Aransas, TX saw winds ranging from dead calm to 30+ knots. The winds began from the SE in the 10-15 knot range and then veered to E, died, and finally began to scream out of the North as a Big Texas Blue Norther blew in around 3am Friday morning. Greg Truman's Horny Toad and John Bell's Kindespeil II were the only two J/105s in the mix. Racing against a host of much faster boats, including the Santa Cruz 50 Passion, the Melges 32 Peerless, the J/44 Kenai, two J/120s and, two J/109s, Greg's Horny Toad finished in fourth behind the Hobie 33 Soap Opera, the Whitby 42 Ketch C-Time, and the Melges 32 Peerless. Using his class PHRF handicap and after 150 nautical miles, Greg finished just 1:53 behind the Melges in the 27 boat Barcardi Cup Fleet. Regatta website
21 Oct 2012 - Chris Perkins on Masquerade Earns J/105 North American Championship Chris Perkins led his Masquerade team to victory at the J/105 North American Championship. Hosted by the San Diego Yacht Club, the San Francisco-based boat led from race 1 through race 9 with a remarkably consistent line of 1,2,2,1,3,2,4,4,4 for 23 total points. The team consisted of Perkins, Steve Marsh, Tom Purdy, Mark Chandler, Larry Swift and Rose Eberhard. This triumph marks the boat Masquerade's third North American Championship, after winning in 2006 and 2007 with Tom Coates. Perkins, Marsh and Chandler were part of those crews. Perkins praised Masquerade, veteran hull #17, and the teams' familiarity with it. "We know this boat intimately. It's well prepared in its set-up with a nice new set of sails," he stated. He also applauded his crew for their flawless efforts, saying "There were no crew mistakes, despite the fact that we're all very busy and we had little practice. That's where luck comes in sometimes." It was easy to notice that Masquerade quickly launched to the front of the 25-boat fleet at the starts. "We had consistent starts where we got the nose out and didn't have to play ping pong," Perkins explained. "Some regattas go your way, and this one did for us. We were in the right place for the shifts." Gary Mozer's Current Obsession 2 finished as runner-up with 37 points, and new J/105 owner Dennis Connor placed third on DC's Pholly with 45 points. Sunday's first race was won by Conner's DC's Pholly, with Mozer's Current Obsession 2 and Chuck Driscoll and Tom Hurlburt's Blow Boat behind. Dennis Case's Wings closed out the regatta's final contest successfully, trailed by DC's Pholly and Bennet Greenwald's Perseverance. The day saw winds from 6-8 knots at the start, up to 10-12 knots with building seas in the second race. The top 10: Chris Perkins, Masquerade (23 points), Gary Mozer, Current Obsession 2 (37), Dennis Conner, DC's Pholly (45), Chuck Driscoll/Tom Hurlburt, Blow Boat (57), Bruce Stone, Arbitrage (58), Dennis Case, Wings (73), Tom Fisher/Joe Dagostino, Viggen (74), Bennet Greenwald, Perseverance (84), Rick Goebel, Sanity (93), Dave Vieregg, Triple Play (99). The J/105 Class Association extends it appreciation to everyone at the San Diego Yacht Club for their first-rate regatta management and hospitality. Photos are available on the J/105 Facebook page. For complete results, go to the regatta website.
21 Oct 2012 - Kincsem Dominates Manhasset Capturing three firsts and three seconds, Kincsem sailed to a dominating eight-point win over arch-rival Eclipse in the Manhasset Bay Fall Series. The regatta featured eight races, including one distance race on Long Island Sound over two beautiful October weekends. Full report
21 Oct 2012 - Last day of NAC Follow live racing updates on the final day of the North American Championship in San Diego. Go to the regatta website.
20 Oct 2012 - Masquerade Holds Lead Going into Final Day of J/105 North American Championship Chris Perkins kept Masquerade atop the 25-boat pack at the J/105 North American Championship hosted by San Diego Yacht Club in California. Heading into the final day of racing, they hold a 15-point advantage over second-place Gary Mozer's Current Obsession 2. A tight battle has brewed over the next three places with Bruce Stone's Arbitrage in third with 41 points, trailed closely by Dennis Conner's DC's Pholly at 42 points and Chuck Driscoll and Tom Hurlburt's Blow Boat at 45 points. Masquerade has led through the seven-race series with consistent scores in the top four. In Saturday's first race, Conner's DC's Pholly won, with Masquerade in second and Arbitrage in third. In the day's other contest, the Driscoll/Hurlburt team on Blow Boat snared the victory, followed by Current Obsession 2 and DC's Pholly. Winds were very light in Southern California, causing a delay in the morning while the breeze stabilized to 5-7 knots in a misty rain. The second race had a similar wind range but with a few peaks of sun. Racing concludes on Sunday. Photos are available on the J/105 Facebook page. For complete results and to follow live updates during racing, go to the regatta website.
19 Oct 2012 - Masquerade Controls Day 2 of J/105 North American Championship Chris Perkins on Masquerade opened up a strong lead on day 2 of the J/105 North American Championship. Hosted by the San Diego Yacht Club in California, San Francisco-based Masquerade holds an impressive line of 1,2,2,1,3 for just 9 points overall, and five races in the books. Gary Mozer's Current Obsession 2 maintained his second-place spot with 23 points. Tom Fisher and Joe Dagostino on Viggen have put together a consistent regatta so far with all top-six tallies for 26 points. In the day's first contest, Rick Goebel's Sanity took top honors, with Perkins on Masquerade in second and Dennis Case's Wings in third. Masquerade ran away with the next race, trailed by Case's Wings and Chuck Driscoll and Tom Hurlburt on Blow Boat. In the day's final battle, Mozer's Current Obsession 2 claimed first, with Blow Boat and Masquerade behind them. Conditions in Southern California were superb, with consistent breeze between 8-12 knots, sunshine and temperatures in the low 70s. Twenty-five teams are competing in the event. Racing continues through Sunday, and 10 total races are planned. Pictures are posted on the J/105 Facebook page. For complete results and to follow live updates during racing, go to the regatta website.
19 Oct 2012 - J/105 NAC Race Day 2 Follow live racing updates on day 2 of the J/105 North American Championship from San Diego Yacht Club on the regatta website.
19 Oct 2012 - CYC Seattle's PSSC CYC Seattle's annual fall buoy regatta delivered grey skies and solid breeze for the Pacific-northwest Slipping Sliding and Crashing regatta (PSSC). CYC set up two race courses with the smaller boats sailing off of Shilshole and the bigger boats sailing up North off of the Highlands. 37 boats made it out Saturday for the South course and the North course garnered 35 boats with 2 one design classes, including J/105s and 4 PHRF groupings. DNFs and DNCs were wildly prevalent. The first fronts of the year came through with power Saturday with winds on the South course hitting 25 knots and up in the North course reaching a little higher into the 30 knot realm. Waves built up for the North course, outside of the protection of West Point on the Southerly breeze, but the Sound remained relatively flat for the 37 smaller boats on the South course. The RC on the South course kept things moving with only minutes between races, no time for sail changes between races and with whatever rig tension they had. By the end of the day, after 7 races, the only thing the racers on the South course were complaining about was sore muscles, bruised arms & legs, and hungry bellies. Up on the North Course the big boat class was going at it. By 3:30pm the RC had the big boats heading in to the marina, trying to leave enough time for the sailmakers to repair all the carnage on the course, getting everyone back out for Sunday's 25-35 knot forecast. On the South course the RC sent everyone in to re-coup. By morning the forecast hadn't changed and a strong front was still supposed to come through bringing with it winds into the 30 knot range. At start time, though, boats had their big jibs out and pulling, sailing along in a nice 10-12 knots of breeze out of the South. Things built as the day went on but barely into the 20 knot range. The J/105 Delirium owned by Jerry Diercks was able to continue holding on to first against Lorenzo Migliorini's Allegro Vivace who was consistently biting at their heels all weekend. Finishing just 2 points in front of Allegro Vivace, Delirium was able to stand on top of the podium after a tough weekend of sailing. CYC Seattle website
18 Oct 2012 - Masquerade Leads Day 1 of J/105 North American Championship Chris Perkins sailed Masquerade to the top of the leaderboard on day 1 of the J/105 North American Championship, hosted by the San Diego Yacht Club in California. With a first in the first race and a second in the second race, Masquerade tallied just 3 points on the day. Gary Mozer's Current Obsession 2 stands in second place with 8 points, and new J/105 owner Dennis Conner on DC's Pholly is one point back at 9 points. Twenty-five teams are competing. Trailing Masquerade in Race 1 was Conner's DC's Pholly and Mozer's Current Obsession 2. In Race 2, Steve Howell's Blink! took top honors, followed by Perkin's Masquerade and Bruce Stone's Arbitrage. After a night of strong breeze in Southern California, the day began with large swells and winds around 10-12 knots. By the first gun, the winds starting dropping to 6-8 knots, and were reduced a couple more knots by the start of the second race. The day ended in an all-out drifter. Racing continues through Sunday, and 10 total races are planned. For complete results and to follow live updates during racing, go to the regatta website.
18 Oct 2012 - NAC underway The North American Championship at San Diego Yacht Club is underway. Follow live racing updates at the regatta website.
17 Oct 2012 - NAC starts Thursday 25 teams are gathered at the San Diego Yacht Club for the J/105 North American Championship, which runs Thursday through Sunday. Wednesday will be busy along the docks as teams complete the measurement and registration process. Follow live updates during racing on the regatta website.
17 Oct 2012 - J/Fest Southwest The second annual SW J/Fest was held the weekend of October 13-14 under the auspices of Lakewood Yacht Club in Seabrook, TX. Sixty-one boats competed on three lines. Ten J/105s saw fresh winds in the 16-22 knot range on Saturday, followed by 0-1 knots on Sunday. After bobbing for almost 1.5 hours, the Texas seabreeze filled in to 10-15. As usual, Bill Zartler and crew on Solaris took first with four straight bullets. Greg Truman's Horny Toad toke second, followed by Bill Lakenmacher's Radiance in third. Complete results
16 Oct 2012 - SoCal Championship 22 teams spent last weekend gearing up for the North American Championship by competing in the SoCal Championship in San Diego. Five races were completed, and Gary Mozer's Current Obsession 2 barely edged out Dennis Conner by one point. Mozer tallied a 1,3,5,3,1 for 13 points, compared to DC's Pholly with a 3,1,1,4,5 for 14 points. Chuck Driscoll and Tom Hurlburt on Blow Boat came in third with 24 points. Complete results
15 Oct 2012 - Minutes posted Minutes from the 10/5/12 Annual Meeting are posted. Class Business page
15 Oct 2012 - Kincsem Leads Manhasset YC Fall Series Team Kincsem won the distance race Sunday to take the lead in the Manhasset Bay Fall Series. The first place, combined with 2-1 finishes on Saturday, left Kincsem with a total of four points and a lead of four points over second place Revelation. The Wilbanks's Revelation entered Sunday tied with Kincsem after matching the Joerg Esdorn and Duncan Hennes team with an identical 1-2 score on Saturday. But Revelation had to settle for a fifth in the distance race, a relatively brief tour of the Western Sound in 15-20 knots of breeze. Sunday's racing stood in stark contrast to Saturday's competition, which featured two very short races after a lengthy postponement and much floating around on a glassy body of water. A second in the distance race was good enough to move Damian Emery's Eclipse into third place with a total of ten points, two behind Revelation. Emery had a difficult time staging his usual comebacks on Saturday because the races featured legs that were only a half mile long. Paul Beaudin had an even harder time recording top finishes on Saturday because loulou left the scene before the racing began. Loulou did return Sunday to record a fourth. The rest of the fleet stands as follows: Peregrina (Josh Burak) fourth, Gumption3 (Kevin Grainger) and Planet Claire (John Koten) tied for fifth, Stratos (Marcus Wunderlich) seventh, Circe (Mark van Schalkwyk) eighth, louou (Paul Beaudin) ninth. Fleet 6 website
14 Oct 2012 - Diablo Wins RORC Yacht of the Year The 2012 season, consisting of 10 offshore races, was host to unpredictable conditions ranging from the lightest of breezes to the roughest of seas. Many boats were pushed to their limits, particularly in the Myth of Malham Race when only 3 boats, one two-handed, held their nerve to finish. The father and daughter team, Simon and Nikki Curwen on the J/105 Voador, won the race overall, beating the two other fully crewed finishers. Two of the cross channel races had particular significance this year. The Cervantes Trophy Race was combined with the 50th Anniversary of the Deauville Race and attracted over 100 entrants from the five organising yacht clubs. 2012 was Nick Martin's year. The RORC member has raced his J/105, DiabloJ, two-handed through many RORC seasons, consistently finishing at the top end of the leader board. Shorthanded racing has a growing number of devotees who take pleasure from the physical and mental demands of racing. Snatching mere moments sleep and going through maneuvers other boats do fully crewed means that racing competitively against the main fleet requires stamina, grit and determination. Diablo-J's achievement cannot be underestimated: to win the two-handed class is impressive, and to win IRC Three extraordinary, but to then place third in IRC Overall is outstanding. Diablo-J's first place in IRC Three follows a fourth placing in 2011, and they came through to beat the previous two-time winner, Foggy Dew. RORC website
11 Oct 2012 - Intercollegiate Offshore Regatta A record 425 college sailors from 38 schools racing 45 borrowed boats came together for the 2012 Intercollegiate Offshore Regatta hosted by the Storm Trysail Foundation and the Larchmont Yacht Club. With so many college sailors participating, the event has become the world's largest college sailing regatta. Schools travelled from Canada, the Midwest, New England and the mid Atlantic states with the University of Wisconsin Madison travelling the farthest. The regatta introduces college sailors, most of whom sail dinghies, to the dynamics of big boat racing. This regatta also gives college sailors who already have big boat experience a chance to take charge of some of very vast and evenly matched offshore boats. The fleet racing boats were divided into five divisions including the 10-boat J/105 fleet, which Bowdoin won sailing Carl Olsson's Morning Glory. Complete report
08 Oct 2012 - Galveston Bay Performance Cup Galveston Bay Cruising Association's annual Performance Cup saw 7 J/105s form the largest OD Class. Extremely light winds on Saturday made conditions difficult, but Mark Masur's Two Feathers (Fleet 16) schooled the local fleet (17) with three bullets to take a firm grasp on first place. The arrival of a Texas Blue Norther on Sunday provided wonderful conditions for some excellent and exciting racing. Bee Bednar's Stinger and Uzi Ozeri's Infinity battled to a second place tie won by Stinger and her crew. With her first place, Two Feathers' name will be placed on the Performance Cup Regatta Perpetual trophy (see image). Results
08 Oct 2012 - J/105 One-Design Regatta in Fort Worth In early summer this year, Reese Hillard (FWBC Governor and 'Team Hoss' crew member) proposed a one-design J/105 regatta to the Commodore and Race Committee Chairman of the Fort Worth Boat Club. On September 28-30, the FWBC held this J/105 regatta, the first of what we hope will develop into an annual late September event. Seven local boats and one boat from Dallas (Mark Masur's Two Feathers) participated. We had hoped 3 additional boats from the Houston area were also going to race, but for various reasons these boats did not make the 250 mile journey up the Trinity River. Friday was used to launch boats, measurement and practice sailing. Friday evening, Stu Johnstone and Jim Brady conducted a Q&A session for J/105 competitors as well as FWBC members and guests on JBoats, campaigning in world class one-design sailing and competing successfully in the Olympic Games. On Saturday, we sailed 5 races in cool temperatures, rain, and shifting winds. During our 7 hours on the water, winds ranged from 8 to 15 knots and slowly shifted from 035 to 055 degrees and back. Racing on Saturday was dominated by Team Hoss, skippered by Glenn Darden. Occasionally they were challenged by Sweetie Pie with Commodore Philip Schutts skippering, and Beauty with Dwight Horton on the helm. But neither boat could keep Hoss from winning all 5 races. Results through the remainder of the fleet were close throughout the day. Conditions on Sunday changed with skies clearing somewhat and only 2 short rain squalls blowing through the racing area. Winds were very stable out of the North and were consistently in the 12-15 knot range. Conditions in the racing also changed with some boats clearly benefiting from some coaching on sail trim by Stu Johnstone Saturday evening. Two Feathers and HMS 69, skippered by Mark W. Smith, now joined Sweetie Pie and Beauty" in applying serious pressure on Hoss. However, only Sweetie Pie was able to best Hoss to win one race. Three races were conducted between 9.00 and noon. Hoss was the clear winner with Sweetie Pie scoring second. Three boats (Two Feathers, HMS 69, and Beauty) tied in points for third place. Best finishes determined that Two Feathers went home with the third place trophy. The trophies were selected by Heidi Schutts, Crew Boss on Sweetie Pie, with etching done by Hank Billman, FWBC member. All sailors praised the level of competitive racing, promising to return next year. Our goal was to concentrate on the racing to make it as exciting and fair as possible. We invite all J/105 sailors to join us in September 2013 in Fort Worth, Texas. FWBC website
30 Sep 2012 - Conundrum Crowned AYC Fall Champ The last winds of summer were no riddle, mystery or puzzle to the crew on Conundrum. The Harald Edegran and Jermey Henderson-owned vessel outsailed 20 other J/105s to win the American Yacht Club Fall Championships, the largest J/105 regatta this season in the Northeast. The fleet assembled Sunday hoping for more exciting racing, but the weather forecast proved accurate for a change and a dead calm settled in on Western Long Island Sound. At noon, as skippers and crew members admired the perfect water skiing conditions, the Race Committee decided that the chance to watch real NFL referees in action outweighed the slim chance of a breeze. So they abandoned racing. Even with the lost day, the AYC event featured nine exciting races and superb race management throughout. The AYC home team of Joerg Esdorn and Duncan Hennes aboard Kincsem placed second in the regatta, narrowly missing a repeat of their AYC Spring victory. In third was Damian Emery's Eclipse. Eclipse lead throughout most of the regatta, but had a tough day on Saturday with uncharacteristically low finishes. Fourth were George and Alex Wilbanks on Revelation (the second father/son team in the top five with Conundrum). Paul Beaudin's loulou and Kevin Grainger's Gumption3 followed with identical scores of 42 points. Morning Glory, Shakedown, Planet Claire and Jaded rounded out the top ten. Twelve boats had at least one top five finish in this highly competitive regatta. More
28 Sep 2012 - Hospice Regatta This past weekend's 31st Annual Hospice Cup in Annapolis - one of the country's oldest and longest-running charity regattas- saw the J/105s post the biggest class. Those that came out found great breeze with 12-15 kt southerlies, big waves and not a cloud in the sky. The J/105 fleet saw competition with Cedric Lewis' Mirage winning a tie-breaker with Carl & Scott Gitchell's Tenacious (the tie-break going to Lewis winning two races). Third was Bob Reeves' A-Train. Fourth was Steve & Gregg Sunshine's Helios, and fifth was Andrew Kennedy's Bat IV. Hospice Regatta website
26 Sep 2012 - J/105 Canadians Planet B won the 2012 J/105 Canadians in convincing style with three bullets on the final day to cap off a great career. Read the full report.
24 Sep 2012 - Eclipse Leads AYC Fall Series 21 J/105s took part in the first weekend of the American Yacht Club's Fall Series, more than double the number of boats in any other class participating at the event. With ideal conditions, the AYC Race Committee did a great job sending the fleet off for four races into a blusterly Southerly out of Hempstead harbor on Saturday and three races in the opposite direction toward Mamaroneck on Sunday. The leader midway through the series is Damian Emery's Eclipse. The Eclipse team timed the shifts perfectly on the first race Sunday and rounded the first mark nearly a hundred yards ahead of the rest of the fleet. From there, they easily held on for their second race win of the series. Eclipse's total of 18 points in the first two days (including one throwout) put it four ahead of Kincsem, helmed by Joerg Esdorn on Saturday and Duncan Hennes on Sunday (with long-time tactician Fred Walters flying in from London especially for the event). Conundrum, sailed by Harald Edegran and Jeremy Henderdon, is just one point behind Kincsem in third place. Paul Beaudin's loulou stands in fourth, and George and Alex Wilbanks are in fifth aboard Revelation. With exception of Eclipse's one runaway victory, the shifting winds over the weekend produced tight races and no lead seemed safe. Kincsem, for example, came from well behind to win the second race on Sunday, by catching a wind shift on the right side of the course on the second beat after the top four boats (including Eclipse) played the left. Results
24 Sep 2012 - San Francisco NOOD 8 J/105s took part in the San Francisco NOOD over the weekend. Scooter Simmons's Blackhawk grabbed first place at 18 points, with a tie for the next two slots--Phillip Laby's Godot and Jeff Littfin's Mojo--both with 20 points. Seven races were completed. Simmons and crew were deemed the overall event winner, earning an invitation to participate in the Sperry Top-Sider NOOD Championship Regatta in the British Virgin Islands. This season-ending event brings together all the overall winners in the 2012 NOOD series.
Complete results
21 Sep 2012 - US-IRC Championship of Long Island Sound and PHRF Fall Classic The sailors on Long Island Sound were blessed by spectacular sailing conditions this past weekend. With the passage of a front, the backside of the Low produced two straight days of NNW winds in the 5-20 kts range with mostly flat waters. The 33 boats that showed up for the US-IRC Championship of Long Island Sound and PHRF Fall Classic hosted by Riverside YC were incredibly appreciate of what Mother Nature had to offer for their weekend of sailing. In the PHRF Classic Racing Division, the J/105 Strange Brew sailed by Randy Bourne walked away with class and overall honors with a 1-1 for just 2 points. Complete results
19 Sep 2012 - NAC deadline on Friday Join the growing list of J/105 competitors for the upcoming North American Championship at San Diego Yacht Club...and save some money too! The required entry fee is US$750 for entries received by 2300, Friday September 21, 2012. Entries received after Friday, September 21 but received prior 1700 hrs on October 17, 2012 will be assessed an additional late entry fee of US$300. The dates of the regatta are October 17-21. Dennis Conner will be racing, will you? Regatta website
16 Sep 2012 - Order your NAC gear The official J/105 NAs merchandise is now on sale at this website.
14 Sep 2012 - Fall Series in San Diego Introduced in 1992 as the first modern day keelboat with bow sprit and asymmetric spinnaker, the J/105 today is the most successful one-design keelboat class over 30-feet in the USA. Twenty years later, the J/105 will this fall be the platform for four major events in San Diego:
--October 13-14: The J/105 Southern California Championship regatta will pit J/105 sailors from all over Southern California in a one-design regatta sailed in the Coronado Roads ocean course, off of Coronado and Point Loma. The 2012 edition of the SoCal Championship will also serve as an excellent tune-up for the following week's North American Championship sailed in the same location.
--October 18-21: The annual North American Championship - hosted in San Francisco, Chicago, and Marblehead in recent years - returns to one of the nation's premier racing venues. Guaranteed to create interest is Class newcomer Dennis Conner, recently named America's Greatest Sailor by the membership of US Sailing. Can DC add the NA trophy to a shelf that already holds an Olympic medal, 28 Worlds titles, and four America's Cup victories?
--November 2-4: The International Masters Regatta, established in 1975 by St. Francis Yacht Club Member Don Trask, consistently attracts the world's greatest master sailors to compete in this prestigious international sailing event on the San Francisco Bay. The event comes to San Diego for the first time in 2012, with the likes of Malin Burnham, Hans Fogh, Ron Holland, Rod Johnstone, Buddy Melges, Dick Stearns, and Ted Turner to fight it out inside the bay alongside San Diego's gorgeous cityfront.
--November 9-11: Since the first regatta in 1903, the Sir Thomas Lipton Cup remains the most prestigious and hotly contested challenge trophies among Southern California clubs. The 98th edition of the event has stretched its borders, welcoming New York YC, Southern YC, and San Francisco YC to join nine Southern California yacht clubs. Fall Series website
11 Sep 2012 - RBBS Series video Check out the link for a Rolex Big Boat Series J/105 video submitted by Charlie Bergstedt. Video
10 Sep 2012 - Rolex Big Boat Series On the fourth and final day of the 48th annual Rolex Big Boat Series, a majority of the eight classes competing had bristling showdowns to determine winners, while others held the line to establish the previous day's leaders as class victors. Sunday's single Bay Tour distance race showed all classes the four corners of San Francisco Bay, routing 66 teams on courses that incorporated a start near Berkeley Pier to the east, mark roundings near the Golden Gate Bridge to the west and natural obstacles such as Alcatraz and Treasure Islands for assured testing of navigational skills. When Donkey Jack's skipper Rolf Kaiser (San Francisco, CA) said Saturday that there were still three or four boats that could actually win in the largest class at the regatta, he undoubtedly was including among them Sunday's race winner Godot, skippered by Phillip Laby (Oakland, CA). Godot was only one point behind Donkey Jack going into Sunday, and in the end it shared the same point score, though Donkey Jack won on a tie breaker after finishing fourth in Sunday's race. "The J/105 fleet is one of the most competitive one-design fleets on San Francisco Bay," said Donkey Jack's main trimmer Steve Kleha (San Francisco, CA). "Our tactic going into (Sunday) was to win the race. Right off the line we scooted off past Blackhawk to clinch that part of the battle. After that, our spinnaker trimmer told us to go underneath Alcatraz, which earned us two places ahead of Mojo and JuJu." Defending champion Blackhawk, skippered by Scooter Simmons (Belvedere, CA), finished third overall. Regatta website
07 Sep 2012 - RORC Season The 2012 RORC Season's Points Championship came to a conclusion in Cherbourg in the early hours of Saturday morning. 278 yachts have competed in the ten race series. The 75-mile-sprint to Cherbourg was the last of the RORC Season's Point Championship. Three yachts were contesting the overall championship and in the end, a J/105 managed a podium finish and was top UK boat in the RORC Season series, plus winning class in both IRC 3 and DH. In IRC Three, Nick Martin's season came to an end racing Diablo-J. A second place in the race secured the IRC Three and Two-Handed titles for the season and a third overall for the RORC Season's Points Championship. Royal Ocean Racing Club website
05 Sep 2012 - Inevitable Clinches Series at Stingray Point Regatta The Fleet 15 update includes an article on the just-concluded Stingray Point Regatta, results for the regatta, and final series standings in the Southern Chesapeake Bay J/105 one-design Series. Congratulations to Mike Karn and the crew of Inevitable for their superior performance throughout the year. Fleet 15 news
04 Sep 2012 - Summer Newsletter Members will receive the Summer edition of the J/105 newsletter via e-mail. It is also posted on the Newsletter page.
04 Sep 2012 - Annapolis Race Week 17 J/105s competed in Annapolis Race Week over the holiday weekend. Jackson Biddle's Rum Puppy took charge of the fleet with a scoring line of 4,2,3,1,1,2 for 13 points over six races. The next several spots were quite tight, but Carl & Scott Gitchell's Tenacious snagged second with 29 points, and Veloce took third with 31 points. Complete results
03 Sep 2012 - Vineyard Race Three J/105s competed in three different divisions in this weekend's Vineyard Race, with Carl Olsson's Morning Glory finishing first in PHRF Division S 2 Double-handed; Dave Sepnce's Synergy finishing fourth in PHRF S 3; and Marcus Wunderlich's Stratos getting second in PHRF 6. Morning Glory and Synergy sailed on the A-Seaflower Reef Course while Stratos did the Vineyard course. Wunderlich says the 240 NM Vineyard course was a blast. "It was quite an epic journey with 15-20 knots of wind for most of the time. Not only was the wind very good for a fast sail but it also changed direction to keep us broad running. Of the 34 hours racing, we had the kite up for all but 2 hours. Not one single tack and five gybes from start to finish. We spent sometimes sailing between 10-12 knots for minutes at a time. Missed victory by only a few minutes. Had I sailed under IRC so would I have finished in third ahead of a bunch of J/109s. I admit, the weather conditions were extremely supportive." Fleet 6 website
31 Aug 2012 - Pornic Offshore Race In the beginning of August, the sailors of Pornic look forward to their annual race over to Gijon, Spain. For the 18 sailing teams that participated this year, conditions were light winds and sunshine. Leaving Pornic, they basically sail due SSW towards the northern coast of Spain, aiming for Gijon. In the reaching conditions, the J/105 J/Y Crois Pas won. Pornic Offshore Race website
31 Aug 2012 - Arbitrage Wins J/105s at Summer Invitational Winds blew 18-24 knots on the Berkeley Circle at the San Francisco Yacht Club's Summer Invitational in August. The J/105s had very close racing, particularly amongst the leaders. In the three races on Saturday, Bruce Stone's Arbitrage team scored a 1,1,2, with Jason Woodley's/Scott Whitney's Risk close behind, earning a bullet in the third race due to excellent downwind sailing, passing Arbitrage by jibing early into even more pressure and then the two boats engaged in a match racing-style tacking duel for the last half mile into the upwind finish. On Sunday, Arbitrage logged another bullet despite shredding a kite on the first downwind leg and changing to the back-up spinnaker. Stone was called over early on the last start. After restarting, they clawed their way back to fifth at the windward mark but was flagged for tacking too close after coming into the zone on port, so did a 720. They nailed a shift on the last downwind to work their way back again to fifth by the leeward gate, only to get camped on by the whole world on the last beat, and slid back to eighth. Nevertheless, the eighth-place enabled Arbitrage to win the regatta by just two points over Risk, who won two races and sailed consistently strong all weekend. Behind these two boats was a tough fight for third, fourth and fifth positions. Sailing a strong series was third place finisher Phil Laby on Godot with a 2-2-3-4-11/SCP for 22 points. Fourth was a solid performance by Scooter Simmons on Blackhawk with a 4-12-4-4-2-4 for 26 points. Finishing fifth was Shannon Ryan's gang on Donkey Jack, completing the event with a 5-4-9-8-10 for 36 points. San Francisco YC website
31 Aug 2012 - EYC Levels Regatta Sailed over the August 25-26 weekend, the Etobicoke Yacht Club along the Toronto shoreline of Lake Ontario hosted the IRC Canadian Championship as well as the EYC Levels Regatta that included a large J/105 fleet. The lead was determined on a tie-breaker after seven races, with close and tough racing. In the end, it was Mike Chapman's Sentient that took the title with more firsts to win the tie-break. Mike's record of 2-1-1-5-3-8-1 for 21 points bettered Peter Hall's Jamaica Me Crazy with a 1-2-19-2-2-1-3 record. Third went to Gavin Disney's team on The Usual Suspects with a consistent scoreline of 4-5-3-4-4-3-4 for 27 points. Just behind in fourth was the Bullock, Farrand, Irving team on Trident with a 5-7-4-1-6-2-5 tally for 30 points. Jim Rathbun sailed Hey Jude to a fifth with a 3-10-7-6-1-4-2 for 33 points. Etobicoke YC website
31 Aug 2012 - New England PHRF Championship The New England PHRF Championships were held this past weekend off the Marblehead and Salem coastline. The fleet was blessed with decent weather conditions with the PHRF classes and 19 J/105 one-designs enjoying good, competitive sailing--most fleets managed to sail seven races over two days. The Steel Away team led by Peter Morgan sailed a great regatta, leading the charge amongst the large J/105 one-design fleet with a 12-point win. Peter's fast crew amassed an incredible consistent record of 3-3-4-2-2 for just 14 points. Just behind him, it was tight. Matt Pike's Got Qi! scored 1-4-9-1-11 for 26 points. Third was past NE-PHRF champion Fred deNapoli sailing Allegro Semplicita to a 2-6-8-9-6 tally for 31 points. Just one point back in fourth was Mark Masur's Two Feathers with a 6-1-12-8-5 for 32 points. Rounding out the top five was George Lowden & Rich Hill's Dark Horse 2, sailing a a 13-5-3-3-10 for 34 points. Complete results
28 Aug 2012 - SDYC Check out this historic video about the San Diego Yacht Club--this year's host of the J/105 North American Championship. For information about the regatta, visit www.j105nac.com. Video
26 Aug 2012 - Bridge to Bridge J/105 Free Bowl of Soup took part in the Bridge to Bridge race from Astoria, OR to Newport, OR on August 18. Due to light Southerlies, only two of the boats were able to finish in the time limit--Free Bowl of Soup and a Beneteau 36.7. Small fleet, but nice to see a J/105 on the barn door trophy. The crew has already been in contact with someone from the race asking about boats available in the area. They have had a great time with the boat this year, and are impressed with the boat and the folks sailing them. Full write-up on Facebook
22 Aug 2012 - Growth of Fleet 16 J/105s are taking over the Fort Worth/Dallas sailing scene. Working well with Fleet 17 out of Houston, Fleet 16 has added 2 boats recently to their fleet at the Fort Worth Boat Club. They now have 9 boats at that club, and 8 of them actively racing. This is in addition to several other J/105s in the greater DFW area. The Fort Worth Boat Club One-Design Regatta on September 28-30 is looking to have 14 or more J/105s. Check out the NOR.
14 Aug 2012 - Junior Sailing Association of Long Island Sound Annual Regatta The Junior Sailing Association of Long Island Sound 2012 Annual Regatta for the Dorade Trophy results are in--seven great kids from the Centerport Yacht Club together with their instructor and owner's representitive Mike Sterflinger took first place. The kids practiced for three days with Jordan Mindich, Fleet Captain LHYC, who then got off the boat and let them do their thing. They did it very well...congratulations to the JSA Shakedown team! There were nine J/105s in PHRF 2. Complete results
13 Aug 2012 - New Owner Dennis Conner Enters J/105 North American Championship The J/105 Class has a new boat owner that maybe you've heard of-Dennis Conner-who was recently named America's Greatest Sailor by the membership of US Sailing. Conner is the new owner of J/105 hull #3, now called DC's Pholly. In an interview with the J/105 Class, he shared his thoughts on his newest fleet as well as his sailing career. When asked what led him to purchase a J/105, his answer was clear-the 2012 J/105 North American Championship at San Diego Yacht Club this October 17-21. He summed it up simply, "I like to race, and this is a chance to race against friends, like Dennis and Sharon Case." Long-time members of the J/105 Class, the Case Family actively campaigns Wings, and as Conner's neighbor, just might have had a little influence on DC's recent purchase. "Case is the favorite to win the championship," Conner said proudly of his friend. Although he has yet to race on a J/105, Conner plans to learn his way around DC's Pholly in the coming weeks prior to the North American Championship. With almost 700 J/105s in existence, hull #3 has obviously been around for a while. Does DC's Pholly need a little TLC? "It needs a little help because it hasn't been sailed much," he admitted. "Our local fleet takes excellent care of their boats, so I'll have to get mine up to those standards. They are such beautiful boats." Conner noted that J/105 Fleet 8 has a reputation for its intensity, and he commended the Class for its favorable reputation. "The boats hold their value quite well, which is a testament to the Class." Regatta participation has gone down in many classes over the past year or two, but Conner complemented the J/105 Class for holding its own compared to other fleets. "The J/105s really are a robust Class. We've seen the Etchells fleet drop locally from 45 to 12, but not the J/105s." He called out two primary factors in the current struggle facing many fleets and yacht clubs in maintaining members and participation-time and money. "With two people working, not everyone has the time it takes to be competitive." In his opinion, the J/105 Class has built-in cost control with its sail purchase limits, plus used boat prices are very reasonable. "This bodes well for the J/105 Class." In a career with a plethora of achievements, three particular accomplishments stick out in Conner's mind. "Winning the Star Worlds in 1977 with 89 boats," he recalled. "It was in Kiel, Germany, and we won every race." And it would be hard not to recall the four America's Cup victories and a bronze medal from the 1976 Olympics. "Winning the bronze was really special. Getting a medal around your neck while hearing the Star Spangled Banner is something I'll never forget." The champion was quick to tip his cap to a few other fellow contestants, including Buddy Melges, runner-up in the "America's Greatest Sailor" contest, and legendary Lowell North. "I really look up to Lowell North," Conner commended. "Imagine, four Star National Championships and being the world's best sailmaker. He is my hero." Conner is registered for the J/105 North American Championship, and predicted entrants will see ideal conditions on the race course with steady Southwest breezes of 7-14 knots. He also expects stellar shoreside activities at the San Diego Yacht Club. As far as his own expectations, "I'm not sure what to expect. I'm realistic, and my goal is to be competitive and enjoy the regatta. I'm just excited to be part of it!" And so is the J/105 fleet! North American Championship website
13 Aug 2012 - Verve Cup At the Chicago Yacht Club Verve Cup, day one was cancelled due to 10-12 foot waves and 30 knots of breeze. Day two saw large waves and 20 knots. Day three was 5-10, and they pushed the fleet to three races. Blane Shea's Striking excelled in the conditions and notched all top three finishes for 9 points in the six races. Jon Weglarz on The Asylum took second place (14 points) and John Moore on Here's Johnny third (20 points). Nine J/105s participated. Complete results
12 Aug 2012 - Lakewood Yacht Club Bay Cup II Lakewood Yacht Club's second Bay Cup race saw two J/105s battle it out against two J/109s, a J/120 and a 1D35 to capture the top two places. The race featured extremely light to no wind at the start, with smooth seas and a 1.4 knot current. It finished with a sea breeze and 13 knot winds. This 10.54 mile distance race saw Bee Bednar's Stinger finish 27 seconds ahead of Uzi Ozeri's Infinity and 41 seconds in front of Al Goethe's J/109 Hamburg. LYC website
10 Aug 2012 - Monhegan Island Race Racers started last Friday the 104.2nm Monhegan Island Race in 7-plus knots of winds which continued to build throughout the day and started to drop off after midnight. Most of the racers rounded Monhegan Island in the early morning hours of Saturday with most crossing the finish line midday to early evening on Saturday in a light northeasterly wind. The Monhegan Island Race is Maine's oldest, longest and most prestigious offshore sailing competition. Even though the winds were generally light and variable, the sailors reported good times all around. The J/105 Intangible sailed by Wolfgang Bauchinger won his PHRF 2 class. Complete results
10 Aug 2012 - Diablo-J Wins RORC Channel Race The fastest boats covered the 145nm RORC Channel Race in just over 26 hours. In IRC Three and the IRC Two-Handed class, it was Nick Martin's J/105 Diablo-J that came out on top. His win secured the Two-Handed Class for the season and also puts Diablo-J up to second place overall in the RORC Season's Points Championship against other IRC designs in Europe. The last race of the RORC Season's Points Championship will take place on Friday, August 31 with a race across The English Channel for the Cherbourg Race. Royal Ocean Racing Club website
06 Aug 2012 - Kattack Android app Kattack has released v1.1 of the Android app that fixes the time problem that resulted in a position error in v1.0. This should update automatically if automatic update is enabled. To verify the revision level, go to "Settings", "Manage Applications", "Kattack Mobile". The revision level should be 1.1.
05 Aug 2012 - Aldo Allesio Regatta The J/105 fleet fielded 16 teams at one of the long-standing St. Francis YC trophy regattas held each summer. Coming out on top was Bruce Stone's team on Arbitrage who won by 8 points. Keith Laby on Godot won a tie-breaker over Donkey Jack sailed by Shannon Ryan, Rolf Kaiser and Steve Kleha. Godot's 8-2-2-8 beat out Donkey Jack's 3-6-5-6 for 20 points. Scooter Simmons on Blackhawk amassed a 12-7-1-2 for 22 points and fourth place. Walter Sanford's Alchemy accumulated a 7-5-12-3 for 27 points and fifth place. St. Francis Yacht Club website
05 Aug 2012 - Youngstown Level Regatta For the past decade, the Youngstown YC in New York has hosted the popular Level Regatta for a variety of classes. Over time, it has evolved to address the needs of local racers for both handicap sailing (PHRF and IRC) as well as one-design racers. This year the sailors were treated to a combination of great sailing, great committee work and great fun on shore-side festivities. In the J/105 fleet, Peter Hall's Jamaica Me Crazy edged out James Rathbun's crew on Hey Jude. Terry Michaelson's The Usual Suspects finished in third place. Complete results
05 Aug 2012 - Santa Barbara-King Harbor Race The Santa Barbara-King Harbor distance race that spans 81 nm has been a tradition for Santa Barbara YC and King Harbor YC for nearly 40 years. This year it was nearly a record run, making for epic rides sledding downhill towards the finish. The race managers decided to create a Sprit PHRF fleet and put all the fast-moving VMC/VMG flyers into the same group. The J/105 Escapade sailed by Mark Noble won for the second year in a row. Second was the J/105 Off the Porch (Scott McDaniel), and fourth the J/105 Armida (Tom Bollay). King Harbor YC website
05 Aug 2012 - Fiesta Cup Regatta During the third weekend of July, Santa Barbara gears up for the Old Spanish Days Fiesta that lasts for a week and brings in people from all corners of America, Mexico and Europe. Many boats from around Southern California arrive in town to join the party and also prepare and gear up for the popular Santa Barbara to King's Harbor Race-a reaching/running dash out around the Channel Islands to King's Harbor near Los Angeles. This year, the eight-boat J/105 fleet had two great days of racing with westerlies blowing down the shoreline from 5-15 knots. In the end, it was Free Enterprise (Tedd White/Alex Rasmussen) that took first with 1-2-3-1-1 for 8 points. Larry Harteck's 4-1-2-4-2 for 13 points was good enough to beat out John Demourkas' Rockin'n'Groovin. Fourth was Scott McDaniel on Off the Porch with a consistent scoreline of 5-5-5-6-3 for 24 points. Fifth was John Blair on Phantom with a 6-3-6-7-5 tally for 27 points. Santa Barbara Yacht Club Racing
05 Aug 2012 - Ugotta Regatta The J/105s saw some great racing in the Friday One-Design and weekend Ugotta Regatta sailing. In the end, it was a shoot-out amongst the local boats, Carter Williams' Creative Destruction and the "Little Traverse Sailors" juniors on Exit Strategy. While Exit Strategy won the Friday event with Creative Destruction in second and Bill Petzold's Green Flash in third, things changed for the Ugotta Sat/Sun races. This time around, Carter's team on hammered the fleet with a 1.5-1-1 to win by a landslide. Second was Mark Gurney on Buzz with a 3-3-2, and third were the kids on Exit Strategy. Little Traverse Yacht Club website
30 Jul 2012 - Marblehead NOOD At long last favorable winds arrived for the final day of the Sperry Top-Sider NOOD Regatta resulting in the most action-packed day of the entire 123rd Annual Marblehead Race Week. Competitors faced all types of conditions-light air, heavy air and waves. In the 19-boat J/105 fleet, Charlie Garrard took Merlin to the top spot with 10 points in the four-race series. Only one point separated the next two positions with Matthew Pike on Got Qi snatching second (15 points) and Ric Dexter on Circes Cup in third (16 points). Also receiving prestigious recognition in Marblehead was Boat of the Day winner Circes Cup. The distinction is awarded to the top-performing boat each day with the skippers from the boats receiving a pair of 7 x 50 binoculars, from industry-leading manufacturer Steiner, for their outstanding performance. Regatta results, photos and info
27 Jul 2012 - J/105 Racing at SDYC - August 25 and 26 Based on the interest in doing more sailing out on the ocean in the venue where the upcoming J/105 North American Championship will be held, there will be a two-day event run out of San Diego Yacht Club on the weekend of August 25-26. The SDYC race committee with Jim Person as PRO will be running four races on Saturday and three on Sunday. The Notice of Race is not yet completed, but we wanted to notify you so everyone can get it on their calendars and get their crews on board. It will be a fun event, with a social activity at SDYC on Saturday evening in the Pavilion. This will be an excellent opportunity, especially for any boats out of the San Diego fleet, to come to San Diego and practice on the NAs venue. Registration will be available online soon. If you have any questions in the meantime, contact Joanne O'Dea, J/Concierge, at 619-347-9407. North Americans website
27 Jul 2012 - Solomons Island Race The 132 entries at this year's Solomons Island Regatta had a nice weekend of sailing with some great racing in Annapolis, MD. Amongst the largest one-design fleet in the event, it was the J/105 Rum Puppy skippered by Jack Biddle won by nearly 1:30 over Hugh Betchell's Jester. Third was Chuck Shortz's Singularity, fourth was Andrew Kennedy's Bat IV and fifth was Walt Nuschke's Zephyr.
Complete results
26 Jul 2012 - Minutes posted Minutes from the 7/19/12 Executive Committee Meeting are posted. Class Business page
25 Jul 2012 - Welcome Dennis! Dennis Conner, the four-time winner of the America's Cup and recent winner of US Sailing's Greatest American Sailor award, is now a J/105 owner. He purchased Pholly hull #3 and will rename it Dennis's Pholly. His plan is to race out of San Diego YC in the local Fleet 8 events. Although he has never sailed on a J/105 before, he is hopeful of being competitive in time for the North American Championship in San Diego starting October 17. North American Championship website
23 Jul 2012 - Mackinac A warm front moved north across Lake Michigan late Sunday night, bringing with it fresh breeze and rejuvenating the sailors after they spent much of the previoous day in doldrums along the Manitou Passage. This building southwesterly breeze pushed the already compacted fleet in the 104th Chicago Yacht Club Race to Mackinac, presented by Veuve Clicquot, sailing through to the finish. Spectators snapped postcard-worthy pictures as the cannon fired in rapid recession, celebrating each boat's finish. By mid-morning, on-the-water reports indicated 20-25 knots, ensuring some wild rides and smiling faces. The victorious J/105 was Mark Gurney on Buzz, trailed by Mark Symonds on Pterodactyl and Clark Pellett on Sealark. Complete story
23 Jul 2012 - Larchmont Race Week Paul Beaudin's loulou won Larchmont Race Week by amassing just 9 points over seven races, including three firsts. The two-weekend event turned into a three boat duel between loulou, Morning Glory, and Revelation. Revelation, sailed by George and Alex Wilbanks, came on strong in the final weekend with two firsts and a third, but ended the event with 13 points, just one shy of Dr. Carl Olsson's Morning Glory, which held on to second with 12 points. See where all seven boats in the event finished
23 Jul 2012 - Whidbey Island Race Week Eight J/105s competed at Whidbey Island Race Week in Oak Harbor, WA from July 15-20. Jerry Diercks on Delirium sailed a consistent nine races with all top-three finishes for a total of 14 points. Doug Schenk, Eric Hopper and Matt Davis on Free Bowl of Soup were 10 points behind, and Erik Kristen on Jubilee rounded out the top three with 25 points. Daily awards went to almost each of the entrants. Complete results
23 Jul 2012 - NYYC Race Week at Newport presented by Rolex Sean Doyle's Kestrel won its second J/105 event of 2012 by besting a 13-boat fleet at the New York Yacht Club's Race Week regatta. Kestrel got off to a slow start in the first race, settling for a sixth, but then recorded consistently high finishes of 1-2-2-3 to complete the event with 14 points, eight better than the second place finisher. The runner up was Damian Emery's Eclipse. Eclipse also won one race, but took a DSQ in the second race. In a no-throwout event, the DSQ instantly took Emery out of contention for the top spot. Fred Darlington's Tonto finished tied with Eclipse on points (22), but the tiebreaker meant it had to settle for third. Kincsem, owned by Joerg Esdorn and Duncan Hennes, finished fourth with 24 points and Kevin Grainger's Gumption3 was fifth with 25 points. Fleet 6 boats captured six of the top eight spots at the NYYC event. Mark Masur on Two Feathers won the first race of the regatta, but ended up settling for seventh overall. Saturday, they got a four legger in with the wind from the north, and then they waited (and waited) until the southerly came in. They completed a five legger starting after 4 p.m. with some excitement. Not only did a big oil tanker split the fleet on the second leg, but at the first leeward mark there was a horrendous collision. When the protest hearing resumed on Friday evening, four boats were DSQed. Sunday was picture perfect. The southerly came in early to the tune of up to 20 knots, and they banged out three races before 3 p.m. Complete results
22 Jul 2012 - Screwpile Lighthouse Challenge At the Screwpile Lighthouse Challenge in Solomons Island, Maryland, 12 J/105s competed in 4 races. Hugh Bethell's Jester compiled a line of 1,2,1,1 for just five points and the victory. Jack Biddle's Rum Puppy narrowly took second place with 12 points to Cedric Lewis and Nils Salvesen's Mirage (13 points). Complete results
20 Jul 2012 - Sweltering for the Cure: Leukemia Cup 2012 Scheduled for the second weekend in July, Fishing Bay Yacht Club's Leukemia Cup Regatta is often cursed by lack of wind, and the 2012 edition proved no exception, though the Race Committee did manage to squeeze out three out of four scheduled races. For the regatta, Inevitable held onto first place, followed by Loose Cannon and then Corryvreckan, with second and third place being determined by a tiebreaker, and Special K only one point behind in the regatta standings. Complete story on Fleet 15 website
16 Jul 2012 - Newport Regatta Over 700 sailors from 17 states descended on Sail Newport this weekend to race in The Newport Regatta featuring BACARDI Newport Sailing Week Presented by EFG Bank. Organizers set up four courses to handle the 259 boats in 20 classes, with 181 races taking place over three days, July 13-15. Marking its 28th year of competition, the Newport Regatta has become one of the largest multi-class events on the east coast. In the eight-boat J/105 fleet, Duncan Hennes & Joerg Esdorn ruled the weekend on Kincsem with a total of 9 points over seven races. The team lodged four firsts. Behind Kincsem were Harald Edegran & Jeremy Henderson on Conundrum (14 points) and Damian Emery on Eclipse (19 points). Complete results
14 Jul 2012 - Backstay cam Onboard J/105 Voador during Race 4 of the J/105 Nationals & Eurocup at Yarmouth. Video
12 Jul 2012 - J/105 EuroCup The second part of the two event EuroCup (Round Island Race and the Yarmouth Regatta) proved again the J/105 Class in the United Kingdom is doing well. The Yarmouth Regatta was won by Malcolm Thorpe's King Louie from the host Royal Solent Yacht Club. King Louie narrowly edged-out William Newon in Jelly Baby from Lymington Sailing Club for the overall prize, thus being honored as the 2012 EuroCup Champion by virtue of having finished as second J/105 in the Round Island Race. Chris Jones, who sailed aboard King Louie summarized, "The plans for 2012 J/105 sailing season were formulated and influenced when we had such a great time racing in the 2011 Taittinger Regatta hosted by Royal Solent Yacht Club. Although dates for everyone are complicated in this London Olympic year, we were excited to return to Yarmouth this time for a dedicated J/105 event. We have several new members of the J/105 Class this year, and whilst those that were too battered from the Round the Island race were missed, the arrival of Nielsen Redeye and Voador enhanced the competition and added to the momentum revitalizing our J/105 Class for the future. The weather ranged from 22 knots of wind and horizontal rain to a glorious 10 knots of champagne sailing in bright sunshine. Everyone agreed that there is no boat comparable to the J/105 to sail and that as well as being great sailors, our Class is full of generous people that love to compete on the water and enjoy themselves ashore. Royal Solent Yacht Club website
12 Jul 2012 - Greatest Sailor voting US Sailing is in the final elimination to determine the Greatest Sailor. It started with 64 individuals and is now down to a head-to-head contest between Dennis Conner and Buddy Melges, and it is very tight. If you are not a US Sailing member, just leave that space blank to cast your vote. The contest ends July 15. Vote at US Sailing
10 Jul 2012 - First J/105 in Germany The J/105 Class welcomes its first German member--Kay Bohlmann from Hamburg. Website
07 Jul 2012 - Long Beach Race Week video Check out the Long Beach Race Week video at the link below, or search Long Beach Race Week 2012 J105 on YouTube for more options. Video
07 Jul 2012 - Round Ireland Yacht Race The Round Ireland Yacht Race is Ireland's premier offshore sailing race and is held every two years by Wicklow Sailing Club in association with the Royal Ocean Racing Club. The 704 nautical mile race was first held in 1980 and still retains the original course. The long-time successful short-handed sailor Nick Martin sailed with his daughter Niki on the J/105 Diablo, sailing Class IRC 3 and Class IRC 8 Double, finishing fourth and first respectively. Round Ireland Yacht Race
04 Jul 2012 - Revelation Takes Stratford Shoals Revelation topped a field of 11 J/105s to win the Stratford Shoals distance race. The boat, owned by George and Alex Wilbanks, edged out Joerg Esdorn and Duncan Hennes on Kincsem, who finished second, and Josh Burak, on Peregrina, who took third. Complete results
30 Jun 2012 - Myth of Malham Race The 2012 RORC Season's Points Championship has been a tough series of races and the 230-mile Myth of Malham (Round Eddystone) Race was probably the harshest so far. With a forecast of 30 knots of wind and big seas, many yachts took the decision not to race. However 15 yachts decided to start the race. Twelve retired, mostly with sail damage; however, the entire fleet made it back to harbour. Although a much larger boat took line honours, the Myth of Malham Race was won by the J/105 Voador. What makes the victory so admirable is that Voador was raced two-handed by a father and daughter team of Simon and Nikki Curwen. Simon Curwen is a veteran of short-handed racing. In 2001, he came second in the Mini Transat, beating notable competition including Sam Davies and Brian Thompson. However, his daughter Nikki is just 23 and after graduating from University works in Bournemouth in the media industry. Royal Ocean Racing Club website
30 Jun 2012 - Coastal Cup Racing down the coast from San Francisco to Santa Barbara is challenging, featuring a wide range of conditions. This year, Ed Sanford's J/105 Creative won their class at the Coastal Cup.
27 Jun 2012 - J/105 Race Videos Check out Ryan Fenchel's helmet cam from the J/105 Invitational at Sausalito Yacht Club. You can search '2012 J 105 INVITATIONAL DAY 1' on YouTube for additional videos. Video
25 Jun 2012 - Long Beach Race Week 13 J/105s signed up for the annual Long Beach Race Week last weekend. Gary Mozer's Current Obsession2 sailed a very consistent and dominant seven races (3,2,2,1,1,3,1) for a total of 13 points. Rick Goebel's Sanity and John Demourkas's Groovederci followed--tied at 21 points. Complete results
10 Jun 2012 - NYYC Annual Regatta A few J/105s took to the NYYC Annual Regatta this weekend. In Green Class 5/PHRF Navigators Race, Fred Darlington's Tonto scored the silver position, and Nelson Weiderman's Kima wasn't far behind in fifth. In White Fleet Racing IRC 6, Jose Manuel Ugarte tested out Scimitar with a ninth-place finish. Complete results
10 Jun 2012 - Striking Chicago NOOD Blane Shea's Striking won four out of eight races at the Chicago NOOD over the weekend to take the J/105 fleet victory with 18 points. Tom & Gyt Petkus on Vytis followed in second (22 points), and Clark Pellett's Sealark closed out the top three with 27 points. Eight J/105s competed. Complete results
10 Jun 2012 - Spring Newsletter Members receive the Spring edition of the J/105 newsletter via e-mail. It is also posted on the Newsletter page.
08 Jun 2012 - Colors Regatta The Columbia Yacht Club hosts their Colors Regatta as the warm-up for the summer offshore racing season in Chicago. Last weekend in the J/105 fleet, Jon Weglarz's team on The Asylum posted a perfect line of 1-1-1. Clark Pellet's crew on Sealark scored all thirds to grab second overall. Past champs Tom & Gyt Petkus on Vytis sailed a 4-2-5 to snare third. Mike Newman's Valhalla was fourth and Johnny Moore's Here's Johnny was fifth. Event homepage
05 Jun 2012 - Inevitable Takes Three Bullets at Storm Shortened Southern Bay Race Week What can you say about a regatta that began with a wedding and ended with a tornado? Read the tale on the Fleet 15 website.
03 Jun 2012 - Emery Wins East Coasts A fluky breeze over still-cool Long Island waters launched the 2012 J/105 East Coast Championship, held at Cedar Point Yacht Club in Connecticut, in a topsy-turvy direction, pushing a number of favorites well off the leader board (in some cases to near bottom-of-the-fleet finishes) and propelling Dan Herron's Liquid Courage to its first ever race win in a major J/105 event. One race of this sort was all the fleet and the Race Committee could tolerate on Saturday, leaving the bulk of the event for the following day. On Sunday, (somewhat) more consistent winds arrived, and the Race Committee rolled out onto the course with guns blazing. Damian Emery and the crack crew aboard Eclipse took command with a first, a second and two thirds, enough to best Kevin Grainger's team on Gumption3 by one point. Both boats threw out their Saturday finishes--an 11th and a 6th--respectively. Grainger had two bullets on Sunday, but a 7th in the second race of the regatta left him just shy of the top spot. The home team of Alex and George Wilbanks on Revelation finished the regatta in third with 16 points. They didn't have to count a finish below 6th in the 17-boat fleet. Randy Bourne won the final race of the series, boosting his Strange Brew to fourth place for the event. Fifth belonged to Kincsem, owned by Joerg Esdorn and Duncan Hennes. And how did Liquid Courage end up fairing? After Saturday's thrilling win, Herron was either emotionally spent or simply unable to draw another good card from the deck: he ended up 14th. Complete results
01 Jun 2012 - Figawi Race Weekend At the 41st Annual Figawi Race Weekend, J/105 sailors swept the top five in their class and four of the top 16 overall. Leading them all home was Andrew Reservitz's Dark'n'Stormy just narrowly beating out a J/111 at the finish line to win Class S1 but also third boat to finish overall. Figawi Race website
25 May 2012 - North Sea Race Racing across the North Sea in May, 58 yachts were on the start line in Harwich, England on Saturday morning to race the RORC North Sea Race 210 miles to the resort town of Scheveningen in The Netherlands. Cold but bright sunny conditions prevailed with a moderate breeze, piping up to close to a stiff breeze at times. Under IRC, Stan Fenton's J/105 Fay-J was just two minutes behind on corrected time IRC Overall and came out victorious in IRC Four. Fay-J races extensively on the East Coast of England and Stan was very happy with their result. "It was a tiring race but we are delighted with our result. We went very well between Smith's Knoll and MSP. We were slightly south of the rhumb line rather than most of the other boats who went north, which meant we were in slightly more tide to start with but we could set our kite for about half the leg, and I think that is where we made a lot of time up." Two other J/105s placed in IRC Overall: ninth Diablo-J, Nick Martin, fourth in IRC3 class, Doublehanded second / 10th Harpoen, Harry Rek, second IRC4 class. Royal Ocean Racing Club website
23 May 2012 - Blackhawk Edges Arbitrage to Win Inaugural Phyllis Kleinman Swiftsure Regatta On May 19-20, 19 Fleet 1 J/105s participated in the St. Francis Yacht Club's Phyllis Kleinman Swiftsure Regatta, a six-race regatta which replaces the Stone Cup. The weekend weather was beautiful and uncharacteristically warm with clear skies. The breeze of around 15 kts in the mornings built to the low-to-mid 20s with gusts up to 31 kts on Sunday afternoon, almost double the forecast. The wind, plus the flood tide, placed a premium on superb starts, good crew work and lane planning when short tacking the City Front upwind for tide relief, and rewarded coordinated boat handling in the downwind planing conditions. Going into the last race, any of the top six boats could have won the regatta. Scooter Simmon's Blackhawk pulled out a race bullet after two upwind tacking duels and two downwind drag races against Bruce Stone's Arbitrage, both boats hurtling across the Bay at sustained speeds of 16-18 kts, including a wild surf to the finish. Arbitrage had entered the day in seventh, but with a 2/3/2 in Sunday's three races, worked up to second, just a point behind Blackhawk. Risk, Mojo and Jam Session filled out the top five places. At the awards ceremony, there was a lot of chatter among people who said they had never gone that fast in a keelboat. St. Francis Yacht Club website
23 May 2012 - LYC Shoe Regatta The 30th annual Lakewood Yacht Club's Shoe Regatta took place under clear Texas skies with light winds and smooth seas. Seven 105s competed in four races on Saturday and two on Sunday. Most of the fleet watched as Bill Zartler and Uzi Ozeri waged a tight duel for top honors. The outcome was not decided until the last race with Uzi Ozeri's Infinity taking first, Bill Zartler's Solaris taking second, and Brian Uffelman's Avici rounding ot the top three. Results
22 May 2012 - Stone Cup video 2 Check out the link for video from Sunday's Stone Cup, courtesy of Charlie Bergstedt. Video
22 May 2012 - Stone Cup video 1 Check out the link for video from Saturday's Stone Cup, courtesy of Charlie Bergstedt. Video
21 May 2012 - Manhattan Regatta The beautiful Manhattan Regatta was held over the weekend, and the J/105 fleet was dominated by Sean Doyle's Kestrel. The team won six of seven races, and scored a two in the other race--a total of just 8 points. Kevin Grainger's Gumption3 came in second with 21 points, trailed by Paul Beaudin's loulou with 31 boats. 11 J/105s competed. Photos will be available at www.pimvanhemmen.com. Complete results
21 May 2012 - Seattle NOOD The top three competed in a tight nine races in the J/105 fleet at the Seattle NOOD over the weekend. In the seven-boat fleet, Jerry Diercks on Delirium (25 points) edged out Lorenzo Migliorini's Allegro Vivace (27 points) and Doug Schenk on Free Bowl of Soup (29 points). Five of the seven boats scored a bullet in the series. Complete results
17 May 2012 - NOR for NAC The Notice of Race is posted for the 2012 J/105 North American Championship at San Diego YC this October. Now is the time to make your plans to be there! Notice of Race
10 May 2012 - Yachting Cup Yachting Cup sailed out of San Diego Yacht Club on May 12 had something for just about everybody. The sailing had enough wind shifts and puffs to keep any in the J/105 fleet of 15 in the game if they hit the up elevator right. Two boats had OCS starts and still came back to win the race--never say die. The fleet racing was won by Wings with Sanity and Triple Play taking second and third. An added feature of this year's Yachting Cup was match racing in J/22 on Friday. Four J/105s qualified to match race in a fleet of 14. The Ton Cup was awarded to the boat with the best combined Fleet and Match racing score, and it when to the J/105 Wings. The Match racing results may be found at http://sdyc.org/raceinfo/results12/toncup_res.pdf and the Fleet Racing results at this Website.
07 May 2012 - Kincsem Wins AYC Spring Kincem took the lead in the AYC Springs Series on Saturday and narrowly held on on Sunday to win the regatta over Sean Doyle's Kestrel. The Joerg Esdorn/Duncan Hennes team finished the regatta with a scant 25 points over 11 races. But Kestrel also ended with 25 points, thanks to a 2-3 finish on Sunday versus a 1-6 for Kincsem. The tiebreaker went to Kincsem. Over the 11 races, Kincsem finished ahead of Kestrel 6 times, while Kestrel had the better finish 5 times. Kincsem won four races; Kestrel three. Both teams threw out a 6 as their worst finish (Kincsem had two 6s). Doesn't get much tighter than that. Paul Beaudin's loulou finished the regatta in third, followed by Kevin Grainger's Gumption3 in fourth, and George and Alex Wilbanks's Revelation in fifth. Complete results
07 May 2012 - Annapolis NOOD Regatta James Rathbun from Fleet 4 in Canada sailed a consistent 2,2,1,3 to win the Annapolis NOOD with just 8 points over the four-race series. The locals followed with Peter McChesney on The Mystery Machine and Cedric Lewis/Fredrik Saldesen on Mirage tied at 14 points. 18 J/105s competed over the weekend. Complete results
04 May 2012 - Juneau Wins SORC Round Island Race The SORCs (Solo Ocean Racing Club) Solo Round the Isle of Wight race had a total of 31 yachts entered. Laurence Mead reports the following, "I took Juneau back from Oscar this last weekend and got first in Class 2 in the Solo Round the Isle of Wight race. Class 3 won it on a tidal gain somewhere, but we had 3 J/105s in the first 10 overall. Good show for 105s!!" Solo Offshore Racing Club website
04 May 2012 - AYC Spring Series The annual spring rite of passage for the start of the Long Island Sound offshore sailing season took place this past weekend. Hosted by the American Yacht Club in Rye, NY, the excellent turnout was helped by cool, spring weather with sunny days prevailing for both days of sailing. In the J/105 fleet, Sean Doyle's team on Kestrel started off the first weekend in first with 11 points. The top five are all close, including Paul Beaudin on Loulou in second, tied with Joerg Esdorn and Duncan Hennes in third on Kincsem, followed in fourth by Kevin Grainger on Gumption 3. Fifth are George and Alex Wilbanks on Revelation. Current results
03 May 2012 - J/105 on Sailing Magazine cover Check out the May issue of Sailing Magazine, which features a J/105 on the cover! Sailing Magazine website
03 May 2012 - Manhattan Regatta Update 11 boats so far, can we make it at least a dirty dozen? There is a great mix of Fleet 6 and Fleet 10 boats, so please invite family and friends to see the action from the water or on shore and join the party afterwards. Festivities include keg and BBQ Saturday night aboard the deck of the Liberty Landing's Marina's Lightship with a 'Digital Photo Booth' installation for crew snapshots and a fantastic view of the Harbor and Manhattan. This is truly a unique regatta experience, where boats and crews can dock together after racing and be only a spin halyards length to the party and restaurants. Docking is available at Liberty Landing Marina and North Cove Marina. You should also know that the Atlantic Cup (a double-handed event on Volvo-40s) is also in town, which means, prior to the J/105 start, you'll be able to watch these yachts start their second leg to Newport, RI. The organizers of the AC have also offered to share their resources, so there will be plenty of spectators (and press) watching from NYC! If you have any questions regarding the event, please email Regatta Chairperson David Spence at: David@windigodesign.com. And check Landfall Navigation's Facebook page and see who is talking about the event: www.facebook.com/landfallnavigation. Registration and the NOR
02 May 2012 - Minutes posted Minutes from the 4/24/12 Executive Committee Meeting are posted. Class Business page
27 Apr 2012 - J Fest San Francisco At J Fest San Francisco held at the St. Francis Yacht Club from April 21-22, 20 J/105s were on the line and completed five races. Jeff Littfin and John Case consistently raced Mojo to first place with 14 points (2-4-2-4-2, winning no races, but sailing fast and conservatively smart to finish seven points clear of the fleet). Scooter Simmons' Blackhawk followed with 21 points. Bruce Stone's Arbitrage and Adam Speigel's Jam Session tied with 24 points. Conditions were beautiful with mild winds gaining steadily through the day, and kind tides. Complete results
23 Apr 2012 - 2012 East Coast Championship at Cedar Point June 2-3 The East Coast Championship at Cedar Point YC (Westport, CT) promises to be the big eastern regatta in 2012. Well over 20 boats have expressed an interest in participating, and the range of competition should make this event fun and challenging for everyone who races. Cedar Point is a terrific one-design oriented club with a reputation for first class race management. You don't want to miss this one. You'll also be able to tell how professional and excited the club is when you go to their website to sign up (see link at end of this story). Nine 105s are already registered. One more thing worth mentioning about this regatta: it's the only major event this year that brings all the boats together to dock in one place. So it's a great opportunity to see your fellow 105 racers and check out the vessels up close and personal in a friendly and beautiful setting. Still another thing: be careful navigating in and out of this harbor. It's no problem if you stay inside the channel markers, which arc into the club. But if you cut one by even a few feet, you'll hit bottom. The bottom is soft, and you are unlikely to damage your keel. However, if you do it during the event, you will also likely have a huge audience of witnesses to your piloting mishap. It's also really hard to get unstuck without help. Take it from Paul Beaudin who has grounded twice at Cedar Point, one time raising something of a sarcastic ovation from those onshore. Website
20 Apr 2012 - Warsash Spring Series The second half of the Warsash Spring Series arrived on April 15 after a break for Easter. Following three Sundays of light and fickle breezes, competitors were greeted with a brisk and chilly northerly of 12-14 knots, which unexpectedly rose to over 20 knots by late morning. In the mixed J/Sprit class, the J/105 Journeymaker V (Chris Jones)-the biggest boat in the class-reveled in the conditions to take line honours. Website
18 Apr 2012 - Race for the Case Warm up for the Cedar Point Yacht Club's East Coast Championship at the Race for the Case on May 19-20 at the Lloyd Harbor Yacht Club in Long Island, NY. The NOR and registration may be found at the LHYC Website.
16 Apr 2012 - San Diego YC opening day The San Diego YC opening day race with 18-28 knots at the start had the J/105 fleet salivating. It is a pursuit race with the J/22 starting first and TP 52 bringing up the last of a 43 boat fleet. The J/105 Wings, Airboss and Triple Play got the top three spots. Surfing on the downwind leg and having control in the beats were the keys to success and how much fun was THAT! San Diego YC website
11 Apr 2012 - J/105 Chile Nationals The Chilean J/105 fleet is growing quickly. Having formed just under two years ago, they may have two dozen J/105s by the end of 2012! As part of this growth, the fleet was able to gather a strong fleet of 15 J/105s for their first J/105 Chile Nationals on the weekend of March 17-18 in Algarrobo Bay. During Saturday, wind conditions allowed the fleet to sail 2 of the 3 races programmed for the day. On Sunday the wind conditions were very light making it impossible to sail and to achieve the 3 races to validate the championship. As a result, the new date for the J/105 Chilean National Championship has been re-scheduled for October 6-7. 20 boats are expected. For any of you J/105 sailors interested in attending, contact Caroline Ecclefield (Chile phone number +562 9807079 or email marketing@windmade.cl).
08 Apr 2012 - Fleet 3 Annual Meeting/Awards Chesapeake J/105 Fleet 3 met at the Junior Sailing building to hold their annual meeting and awards ceremony. Award list
02 Apr 2012 - HYC Elissa The Houston Yacht Club's Elissa Regatta, to support continuing maintenance and restorations of 19th century Tall Ship Elissa, was held the weekend of March 31 and April 1. Some 70 boats including six J/105s signed up and were awarded with sunny skies, temperatures in the 80s, and winds ranging from 0-21 knots. As the sea breeze filled in each day, gear change was brought to the forefront. Bill Zartler took command after the first race to post 6 points in a 2,1,1,1,1 campaign. Bee Bednar's Stinger held on to second with a 15 point 1,4,2,4,4 performance and Bill Lakenmacher's Radiance took a 17 point 4,2,5,2,3 performance to third place. Houston Yacht Club website
30 Mar 2012 - Border Run "The Border Run," that begins in Newport and heads to Dana Point (the Sprint course), or to San Diego (the Short course) or San Diego via the Coronado del Norte Island (the 90 mile Long Course), provided Southern California sailors with long-distance racing this month. In Short PHRF D Light class, three J/105s were sailing but it was Bill Moore's Kestrel that out-sailed the rest to take top honors in their class by nearly two hours on corrected time. Complete results
30 Mar 2012 - International Rolex Regatta in the Caribbean Winning by a mere half point in CSA 2 was Jonathan Lipuscek's (San Juan, PR) J/105 Dark Star. Lipuscek had gone into Sunday's races of the International Rolex Regatta in the Caribbean with a half-point advantage on the merit of two bullets posted the prior day. He posted a 2-3 to prevail as the winner--also winning a Rolex watch for his performance. Regatta website
26 Mar 2012 - Rolex Regatta Jonathan Lipuscek's J/105 Dark Star took top honors in CSA 2 at the 39th annual International Rolex Regatta. Full story
19 Mar 2012 - San Diego NOOD It was tight racing among the J/105s at last weekend's San Diego NOOD. With the upcoming North American Championship in San Diego, it was a good test for the boats involved. Gary Mozer's Current Obsession2 narrowly beat Bennet Greenwald's Perseverance by one point (10 to 11). Rick Goebel's Sanity was not far behind in third with 13 points. Four races were completed, and 17 J/105s were registered. Complete results
14 Mar 2012 - Midwinters photos from Gary Trinklein Photos from races 1-2 are available at the following link. Photos
14 Mar 2012 - Midwinters photos from Christopher Howell Photos from races 3-7 are available at the following link. Feel free to download any you would like. Photos
12 Mar 2012 - Midwinters racing video Thank you to Alan Bates for the video he made and narrated at the J/105 Midwinter Championship. It captures the exciting conditions at the event! Video
12 Mar 2012 - Alan Bates, Zippity Alan Bates, skipper of Zippity, shares his overview of the J/105 Midwinter Championship and what there is to look forward to sailing in the Galveston Bay area. Video
12 Mar 2012 - Paul Beaudin, Avici After coming all the way from New York for the J/105 Midwinter Championship, skipper of Avici, Paul Beaudin, gives us a recap of the regatta and his time spent in Texas. Video
12 Mar 2012 - Bill Zartler, Solaris Skipper of Solaris, Bill Zartler, gives us an overview of the conditions on the race course and his victory at J/105 Midwinters. Video
11 Mar 2012 - Bill Zartler on Solaris Crowned J/105 Midwinter Champion Local Bill Zartler raced Solaris to a dominant victory at the J/105 Midwinter Championship in Seabrook, TX. Finishing with just 10 points over seven races, the team won five of the races, and scored a second and third in the others. Solaris won Sunday's only race, as a storm forced an end to the regatta in the late morning. The top four overall were comprised of local sailors, with Bill Lakenmacher on Radiance in the runner-up position (21 points), Uzi Ozeri on Inifinity in third (29 points) and Alan Bates on Zippity in fourth (34 points). Following Zartler, Bates's Zippity came in second in Sunday's race, trailed by Lakenmacher's Radiance. Twelve teams competed in the annual event, held for the first time at the Lakewood Yacht Club in Seabrook, TX. Competitors enjoyed favorable breeze throughout the championship and multiple social opportunities on shore for the fleet to interact. The J/105 Class would like to thank the Lakewood Yacht Club for hosting, and Dwight Bengtson and his Race Committee for their excellent race management. Pictures are currently available on the J/105 Facebook page, and Kattack race reports are at www.kattack.com.
Complete results
11 Mar 2012 - J/105 Midwinters - final day Today is the final day of the J/105 Midwinter Championship in Seabrook, Texas. Follow racing updates and Kattack tracking at the Regatta Website.
10 Mar 2012 - Bill Zartler Takes Charge on Day 2 of J/105 Midwinter Championship Bill Zartler from the host Lakewood Yacht Club gained control of the 12-boat fleet at the J/105 Midwinter Championship in Seabrook, TX on day two of the event. Four races were completed on Saturday, bringing the series total to six. Sailing Solaris, Zartler and team scored three firsts plus a third-place finish to end the day with just nine points total. The locals continue to dominate the top spots, as Bill Lakenmacher on Radiance stands in second place overall with 18 points and Uzi Ozeri on Infinity is in third place with 23 points. Other than Zartler's Solaris, the day's other race winner was Paul Beaudin racing Avici. The New York-based team came on strong all day, also tallying a second, fourth and sixth. Conditions on Galveston Bay were ideal for the J/105 with winds at 16-20 knots. Racing concludes Sunday. There are no throw-out races in this series. Regatta website and results
10 Mar 2012 - J/105 Midwinter Championship Day 2 Day 2 of the J/105 Midwinter Championship kicks off at 10:30 am CT from Seabrook, Texas. Check out live race reports and Kattack tracking at the Regatta Website.
09 Mar 2012 - Zartler and Lakenmacher Rule Windy Day 1 of J/105 Midwinter Championship Three local teams are at the top of the leaderboard after day one of the J/105 Midwinter Championship at Lakewood Yacht Club in Seabrook, TX. Bill Zartler on Solaris and Bill Lakemacher on Radiance are tied at three points each after flip-flopping the first and second place finishes in the day's two races. Uzi Ozeri on Infinity lodged two third-place tallies and stands at third place overall. Winds on Galveston Bay howled at a consistent 16 knots, with gusts well into the 20s. The 12 teams battled through choppy waves and swells of six feet. Racing continues through Sunday. Regatta website and results
09 Mar 2012 - J/105 Midwinters Day 1 Follow action at the J/105 Midwinter Championship today from Seabrook, Texas. Racing updates and Kattack tracking are LIVE at the Regatta Website.
08 Mar 2012 - J/105 Midwinters prep The teams have all arrived at the Lakewood Yacht Club in Seabrook, TX for the J/105 Midwinter Championship. Today is dedicated to registration and preparations, leading up to three days of racing starting Friday. You can check out some photos on the J/105 Facebook page. During the regatta, follow live racing/scores and Kattack tracking at the Regatta Website.
06 Mar 2012 - Winter Newsletter Members should have received the Winter edition of the J/105 newsletter via e-mail. It is also posted on the Newsletter page.
04 Mar 2012 - Follow the J/105 Midwinters this week The J/105 Midwinter Championship hits Lakewood Yacht Club in Seabrook, Texas this Friday through Sunday. Follow live racing updates, Kattack feeds and results on the regatta website.
28 Feb 2012 - EuroCup Plans for the J/105 EuroCup are now well advanced and to date there are 13 owners who have already confirmed their interest in the event (with a goal of at least 15). The opportunity for Class racing with such a number of J/105s is fantastic and unheard of recently within the UK. The preliminary details are as follows. 1)Round the Island Race (30th June), entry to be made direct to Island Sailing Club. Scoring will be based on IRC handicaps for this sole race and incorporated into the overall J/105 EuroCup results. 2) The following weekend (7th July), racing organised by the Royal Solent Yacht Club at Yarmouth. All boats to level rate with the exception of boats from Europe who will use their IRC handicaps to save buying new sails for a single event. Friday evening (6th July) will be Happy Hour, Saturday (7th July) 3 x windward leeward races in Christchurch Bay (weather depending) and evening reception is dinner dancing to the Accelerators at RSYC, Sunday (8th July) 2 x round the cans racing within the west Solent, then prize giving. Moorings: suggestion to be moored within Cowes Yacht Haven for the RTI race, moorings within Yarmouth Harbour already reserved via RSYC for the following weekend. Full Notice of Race will be issued soon. To make sure you receive your copy, please email events@royalsolent.org. This will be the largest J/105 regatta event which does not clash with the J-Cup. Website
28 Feb 2012 - Manhattan Regatta Fleet 10 invites you for a weekend of intense competitive racing and merriment in one of the most exciting ports in the world, New York Harbor. Join the fleet on May 19-20 for the second annual Manhattan Regatta. The challenge of navigating between tugs, barges and the Staten Island Ferry, while under the watchful gaze of the Statue of Liberty makes for a thrilling and unique racing experience. This is an event solely dedicated to the J/105 Class. Courses will primarily be windward/leeward with inflatable markers and managed by several support boats. Social events include an outdoor barbeque aboard Liberty State Park's Lightship and an awards party at North Cove Marina on Sunday after racing. Berthing locations have many amenities within the length of a spin halyard, so boarding on/off your boat with restaurants, clubs and bars nearby makes this regatta truly a destination event for the whole crew. And please invite family and friends too. Probably the only local J/105 regatta where spectators can watch the racing without ever stepping off land. Event website
24 Feb 2012 - Three Bridge Fiasco For the 14-boat J/105 Class, it was Adam Spiegel and Matt Clark on Jam Session that took victory at the Three Bridge Fiasco in San Francisco, CA, winning by just 1:57 over Peter Wagner and Al Sargent sailing Sleighride. Website
24 Feb 2012 - SCYA Midwinters At last weekend's Southern California Yachting Association Midwinters regatta, the J/105s sailed out of San Diego YC out off Point Loma. The J/105s, who are gearing up for their 2012 North Americans in San Diego, saw a highly competitive fleet with the top honors determined by the outcome of the last two races. Climbing back on top of the fleet were Dennis and Sharon Case sailing Wings to a 1-1-4-2-1 tally for 9 points. SCYA website
17 Feb 2012 - Hot Rum Series The Santa Barbara Yacht Club has its Hot Rum Series over three weekends, sailed under PHRF. This year, the offshore winds blew from the NNE ranging from 20 to 40+ knots. For Hot Rum #2, the J/105s went first and second, led by Larry Harteck's Repeat Offender followed by Ken Kieding's Advance. Mark Noble's Escapade was fourth. On the final weekend of racing for Hot Rum #3, the J/105s again went first and second in just as windy conditions as the previous weekend (winds from the NNE blowing 20-35 kts). Repeating again was Larry's team on Repeat Offender, followed closely by Ken's and company on Advance. In that order, the J/105s took first and second for the series. Fifth in the last race was Mark's Escapade, enabling them to grab fourth for the series. Santa Barbara YC website
06 Feb 2012 - 13 so far 13 boats are registered for the upcoming J/105 Midwinter Championship at the Lakewood Yacht Club in Texas. The event is scheduled for March 8-11 in sunny and warm Seabrook. It's not too late to participate! Midwinters website
03 Feb 2012 - Rules updates online The updated Class Rules are now available online for viewing under the "Racing" link at left (then click "Rules"). You can also review the Rule Submissions for February 2012 on the same page under the "Links" section. This document is the second one under that section (History of the rule changes).
01 Feb 2012 - Jam Session wins J/105 Class in Three Bridge Fiasco 340 entrants and the usual on-again, off-again winter wind pattern under clear skies made for challenging race conditions for the 2012 Three Bridge Fiasco. 10 Double Handed J/105s made it to the starting line off GGYC which, by 10:00am, was a windless mosh-pit of stationary boats. Helped across the line by the waning ebb towards the temporary replacement for Blackaller buoy, Jam Session and Nantucket Sleighride established an early lead over Donkey Jack, Nirvana and Akula. Five hours later, that is how it ended with Jam Session victorious by a margin of less than two minutes. Complete reults
30 Jan 2012 - J/105 Dana Point Series report from Bruce Cooper For a January race, we had good sun, good wind, more sun, low wind, even more sun and finally no wind during our race this weekend. The J/105 Legacy owned by Brian and Betsey Dougherty of Newport Beach has been campaigning in PHRF races the last couple of years and was back to defend the top place in last years Dana Point Series. On the morning of the race, the J/105 found itself in the back end of class A with some boats rating more than a minute a mile faster! This was a big change from last year when Legacy was the fast boat in Class B. Class A is stacked with a J/125, Melges 32, Sydney 41, two Henderson 30s, IMX 38, Columbia 30 and a modified Soverell 33. To prepare for PHRF racing in our area, we have optimized sails and tuning for winds between 4 and 18 knots. For this race, we first sailed a mile beat with the 155 and then second turned for a seven-mile spinnaker run. The code 2A was the right sail to hoist (without the wrap though) which was quickly complemented with the spinnaker staysail in 10-12 knots of wind. The speed usually comes up a couple of tenths when we put up this sail; it helps the wind flow between the main and spin and does add some sail area. The crew loves this little sail! As we approach our leeward mark, the breeze kept lowering and by staying a little outside rhumbline, Legacy pulled up to second boat-for-boat behind the J/125. Legacy was looking real good for boat-to-boat finish and smashing the fleet on corrected time. As the J/125 and Legacy gybed for the leeward mark, the RC sounded short horn blast signally that they were shortening course. Cool! But, the wind totally died and classed off sweeping us, the J/125 and the 2 Henderson 30s below the mark which was now upwind and up current! As the breeze came back up, the boats from behind sailed right to the leeward/finish mark, leaving Legacy and the speedy J/125 and Hendos all short-tacking back to get their finish. Legacy stayed in the money finishing second in class A behind the Columbia 30 who corrected first, sailing a great rally from next to last place before the breeze died. Lesson learned, never count your eggs before they are hatched! See video
30 Jan 2012 - Minutes posted Minutes from the 1/24/12 Executive Committee Meeting are posted. Class Business page
27 Jan 2012 - J/105s and Strictly Sail Stop by the J/105 Fleet 5 booth this weekend at Strictly Sail. Booth 204 on the East end. Photographed are: Clark Pellett of Sealark and Keith Krause of Vytis. Strictly Sail website
19 Jan 2012 - Kattack page All of the information you and your fleet will need to utilize the Class licence for the Kattack tracking system can now be found on the new Kattack page.
15 Jan 2012 - Strictly Sail Chicago: Booth #204E Please visit J/105 Fleet 5-Lake Michigan between January 26-29 at Navy Pier. Fleet 5 members will be marketing the J/105 Class, and sharing the Fleet 5 2012 race/social calendar. In additon, refurbished hull #226 will be displayed at the booth compliments of Stearns Boating LLC. Larsen Marine, Skyway Marine and S&S Composites are all helping get the boat there. Strictly Sail website
09 Jan 2012 - NOR posted for J/105 Midwinters The Notice of Race is posted and registration is open for the 2012 J/105 Midwinter Championship. The regatta dates are March 8-11, hosted by the Lakewood Yacht Club (Seabrook, TX) and Fleet 17. Notice of Race
05 Jan 2012 - Chilean J/105 Clinic Report from J Boats Andrew Kerr recently spent some time down in Chile enjoying the hospitality of the Chilean J/105 Fleet and providing them a sailing clinic. Here is the report from Andrew: The growing J/105 fleet in Chile recently hosted a 3-day seminar at Club de Yates Algarrobo in Algarrobo on the beautiful coastline. The yacht club is friendly and is excited about having active one-design sailing and the J/105. Daniel Gonzalez, the fleet captain, and Juan Reid of J Boats Chile organized the clinic, and I came in from the US to coach the seminar. Local sailor Phillip Goyeneche helped with translating the technical terms of sailing. TEN J/105 teams attended the clinic. We spent 3 days sailing right in front of the yacht club in light, medium and heavier conditions which was perfect for teams as they developed their techniques and boat handling. We would meet in the morning in the classroom for a talk on topics such as starting techniques and tuning and then sail a short course with lots of starts and mark roundings, all of which were videotaped for review back onshore. What is fantastic about the J/105 is how it is great for family and friends to sail on. Daniel Gonzalez regularly sails with his 3 daughters. Vernon Robert sails with his father steering and his sons trim and are on the foredeck. The J/105 fleet is growing fast in Chile, as there are already 16 boats in the area with many sailors expressing interest in the boat and the fleet.
31 Dec 2011 - New year, new calendar Need to replace that 2011 calendar? You can purchase the colorful 2012 J/105 calendar on the Merchandise page.
30 Dec 2011 - More Seabrook Stay close to it all when you stay in Seabrook, Texas. Located 25 minutes south of Downtown Houston, conveniently located in the Clear Lake Bay Area halfway between Houston and Galveston--minutes away from the Kemah Boardwalk and the NASA Space Center Houston. The Texas Coastline location places visitors in the heart of Clear Lake water activities with convenient access to the Port of Galveston and the major cruise lines. View hotel and bed and breakfast video tours and make your hotel reservation now to take advantage of special offers. Seabrook Tourism website
30 Dec 2011 - Seabrook It has been said that Seabrook is As Grand by Land as by Bay! See what the city of Seabrook, Texas is all about as you consider whether to attend the upcoming J/105 Midwinter Championship.
Seabrook website
23 Dec 2011 - Fall Newsletter Members should have received the Fall edition of the J/105 newsletter via e-mail. It is also posted on the Newsletter page.
20 Dec 2011 - Beaudin Wins Fleet 6 Season The fleet computers have finally stopped whirring and the results are in: Paul Beaudin on loulou is the 2011 Fleet 6 champion. Counting a total of seven victories out of 25 starts, Beaudin still just narrowly beat out Joerg Esdorn and Duncan Hennes on Kincsem. Kincsem sailed six fewer races and had one fewer throw out. The difference was enough for loulou to edge Kincsem by a score of .9169 to .9137 under the Cox Sprauge system, which weights finishes based on the number of participants in each race. The margin between the two boats was so narrow that when fleet scorers first ran the calculations, Kincsem came out on top. The numbers were then carefully checked, the computer rebooted, and the spreadsheet re-run multiple times with the final results showing loulou on top. Kincsem completed the season with five race wins. Third place went to Eclipse with a score of .9055. Damian Emery and team recorded nine victories over 25 races. Complete article and results
15 Dec 2011 - 2012 J/105 Midwinter Championship The J/105 Officers have studied the Fall 2011 survey results, and the information shows that the Class would prefer a stand-alone Midwinter Championship. With the lack of support for KWRW and with this new survey data in hand, J/105 Fleet 17 has stepped up to announce that they will host the 2012 J/105 Midwinter Championship in Houston, TX! Yes, you read that correctly. Join local boats in Galveston Bay for a three-day weekend of one-design racing to determine the 2012 J/105 Midwinter champion! The dates are March 9-11, 2012 at the Lakewood Yacht Club. Check the regatta website often for the latest news and information. Midwinters website
13 Dec 2011 - 2012 J/105 calendars Work on your holiday shopping on this webpage! Buy a colorful J/105 calendar for your family, friends or crew. Only $13 + shipping on the Merchandise page.
09 Dec 2011 - Santa Barbara YC Holiday Regatta The end of the Santa Barbara YC Summer Series is the Holiday Regatta held on the first weekend of December. Sailed over two days, five races are generally planned. Despite the hurricane-force Santa Ana winds that had been blowing mid-week, the weekend sailing was a bit anti-climactic. A series of mistakes (like marks losing anchors and chain) led to having most all racing Saturday called off for most fleets, leaving Sunday to run as many races as possible in the light-medium flukey conditions. Sunday on sailing saw a 7 knot southerly blow in that backed left into an Easterly for some decent racing. The J/105 fleet made the most of the difficult conditions and had some good racing against one another. First was John Demourkas on Rockin & Groovin with a 2-1 for 3 points. Second was Ken Kieding sailing Advance to a 1-3 for 4 points (this is Bernie Girods old Rock & Roll with a new paint job and graphics). Third was Escapade with a 3-2 for 5 points. Santa Barbara YC website
09 Dec 2011 - San Diego YC Hot Rum Series At the San Diego Yacht Club Hot Rum Series, the J/105s sailed very well in PHRF Class 3, with Dennis and Sharon Case on Wings leading the pack, finishing second in class and top J/105. Jumping up into third in class (second J/105) was Dave Vieregg on Triple Play with a second on the last race. Third J/105 was Team Fisher/Dagostino on Viggen, also sailing well on the last day grabbing a third, but not enough to win the tie-breaker over Triple Play. San Diego YC racing information
07 Dec 2011 - Forum Back Our Forum is back in business. Let us know if you notice anything strange.
06 Dec 2011 - Forum Down Our Forum is down for the moment. We're working on fixing it and will let you know when it is back.
01 Dec 2011 - Miscellaneous Part Numbers for Replacement Parts Doing some seasonal maintenance on your J/105? Check out Miscellaneous Part Numbers for Replacement Parts on the Resources page.
26 Nov 2011 - Cal-Stanford Rivalry Hits the Bay in Big Sail There are many sports rivalries. None, perhaps, runs deeper and wider and splits as many families as Stanford versus Cal. That is what Big Game week, which this year culminated in last Saturdays football game, is all about. If you thought you heard a distinct roar earlier that week from the San Francisco Marina District, that was the Big Sail. The format is a boat-on-boat, best-of-three match race, with the varsity teams facing off first, followed by young alumni teams and then age 41 and older masters-level alumni. The boats were identical J/105s on loan for the race by their owners. Full story
20 Nov 2011 - HYC Turkey Day On November 19 and 20, cool east and east southeast 10-15 kt winds greeted some 39 one design and cruising class boats racing in the Houston Yacht Club annual Turkey Day Regatta. Yes, the prizes are frozen turkeys. The five-boat J/105 fleet saw Mark Masur and crew on Two Feathers take first with 10 points, and Bill Lakenmacher and crew on Radiance take second with 12 points. Bee Bednar and crew on Stinger managed to crawl out of the cellar with two bullets in the last two races for 16 points. Bee won the tie-breaker over Dave Christianson and crew on Zippity. Racing was extremely close for all five races. Houston Yacht Club website
18 Nov 2011 - Survey says Members--please look for an important survey in your e-mail inbox. Your feedback is needed!
16 Nov 2011 - 2012 J/105 calendars Introducing the sixth J/105 wall calendar (and the 2012 regatta schedule along with it). This high-gloss calendar measures 11 inches wide and hangs 17 inches tall. Each month includes a unique, dynamic, and full color photo from this sailing season. Photography has been contributed by professionals Allen Clark, Leighton OConnor, Cameron Taylor, Pim Van Hemmen and Tim Wilkes. Treat yourself and your entire crew for the holidays. Merchandise page
07 Nov 2011 - Minutes posted Minutes from the 10/28/11 Annual Meeting are posted. Class Business page
03 Nov 2011 - J/105s in Chile Five J/105s sailed in the official debut of the J/105 Class in the Valparaiso Regatta in Chile. The J/105s were the second most important class after the Soto 40s. The J/105s sailed over two days in light winds from 5-10 knots. Here's the report from Juan Eduardo Reid on the J/105's development in Chile, on South America's Pacific coastline: "On Friday, one race was scheduled and the fleet was not able to race due to lack of wind. On Saturday the condition were unstable during the morning with winds getting to 5 knots. The first race started at 3pm after 2 hours of delay due to light wind conditions. During the second race of the day the wind died and re-built from the ocean with a big split in the fleet. The PRO provided the fleet with windward-leeward courses. For Sunday the wind was more stable, the races were postponed until 13:30 hours and 2 races where finished for a final program of 5 races. Windward/leeward courses with 5-8 knots of breeze and flat water provided good, fair sailing for the fleet. Daniel Gonzalez and Claudio Leon's Tricalma won with a family crew (3 of Daniel's daughters). Second overall, with a family crew as well was Arquimides sailed by Vernon Robert. Third was Rodrigo Gumucio/Pablo Cisternas'; Spin Off. A mostly woman crew on-board Tri Calma and also Antonio Gonzalez's Plan B showed the great potential of the class in Chile to include excellent sailors from different ages and experiences-such as 420, Laser and the active base of J/24 sailors with a lot of family sailing experience (all amateurs compared to the professional Soto 40 crews). The annual calendar of the J/105 class continues with the Interclub Regatta on November 12-13 in Algarrobo Bay. 10 boats are expected for that event as some of the boats are still getting to Chile in October/November this year. By the end of the year, 14 boats are expected in Algarrobo Bay and 20 in the central coast of Chile as Higuerillas/Recreo is starting to develop local fleet as well."
01 Nov 2011 - New Officers Elected At last week's J/105 Annual Meeting, new officers were elected, including: President Vic Forsyth, Vice President Ian Farquharson, Secretary/Treasurer Joe Colling, Chief Measurer Walt Nuschke, At-Large #1 Carter Williams, At-Large #2 Bee Bednar and Technical Committee Member Robert Baker. Also appointed by the Copyright Holder: Technical Committee Member Pat Benedict and Fleet At-Large James MacDonald. For their contact information, visit the Officers\' page.
31 Oct 2011 - J/Fest in Texas The second annual J/Fest was held under the auspices of Lakewood Yacht Club from October 29-30 on Galveston Bay. Some 49 boats participated and raced on two different lines. Line A included the J/22s and J/24s, while line B included the bigger PHRF boats along with the J/105s and J/80s. Cool Texas 10-15 knot North breezes began a perfect fall day but, unfortunately, quickly gave way to 5-10s and finally 3-4s resulting in only two races on Saturday. Although the forecast for Sunday was for winds no higher then 5-6 knots, spectacular 15-17 knot East winds greeted all the competitors and made for some first-rate racing. Competition on the 7-boat 105 line was extremely competitive, but as has become the custom, Bill Zartler and crew on Solaris schooled the rest of us to take first place with 2 seconds and 2 firsts. He was closely followed by Mark Masur from Dallas Corinthian Sailing Club on Two Feathers. Matt Arno out of Forth Worth Boat Club took third after losing the tie-breaker to Mark. The party afterwards on Saturday saw everyone filling up on good Texas hot sausage and creole shrimp along with new potatoes, corn on the cob and all the beer one could drink. (Photo by John Lacy, www.lacyphotos.com) Lakewood YC website
31 Oct 2011 - J/105 Annual Meeting The J/105 Annual Meeting took place last Friday at Annapolis Yacht Club. New President Vic Forsyth was elected, as the torch was passed from Bernie Girod. Thank you, Bernie, for your guidance, time and wisdom! (Minutes from the meeting will be posted soon.)
31 Oct 2011 - East Coast Championship 16 J/105s braved the winter-like conditions in Annapolis, MD for this weekend's J/105 East Coast Championship. Racing was cancelled on Saturday due to high winds, low temperatures and a rain/snow mix. Three races were completed Sunday in sunny but cold surroundings, as Pete McChesney on Mystery Machine tallied 6 points to edge out James Rathbun's Hey Jude (8 points) and Jim Konigsberg's Inigo (12 points). Complete results
27 Oct 2011 - Flawless J Wins INEOS Solent Circuit Following the previous week's abandoned races due to lack of wind, the third weekend of the Lymington Town Sailing Club INEOS Solent Circuit saw plenty of wind to keep competitors on their toes. True to the forecast, a steady 18 to 20 knots SSE breeze, with gusts to 28 knots greeted the fleet in the West Solent on Sunday morning. All classes were set courses taking them to the Island shore, where they experienced lulls in the wind and considerable wind shifts, only to sail out of the lee of the Island into some significant gusts. For Class 1 the race committee set a course of 15 nautical miles. Flawless J, James Heald's J/105, sailed a "flawless" race, making the most of the reaching legs with her big, black asymmetric spinnaker to take line honours and first place on handicap. Lymington Town Sailing Club website
23 Oct 2011 - Kincsem Takes Manhasset Kincsem became the sixth different J/105 to win a Fleet 6 regatta in 2011 when it captured the Manhasset Bay Fall Series. The boat, co-owned by Joerg Esdorn and Duncan Hennes, has been a top competitor on the East Coast for more than a decade. But it hadn't won an event this year until it cinched the Manhasset regatta when racing was called on Sunday for lack of a wind. The absence of a breeze was hardly unusual on Western Long Island Sound, but the calm sunny day certainly contrasted with the blustery gusts of up to 40 mph that shaped racing the previous weekend. Kincsem showed it could excel in both types of conditionseven with a jet-lagged tactician (Fred Walters commuted to the event from his new home in London). The nine points it accumulated over five races easily topped that of second-place finisher Paul Beaudin on loulou, with 12 points. Norm Kilarjian on Tolo finished third in the 14-boat field. Complete results
20 Oct 2011 - Greenport Ocean Race The Greenport Ocean Race is held every year in the fall as the final offshore event for Long Island Sound racers on the eastern end of Long Island. It's hosted by the Chinese YC and the Old Cove YC. This year, winds blew 15-30 knots for basically four days. When the racing started on Saturday, the PRO on the RC decided to shorten course and keep the fleet inside Long Island Sound. Mike LaChance and the crew of Dark'n'Stormy led the sweep of PHRF 3 with the other J/105s. Second was Tim O'Brien on the Ropeburn, and third was Alliance sailed by Steve Guyer. As a result, the oval Brooklyn Ocean Challenge Cup was awarded to Team Dark'n'Stormy for the fourth year in a row. Greenport Ocean Race website
17 Oct 2011 - Harvest Moon Regatta On an absolutely spectacular afternoon, three J/105s joined with a Viper 830 and a J/109 to hold down the F Class at Houston's Lakewood Yacht Club's 150 nm annual Harvest Moon Regatta from Galveston to Port Aransas. 15-18 knot North winds produced incredible downwind surfing starts. As dusk turned to night, a giant Texas Harvest Moon provided unbelievable ghostly images of a Santa Cruz 50, J/44, J/40, C&C 115, Aerodyne 38, King 40, two very fast J/120s and 180 cruisers of every type and description. After the smoke cleared, the five boats finished with the Viper 830 in first, J/105 in second, J/109 in third, and J/105s in fourth and fifth. Regardless of finish position, it would be difficult to not have enjoyed this race. Regatta website
17 Oct 2011 - Manahasset Bay Fall Series Tied on points at the Manahasset Bay Fall Series in Port Washington, NY, Norman Kilarjian (Tolo) and Joerg Esdorn/Duncan Hennes (Kincsem) both have 5 points after two races. Damian Emery on Eclipse sits in third place with 8 points. Fourteen J/105s are registered for the series, which encompasses two weekends (October 15-16 and October 22-23). Results
11 Oct 2011 - Sausalito Cup The weekend couldn't have been more gorgeous for sailboat racing, although Sunday saw the breeze show up late enough that it caused some abandonments in the various regattas around the Bay. One of the regattas that did make it through its full schedule was the Sausalito YC's Sausalito Cup. The club hosted six J/105s over the weekend for a double round robin match racing regatta. Bruce Stone came up big, nearly running the table with nine wins. John Horsch finished in second with eight. Sausalito Cup YC website
10 Oct 2011 - World's Largest College Sailing Regatta The Storm Trysail Foundation (STF) and Larchmont Yacht Club teamed up to run the world's largest college regatta over the Columbus Day weekend, with 400 collegiate sailors racing on 47 offshore boats ranging from 35-44 feet. Schools came from across the country to compete in the placid waters of Long Island Sound off Larchmont, NY. Three light-air races were sailed on Saturday, and the race committee started two races on Sunday but had to abandon each after the wind shifted too much. After the second abandonment the wind died away to nothing and never returned. First-time participant University of Southern California, which traveled the farthest to attend the regatta with their coach Mike Segerblom, won the 15-boat J/105 class in a tie-breaker with last year's overall winner, the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point, NY. Complete results, pictures and video
07 Oct 2011 - J/105 video Check out the J/105 video from the Marblehead NOOD at Sailing World.
02 Oct 2011 - Damian Emery Wins American Yacht Club Fall Regatta Damian Emery's Eclipse won a close-fought three-boat battle for first place in the American Yacht Club Fall regatta in Rye, NY, winning the final race to narrowly snatch victory from Paul Beaudin's loulou. Emery and Beaudin ended the series tied with 22 points each, but Emery won the tiebreaker to claim first place. Kincsem, co-owned by Joerg Esdorn and Duncan Hennes, finished in third, with 24 points, just two behind the leaders. The next closest competitor was former Collegiate Sailor of the Year Sean Doyle on Kestrel with 41 points. The three-boat battle was one of the most exciting in recent Fleet 6 memory, with the outcome coming down to the final race. Emery, in fact, was in third with one race to go and needed to beat Esdorn and put at least one boat between himself and Beaudin to claim victory. That's exactly what he got as Eclipse finished first, loulou crossed the line third and Kincsem finished fourth. Doyle's Kestrel was the spoiler for Beaudin in the last race, placing second. In the often shifty and spotty conditions over the final weekend, both Eclipse and especially Kincsem found themselves repeatedly having to dig themselves out of huge holes in order to remain in contention. Beaudin on loulou had more consistent starts and rarely had to fight his way past as many boats as his two other competitors. But frequent wind shifts of up to 30 degrees rewarded both patience and skill. It was not a time to let temporary setbacks cascade into a series of errors. Rather, resiliency and persistence were continually rewarded. In addition to exciting racing in a field of 19 boats, the AYC regatta also featured some unusual race committee behavior, including enormously long starting lines (which actually encouraged bunching at the favored end) and a start that appears to have invented a new form of recall. In the fourth race of the series, the committee took the unusual step of announcing over the radio that every boat EXCEPT the ones whose sail numbers it called was over early and needed to return. Making matters worse, the committee hoisted the general recall flag...and then quickly took it down when it realized its error. Whether or not this behavior produced a fair contest is open to question. Had the results of that race been tossed, loulou would have won the Fall Regatta by four points. Yet no boat challenged the official result and some even apologized to the committee for informally questioning their race management. (Note: Had there been no throw out in the series, loulou would have finished third and Kinscem would have been only one point behind Eclipse.) Whatever complaints were produced were easily offset by the exciting racing over the final weekend, with five races completed on Saturday and three more on a gorgeous fall Sunday. (Only one race was held the previous weekend, which was all but windless except for one two hour period.) American Yacht Club website
29 Sep 2011 - LIS IRC/PHRF Championship At the Long Island Sound IRC/PHRF Championship hosted by Riverside YC and Storm Trysail Club this past weekend, Randy Bourne's J/105 Strange Brew won class honors, scoring a 1-1-2 for 4 points in PHRF 80-115. LIS sailing information
29 Sep 2011 - J/105 Fall Championship In this year's J/105 Fall Championship in Santa Barbara, CA, the competition was tight. Racing Rockin & Grrovin, John Demourkas sailed to a 2-4-1-1 record for 8 points. Local Larry Harteck took Repeat Offender into second overall with a solid 1-5-2-3 tally for 11 points. Rounding out the podium was Mark Noble on Escapade, sailing a 6-1-4-2 record. Fourth was John Ziskind steering Perfect Timing 2 to 15 points. After sailing both the J/105 Marblehead NOOD (which he nearly won) and the J/105 North Americans (where he finished ninth), Bernie Girod on Rock & Roll collected a 3-6-3-5 to finish fifth. Santa Barbara Yacht Club Racing website
29 Sep 2011 - AYC Fall J/Fest Series The J/105s showed up with the largest fleet in the regatta with 19 boats. Damian Emery on Eclipse pulled off a first in the first race. George and Alex Wilbanks on Revelation were second, and Joerg Esdorn/Duncan Hennes snagged third. Nathan Boylan on Joysea was fourth, and fifth was Jordan Mindich on Shakedown. Due to the weather, only one race was conducted. American Yacht Club website
27 Sep 2011 - J/Fest San Diego Last weekend J/Boats from all over Southern California convened at the San Diego Yacht Club for J/Fest. In light but steady conditions, the RC was able to get 5 races in over the weekend. 13 J/105s competed, and Bennet Greenwald's Perseverance topped the fleet with 18 points. Steve & Lucy Howell's Blink! came in second with 20 points, followed by Dennis & Sharon Case's Wings in third with 21 points. Complete results
23 Sep 2011 - Summer Newsletter Members should have received the Summer edition of the J/105 newsletter via e-mail. It is also posted on the Newsletter page.
22 Sep 2011 - HOOD Regatta At last weekend's HOOD Regatta (Houston Offshore One-Design), it was extremely tight competition for top J/105 honors. At the end, the top three boats finished just three points apart after five races. Emerging in the last race was Bob Brann's Radiance, winning with a 3-2-2-1-1 for 9 points. Uzi Ozeri's Infinity started with a 1-1-1, then fell back on Sunday with a 3-4 for 10 points to drop into second. With a solid regatta was Malcolm Brenner's Babe, sailing to a 2-3-3-2-2 for 12 points to snag third place. Complete results
13 Sep 2011 - 2011 Rolex Big Boat Series <p><object width="560" height="315"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/_-cHiTvEDLM?version=3&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/_-cHiTvEDLM?version=3&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="560" height="315" allowscriptaccess="always" wmode="transparent" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object></p>
12 Sep 2011 - J/105 Canadian Championship The 2011 J/105 Championship, the premier racing event of the J/105 Fleet 4 season was awarded to Dave Shaver's Retern, also winner of the 2007 edition. This year's Championship war flag was well earned in one of the closest events for the season and of past record. Second place went to Jamaica Me Crazy, last year's winner, whilst third place went to Hey Jude.
Complete write-up and results
11 Sep 2011 - Rolex Big Boat Series After enduring Saturday's high wind survival conditions, the hundreds of sailors on 81 teams at the 47th annual Rolex Big Boat Series would no doubt agree that handling Sunday's 14-17 knots on San Francisco Bay was a piece of cake. A single "Bay Tour" distance race showed seven classes (IRC A, B, C, D J/105, J/120, Express 37) the four corners of San Francisco Bay, visually anchored by the Golden Gate Bridge to the west, Alacatraz Island in the middle, and Treasure Island and Bay Bridge to the East. Spectators, too, were treated to the true beauty, emotion and power of sail when, before racing, all boats paraded in honor of 9/11 victims, and for the finish, a colorful lineup of spinnakers roared past the stretch of land closest to Crissy Field, triggering cannon fire from the uppermost decks of nearby St. Francis Yacht Club where later six perpetual trophies as well as Rolex Oyster Perpetual Stainless Steel Submariners would be awarded to winners in six of the classes. In the J/105 fleet, Scooter Simmons' Blackhawk topped 20 other J/105s for the Class victory and the Commodore's Cup with 22 points. Jason Woodley & Scott Whitney on Risk were runner-up with 29 points. Donkey Jack rounded out the top 3 with 34 points, trailed closely by Jam Session and Godot (tied with 35 points). Seven total races were completed. (Photo By: Rolex/Daniel Forster) Complete results
09 Sep 2011 - Tri-State Race The last offshore race of the Lake Michigan sailing season had its first leg from Chicago to St Joseph, MI in very light shifty winds. The next day of racing, everything changed when a powerful northerly breeze 25+ knots made getting into the dredged entrance channels with long breakwaters a dangerous proposition for many. In fact, Jackson Park YC said they couldn't guarantee boats could get out of Michigan City on Monday. As a result, many boats elected to not sail the Tri-State, but sail the Bi-State and sailed back to Chicago. The consequences were an abbreviated race for many. The J/105s all sailed the Bi-State race. First was Sealark with a 2-1 to win with 3 points. Second was Tom Petkus' Vytis with a 1-5 for 6 points. And, third was Here's Johnny with a 4-4 for 8 points.
08 Sep 2011 - Annapolis Race Week Fifteen J/105s competed in last weekend's Annapolis Race Week, and 8 races were held for the fleet. Carl & Scott Gitchell raced Tenacious to the top spot with just 17 points. The team never scored out of the top five, including four bullets and two second-place tallies. Jim Konigsberg on Inigo placed next with 20 points, and Andrew Kennedy on Bat IV finished third with 32 points. Complete results
02 Sep 2011 - Sarcoma Cup After only four years in the running, the Sarcoma Cup is looking like a race weekend to match the veteran races in the San Francisco Bay Area. Comprised of buoy racing on Saturday and a pursuit race on Sunday (or more buoy racing for a couple of one design fleets), the format is familiar but different enough to attract 77 boats this year. Berkeley YC hosted the event for the second year in a row on August 27-28 with lots of on-the-water assistance from Richmond YC. The J/105 Blackhawk, owned by Scooter Simmons, squeaked ahead of Bruce Stone's Arbitrage by one point to secure the win (16 points to 17). Adam Spiegel's Jam Session came in third with 23 points. Sixteen J/105s competed, and five races were held. Event website and results
02 Sep 2011 - Fleet 4 EYC Open Thunderstruck's lead after the single race of Saturday, and her consistency on Sunday with great finishes for race 2 and 4 enabled Andrew Moor and crew to be the sixth different boat to claim weekend winner status. Sunday's race was characterized by high wind conditions, sustained 20+ knots, veering to the left for the first two races. The wind continued building as hurricane Irene induced gusts topping beyond 30 knots. Wind lanes were evident on certain areas of the course and efficiency of boat handling won the day for the winning crews. Whilst Saturday's only race started with 7-8 knots, both diminishing wind and wild wind swings meant racing conditions deteriorated considerably to complete more than one race before the time limit. Fleet 4 website
26 Aug 2011 - J/105 UK National Championship The 2011 J/105 UK National Championship took place as part of the Taittinger Royal Solent Yacht Club Regatta in Yarmouth from August 20-21. The first three races of the Championship were sailed on Saturday in a very light and extraordinarily shifty breeze from 4-12 knots. The Committee Boat was anchored off Lymington and was delighted to welcome an extra J/105 to the fleet just 30 minutes ahead of the first warning signal: James Heald's Flawless J raced from the Fastnet finish (double-handed division) straight to the startline of the National Championship! Races 1 and 3 belonged to William Newton's Jelly Baby, a team from Lymington so racing here in her 'home' waters. Another local helm, Malcolm Thorpe of Yarmouth racing King Louie won the second race of the day. Professor Roger Williams racing Jos of Hamble stole the first bullet of the day on Sunday morning in Race 4. Race 5 was won by James Heald, fresh from the Fastnet. So five races, four different winners and some really close and exciting racing, meaning that just one point separated the first four boats in the fleet as the J/105 UK National Championship drew to a close on Sunday afternoon! After several re-counts, copious checking of discards, count-backs and of the final points scores, William Newton's team on Jelly Baby emerged as the new J/105 UK National Champions. Jos of Hamble was second and King Louie was third. All in all, a great regatta, in a beautiful venue and with a superbly generous sponsor: Team Jelly Baby were presented with a magnum of Taittinger Champagne to accompany the J/105 UK National Championship Trophy. UK Nationals website
26 Aug 2011 - Rolex Fastnet Race Veteran J/105 campaigners Niki Curwen and Alex Adams finished 16th on their J/105 Voador. Just behind them in 17th was Nick Martin's Diablo-J, currently fourth in the RORC Offshore Season Points Championship in the Doublehanded Class (Voador is up to fifth). Rolex Fastnet website
25 Aug 2011 - Retern wins 2011 Royal Weekend Experience trumps participation, it appears, for Dave Shaver and crew as they were flawless in Saturday (only day of racing) in the 2011 Royal Weekend at the Royal Canadian Yacht Club in Toronto. Shaver and crew won the Royal Weekend regatta with an impressive 5 points on three races, one point ahead of Planet B. The RCYC was attended by the largest number of J/105's this year, with excellent race management, fair wind conditions, albeit shifting winds raging between 7-11 knots on Saturday. Sunday's racing was cancelled for lack of wind. Fleet 4 website
22 Aug 2011 - Verve Cup Regatta The three-day Verve Cup Regatta hosted by Chicago Yacht Club saw 123 entrants compete in ORR and one-design on three course circles. While changing winds, rain and thunderstorms limited racing on day two, the other two days saw quality conditions to allow all fleets to complete six races. The J/105s had 12 boats registered, and Clark Pellet raced Sealark to victory with all top-three finishes and 12 points. Dorin Candea's Messy Jessy followed with 19 points, then Richard & Lori Stearn's Crash Test Dummies with 21. Complete results
18 Aug 2011 - 2012 Key West Race Week Notice of Race Now is the time to make plans to be at Key West Race Week for the 25th anniversary of North America's premiere winter regatta--also the J/105 Midwinter Championship. Quantum Key West 2012 is scheduled for January 15-20. View the Notice of Race.
14 Aug 2011 - Henry Brauer and Stewart Neff on Scimitar Triumph at J/105 NAC Henry Brauer and Stewart Neff on Scimitar were victorious on their home turf to win the 2011 J/105 North American Championship in Marblehead, MA. With crew Stuart Johnstone, Julia Langford, Will Walters and Steve Cucchiaro, Scimitar never scored worse than a 16 in the 11-race series, including three bullets and two runner-up tallies. With a total score of 68 points, the team finished 13 points ahead of its closest competition in the 42-boat fleet. Brian Keane, J/105 Midwinter champion for the past three years on Savasana, followed Scimitar with 81 points, then Texan Bill Lakenmacher on Radiance with 86 points. Conditions on the final day of the four-day event allowed two more races in breeze starting at 6-8 knots, building to 8-10. Racing was delayed just under an hour as the winds filled in. The top 10 are: Henry Brauer/Stewart Neff, Scimitar (68 points), Brian Keane, Savasana (81), Bill Lakenmacher, Radiance (86), Joerg Esdorn/Duncan Hennes, Kincsem (104), Ken Colburn, Ghost (112), Damian Emery, Eclipse (121), Bruce Stone/Julian Croxall, Jouster (135), Kevin Grainger, Gumption3 (146), Bernard Girod, Rock & Roll (158), Matthew Pike, Got Qi (161). Visit the event website for complete results plus links to recorded racing through Kattack. Photos are available at www.PhotoBoat.com and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/J105CA. Thank you to the staff and Race Committee at Eastern Yacht Club for a great event! Event website and results
13 Aug 2011 - Scimitar Retains Control on Day 3 of J/105 North American Championship Henry Brauer and Stewart Neff on Scimitar opened up their lead on day 3 of the J/105 North American Championship in Marblehead, MA. Scoring a 10, 1, 2 in Saturday's three races, the local team heads into the final day of the regatta with 47 points, 20 ahead of Brian Keane's Savasana. Texan Bill Lakenmacher moved up to third, and has 70 points after solid results of 1, 2, 11. The fourth and fifth place positions are only separated by two points. Joerg Esdorn and Duncan Hennes on Kincsem registered 86 points, and Ken Colburn's Ghost is just two points back. Racing was delayed shortly as the breeze settled in at 6-8 knots. Racing concludes Sunday. Visit the event website for complete results plus links to live and recorded racing through Kattack. Photos are available at www.PhotoBoat.com and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/J105CA. Event website and results
12 Aug 2011 - Scimitar Maintains Lead on Day 2 of J/105 North American Championship Henry Brauer and Stewart Neff on Scimitar narrowly maintained their lead on day 2 of the J/105 North American Championship in Marblehead, MA. The local team scored a16 in Friday's first race but rebounded with a first in the day's only other race to finish with 34 points so far. Brian Keane's Savasana trails by a mere one point, after finishing with an 11,6 tally. In third place is Ken Colburn on Ghost (52 points). Damian Emery on Eclipse won the day with first and second place tallies, respectively. Racing was delayed until 1:20 p.m. as the breeze filled in at about 6 knots. Racing continues through Sunday. The event website also features links to live and recorded racing through Kattack. Photos are available at www.PhotoBoat.com and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/J105CA. Event website and results
12 Aug 2011 - Day 2 of J/105 North American Championship Watch the 42 teams participating at the J/105 North American Championship on day 2 here.
12 Aug 2011 - AHYC Blue Water Regatta Five J/105s competed in the Atlantic Highlands Yacht Club Blue Water Regatta from August 6-7. Dennis Meichel's Bigamy topped the fleet with just 4 points over 3 races, scoring two firsts and a second. One point back was David Spence's Synergy (5 points) and then Paul Zajac's Skal (12 points). Complete results
11 Aug 2011 - J/105 North American Championship begins with tight racing and perfect condition Henry Brauer and Stewart Neff on Scimitar hold a narrow lead over Brian Keane on Savasana after the first day of racing at the J/105 North American Championship. Scimitar started the event brilliantly with a 2, 1, 4, followed by a 10 in the day's last race for a total of 17 points. Savasana's second in that last race brought them to 18 points after previous scores of 4, 9 and 3. Bill Lakenmacher on Radiance rounds out the top three with 31 points. Conditions were gorgeous for the 42 teams competing in Marblehead, MA. Winds started at 8-12 knots, and built into the teens in the afternoon out of the WNW. It was shifty and blustery with plenty of sunshine. Racing continues through Sunday. Complete results
11 Aug 2011 - J/105 North American Championship starts TODAY In Marblehead, MA, a westerly breeze of 8 to 10 knots and clear skies greet competitors on the first day of the J/105 North American Championship. 42 boats are on the line. Watch live racing
10 Aug 2011 - Surviving without pros The term one-design usually conjures up visions of a pack of Lasers banging it out in the harbor or 130 J/22s converging on Annapolis for a World Championship. Normally, these are small trailer-able boats driven by road warriors who drag their rides from one end of the country to the other. Unfortunately, those road warriors grow up and many times move on to more stable platforms that suit their lifestyle. That usually means accepting the dreaded handicap sailboat racing. But for those who refuse to spend their time on the water with a stop watch and a calculator, there are still a few options. This year, in the height of a sputtering economic recovery, the J/105 will have 42 boats on the line for their North American Championship in Marblehead, MA. Full Scuttlebutt story
10 Aug 2011 - The Usual Suspects win 2011 LYRA Regatta The 2011 LYRA Regatta at PCYC attracted eight J/105s for three days of course racing. The conditions were challenging for both the competitors and the race committee, and the sailors had to keep their wits about them to deal with the shifts and wind ranging anywhere from 27 knts in a squall, to drifting in 5 knts. Two races had to be abandoned before the weather mark--one due to a 65 degree shift after the start and another when the breeze shut down. In all, eight fair races were sailed in, with seven to count. Other than the first race on Friday, the racing was tight with lots of close action and multiple lead changes. In the end, Gavin Disney on The Usual Suspects (12 points) edged out Stuart Kilpatrick on Planet B (13 points) and Peter Hall on Jamaica Me Crazy (16 points) to take the top spots. Complete results
10 Aug 2011 - NOR posted for 2012 Key West Race Week The 25th anniversary of North America's premiere winter regatta--also the J/105 Midwinter Championship--Quantum Key West 2012 is scheduled for January 15-20. Check out the Notice of Race.
07 Aug 2011 - Lakewood Yacht Club's Bay Cup II First gun of the second race in Lakewood Yacht Club's Annual Bay Cup Series was fired at 13:00 hours on Saturday, August 6 in 98+ heat. Some 30 boats competed in this regatta including everything from a C&C 121 to a Melges 32. Just after the sea breeze of 12-16 knots filled in, four J/105's squared off at the start of the 17.5 mile distance race in Galveston and Trinity Bay. Bee Bednar's Stinger took first closely followed by Uzi Ozeri's Infinity in second, and Bill Zartler's Solaris in third. Returning after a long layoff, Scott Jacobsen's Marian V rounded out the 105 fleet with a very respectable fourth. The overall results were topped off by a Catalina 36 in first, Stinger in second, and a J/109 in third. The 109 was followed by a C&C121, Infinity in fifth and Solaris in sixth. To say the racing was tight would be a major understatement. After 17.5 miles, the second through sixth place boats were separated by just 1:26. Lakewood Yacht Club website
02 Aug 2011 - A Star Shines in Marblehead Bill Lynn and the crew of the J/105 Shooting Star took first place overall at the Sperry Top-Sider Marblehead NOOD. Read the full interview here.
01 Aug 2011 - Southern California Championship Thirteen J/105s competed at the Southern California Championship over the weekend--Fleet 8's most important race of the year. The event was sailed in south San Diego bay where the water is smooth and the breeze is up. The conditions were great, and the first five boats were trophied in the five-race series: Dennis & Sharon Case, Wings (15 points), Tom Hurlburt & Chuck Driscoll, Blow Boat (17), Dave Vieregg, Triple Play (21), Rick Goebel, Sanity (26), Chris Logan, Pholly (27). Remember, the 2012 J/105 North American Championship will be held in San Diego from October 17-21 (www.j105nac.com)! Complete results
31 Jul 2011 - Marblehead NOOD Congratulations to Bill Lynn and the crew of J/105 Shooting Star, who edged out Matthew Pike's Got Qi? and 29 other teams to win their class. For their hard-fought victory in this highly competitive class, Lynn and company earned the regatta's overall prize, which includes an invitation to compete against the winners of the other NOOD regattas at the Sperry Top-Sider Caribbean NOOD Championship, taking place this November in the British Virgin Islands. The J/105 fleet took the opportunity at the NOOD to tune-up for the rapidly approaching North American Championship which kicks off August 11 in Marblehead. Shooting Star finished the six-race series with 23 points, just one ahead of Got Qi? Bernie Girod of Santa Barbara, CA took third, again just one point back (with 25) on Rock & Roll. Henry Brauer & Stewart Neff on Scimitar were, yes, just one more point back in fourth place with 26 points. Complete results
28 Jul 2011 - Fiesta Cup This year, the 11-boat J/105 fleet had two great days of racing with westerlies blowing down the shoreline from 5-15 knots. The four teams that made the migration north from San Diego YC were more competitive this year but were still no match for the local Santa Barbarian teams that swept the top three. The racing was remarkably close for the top of the leader-board with the winners ultimately determined in the last race. Four boats had a shot at winning, including three SBYC teams: Alex Rasmussen's Free Enterprise, John Demourkas' Rockin & Groovin, John Ziskind's Perfect Timing 2 and one SDYC team (Rick Goebel's Sanity). After the first three races on the first day of sailing, the top three were Rockin & Groovin with a 2-1-2, Free Enterprise with a 1-3-4 and third Perfect Timing 2 with a 4-6-1. Sunday saw a fast turnover in the standings. After the first two races, Johnny D's team sailed to a 6-2 and Johnny Z's team sailed to a 2-3. In the sixth and final race of the regatta, Demourkas got the better of the two, finishing seventh and Ziskind snagging a ninth. Winning not only the last race and the regatta was Alex Rasmussen and Ted White's team on Free Enterprise. Losing the tie-breaker to Alex was Demourkas' Rockin & Groovin team. Third was Ziskind's Perfect Timing 2 with 25 points. Rick Goebel's Sanity team nearly pulled off third place, just missing despite being the only two race winner in the regatta with a 1-1-4 on the last day to finish fourth with 27 points. Event website
28 Jul 2011 - Bayview-Mackinac Island Race The J/105s sailed as a sub-class in PHRF C and swept the top three places, led by Mark Symond's Pterodactyl, winning class by nearly an hour. Dean and Lana Walsh's Good Lookin finished second, just beating Larry & Brian Smith's Sorcery by four minutes. In the PHRF Doublehanded Class finishing second in class was the J/105 Pirana sailed by CJ Ruffing and Chris Ongena. Event website
27 Jul 2011 - Loulou Takes Larchmont RW Paul Beaudin won four of five races on loulou at Larchmont Race Week to best a fleet of nine boats over two weekends. Beaudin's score not only gave him first in the J/105 class but won the vote for Best Overall Performance at LRW. George and Alex Wilbank's Revelation finished in second place, while Jermey Henderson's and Harald Edegran's Conundrum finished third. Conundrum won the last race of the series, ending loulou's string of 8 straight J/105 race victories. Fourth went to Larchmont Commodore Dr. Carl Olsson on Morning Glory and fifth to Glenn Marck on Bottle Rocket. Full story
27 Jul 2011 - Whidbey Island Race Week The 29th Annual Whidbey Island Race Week attracted 109 keelboats from the West Coast. 12 races were conducted (with one discard) in 8-22 knot breezes. Attendance was up roughly 10 percent over last year. The winner of the J/105 class was Jerry Diercks on Delirium with 15 points, including seven bullets. Jim Geros on Last Tango and Lorenzo Migliorini on Allegro Vivace tied for second and third with 21 points. Four J/105s competed. Complete results
26 Jul 2011 - Level Regatta The Youngstown Level Regatta was held July 23-24 with 10 J/105s competing. Stuart Kilpatrick sailed Planet B to victory with 12 points over 6 races, and never finished out of the top three. Peter Hall on Jamaica Me Crazy wasn't far behind with 14 points. James Rathbun on Hey Jude came in third with 23 points. Complete results
26 Jul 2011 - Pro Team Challenge Cup The Detroit Red Wings hockey team are winners, but not on the ice. They won on the high seas when their adopted boat, Sorcery, crossed the finish line first in the second annual Pro Team Challenge Cup, during the 87th sailing of the Bell's Beer Bayview Mackinac Race. Sorcery, a J/105 owned by brothers Larry and Brian Smith, of St. Clair Shores, MI, flew the Red Wings' colors during the three-day race that began Saturday in Port Huron, along the southern shores of Lake Huron. The Pro Team Challenge, sponsored by the Detroit Sports Broadcasters Association, included all four major sports teams in Detroit: Red Wings (NHL), Lions (NFL), Pistons (NBA), and Tigers (MLB). Sorcery crossed the finish line in Mackinac Monday at 3:13 am EDT. Event website
26 Jul 2011 - West Passage Regatta For the second year, Wickford Yacht Club hosted the WPR out of Wickford on Narragansett Bay, RI. The wind was light both days. On Saturday, after postponement, racers got three short races. On Sunday, when no wind was predicted, they managed four races. This was a tune-up for many boats for the North Americans in Marblehead, MA in a few weeks. And Damian Emery's Eclipse team showed its dominance by winning five of the seven races with eight points. Joerg Esdorn was second with 16 and Bruce Stone won the tiebreaker for third from Fred Darlington. Bruce Stone also garnered the three-regatta Narragansett Bay Championship series with a rotating half-hull model trophy and also spearheaded the sponsorships and prizes for that series as well as for the WPR. Complete results
21 Jul 2011 - Screwpile Lighthouse Challenge Regatta Cedric Lewis & Nils Salvese took top honors in the J/105 fleet at the Screwpile Lighthouse Challenge Regatta from July 17-19 in Solomons, MD. Scoring three bullets and all top-three finishes in seven races, the Mirage team ended the event with 15 total points. Bob Reeves on A Train followed with 22 points, then Scott Gitchell on Tenacious one point back. Eight J/105s competed. Complete results
20 Jul 2011 - Chicago Yacht Club Race to Mackinac In the J105/Mackinac Cup Division, Mark Symonds topped the fleet on Pterodactyl, followed by Mark Gurney on Buzz then Clark Pellett on Sealark. In the three J/105s in the double-handed division, Och! (Brendon Docherty and Patrick Lindenhurst) won the class, followed by Gonzo (Ken Ganch, David Pikowitz) in second overall and Phantom (Scott Vukovich and John Kalanik) was seventh. Complete results
20 Jul 2011 - Solomons Island Invitational It was a perfect night for a sail down the Bay. Bright moonlight flooded the sky and water, and a fairly steady southerly breeze at 10 to 18 knots sped the fleet of 119 starters on their way from the Severn to the Patuxent in the 31st Annual Solomons Island Invitational Race. Hosted by Eastport Yacht Club (Annapolis, MD) and starting in the river in front of its clubhouse on Friday evening, July 15, the race ended for most in the predawn hours of Saturday, July 16, on the Patuxent near Solomons. The always-competitive J/105 fleet proved itself worthy of the designation once again when the team led by brothers Scott and Carl Gitchell on Tenacious took the Zahniser Award as the winners of the class judged most competitive, based on the closest margin of time between first place and fifth. Event website and results
19 Jul 2011 - Minutes posted Minutes from the 7/11/11 Executive Committee meeting are posted. Class Business page
15 Jul 2011 - Chicago-Mackinac Island race This weekend is the Chicago-Mackinac Island race. The OD fleet and the double-handed combined have 18 boats--a great showing for the race. The distance to be sailed is 289.4 nautical miles from Chicago, starting just off Navy Pier, to Mackinac Island, MI. It is the oldest annual freshwater distance race in the world. The boats cross the finish line between the lighthouse on Round Island and the race committee trailer on Mackinac Island. 2011 marks the 103rd running. There are 355 boats and approximately 3,500 crew members in this year's race. The race will begin for the J/105s at 12:35 Saturday. A high pressure system will be hanging over the starting area and the lower part of Lake Michigan. The boats that get North quickly will have a huge tactical advantage. There is a low pressure system and storm that will move in Sunday night. That should allow the boats to blast North and arrive late Monday to the island. Event website
14 Jul 2011 - Newport Regatta In the J/105 class at the Newport Regatta, Brian Keane's Savasana team won all four races to finish with just 4 points. Sean Doyle on Kestrel sailed a 2-3-2-5 for 12 points and second place. Damian Emery on Eclipse came in third place with a 5-2-4-2 scoreline for 13 points. Fourth was Joerg Esdorn on Kincsem with a 4-4-3-4 for 15 points, and Bruce Stone's team on Jouster finished fifth with a 3-6-6-3. Other than Savasana, it was very close competition for the balance of the top five. Ten J/105s competed. Complete results
14 Jul 2011 - Port Credit Regatta Doug Bullock's Trident won last weekend's regatta at Port Credit Yacht Club in Ontario with 15 points. James Rathbun on Hey Jude took the runner-up position (21 points), trailed closely by Peter Hall's Jamaica Me Crazy (22 points). Eleven J/105s competed in 5 races. After Saturday, The Usual Suspects led by two over Trident and Planet B. Sunday, two races took place with diminishing shifty winds, veering right all day. The final race was shortened as the wind diminished in the hot and humid conditions. Complete results
13 Jul 2011 - Southern Chesapeake Leukemia Cup Regatta The 13th annual Southern Chesapeake Leukemia Cup Regatta held in Deltaville over the weekend of July 8-10 was another huge success with 77 registered yachts and enthusiastic crowds at the auction and galahelping to raise $112,000 in cash and $20,000 of in-kind donations to support patients with blood cancers. First in the J/105 fleet was Mike Karn's Inevitable, followed by R. Strother Scott's Loose Cannon. Complete article
12 Jul 2011 - Red Grant Regatta--Raritan Yacht Club, New Jersey Eight J/105s turned out for Raritan Yacht Club's 65th Annual Red Grant Regatta. A two-day event with great weather, over 60 boats, and free Painkillers served to crews coming ashore after racing. Though the forecasts called for the typical dead summer air, the actual 8-14 kts of winds made the event one of the more memorable regattas in recent history. Paul Beaudin's Loulou all but secured a first place on Saturday winning 3 out of the 4 races and eventually won the regatta with 3 more bullets on Sunday. Planet Claire's consistent performance moved John Koten and his team up from third place into second on Sunday, knocking David Spence's Synergy down one step on the podium into third. Fleet 10 president and fourth place finisher, Paul Zajac of Skal, thought his race strategy worked perfectly; by "letting" the visiting Long Island Sound boats win the top two spots, as perhaps they will come back next year and bring more Fleet 6 members with them. Though first place was pretty much a done deal, it was the smaller battles within the regatta that were talked about back at the yacht club. Lower tier positions constantly changed from race to race, making the event exciting for everyone, even if they did not end up on the podium in the end. Race tracking will be posted on http://www.kattack.com and photos of the regatta will also be posted on http://www.pimvanhemmen.com. Event website and results
04 Jul 2011 - Azores and Back Race Chris Tibbs has taken overall victory in the Azores and Back Race (AZAB), a double-handed endurance race from Falmouth, UK, to the Azores and return. Racing the J/105 Taika with Don 'Jawsie' Wright, Chris convincingly won the IRC 3 class on both the outward and return legs of the race, and secured the overall race win on corrected time. Complete article
03 Jul 2011 - West Passage Regatta and Narragansett Bay Championship Along with several highly competitive local boats, three of the top J/105 teams-Eclipse, Kincsem and Jouster-will be racing in the West Passage Regatta (Wickford, RI) on July 23-24 as their warm-up for the North Americans a few weeks away in Marblehead. Many skippers said that last year's event was their best regatta of the year, with 8 short-course races and no waiting. West Marine, Waterline Systems and Samson Ropes will award valuable marine gear, sheets and halyards to the top boats in this regatta, as well as to the Narragansett Bay Champion. Brewer Wickford Cove Marina will provide highly discounted launching, haul-out and dry storage and facilitate shipping to Marblehead after the regatta. Wickford Yacht Club has just extended to July 10 the highly attractive early entry discount. Notice of Race
01 Jul 2011 - Around Island Race The famous Around Island Race in Cowes, Isle of Wight, England is an epic 50 nautical mile adventure. This year saw nearly 2,000 entries from all over the world. In IRC 2 overall, the J/105 Neilson Redeye sailed by Pip Tyler was winner of IRC 2B and 19th overall in IRC 2. J/105 Jelly Baby sailed by William Newton was second in IRC 2B and third in IRC 2 overall. Event website
27 Jun 2011 - He Hit the Ground Running Bruce Stone really, really likes racing J/105s. On Saturday morning, he flew from Rhode Island, where he'd just spent the week competing at Block Island Race Week, to San Francisco, where he had just enough time to zip down to St. Francis YC and lead his Arbitrage team out to the racecourse for the first start of the Sperry Top-Sider NOOD Regatta. Read the Sailing World article
27 Jun 2011 - Long Beach Race Week Racing was as tight as could be for the 9 J/105s competing in Long Beach Race Week over the weekend--only 1 point separated the top three. Gary Mozer's Current Obsession 2 won the tie-breaker to give his team the top position. Also with 25 points was David Gould's Air Boss, and just one point behind was Ed Sanford's Creative in third. Seven races were completed. Complete results
27 Jun 2011 - San Francisco NOOD The J/105s boasted the largest fleet at the San Francisco NOOD over the weekend with 17 boats. Bruce Stone's Arbitrage dominated the five-race series with an impressive 2,1,2,1,2 for a total of just 8 points. Rolf Kaiser's Donkey Jack finished second with 19 points, and Scooter Simmons on Blackhawk rounded out the top three with 20 points. Complete results
25 Jun 2011 - Block Island Race Week Damian Emery is the winner of the 2011 edition of Block Island Race Week. On a soupy Block Island day, Emery piloted Eclipse to a first and a seventh in moderate winds, a performance good enough to leave him with a four-point lead over his nearest rivals at the end of the regatta. Emery demonstrated superior speed throughout the event, winning four of the six races in the 13-boat fleet. His victory in the fifth race on the final day of racing all but guaranteed a regatta victory. The two boats immediately behind Eclipse in the standings were Jouster, sailed by Bruce Stone and Julian Croxall, and Shakedown, sailed by Jordan Mindich. Jouster and Shakedown both finished the regatta with 18 points, with Jouster's victory in Thursday's Around the Island race giving it the edge in the tiebreaker. Stone's team had a 2 and a 7 on the final day. Mindich had a 4 and a 3. Carl Olsson's Morning Glory had a 3 and 4 on the final day, giving it fourth in the regatta. Fred Darlington's Tonto won the final race of the regatta, moving him into fifth in the final standings. To view the racing on Kattack, go to Kattack.com and click on the J/105 Block Island banner. Complete results
25 Jun 2011 - AYC 75th Annual Regatta 10 J/105s raced in the Annapolis Yacht Club 75th Annual Regatta last weekend. Fred Salvesen & Cedric Lewis on Mirage continued their excellent season by topping the fleet, followed by Robert Reeves on A Train and Peter Schellie on Freedom. Complete results
21 Jun 2011 - Spring Newsletter Members should have received the Spring edition of the J/105 newsletter via e-mail. It is also posted on the Newsletter page.
20 Jun 2011 - Morgan Cup Race The RORC Mainseries IRC Three Morgan Cup Race, which started on June 17, saw two J/105s in the top spots--Nikki Curwen on Voador in first and then Nick Martin on Diablo-J in second. Complete results
15 Jun 2011 - Annapolis Leukemia Cup Lack of wind made for a tough day on the water for participants in the Annapolis Leukemia Cup, co-hosted by Eastport Yacht Club and Annapolis Yacht Club last weekend. Only two classes--the combined PHRF A0/A1 and J/105--were able to complete a race. Andrew Kennedy sailed Bat IV to victory in the J/105 fleet, which had nine boats. Donald Santa on Santa's Reign, Dear finished second, trailed by Chris Groobey's Java. Leukemia Cup website
13 Jun 2011 - Keyport Yacht Club's Bill Volk/Leukemia Cup Regatta Seven J/105s eventually found their way to a foggy starting line at the Bill Volk Leukemia Cup Regatta in Keyport, NJ on June 10-11. Each day presented very different sailing conditions with 25 kt. winds, rain and heavy fog on Saturday and much drier and clearer 8-10 kt. winds on Sunday. Five races were completed, giving competitors one throw-out. Synergy, skippered by David Spence, dominated the fleet with five bullets giving them a total of 4 points; followed by Gareth Gaston's Fairhope with 8 points; and rounding out third with 14 points was Circe, skippered by Mark van Schalkwyk. Synergy also won the perpetual Bill Volk Award for best performing yacht in the most competitive class. Complete results
13 Jun 2011 - Chicago NOOD 11 J/105s enjoyed extremely close racing at the Chicago NOOD over the weekend. The regatta winner was determined by just one point, as Dorin Candea's Messy Jessy narrowly beat Blane Shea's Striking (21 points to 22 points). Clark Pellett on Sealark finished third with 28 points. Eight races were completed. Complete results
13 Jun 2011 - NYYC Annual Regatta Eight J/105s made up the fleet at the 157th NYYC Annual Regatta presented by Rolex from June 10-12 in Newport, RI. In lots of wind and gorgeous weather, six races were completed with Brian Keane's Savasana putting up an impressive score of 1,2,1,2,1,1 for a total of 8 points and the regatta victory. Bruce Stone and Julian Croxall raced Jouster to second place with 12 points, followed by Mark Lindquist on Sterling (13.9 points). Complete results
09 Jun 2011 - NAC deadline approaching The Regular Entry Fee of $700 for the 2011 J/105 North American Championship in Marblehead, MA has a deadline of July 1. As of this post, 40 J/105s are already registered! Save some money by registering now for the August 10-14 event. Event website
09 Jun 2011 - Cedar Point One-Design Regatta The J/105 class showed up in force with an excellent turnout of nine boats at the Cedar Point One-Design Regatta from June 4-5 in Westport, CT. Kevin Grainger's team on Gumption3 narrowly beat Damian Emery's team on Eclipse. Kevin took the top honors with a 2-1-2-4-1-5 record for 10 points. Damian started out slowly but finished with a flourish, earning a 6-2-5-1-2-1 scoreline for 11 points. Third was Paul Beaudin on Loulou with a consistent 3-3-1-3-3-3 for 13 points. Complete results
09 Jun 2011 - Cal Race Week Gary Mozer's team on Current Obsession 2 dominated Cal Race Week from June 4-5 with four firsts and a third for 7 points to win by 8 points. The contest for second went into the final two races for four teams. Rick Goebel's Sanity, John Howell's Blink!, Don Poppe's Rock & Roll and Ed Sanford's Creative had a great series racing one another. In the end, Rick's Sanity team squeaked ahead to finish with a 3-3-6-2-1, coming on strong at the end to finish with 15 points and get second overall. Third was determined by a tie-breaker, with the nod going to John's Blink! crew due to a 4-2-2-4-6 record for 18 points and Don's Rock & Roll crew got the short-end of that stick with a 2-4-3-5-4 record also for 18 points. While starting out slowly, Ed's Creative team nearly pulled off a third, ending up fourth with a 6-5-4-3-2 tally for 20 points. Complete results
09 Jun 2011 - RORC North Sea Race The 2011 North Sea Race had more wind than had been forecast and turned into a tough cold beat to Scheveningen. Finishing fourth in IRC 3 was Stan Fenton's J/105 Fay J, a great performance considering the less than ideal conditions for this veteran offshore campaigner. Sailing both IRC 3 and Double-handed was the J/105 Diablo-J sailed by Rear Commodore of RORC Neil Martin, finishing sixth in IRC 3 and first overall in IRC Double-handed. For the RORC Season Offshore Championship, Neil's Diablo-J is winning both IRC 3 and Double-handed Divisions overall. RORC website
09 Jun 2011 - Colors Regatta The Columbia Yacht Club in Chicago, IL hosted the Colors Regatta from June 4-5. Local Tom Petkus sailing Vytis won the first three races in a row and added a 5-3 on the last day to hang on for the win with 11 points in the 6-boat J/105 fleet. Tony Bowker on The Asylum pulled off a 2-4-4-3-2 for 15 points to narrowly secure second by one point over Sealark sailed by Clark Pellett (they had 6-3-2-1-4 for 16 pts).
Complete results
07 Jun 2011 - Revised Rules Interpretation posted RI-11-01 "Clarification of hollow leech requirement in CR 6.5.5" has been revised since its original post last week. Go to Racing, then Rules Interpretations at left.
07 Jun 2011 - San Francisco YC Spring Invitational The San Francisco YC hosted its Spring Invitational from June 4-5 including a 17-boat J/105 fleet. Bruce Stone's Arbitrage was the top J/105 with 11 points over six races. Two points behind was Scooter Simmons racing Blackhawk, then Phillip Laby on Dogot in third (21 points). Complete results
07 Jun 2011 - Southern Bay Race Week Five J/105s competed at Southern Bay Race Week in Hampton, VA, with Marty Hublitz & Eddie Hornick racing Veloce to victory with just 5 points overall. After the six races, Mike Karn on Inevitable finished second (10 points) and Strother Scott on Loose Cannon in third (15 points). Veloce scored a perfect series with the throw-out factored in: 1,1,1,1,1,(2). Complete results
06 Jun 2011 - Detroit NOOD Five J/105s competed in the Detroit NOOD over the weekend. Seven races were completed with Mark Symonds racing Pterodactyl to the win. The team scored bullets in the first five races and ended the regatta with 12 points overall. In second place was Dean Walsh on Good Lookin' (17 points), and in third was Brian Smith on Sorcery (20 points). Complete results
06 Jun 2011 - SDYC One Design Weekend San Diego Yacht Club hosted its June One Design Weekend on June 4 with 3 J/105s competing. Mark Mitchell on Straight Edge won all three races for the victory, followed by Sean O'Keefe's De Colores (7 points) and Stewart Cannon's J-OK (8 points).
Complete results
02 Jun 2011 - Myth of Malham Race The RORC's Myth of Malham Race is a qualifying race for this year's Rolex Fastnet Race, and 125 yachts braved a windy forecast to compete in the race. The race to the Eddystone lighthouse and back was a giant windward-leeward race course of 230 miles. With a WNW wind between 15-25 knots and yachts experiencing gusts of over 30 knots, it was a tough test and an excellent warm-up for the fleet who had to beat all the way to the Eddystone lighthouse off Plymouth and experience a fast run back to the Solent. One of the most remarkable performance came from a J/105 sailing double-handed. Sailing Flawless J was James Heald, getting scored in both IRC 3 and IRC Doublehanded. For the two-handed division, Flawless J was third overall, missing first by only 30 minutes on corrected in IRC. In IRC 3, Flawless J finished second overall, losing out to the overall race winner. On IRC Overall, Flawless J finished seventh. Behind Flawless J were Nikki Curwen's J/105 Voador in sixth (and fifth in IRC Class 3) and veteran campaigner Nick Martin's J/105 Diablo-J in ninth (ninth in IRC Class 3). RORC website
01 Jun 2011 - New Rules Interpretation posted RI-11-01 "Clarification of hollow leech requirement in CR 6.5.5" has been posted. Go to Racing, then Rules Interpretations at left.
31 May 2011 - Double-handed J/105 Team Turns in Best Overall Performance in Block Island Race The Storm Trysail Club's Block Island Race is a 186 nautical mile race, a Long Island classic that has been held annually for 66 years. It started on the Friday afternoon of Memorial Day Weekend and sent 59 boats in eight classes on a course from Stamford, CT (where host Stamford Yacht Club is located), down Long Island Sound, clockwise around Block Island (RI), and back. Peter Rugg (New York, NY) on his J/105 Jaded, saw the advantage of going to the Long Island shore right away, but since he started first in the 11-boat double-handed class (sailing with Dudley Nostrand of Hamilton, MA), he had no other classes to follow there. In the end, Jaded won not only the Gerold Abels Trophy for the best performance by a double-handed team but also the Harvey Conover Memorial Overall Trophy, awarded to the boat that has won her class and, in the judgment of the Flag Officers and Race Committee, had the best overall performance. Read the entire press release
24 May 2011 - Narragansett Bay Championship The Narragansett Bay Championship will once again be awarded to the cumulative winner of the races held in the New York Yacht Club Annual Regatta on June 10-12, the Newport Regatta on July 9-10 and the West Passage Regatta on July 23-24. The lovely half-model was won last year by Eclipse, skippered by Damian Emery. Last year, during the final prize-giving at Wickford Yacht Club, sponsors awarded over $6,000 in gear including a substantial quantity of hi-tech Samson sheets and halyards, West Marine VHF radios and binoculars, and coupons for spare parts from Waterline Systems, and they are back again this year! Many J/105 owners commented that the West Passage Regatta was the best racing they had all year-8 quick races with two sausages, and no waiting. Brewer Wickford Cove Marina will once again offer deeply discounted haul-out and dry storage for boats wishing to stay in Rhode Island during the June/July period as well as facilitate the packing and trucking of boats up to Marblehead for the North Americans. See the three items below for direct links to each regatta's website.
24 May 2011 - New York Yacht Club Annual Regatta June 10-12 New York Yacht Club Annual Regatta website
24 May 2011 - Newport Regatta July 9-10 Newport Regatta website
24 May 2011 - West Passage Regatta July 23-24. Make this event your final tune-up for the North American Championship in Marblehead, MA! West Passage Regatta website
23 May 2011 - Shoe Regatta Lakewood Yacht Club in Seabrook, TX held its 29th annual Shoe Regatta on May 21-22. Five J/105s competed in 15-25 knot winds over the two-day six-race affair. Competition was tight with lots of close finishes. Uzi Ozero on Infinity finished first, Mark Masur sailing Two Feathers took second and Bee Bednar on Stinger finished third. Lakewood YC website
23 May 2011 - Seattle NOOD The Seattle NOOD, which began Friday, is the fourth of nine events in the 2011 Sperry Top-Sider NOOD series. More than 150 teams in 22 divisions converged on the Emerald City for three days of racing. Six J/105s represented the fleet, and they ran nine races. Lorenzo Migliorini's Allegro Vivace took top honors with 19 points, trailed by Jerry Dierck's Delirium (22 points). Erik Kristen on Jubilee rounded out the top three with 28 points. Complete results
19 May 2011 - Larchmont YC Edlu Distance Race The 56th Annual Edlu Race started on May 14 for IRC and PHRF boats. The course was 32 miles from Larchmont Breakwater to Gong 11B off Eaton's Neck and back. IRC 2 was won by Carl Olsson's J/105 Morning Glory, winning by just 5 minutes corrected over a J/109. Event website
17 May 2011 - Frank Stone Cup Invitational The Frank Stone Cup Invitational took place at St. Francis Yacht Club in San Francisco, CA from May 14-15. In the 20-boat J/105 fleet, four races were completed, and Scooter Simmons on Blackhawk claimed first place with 15 points. Following with 19 points each were Bruce Stone's Arbitrage and Jason Woodley & Scott Whitney's Risk. Complete results
16 May 2011 - Gumption3 Wins Inaugural Manhattan Regatta Kevin Grainger's Gumption3 won the inaugural Manhattan Regatta, posting finishes of 1-1-1-2 in the four-race series. Nine J/105s signed up for the event, which took place in 11-15 knot winds in New York Harbor under the watchful gaze of the Statue of Liberty. Fairhope, skippered by Gareth Gaston, captured second in the event; Dave Spence finished third on Synergy. The J/105-only event was run by Fleet 10 and the Manhattan Sailing Club, located in North Cove harbor just above the Battery. Complete results
13 May 2011 - New York YC Annual Regatta The 157th Annual Regatta presented by Rolex will be held June 10-12 at the New York Yacht Club Harbour Court in Newport, RI. Six J/105s are entered so far. The plan is to have a one-design series on Sat/Sun. Anyone there on Friday is welcome to join the Around-the-Island Race. The Alofsin Pier is available for dockage (contact Kim Cooper at Sail Newport--kim.cooper@sailnewport.org--to arrange). First held in 1845 off the NYYC's first clubhouse in Hoboken, America's longest running regatta continues to evolve to offer more opportunities to more sailors. Racing starts on Friday, June 10, with the Around-the-Island Race. This classic 19 nautical mile race around Conanicut Island offers the sailors many challenges and beautiful scenery. Teams of two yachts can also enter the competition for the Rolex Cup. There is no entry fee for this race, and it is scored separately from the racing over the weekend. IRC, One-Designs, 12 Metres, 6 Metres and Classics will compete in a two-day series on Saturday and Sunday, June 11-12. Several races are planned each day. Event website
10 May 2011 - Bermuda International Invitational Race Week Four J/105s competed in last week's Bermuda International Invitational Race Week. Chuck Millican & Dave Brining racing Elusive took the six-race series with just 6 points. The team scored four bullets and two second-place finishes (dropping a 2). Rounding out the fleet was James MacDonald (8 points), Ed Faries (14 points) and Michael Tucker (20 points). Event website
05 May 2011 - AYC Spring Series Fourteen J/105s comprised their fleet in the American Yacht Club Spring Series. Starting off with two firsts, George and Alex Wilbanks' Revelation added an 8-2-1-8 to win with just 5 points. Joerg Esdorn and Duncan Hennes sailing Kincsem settled for second place with a 3-2-6-1-3-6 for 9 points, and Kevin Grainger on Gumption 3 hung on for third place with a 2-4-4-5-7-7 for 15 points. AYC website
05 May 2011 - Key West Race Week Update The fans of Key West Race Week have much to celebrate. With its future in question following the 2011 edition, event organizer Premiere Racing has attained a new Title Sponsor, early one design class and sponsor commitments, and exciting grand prix news to ensure its 25th anniversary will occur on January 16-20, 2012. Press release
03 May 2011 - HYC Offshore Race The Houston Yacht Club's Offshore Race, previously known as the Freeport Triangle, was defined by a 100+ nm triangle course anchored by the Buccaneer Platform (180 degrees), the Freeport Texas Outer Sea Buoy (267 degrees) and the Galveston South 5A jetty marker (45 degrees). The unusually small spinnaker fleet consisted of a King 40 (Hot Ticker), a 1D35 (Tres Hombres), an Express 37 (Milleniumm Express), a J/109 (Surprise), a J/105 (Stinger) and a Catalina 36 (Island Time). Both the Catalina and the J/109 were forced to withdraw due to rig problems. Wind forecast was for 15-20 knots out of the South building to 25+ after midnight, but a more accurate prediction would have called for ESE winds ranging from 12-30+ knots. The start at the Galveston Channel 11 marker came off exactly as predicted at 13:00 with the J/105 hitting the line first about two boat lengths ahead of the 1D35. Stinger rounded the 5A marker first on her way to the Buccaneer platform and held her own with the 1D 35 for several hours. At approximately 7:30, she rounded Buccaneer in third (25 minutes behind the lead boat) and hoisted her 110 sq mt spinnaker in a surprising 12 knots of breeze. Running toward Freeport the wind began to build (20+) providing ample power for 13-14 knot surfs with steady 10-12 knot runs. The Freeport Outer Buoy saw Stinger within view of at least one of the lead boats and in good position to take over first in PHRF. After a beautiful douse in 23 knots of breeze, she rounded the mark with a excessively large 155% genoa on the furler. Unfortunately this sail was far too powerful for the 24+ knot breeze. Great crew work produced an almost perfect douse followed by a very fast head sail change. The 40 mile fetch back to 5A saw speeds in excess of 9 knots with gusts to 31 knots. For most of this fetch, the winds averaged 24 knots. After rounding 5A, Stinger finished under main and jib at 03:19:28 to take first place in the regatta. While the seas were rough and the spray was very wet, the awesome crew work made the win possible. The 24 nm run back up the Houston Ship Channel was done under main alone with a following 3+ knot current and average speeds between 8 and 9 knots. Houston Yacht Club website
02 May 2011 - Annapolis NOOD The J/105 fleet was well represented at the Annapolis NOOD from April 29-May 1 with 28 boats registered. Conditions allowed eight races to be completed, and just 2 points separated the top two J/105s. Cedric Lewis on Mirage finished in the top position with 29 points, compared to Peter McChesney on The Mystery Machine with 31. The final four races were all won by Lewis and McChesney. Rounding out the top three were Carl & Scott Gitchell on Tenacious. Complete results
02 May 2011 - SD Yachting Cup 89 teams were competing at San Diego's Yachting Cup last weekend, divided in to 12 one-design and handicap fleets. The J/105-the largest fleet with 16 boats-was won by Rick Goebel. Complete results
27 Apr 2011 - Minutes posted Minutes from the 4/18/11 Executive Committee meeting are posted. Class Business page
18 Apr 2011 - Charleston Race Week At Charleston Race Week last weekend, three J/105s competed in PHRF C where five races were completed. Joe Highsmith racing Dead on Arrival was the top J/105 (8th in division). Joe Pitcavage on Big Booty placed 11th, and Billy Bremer III on High Visibility finished 13th. Conditions ranged from heavy breeze on Friday to light and shifty on Sunday. Complete results
16 Apr 2011 - J/105 Class Store Looking for some J/105 gear to prepare for the summer sailing season? J/Boats and the J/105 Class have partnered to offer a wide array of J/105-specific shirts, hats, outerwear and accessories. Check it out through the link at the top of the merchandise page.
13 Apr 2011 - J/105 in Doublehanded Farallones Race At the 32nd annual Doublehanded Farallones Race on April 9, Kenneth Ganch (Chicago, IL) racing Gonzo took second in Division 4. Conditions were gnarly, and almost half of the boats retired due to big seas and wind. The race was organized by the San Francisco Bay Area Multihull Association. Event website and complete results
11 Apr 2011 - J/Fest San Francisco St. Francis Yacht Club hosted J/Fest San Francisco from April 9-10, and the J/105 fleet boasted 22 boats. Taking the top position was Jeff Littfin & John Case on Mojo with 16 points over five races. Following them with 21 points each were Scooter Simmons on Blackhawk and Adam Spiegel on Jam Session.
Complete results
08 Apr 2011 - J/105s in Double-Handed Series The 2011 Molson-Coors Double-Handed Series in England started with close racing in all five classes at the Royal Southampton Yacht Club. Saturday's race was the first of an eight-race season comprising four inshore races and four offshore races. Entrants compete for individual races, the Inshore Series, Offshore Series and Main Series--each with their own prizes and trophies for each Class. Sixty-two boats were on the start line off Hillhead, and at the attention signal the conditions were near perfect. Courses were set with long legs. They took the fleets on upwind legs to Stanswood Bay and West Bramble, then back downwind to marks along the North Channel. All classes had a reaching finish from their last marks to Coronation. In IRC Class 2A, the J/105s seemed to have the run of the place. Andy Hill and Mathieu Lathoud on Only Just won the race handily while Trans-Atlantic veteran (and winner) Oscar Mead teamed up with Laurence to take third with Juneau. RSYC Racing
05 Apr 2011 - HYC Elissa The Houston Yacht Club's annual Elissa Regatta was held April 2-3. While the turnout was disappointingly low, the weather and the winds were of Chamber of Commerce quality. Three J/105s match-raced through five races over the two-day affair. Bee Bednar on Stinger took first, followed by Uzi Ozeri on Infinity in second, and Alan Bates on Zippity in third. The racing was very tight with several quick lead changes at each mark. There was rarely more then 25-30 seconds between the boats at the finish. An absolutely great time was had by all. HYC website
27 Mar 2011 - GBCA Spring Regatta This year's Galveston Bay Cruising Association (GBCA) Spring Regatta was held on March 25. Shifty high-teen south winds made for excellent sailing with tremendous opportunities for onboard tacticians. This single day regatta started at 11:00 am and culminated after the completion of five races for the spinnaker classes, four races for the non-spinnaker classes and three races for the GBCA Club Handicap Class. Four J/105s competed in the spinnaker class with Bee Bednar and crew on Stinger taking first place with five bullets. Ozi Uzeri and crew took second, and Malcolm Bremer and crew on Babe rounded out the top three. GBCA website
23 Mar 2011 - Manhattan Regatta Fleet 10 and the Manhattan Sailing Club in Battery Park City, NY have jointly organized a J/105-only weekend regatta from May 14-15. The fleet is trying to create a common middle ground where NJ boats and LIS boats can race together. The delivery is about 3 hours from either end and is a unique experience with tides, tugs and the Statue of Liberty as your starting pin range marker. For the NOR and additional information, visit the event website.
21 Mar 2011 - NAC deadline approaching The early entry fee of $625 for the 2011 J/105 North American Championship in Marblehead, MA has a deadline of April 1. As of this morning, 23 J/105s are already registered! Save some money by registering now for the August 10-14 event. Event website
21 Mar 2011 - San Diego NOOD Gary Mozer racing Current Obsession 2 won all three races at the San Diego NOOD over the weekend. The LBYC team beat out 17 other J/105s, including Tom Hurlburt on Blow Boat in second place (8 points), and Chris Logan on Pholly (14 points). Complete results
21 Mar 2011 - Spring One Design 18 J/105s competed at the Spring One Design at St. Francis Yacht Club from March 19-20. The top spot was determined by a tie-breaker as Bruce Stone on Arbitrage claimed first. Rolf Kaiser on Donkey Jack also had 14 points, but landed in second. Walter Sanford racing Alchemy secured third place with 22 points, trailed closely by Jason Woodley & Scott Whitney on Risk (24 points). Five races were held. Complete results
14 Mar 2011 - Winter Newsletter Members should have received the Winter edition of the J/105 newsletter via e-mail. It is also posted on the Newsletter page.
08 Mar 2011 - Inspection Checklist A revised Inspection Checklist is now available. This document is a valuable tool for Class Measurers and all J/105 owners. To view, visit the Measurer Resources page.
24 Feb 2011 - Wings Wins SDYC One-Design Weekend Over the Valentine's Day weekend, San Diego YC held their one-design weekend for J/105s and other classes. A very competitive fleet of J/105s turned out for the event. While the Cases were not sailing their boat, Jim Dorsey took over Wings and dominated the fleet with straight bullets for a total of 3 points. Second was Chuck Driscoll on Blow Boat getting an equally impressive record of three seconds for 6 points. Behind these two was a battle for third place. Going into the last race it was wide open for the top five. Getting the better of the group was Mark Mitchell on Straight Edge with a 7-4-3 record for 14 points to grab third overall. Lying fourth after the fight was Rick Goebel on Sanity with a 3-6-9 record for 18 points and fifth was the Majemik/O'Connell team on Speedplay with a 6-9-4 record for 19 points. Complete results
16 Feb 2011 - Bermuda International Invitational Race Week International J/105 skippers interested in competing in the Bermuda International Invitational Race Week should contact the J/105 BIIRW representative Chuck Millican at 505@ibl.bm. The event will feature a J/105 class for three days of fleet racing from May 1-3 at the Royal Bermuda Yacht Club.
Event website
14 Feb 2011 - SDYC One-Design Weekend At the San Diego Yacht Club's One-Design Weekend, 12 J/105s competed over three races. Jim Dorsey racing Wings won all 3 matches, followed by Mark Mitchell on Straight Edge and Chuck Driscoll on Blow Boat. Complete results
03 Feb 2011 - Single Handed Sailing Society's annual 3 Bridge Fiasco In the J/105 One-Design Division 19 class, Rich Pipkin sailed Racer X to first in class and fifth keelboat overall out of 267 boats. Just behind him was Doug Bailey's Akulain second and 10th keelboat overall. Third was Richard Butts in Melilani, fourth Richard Craig in Lightwave and fifth Adam Spiegel in Jam Session. Singlehanded Sailing Society website
03 Feb 2011 - Minutes posted. Minutes from the 1/26/11 Executive Committee meeting are posted. Class Business page
01 Feb 2011 - Rules updates online The updated Class Rules and Key Rules are now available online for viewing under the "Racing" link at left (then click "Rules"). You can also review the Rule Submissions for February 2011 on the same page under the "Links" section. This document is the second one under that section (History of the rule changes).
26 Jan 2011 - Key West Race Week race replays Take a look back at each J/105 race from Key West Race Week through the Kattack tracking system.
21 Jan 2011 - Savasana 3-Peats as Key West Race Week Winner Brian Keane of Weston, MA sailing Savasana is the 2011 J/105 Midwinter Champion and winner of Key West Race Week for the third consecutive year. The fleet completed 10 races, and Savasana was the victor in six of those--including the final three of the regatta. The team finished with just 26 points. Damian Emery on Eclipse is the runner-up with 41 points, followed by Adam Rosen/Jeff Marks on Wasabi (55 points). 14 J/105s raced the week-long event. Complete results
20 Jan 2011 - Key West Race Week - Day 4 Brian Keane on Savasana held onto the lead in the J/105 fleet, as two more races are in the books at Key West Race Week. With solid finishes of 2, 4 on Thursday, Keane goes into the final day of racing with 23 points--seven ahead of second-place Damian Emery on Eclipse. Gerrit Schulze on Max Power moved into third overall with a bullet in the day's second race, and lies with 35 points. Eclipse won Thursday's first race. Competition concludes Friday, when the J/105 Midwinter Championship will be determined. Remember to follow live racing and/or view all previous races through the Kattack tracking system link below. Complete results
20 Jan 2011 - Finding Room to Breathe Fanatical devotion to keeping clear air at all times has propelled Brian Keane's Savasana team to the top of the J/105 class and earned Boat of the Day honors. Sailing World article
19 Jan 2011 - Key West Race Week - Day 3 With light winds, only one race was completed on day 3 of Key West Race Week. Brian Keane on Savasana stayed hot winning his second race in a row. He now leads the 14-boat J/105 fleet with 17 points. Adam Rosen & Jeff Marks on Wasabi continued their solid performance with a third-place finish today, putting them in second overall with 21 points. Damian Emery on Eclipse is just a tick behind with 22 points. Racing continues through Friday, and remember to watch live racing through the Kattack link below. Complete results
18 Jan 2011 - Key West Race Week - Day 2 Tom Coates on Masquerade is hanging onto his lead by just one point after day 2 of competition at Key West Race Week. And the top four boats are only separated by one point each. Following Coates are Brian Keane on Savasana in second (16 points), Damian Emery on Eclipse in third (17) and Adam Rosen/Jeff Marks on Wasabi (18). Eclipse was the victor in today's first race, and Savasana the second race winner for Tuesday. Racing continues through Friday, and be sure to watch live action through the Kattack tracking system (link in news story below this). Complete results
18 Jan 2011 - Thank you to J/105 competitor Travis Weisleder on Lucky Dog for being a sponsor of the J/105 meet-and-greet on Monday evening at Key West Race Week. Travis is also the owner of Layline and presented each owner with a specially embroidered Henri Lloyd jacket. Be sure to support those who support our Class. Layline website
18 Jan 2011 - Follow live racing at Key West Race Week through the Kattack tracking system.
17 Jan 2011 - Key West Race Week - Day1 With a prediction of storms that never materialized, 14 J/105s kicked off Key West Race Week by completing two races. Tom Coates from San Francisco, CA on Masquerade returned to the evnt with a bang--scoring a 2, 1 to lead the fleet with 3 points total. Floridians Adam Rosen and Jeff Marks on Wasabi lie second with 6 points, followed closely by recent Key West winner Brian Keane on Savasana (7 points) from Weston, MA. Winds started around 12 knots with waves chopping 3-5 feet. The breeze lightened throughout the days and shifted often as skies cleared. Racing continues through Friday. Complete results and regatta information
15 Jan 2011 - Key West Race Week starts Monday 14 J/105s begin a week of competition on Monday at Key West Race Week. Conditions are pristine as the teams prepare over the weekend--breeze, sunshine and temperatures around 70 degrees. Follow live racing all week through the Kattack tracking system.
13 Jan 2011 - Fort Lauderdale to Key West Race The 36th Annual Fort Lauderdale to Key West Race was another classic, fast race; taking advantage of a strong front blowing east over the Bahamas Banks leaving in its wake a strong NNE wind flow. David Bond's J/105 Loki made the most of it to win PHRF A and 4th in PHRF Fleet Overall. Started on Wednesday, January 12, the international fleet of 29 boats had teams hailing from Hong Kong, Greece, the Netherlands, Canada, and several states outside of Florida. The early indicators were for a powerful cold front to wash over Florida and leave trailing in its wake a powerful Northeaster of 20-25 knots blowing the fleet down around the Keys to Key West. It was not to be. Dawn on Wednesday greeted the fleet with a beautiful NNE breeze that slowly clocked Eastward in the 10-15 knot range and built back up again towards Wednesday night/Thursday morning for a fast dash into Key West. While the big boats finished the course in just over 11 hours, well shy of the 10 hour record, the middle of the fleet benefitted from solid breeze and better wind angles to take all top overall spots. As expected, most of the fleet hugged the Florida coastline and the Keys to stay out of the fast-flowing, northbound Gulf Stream current. Hot gybing angles were the rule of the day and those who played them smartly did well. Event website
12 Jan 2011 - Charleston Race Week Race organizers for the South's biggest multiclass keelboat regatta have the kind of problem everyone wishes they had: there are more boats registering for 2011 Charleston Race Week than anyone expected! This year's event runs from April 14-17. The deadline for the early registration discount is January 31. Register on the event website.
12 Jan 2011 - St. Pete NOOD approaching It's not too late to plan J/105 racing for this winter! The St. Pete NOOD will be held at the St. Pete Yacht Club in St. Petersburg, FL from February 18-20. Classes shall meet eligibility requirements no later than February 7, and entries will be subject to a late fee of $50 if received or paid after January 31 at 5 p.m. EST. St. Pete NOOD website
09 Jan 2011 - SDYC New Year's Day Regatta Dennis and Sharon Case racing their J/105 Wings won their division at the San Diego Yacht Club's New Year's Day Regatta. 17 boats competed in this division, including J/80s, Etchells, Olson 34s and Col 50s. Complete results
28 Dec 2010 - 2011 Miami Grand Prix announcement After very careful review, Premiere Racing has determined that it is in the best interest of the event and prospective competitors to have a one year hiatus with their Miami Grand Prix regatta. Announcement
27 Dec 2010 - 2011 J/105 calendars Are you ready to change your calendar to 2011 on Saturday? You can still receive your 2011 J/105 calendars for the new year by ordering from the merchandise page.
22 Dec 2010 - Fall Newsletter Members should have received the Fall edition of the J/105 newsletter via e-mail. It is also posted on the Newsletter page.
21 Dec 2010 - Big Changes, Big Names and Big Classes at Charleston Race Week For regatta changes and deadlines (resort discount available for only 2 more weeks) at Charleston Race Week, please visit the event website.
14 Dec 2010 - 2010 Sails It's not too late to buy sails and have them count against your 2010 quota. Most of the major sailmakers are offering discounts ranging from 10%-20%. The Fleet 6 website recently has published interviews with the leading class development experts at North, Ullman, Quantum, and Doyle. UK coming soon. Fleet 6 website
09 Dec 2010 - Key West Race Week deadline approaching The entry deadline is 1700, December 17, 2010. A completed entry (form or online), a signed waiver form and the entry fee must be received by Premiere Racing by December 17, 2010 to avoid the late fee of $200. No entries will be accepted after December 30, 2010 without an additional surcharge. Entry acknowledgment will be sent to valid entrants shortly after entry receipt. Premiere Racing website
09 Dec 2010 - J/105 calendars Check a few friends and family off your holiday shopping list by purchasing the 2011 J/105 calendars on the merchandise page.
07 Dec 2010 - Garmin Hamble Winter Series 2010 - Weekend 8 While some dry-sailed boats were trapped ashore after last week's snow and ice, those crews that ventured out for the final day of the 2010 Garmin Hamble Winter Series had not only to deal with fog, but also a gradually dying northerly breeze. Even the steadily falling temperature failed to dampen the enthusiasm of both Black and White fleet competitors, intent on securing a good result in the overall standings. Vernon Bradley's J/105 Jackpot in IRC2 took her first win of the series. Complete article and results
03 Dec 2010 - Garmin Hamble Winter Series In IRC Class 2, there have been four J/105s racing and they are 7-8-9-10 in class dueling with one another for the one-design victory. In the fray are Jackpot sailed by Vernon Bradley in 7th, Jos of Hamble skippered by Professor Roger Williams in 8th, Journeymaker5 sailed by Chris Jones in 9th and Jolene with Ivan and Peter Trotman leading the charge lying 10th. Garmin Hamble Winter Series website
25 Nov 2010 - Hot Rum Series The SDYC PRO had to keep the fleets around the inner San Diego Harbor for last weekend's continuation of the Hot Rum Series. After two races, the J/105s again proved they're hard to beat in these "pursuit-style" races, where the slowest start first and the fastest last. First boat across wins. By virtue of where they start, the J/105s often get launched on the rest of the fleet, and this is reflected in their consistent placings near the top of the fleet. The J/105s are 3rd, 5th, 7th and 11th. Leading the J/105s in Class 3 is Wings sailed by Dennis and Sharon Case. Second is Dave Vieregg's Triple Play, and third Blink! sailed by Steve and Lucy Howell. Regatta information
23 Nov 2010 - HYC Turkey Day The Houston Yacht Club's annual Turkey Regatta was host to some 37 boats. Only 3 of Fleet 17's J/105s showed up but that was enough for a class. The Chamber of Commerce weather provided a wonderful backdrop for some very close racing. Malcolm Bremer on Babe easily took first with five bullets. Bee Bednar on Stinger held off Alan Bates on Zippty to take second.
Houston Yacht Club website
22 Nov 2010 - Bacardi National Keelboat Championship in Bermuda The Bacardi National Keelboat Championship was completed this weekend for the J/105 class. The Royal Bermuda Yacht Club was the host club for the annual Bermuda Sailing Association (BSA) event. Winds eased throughout the day on Saturday forcing the sailors to continue to change gears and adjust equipment to deal with the constantly changing conditions. Defending National Champion Jon Corless and the crew of Mayhem prevailed by a slim margin and were re-crowned National Champions. Sailing with Corless were Jen Quinn, Rebecca Roberts, Craig Scott, Jeff Roach and Jordan Smith. All six of Bermuda's fleet of J/105s made it out to the Great Sound. Mayhem edged out her nearest rivals by two points, leaving a tie-breaker to determine second place. James Macdonald's Passion ended up taking second while Chuck Millican and his crew onboard Elusive were third. Fleet 21 website
19 Nov 2010 - Congratulations Team it Sail Magazine announced the winner of the Best Around the Buoys Contest, and the recipient is J/105 Team it - Jim Sminchak from Cleveland, OH. Congratulations!
Announcement and details
18 Nov 2010 - 2011 J/105 calendars Give thanks to your 2010 crew and supporters from by giving them a 2011 J/105 calendar! Merchandise page
18 Nov 2010 - Interview with J/105 Class President Bernie Girod Fleet 6 conducted an interview with J/105 Class President Bernie Girod. Read it on the Fleet 6 website.
11 Nov 2010 - San Diego Hot Rum Series The first weekend of the four weekend Hot Rum Series, hosted by San Diego YC, began last weekend. Class III was dominated by J/105s with Steve and Lucy Howell's Blink!, Bill Logan's Pholly, and Rick Goebel's Sanity in the top three spots.
Regatta information
09 Nov 2010 - 2011 J/105 calendars Introducing the fifth J/105 wall calendar (and the 2011 regatta schedule along with it). This high-gloss calendar measures 11" wide and hangs 17" tall. Each month includes a unique, dynamic, and full color photo from this sailing season. Photography has been contributed by professionals Allen Clark, Scott Diamond, Leighton O'Connor, Heike Schwab, and Tim Wilkes. Treat your entire crew for the holidays. Merchandise page
03 Nov 2010 - J/105 Chesapeake Bay Championship Twenty J/105s completed five races at the Chesapeake Bay Championship over Halloween weekend. Frederik Salvesen & Cedric Lewis on Mirage with 8 points took the top spot, trailed by Carl & Scott Gitchell on Tenacious (25 points) and Chris & Carolyn Groobey (26 points). Complete results
03 Nov 2010 - Annapolis Yacht Club Fall Series Strong winds and a revised format highlighted the Annapolis Yacht Club Fall Series, which concluded in October. The J/105s welcomed 19 boats. In first was Jim Konigsberg on Inigo (18 points), followed by Will Tate on The Auction Block (20.5) and Carl & Scott Gitchell on Tenacious (24). "It was an interesting series this year because of the changes. A lot of the sailors had been pushing for a distance race and that was certainly a nice addition," said Konigsberg. "I think everyone came away happy because the wind has been fantastic this fall and we were able to get in some very good racing during the series." Complete article
01 Nov 2010 - Minutes posted Minutes from the 10/22/10 Annual Meeting are now posted. Class Business page
24 Oct 2010 - Eclipse Wins Manhasset Bay Fall Series It only took one race on the final day of the season to decide the champion of the Manhasset Bay Fall Series. Sailing in a fresh easterly breeze, Damian Emery's Eclipse picked off Planet Claire on the second weather leg and Jaded on the final downwind leg to capture victory in both the race and the series. There was still another race to sail, but with Eclipse holding a throwout of 5 points, the win gave it all the margin it needed to assure first place in the Fall championship. Then, almost as if performing a victory lap (or two), Eclipse went on to comfortably win the eighth and final race of the series--leading from the favored pin end all of the way to the finish. The regatta completed an exceptional season for Emery, who entered more East Coast J/105 events than any other boat and who won four of them: Cedar Point, Block Island, the West Passage Regatta and the J/105 East Coast Championships in Newport. Second place for the Manhasset Fall Series went to Kinscem, sailed by Joerg Esdorn and Duncan Hennes. Third went to Josh Burak on Peregrina; fourth to 2009 winner Kevin Granger on Gumption, and fifth to Paul Strauch on Andiamo. Eleven J/105s participated in the event, but the competition was tight as the entrants were all among the area's top performers in 2010. Complete results
22 Oct 2010 - J/Fest Southwest The first J/Fest Southwest took place on Galveston Bay last weekend, hosted by Lakewood Yacht Club. On Saturday, the fleet awoke to a beautiful, sunny, crisp fall morning with a light northerly. By afternoon, the sea breeze filled in for some great racing on Galveston Bay. Sunday, a similar scenario played out for the weather. Special J/Fest guest Rod Johnstone was brought aboard Scott Spurlin's J/105 Ragtime-JTeez. Winning the J/105s was Bill Zartler from Lakewood Yacht Club sailing Solaris to straight firsts after five races. Scott and Rod managed to sail well to finish second--10 points back with a 3-2-2-5-3 score. Giving them a run for the money was Matt Arno from Fort Worth Boat Club sailing Blue Flash into third with a 2-5-3-2-5 record. Lakewood Yacht Club website
13 Oct 2010 - BBVA Compass Bank Regatta The Galveston Bay Cruising Association (GBCA) held its annual BBVA Compass Bank Regatta. Five J/105s competed in light to moderate winds and beautiful Chamber of Commerce weather. Bill Zartler on Solaris took first with five bullets, Bee Bednar on Stinger took second, and Malcolm Bremer on Babe got the tie breaker for third. Except for the spectacular show put on by Solaris, the racing was extremely close. Galveston Bay Cruising Association website
12 Oct 2010 - Intercollegiate Offshore Regatta Teams from 30 schools competed at the Intercollegiate Offshore Regatta at Larchmont Yacht Club in NY from October 9-10, including 11 J/105s. In the top spot was SUMMA at KP/Damian Emery on Eclipse with 16 points. Following them were Bowdoin/Dr. Carl Olsson on Morning Glory (20 points) and Coast Guard/Kevin Grainger on Gumption (21 points). Six races were completed. Complete results
10 Oct 2010 - American YC Fall Series The American YC Fall Series concluded with some strong breezes and waves. For the one-design classes, the two-weekend event was especially challenging as tight fleet racing often brought about large changes in positions at each mark rounding. In the 20-boat J/105 Class, Joerg Esdorn's Kincsem won with Damian Emery's Eclipse in second. Lying third was a good performance by Paul Strauch's Andiamo.
Complete results
08 Oct 2010 - Summer Newsletter Members should have received the Summer edition of the J/105 newsletter via e-mail. It is also posted in the Members area of this website. Newsletter page
01 Oct 2010 - Maycroft Cup Sag Harbor Yacht Club's annual regatta, the Maycroft Cup was raced September 25 in and around Shelter Island Sound and Gardiners Bay. Twenty-three sailboats competing in six divisions came to the starting line in the yacht club's 14th annual regatta. Starting against the Shelter Island shore with winds blowing 8 to 15 knots from the Southwest, all classes sailed around marks set in Shelter Island Sound, then raced past Cedar Point into Gardiner's Bay. Division 5 sailed to Crow Shoals. Against an ebbing tide, all divisions then returned past Cedar Point Light back into Shelter Island Sound through the South channel, finishing at the Sag Harbor Breakwater. Wayne Morse, a Sag Harbor YC member took line honors in One Design Division 5 on his J/105 Roxanne. Complete article
30 Sep 2010 - J/Fest Newport Beach Balboa Yacht Club in Newport Beach played host to this year's J/Fest Newport Beach. Mark Wyland's Lucky Star was top J/105 with a strong score of nine points. Chuck Spear's Twelve Bar Blues followed with 11 points. The Aquabella crew skippered by Dan McGanty managed 18 points to just beat rivals Off The Porch for the bronze. Balboa Yacht Club website
30 Sep 2010 - AYC Fall Series In the 20-boat J/105 fleet, the leaders emerged with just two points separating Joerg Esdorn's Kincsem in first from Damian Emery's Eclipse. Lying third is Paul Strauch's Andiamo. Racing began on September 25-26 with 6 races in the J/105 fleet, and continues on October 2-3. American Yacht Club Fall Regatta
30 Sep 2010 - Sealark is CYA's J/105 Boat of the Year Clark Pellet and the crew of Sealark wins top honors in this coveted cumulative season series with a season score of 29. Fleet 5 website
29 Sep 2010 - Key West Race Week 2011 - Getting Closer Make your plans for winter's first and best in beautiful Key West. Join IRC, One Design, PHRF, and Multihull sailors from across the country and around the world. Just a few days until October 1 and the opportunity for early entry savings. Race dates are January 17-21. Premiere Racing website
27 Sep 2010 - Planet B wins the 2010 J/105 Fleet 4 Championship Planet B won the 2010 Lake Ontario Fleet 4 J/105 Championship by a single point over Jamaica Me Crazy. Hey Jude, Sonic Boom and Thunderstruck round up the top 5 boats for this year's Championship. Planet B is skippered by Robert Baker, Stuart Kilpatrick (tactics and foredeck), Jamie Bateman (pit), Barry McSherry (main), Graham Hicks (trim) and Manuel Meneses (spinnaker). Alternates for these year were Alan Jones and Lori McKee. Fleet 4 report and results
26 Sep 2010 - Hospice Cup Light air and strong current proved challenging for the competitors in Hospice Cup XXIX on Saturday in Annapolis, MD. The J/105 Fleet welcomed 7 boats, and sailed two relatively short windward-leeward races. The Hospice Cup, awarded for consistent high performance in three consecutive Hospice Cup Regattas - and the accompanying invitation to compete in next year's National Hospice Regattas Championship - went to Cedric Lewis and Mirage, winners of the highly competitive J/105 class. Sailing with Lewis were Fredrik and Missy Salvesen, Molly Wilmer, Vernon Sheen, and Greg Larcher. The team also won the Sajak Family Foundation Trophy, for best performance in a Cruising One Design class. Following Lewis (3 points) were Carl and Scott Gitchell on Tenacious (4 points) and Jay Corcoran on Hiawatha (5 points). Event website and results
19 Sep 2010 - Rolex Big Boat Series Saint Francis Yacht Club hosted the Rolex Big Boat Series from September 16-19. The J/105s were well represented with 24 boats. Bruce Stone on Arbitrage topped the fleet with 27 points over seven races. Scooter Simmons on Blackhawk followed six points behind in second place. Jeff Littfin and John Case on Mojo round out the top three with 41 points. Complete results and event website
19 Sep 2010 - Don Wilson Triumphs at J/105 North American Championship Don Wilson on Convexity never gave up his hold on first place through four days and eight races at the J/105 North American Championship. Sailing with Nathan Hollerbach, Milosz Mogilnicki, Hans Pusch, Mauro Matias and Tod Reynolds at the Chicago Yacht Club, Wilson concluded the event with five bullets, two second-place finishes, and a ninth for a total score of 18 points. Following Convexity in the overall standings are David Wagner on Gigi (26 points) and Jim Rathbun on Hey Jude (35 points). Twenty boats competed. The regatta saw a wide variety of conditions, starting with strong winds up to 30 knots and large waves on day one, and concluding with a light day Sunday with breeze mostly 5-8 knots and flatter seas. As the event came to a close, local Clark Pellett won the day's first race, trailed by Rathbun's Hey Jude and Bernie Girod's Rock & Roll. In the closing match, Wagner's Gigi took the top spot, with Wilson's Convexity and Girod's Rock & Roll in second and third respectively. The top five overall all are: Don Wilson, Convexity (18 points), David Wagner, Gigi (26), Jim Rathbun, Hey Jude (35), Carter Williams, Creative Destruction (60), and Blane Shea, Striking (67). Complete results
18 Sep 2010 - North American Championship update Don Wilson on Convexity continues his commanding performance at the North American Championship in Chicago. With five first-place finishes and one second-place finish, the team has just 7 points going into the final day of racing. David Wagner on Gigi is in second overall with 21 points, followed by Jim Rathbun on Hey Jude with 29 points. Twenty J/105s are competing. Current results
16 Sep 2010 - North American Championship Day 1 Don Wilson on Convexity dominated day 1 of the J/105 North American Championship at Chicago Yacht Club with first-place finishes in each of the day's two races. Windy conditions greeted the 20 teams on Lake Michigan, with breeze ranging from 16-30. Following Convexity are James Rathbun on Hey Jude (6 points) in second, Blane Shea on Striking and David Wagner on Gigi (tied with 9 points). Racing continues through Sunday. Current results
15 Sep 2010 - J/105 North American Championship starts Thursday 20 J/105s are conducting their final preparations at the Chicago Yacht Club for this year's North American Championship. Racing starts Thursday and continues through Sunday. Check back often for race updates! And see photos/video from regatta headquarters on the J/105 Facebook page.
13 Sep 2010 - Larchmont NOOD The J/105s were mixing it up as usual, and when it was all said and done, Joerg Esdorn's Kincsem, eeked out the class win again with a single point to spare to Kevin Grainger's Gumption3. Kincsem's win is solid proof that consistency is no easy accomplishment in the J/105 class, no matter how long you've been at the helm. Damian Emery on Eclipse was a very close third with 27 points. 16 J/105s competed in the 6 races. Complete article and results
09 Sep 2010 - Key West Race Week savings Participants at Key West Race Week 2011 can save $100 if their entry is received by October 1! See additional discounts at the event website.
09 Sep 2010 - New Rules Interpretation posted RI-10-01 "Replacement of damaged or defective sails" has been posted. Go to Racing, then Rules Interpretations at left.
08 Sep 2010 - Annapolis Race Week Over Labor Day weekend, the 44th annual Annapolis Race Week was held on the Chesapeake Bay. In the 15-boat J/105 fleet, Jack Biddle on Rum Puppy led the pack with 21 points over 8 races. Carl & Scott Gitchell on Tenacious followed with 32 points. Chris & Carolyn Groobey on Java rounded out the top 3 with 37 points. Complete results
06 Sep 2010 - Java Team Gill regains J/105 National Championships at Dartmouth The J/105 Class's UK National Championships was held concurrently with the 166th Port of Dartmouth Royal Regatta over 26-29 August. Local boats Mary Sturgess' Jaldi and David Sheehan/Peter Sandouni's Jacana welcomed the Solent fleet for the a series of 8 windward-leeward courses in the Western end of Start Bay, and a coastal race. Racing commenced in the traditional way for a bank holiday weekend with grey skies, rain and a blustery 12-20 kts from the northeast, and after a long day on the water, Class Captain Chris Jones in Journeymaker 5 showed the best form with 2 wins out of 3. Day 2 bought the coastal race, variously viewed as either an opportunity for a shorter day and an early return to the hospitality of RDYC, or an eccentric intrusion on the normally ordered world of the one-designs. Shifty and gusty conditions again from an unstable northerly airstream gave plenty of opportunities for gains and losses, but after almost 3 hours of racing James Heald in Flawless J took the gun by 3 seconds to Journeymaker 5, putting Journeymaker 5 in front of the series with only 4 points separating the top 4 boats for the start of Day 3. Saturday bought fine weather at last and an oscillating northwesterly 15-20 kts, which rewarded boats that found space to use the shifts. Lymington-based reigning National champion William Newton in Jellybaby found consistency with two 2nds, but was thwarted by an OCS in the last race. It was Hamble-based Warsash Spring Series and J Cup winners Rob Dornton-Duff's Java Team Gill, however, that found pace and took 3 wins and the series lead overnight. That evening the class hosted other Dartmouth Sailing Week J boat crews on a boat on the River Dart, for dinner and a prime viewing location for the regatta fireworks. Sunday dawned with similar conditions to the previous day and the top place still open. A 2nd place by Java Team Gill however sealed their win, and left Jellbaby, Flawless J and Journeymaker 5 to fight out 2nd and 3rd. A tightly fought final race between Java and Jellybaby gave Java Team Gill its 5th win of the series, Jellbaby overall runner up and Flawless J 3rd. Complete article and results
06 Sep 2010 - Diablo J wins the Cherbourg Race Nick Martin cleaned up in the 2010 RORC Cherbourg Race sailing his J/105 Diablo J with his Irish co-skipper Barry Hurley. Not only did they win the RORC trophy for the Two-Handed Division, but took home the Yacht Club de France trophy for IRC 2 and the Cherbourg trophy for IRC Overall. Complete article
02 Sep 2010 - New England Championship The PHRF New England Championship is one of New England's premiere sailing competitions and one of the largest, offshore East Coast sailing events of the entire 2010 season. The 21-boat J/105 one-design class were sailing their New England Championship. Leading the pack was Fred DeNapoli's Allegro Semplicita with a remarkably consistent score of 1-1-9-3-4-4 for 12.5 points. A group of five boats were vying for second place and after the smoke cleared, it was Matt Pike's Got Qi that wrestled themselves into second place followed by Peter Morgan's Steel Away in third, Mike Royer's Blown Away in fourth and the Brauer/Neff team aboard Scimitar in fifth.
Regatta website
01 Sep 2010 - JFest Southwest The first annual JFest Southwest will take place at Lakewood Yacht Club in Seabrook, TX from October 16-17. Crane facilities will be provided for easy in-and-out, and the J/105 Class will race one-design. There will be a team of on-the-water coaches available, and after Saturday's racing Bob Congdon will be presenting "How to Maximize Your Instrument Data." The presentation and discussion will focus on systems from simple speed, depth, and wind through advanced performance packages. A steak dinner will be offered on Saturday night (poolside) followed by a Steel Band. Lakewood Yacht Club website
01 Sep 2010 - CORK Offshore Regatta At the CORK Offshore Regatta in Kingston, Ontario from August 27-29, 12 J/105s were entered for the event which sailed 9 races. Peter Hall on Jamaica Me Crazy topped the fleet with 22 points. Following in second was David Shaver on Return (28) and then Stuart Kilpatrick on Planet B (31). Complete results
31 Aug 2010 - Sarcoma Cup Seventeen J/105s constituted the largest One-Design Class at the Sarcoma Cup at Berkeley YC from August 28-29. Five races were completed, and Adam Spiegel on Jam Session took the top spot (9 points), trailed by Bruce Stone on Arbitrage (14) and Phillip Laby/ Richard Pipkin on Racer X (19). Photo courtesy of Heike Schwab. Complete results
26 Aug 2010 - Affordable Key West Race Week Options Check out the link below for lots of information on affordable arrangements for Key West Race Week. Now is the time to plan! Key West Race Week 2011
23 Aug 2010 - Gary Mozer wins SoCal Championship with solid team After posting three first-place finishes in a row on Saturday, local favorite Gary Mozer's J/105 Current Obsession 2 hung on Sunday to take first place honours in the second annual J/105 SoCal Championship hosted by Long Beach Yacht Club and sponsored by Ullman Sails, North Sails, West Marine and JK3 Nautical Enterprises. Complete article and results
23 Aug 2010 - Sealark Wins Overall Verve Cup Shocked is the word to describe how Clark Pellet, owner of Sealark, looked upon realizing he'd not only won first place in the J/105 fleet, but also the prestigious honor of the Overall Verve Cup trophy. The Overall Verve Cup trophy is awarded to the winner of the most competitive fleet in the Verve Cup Offshore regatta, which was held at Chicago Yacht Club August 20-22. Complete article and results
17 Aug 2010 - San Francisco Yacht Club Summer Keelboat Regatta 15 J/105s raced for the San Francisco YC's Summer Keelboat Regatta in winds from 11-25 kt, with Adam Spiegel's Jam Session starting the regatta off with a pair of bullets before being gradually ground down by Bruce Stone's Arbitrage. Stone started with a 3-3 before putting up a 2-2 and finishing off with a bullet to win with 11 points. Second was Jam Session with 15, and third was Rolf Kaiser's Donkey Jack with 24 points. (Photo by Heike Schwab) San Francisco YC website
09 Aug 2010 - Eclipse Blasts Through Damian Emery's Eclipse blew away the competition in both the West Passage Regatta and the Narragansett Bay Championship series. Damian got the best of 10 other J/105s in the inaugural WPR with 12 points in the eight-regatta series. The weather cooperated with moderate (12-16 knot) breezes from the S and SW which allowed eight races to be sailed in two days. The second and third place boats for the WPR were Tonto (Fred Darlington, 18 points), and Power Play (Bruce Stone and Scott DeWeese, 24 points). For the three-regatta Narragansett Bay Championship, Eclipse had .913 to Kincsem's (Joerg Esdorn/Duncan Hennes) .790 and Power Play's .746. There were 24 total participants in this series. You may view the West Passgae Regatta results at http://fleet14.j105.org/racing/results/WPRResults.pdf and the 2010 Narragansett Bay Championship Standings here.
05 Aug 2010 - Squan Tri-Sail Offshore Regatta Big boat sailors raced last weekend in the 31st annual Squan Tri-Sail regatta, sailed in the ocean outside of the Manasquan Inlet. Race divisions included a J/105 fleet, won by John Pearson on Red Sky (3 points). David Spence on Synergy followed with 7 points and Austin Fragomen on Warlock with 8 points. Four J/105s competed in 3 races. Complete results
04 Aug 2010 - Santa Barbara to King Harbor Race In the 81-mile Santa Barbara to King Harbor (Redondo Beach) Race raced last weekend, Charles Spear won the J/105 division aboard Twelve Bar Blues. Trailing him were Scott McDaniel racing Off the Porch and Mark Noble on Escapade. Complete results
04 Aug 2010 - Announcement from WCMR Committee on Postponement of 2010 Windy City Match Race Due to circumstances beyond our control, the organizing committee of the Windy City Match Race has made the difficult decision to postpone the 4th Windy City Match Race. The event, scheduled for September 10-12, 2010 in Chicago, will be rescheduled for Spring 2011. We hope that you understand how difficult this decision was for our committee and that it was not made lightly. We believe postponing the event is the fairest course of action for our competitors, our charity partners, our spectators, and our generous hosts, the Chicago Match Race Center (CMRC). An event in Spring 2011 will help us guarantee a successful event both on and off the water. We will announce the new date shortly. If you have any questions, please contact WCMR chairman, Bow Lingle at bow@windycitymatchrace.org.
03 Aug 2010 - Aldo Alessio Perpetual Trophy Regatta The Aldo Alessio Perpetual Trophy Regatta was held at the St Francis Yacht Club over the weekend. The J/105 fleet boasted 16 boats. Scooter Simmons on Blackhawk came in first, winning the tie-breaker over Bruce Stone on Arbitrage. After 4 races, each team scored 11 points. In third was Phillip Laby and Richard Pipkin on Racer X (14 points). Complete results
01 Aug 2010 - A Little Friendly Competition on the Water Read the The Sag Harbor Express coverage of the J/105 racing and fun happening at Breakwater Yacht Club here.
01 Aug 2010 - New England Solo Twin Nelson Weiderman and Jim Heagney won Class 1 of the New England Solo Twin aboard Kima, defeating 11 other boats in their class including two other J/105s, Dark & Stormy (winner in 2009) sailed by owner Michael LaChance and Eric Irwin and Jaded, sailed by Joe Cooper and Emmet Todd. The double-handed race took the entrants 94.1 miles around Block Island's R4, to Nomans Island's R2, to the Racon off Newport and finished at Castle Hill Light. The predictions were for light wind, but the wind kicked up and held throughout the night. The second place boat finished just 37 seconds behind on corrected time, and boats were still overlapped at the second mark after sailing 62 miles. The race started at noon on Friday, July 30 and finished in the early hours of Saturday morning. Final Results
29 Jul 2010 - Fiesta Cup Saturday had a slow start in light air but the breeze continued to build all day. Because of the fickle conditions off the yacht club, the whole course was moved up by the point were there was better wind. Steve Howell's Blink from San Diego YC had a great day in the J/105 Class with 8 points followed by 3 Santa Barbara boats with 10 points each. Not an ideal racing day but the RC did a great job of shifting marks with the shifts. By Sunday, after the breeze settled in, the standings flip-flopped with Blink taking a beating, getting a 7-8-6 to drop down to sixth overall. The locals ran the table, with the Santa Barbarians taking the top three positions on the podium. Last year's winner, Rasmussen's Free Enterprise nearly pulled off a repeat of last year's win. However, two sixths mid-series hurt Free Enterprise's chances (with a 4-1-6-6-1-2 record), losing by a point to Larry Harteck's Repeat Offender which managed to get a more consistent tally of 5-4-1-2-4-3 for 19 points. Third was J/105 Class President, Bernie Girod, sailing his well-traveled Rock & Roll to a 1-2-7-4-7-1 record, winning both first and last races to happily finish off a well-sailed series. Santa Barbara YC website
28 Jul 2010 - Level Regatta From July 24-25, the Youngstown (NY) Level Regatta fielded a fleet of 177 boats including six J/105s. After seven races, Peter Hall racing Jamaica Me Crazy won with 11 points, followed by Stuart Kilpatrick on Planet B (14 points), and Terry Michaelson on The Usual Suspects (21 points). Hall finished all races in the top three, including four bullets. Complete results
28 Jul 2010 - Women's Open Keelboat Championship Women's Open Keelboat Championship 2010 saw Louise Morton's Espada beat 16 other teams to win the event. It's the third time Louise has claimed the trophy, but this year the competition was hot on her heels. In a closely contested championship, Pip Hare came second, with Elaine (Elan 37), and in third was JOS of Hamble (J/105), skippered by Clemency Ives. Complete article
27 Jul 2010 - Race to Mackinac The 102nd running of the 333-mile Chicago Yacht Club Race to Mackinac has wrapped up for the 17 J/105s regsitered. Mark Nichols on Certare finished in the top spot, followed by Clark Pellett on Sealark and Tomas & Gytis Petkus on Vytis. Event website and results
26 Jul 2010 - Marblehead NOOD Peter & Doug Morgan racing SteelAway III won the J/105 division at last weekend's Marblehead NOOD. The team finished with a total of 8 points over 5 races (one discard). In the battle for second and third place, Fred DeNapoli on Allegro Semplicita (15 points) edged out Kevin Colcord on Circe's Cup (16 points). 22 J/105s were registered. Complete results
23 Jul 2010 - Minutes posted. Minutes from the 7/13/10 Executive Committee meeting are posted. Class Business page
20 Jul 2010 - Pure Michigan Bayview Mackinac Race A total of 206 sailboats in 22 classes raced in the 2010 Pure Michigan Bayview Mackinac Race, starting from Port Huron, MI on July 17 under blue skies and a light 12 knot breeze and ending with a rainstorm and 20-knot gusts on Saturday in Lake Huron. Six J/105s raced, with Matt Haglund on Rampage leading the fleet, followed by Brian Smith on Sorcery. Results
20 Jul 2010 - New York Yacht Club Race Week The first half of the biennial New York Yacht Club Race Week at Newport presented by Rolex, has finished up for seven classes, and has also concluded for five more one-design classes that have been racing since Saturday. The catch, however, was that the finla day's first race had to be abandoned and then competition cancelled when severe thunderstorms passed over Rhode Island Sound, leaving winners to be determined by cumulative standings posted Sunday. The circumstances left J/105 skipper Damian Emery (Shoreham, NY), sailing Eclipse in the largest class here (20 boats), very happy. He is now the 2010 J/105 East Coast Champion, a title he also won in 2008 at this regatta, coincidentally under similar circumstances when a storm aborted racing on the last day. "The difference was that then, we shredded all of our sails because we didn't get them down fast enough," said Emery at the early afternoon Rolex Awards Ceremony where the sky had returned to sunny blue. "This time, we could see the front coming through and we were the first to drop our sails." According to Robin Wallace, the principal race officer for the White Course, where the J/105s and the Beneteau First 36.7s sailed, "It had looked as if the initial storm cell would track north of the course, but then a knuckle developed right across the sailing area, with heavy, heavy rain and winds up to 27 knots." Since the Race Committee had forewarned everyone to keep their radios on, both fleets--which by then were approaching the first leeward mark on a twice-around course--knew to change course for home. Eclipse's tactician Dan Neff (Manhasset, NY) explained that his team only needed an eighth or better in both races to win. "Based on our previous performance (victories in four of six races), we felt reasonably comfortable that we'd do that," said Neff, "but the stress was still on." Joerg Esdorn's (Katonah, NY) Kincsem, which finished second overall, "was capable of posting two bullets if we weren't there." Following Eclipse (11 points) and Kincsem (25) was Brian Keane on Savasana (Weston, MA) with 29 points. Six races were completed. (Photo courtesy of Dan Nerney) Complete information and results
18 Jul 2010 - Red Grant Regatta The 2010 Red Grant Regatta was a huge success. Thousands of dollars were raised for New Jersey Hospices. Eight J/105s registed for the July 10-11 regatta, with John Pearson taking the top spot on Red Sky with 6 points. Paul Zajac on Skal came in second (7 points), and Marcus Wunderlich on Stratos third (11 points). Three races were completed. Event website
15 Jul 2010 - San Diego YC One Design Weekend 12 J/105s competed in last weekend's One Design event at San Diego Yacht Club. Dennis & Sharon Case racing Wings took the top spot with 4 points. They were trailed closely by Doug & Pam Warner on Javelin (5 points), then Mark Mitchell on Straight Edge (7 points). Two races were completed. Complete results
14 Jul 2010 - Deadlines for 2010 J/105 North American Championship This year's biggest J/105 event--the North American Championship--hits Chicago from September 13-19. Please make note of the following deadlines! Eligible boats may enter by completing the Entry Form available on the Chicago Yacht Club website at www.chicagoyachtclub.com or at www.yachtscoring.com and paying the required fee(s) to Chicago Yacht Club, 400 E. Monroe, Chicago, IL 60603. The entry closing date is 2300 hrs on Friday, August 20. A copy of the boat's weight certificate, the list of sails and sail tag numbers that will be used in the regatta, the crew list and the Proof of Insurance must be submitted in writing prior to 1800 hrs on September 6 in order for an entry to be complete and to avoid a late processing charge of $100. Late entries will be accepted until 1800 hrs on September 13 under the following conditions: Completion of the Entry Form and its delivery along with payment of the entry fee and the late registration entry fee together with all required documentation, including but not limited to a copy of the boat's weight certificate, the list of sails and sail tag numbers that will be used in the regatta, the crew list and the Proof of Insurance. Entries will not be accepted after September 13. Regatta website
12 Jul 2010 - Coastal Living Newport Regatta Bruce Stone & Scott DeWeese on Power Play defeated 13 other J/105s at the Coastal Living Newport Regatta last weekend. The team scored 4 points over 2 races. Chris and Carolyn Groobey on Java took the silver position with 5 points. Nelson Weiderman racing Kima came in third--in a 9-point tie with Harald Edegran and Jeremy Henderson (Conundrum) and Duncan Hennes and Joerg Esdorn (Kincsem). Complete results
06 Jul 2010 - 2010 Windy City Match Race Scheduled September 11-12 New things come in threes for the 2010 Windy City Match Race (WCMR), an annual charity event scheduled for September 11-12 in Chicago: a new boat, a new organizing authority and new charity partners. For the first time, the charity sailing event whose mission is Chicago sailing helping youth, will sail in J/105s. WCMR will serve as a terrific tune-up opportunity for those competitors planning to participate in the J/105 North American Championship, scheduled for September 1319 and also in Chicago. Chicago Match Race Center will serve as the event's organizing authority; and requests for invitation are currently being accepted for the ISAF Grade 3 event. Interested participants should contact Sarah Renz at srenz@experient.com. Please note--all boats need to be supplied to the competitors, but charter boats are available. The two new charity beneficiaries are both Chicago-based organizations. The first, Jobs for Youth, helps young men and women from low-income families become part of the mainstream. The second, Near North Health Services Corporation, is one of the largest community health centers in Chicago. Chief Umpire Steve Wrigley will oversee this year's WCMR, and racing will be held near the entrance to Belmont Harbor, with starts each day intended for 10 a.m. Shore-side activities will include post-racing briefings, umpire debriefs, awards ceremony and WCMR's silent auction. Website and NOR
06 Jul 2010 - Eastern Yacht Club Annual Regatta In Marblehead, MA, Eastern Yacht Club's Annual Regatta welcomed 10 J/105s on July 4. Laurie Willard on Shooting Star topped the fleet, trailed by Jim Flanagan on Achiever V and Charlie Garrard on Merlin.
Complete results
06 Jul 2010 - Shearwater Sailing Club Twilight Race There are some years when the annual Shearwater Sailing Club Twilight Race is a painfully slow drifter in sticky hot conditions. In other years, the regatta has been spoiled by the evening thunderstorms that tend to predominate during this time of the summer. Much to the delight of organizers and competitors alike, this year's Twilight Race featured the fabulous scenery and sailing conditions that make this one of the most fun and unique events on the Chesapeake Bay. Five J/105s competed. Chris & Carolyn Groobey racing Java came in first, followed by Donald Santa (Santas Reign Dear) and Michael O'Toole (Varmint). The Capital article
02 Jul 2010 - J/105 Featured in Sailing Magazine The July issue of Sailing Magazine provides an impressive look at the J/105 in its monthly feature 'Used Boat Notebook' by John Kretschmer. Read the Feature
30 Jun 2010 - NOOD Champs "Lose It" to Win It J/105 partners Scott Whitney and Jason Woodley keep their summer winning streak rolling at the San Francisco NOOD. Read the Sailing World article here.
30 Jun 2010 - Cleveland Race Week Cleveland Race Week's 30th year just finished on June 27 after 10 days of racing at Edgewater Yacht Club in Cleveland, OH. The first weekend was devoted to one-design racing. In the 4-boat J/105 fleet, Doug Moose & Jim Sminchak won the division with 13 points. Following It, was Joe Colling on Ja2 (17 points) and then Colin Mills on Wish (18 points). Seven races were completed. CRW's second weekend is referred to as the Offshore Division weekend. In PHRF F, Doug Moose & Jim Sminchak on J/105 It again took top honors. Five races were completed in this series. Results
28 Jun 2010 - HYC Leukemia Cup Light, consistent, but very shifty winds prevailed in brutally hot Texas conditions to provide some interesting tactical opportunities for four J/105s entered in the Houston Yacht Club's annual Leukemia Cup. Bee Bednar's Stinger managed to take the day with 6 points followed by Bill Lakenmacher's Radiance in second with 11, Malcolm Bremer's Babe in third with 16, and Alan Bates' Zippity in fourth with 18 points. Stinger also took class honors in the fleet's contributions. Fleet 17 contributed $3,330 to Leukemia and Lymphoma Research. Leukemia Cup website
27 Jun 2010 - San Francisco NOOD 12 J/105s competed at the San Francisco NOOD from June 26-27. Jason Woodley & Scott Whitney on Risk won the 5-race series with a total score of 11 points, including three bullets. Bruce Stone on Arbitrage followed in second (13 points), and in third was Adam Spiegel on Jam Session (17). The 2010 Sperry Top-Sider San Francisco NOOD marked the series' return to the Bay area after a six-year absence. Complete results
27 Jun 2010 - Long Beach Race Week Gary Mozer racing Current Obsession2 won Ullman Sails Long Beach Race Week with 12 total points. Held from June 25-27, nine J/105s competed over seven races. Mozer and team finished first in five of the races, and never placed below fourth. Tricky conditions prevailed, with the moderate, shifting breeze from the south stirring a few whitecaps. In second place was Jeremy Davidson on Sanity (20 points); in third was Doug & Pam Werner on Javelin (27). Complete results
26 Jun 2010 - Block Island Race Week After five days and nine races, Damian Emery on Eclipse won the J/105 division at Block Island Race Week. Emery's team finished with 13 points in the 6-boat fleet. Following Emery were Carl Olsson on Morning Glory (20 points) and Andrew Kennedy on Bat IV (22). Complete results
24 Jun 2010 - J/Fest Northwest Eight races were completed over two days (June 19-20) in the waters off Shilshole Bay Marina, sponsored by Seattle J-Boats dealer Sailboats Northwest, with Corinthian Yacht Club running the racing and hosting post-race parties. Erik Kirsten's team sailing Jubilee were not only winners of the J/105 class, but got Top Performance Award for best regatta in biggest fleet at the event. Second was Petersen racing Last Tango and third was Pinkham's USAWI.
22 Jun 2010 - Spring Newsletter Members should have received the Spring edition of the J/105 newsletter via e-mail recently. It is also posted in the Members area of this website. Newsletter page
16 Jun 2010 - Risk Wins J/105 Invitational at San Francisco Yacht Club Read the race report courtesy of Jason Woodley on Risk here.
13 Jun 2010 - NYYC Annual Regatta Known as the longest running regatta in America, the New York Yacht Club's 156th Annual Regatta presented by Rolex also has the distinction of kicking off the sailing season in New England. This past weekend, June 11-13, over 1,000 sailors on 111 boats gathered from across the U.S. and Europe for three days of racing on Narragansett Bay and Rhode Island Sound. In the J/105 fleet, Michael Mountford on Live Edge came in first with 13 points, followed by Dudley Nostrand on Jaded (19 points) and Chris Beane on Vixen (20 points). Nine J/105s competed over 5 races. Event website and results
13 Jun 2010 - Chicago NOOD Donald Wilson and his team on Convexity dominated the 16-boat J/105 fleet at the Chicago NOOD. Finishing first in 4 of the 6 races, they scored just 15 total points. Following Convexity, Tomas Petkus on Vytis (26 points) edged out Dorin Candea sailing Messy Jessy (27 points) for the second and third positions. Complete results
11 Jun 2010 - Sprit Fest Regatta Breakwater Yacht Club in Sag Harbor, NY on the end of Long Island played host to yet another fun start for the summer sailing season. The J/105s saw Wayne Morse on Roxanne win with a 1-1-2-1-2 record over Bruce Tait's Buckaroo with a 2-2-4-2-1 score. Lying third was Sedgwick Ward's Mambo. Event website
09 Jun 2010 - Narragansett Bay Championship There are three exciting events being held in Rhode Island this summer with sponsorship from Samson, Waterline Systems, North Sails, West Marine, and Brewer Wickford Cove Marina. View the next 3 news topics below for information on each event. The top three boats in each event will win the newest hi-tech running rigging from Samson. Brewers is offering half-price haul-out and power wash, and deeply discounted dry storage. The cumulative winner will be crowned the Narragansett Bay Champion and receive a half-model, a valuable prize from West Marine, and a gift certificate for spare parts from Waterline Systems.
09 Jun 2010 - Coastal Living Sail Newport Regatta The first event of the Narragansett Bay Championship is the Coastal Living Sail Newport Regatta from July 10-11. Website
09 Jun 2010 - East Coast Championship at NYYC Race Week The second event of the Narragansett Bay Championship is the J/105 East Coast Championship at NYYC Race Week from July 17-19. If 25 or more J/105s enter, the winner will be awarded a Rolex watch. Website
09 Jun 2010 - West Passage Regatta The third event in the Narragansett Bay Championship is the West Passage Regatta at Wickford Yacht Club from August 7-8. North Sails is conducting a free on-the-water clinic for all comers at Wickford YC on Friday afternoon, August 6. On Saturday evening, August 7, a North Sails raffle will take place for a new Light Air VMG Spinnaker optimized for racing in lighter winds. Proceeds go to the Wickford YC Junior Program (must be present to win). Website
08 Jun 2010 - J-Cup 2010 at the Royal Southern Yacht Club Having already had two days of awesome racing at the J-Cup 2010, the 74-boat fleet were postponed ashore for a short time on Saturday until 10-12 knots of breeze filled in from the southeast. The J-Cup 2010 was hosted by the Royal Southern Yacht Club. The J-Cup series comprised eight races in total. Andy Dennis and his team on the J/105 Orijin travelled all the way from Helford to compete at the J-Cup 2010 and the final day of the regatta was their best, having got used to the Solent and working the boat on boat one-design racing to their advantage. If the regatta had been just a day longer, the top slots might have looked a little different, but in the end it was Hamble based Java, owned and raced by Rob Dornton-Duff who took the top slot, just a point ahead of William Newton's Jelly Baby in second place overall with Richard Watney's Jeopardy in third. Jeopardy also won the North Sails Boat of the Day prize on Saturday. Royal Southern Yacht Club website
07 Jun 2010 - 156th NYYC Annual Regatta this weekend This is the last chance to sign up for the 156th NYYC Annual Regatta this coming weekend. Weather is looking good! The event includes an Around-the-Island Race on Friday, June 11 and a 2-day event on Saturday/Sunday June 12-13. Entries close tonight. Website
06 Jun 2010 - Detroit NOOD Jim Sminchak racing It won the 7-boat J/105 fleet at the Detroit NOOD with 14 total points. The Ohio team scored 4 bullets over 6 races from June 4-6. Don Harthorn on Snake Oil finished second (17 points), followed by Mark Symonds on Pterodactyl (21 points). Complete results
04 Jun 2010 - Class Scale rental The J/105 Class Office will rent a Model S-10 scale to Class members and fleets to weigh their J/105s. It is a seven-day rental, and the $250 fee includes two-way shipping within the continental United States. (Reference the Racing link from the J/105 homepage to review the process of weighing and signing of weight certificates.) Upon your rental request, the Class Office will contact you to schedule the rental period. Merchandise page
03 Jun 2010 - Figawi Race The 39th Annual Figawi Race from Hyannis to Nantucket was held on May 29, which saw 15-20 knot southwest winds and a steep Nantucket Sound chop of 3-5 feet. In Division S-Sprit Boats, the J/105 Vixen skippered by Chris Beane placed first by just 1:40 over Wagner Reservitz's J/105 Dark'n'Stormy. Figawi website
21 May 2010 - Stone Cup Regatta Under grey skies and blustery winds, the St. Francis Yacht Club's Stone Cup event was held May 15-16. Typical San Francisco Bay weather greeted the Stone Cup sailors for two days of racing hosted by the St. Francis Yacht Club. The Marine Layer that had been missing all year showed its presence over the weekend ensuring the fleets would have plenty of wind for racing. A strong flood tide provided flat water, and 15-25 mph of wind. The 16-boat J/105 class was missing local scratch boat Good Timin' but the competition was still fierce in this hotly contested one design class. Three different boats each won one of the four races held, but it was Adam Spiegel's Jam Session that came out on top. Bruce Stone's Arbitrage took second and Scooter Simmons on Blackhawk took third. Each of these two boats also won races individually with Blackhawk winning race 2 and 4 and Arbitrage winning race three. St. Francis Yacht Club website
17 May 2010 - Shoe Regatta The Lakewood Yacht Club, Banks Sails, Mount Gay Rum and Bay Access Inc. 28th annual Shoe Regatta was held the weekend of May 15-16 in Houston, TX. Heavy thunderstorms, wind and rain caused abandonment of Saturday's racing, while light air and high temperatures made for some brutal conditions on Sunday. Some 60 boats--including J/122, Melges 32, Viper 640, J/109, 1D35, Mumm 36, J/22, J/80, J/105 and various cruising class boats competed for shoes for each crew member. The J/105 class, along with a set of shoes, was won by Bill Zartler and crew on J-Teez with 5 points. Bee Bednar and crew on Stinger squeezed out a second with 7 points. Malcolm Bremer and crew on Babe finished third with 8 points. The most interesting race had all the 105s crossing the finish line within seconds of each other. Lakewood Yacht Club website
17 May 2010 - Seattle NOOD It was a busy weekend of racing in the Northwest as 14 races were completed at the Seattle NOOD. In the 7-boat J/105 fleet, Gerald Hirschler's Jaded edged out John Peterson's Last Tango by one point (28 points to 29 points). In third was Erik Kristen's Jubilee (42 points). Complete results
14 May 2010 - Cedar Point One-Design Regatta J/105 Fleet 6 invites you to attend the Cedar Point One-Design Regatta, part of their season series. Every year, this is a great event with good racing, solid RC work by an all-out racing club, lobster dinner, fun band, great trophies and just plain fun for two days. Many boats from Western Long Island Sound use it as a convenient stop-over point on the way up to Block Island Race Week, and CPYC is accommodating those wishing to do so at favorable dockage rates for the interim time. The event is June 5-6. CPYC put in a 5-ton hoist last summer which nicely launches 105s and can step masts as well, if anyone wants to come by land. Website
11 May 2010 - Irish skippers share top slots Irish skippers dominated the first two races of the brand new Coastal series for the Solo Offshore Racing Club, held on May 8-9. The races to Poole and back were specifically designed to attract new skippers and give the more experienced shorter races to hone their techniques early in the season. Irish skippers Paddy Cronin sailing Rod Knowles's J/105 Juliette and Peter Olden on his Archambault A35 Solan Goose of Hamble won the out and return races respectively with port hoist spinnakers the whole way to Poole and a beat from start to finish on the return. Complete article and results
05 May 2010 - AYC Spring Series Completion The AYC Spring Series concluded with a fairly light and streaky weekend of winds with sunny skies and warm weather. The American YC Race Committees and PROs provided the sailors with great racing in challenging conditions over the two weekends of sailing. The J/105 fleet continued its very competitive racing, where it all came down to the last day to determine who would be the top three on the leader-board. Despite the difficult conditions, Bruce Stone and Scott DeWeese's Power Play prevailed over their 17 competitors, winning by three points over Damian Emery's Eclipse. Redeeming themselves nicely after the first weekend were Kevin Grainger on Gumption 3, getting on to the podium for third overall with a late charge in the last four races. Harald Edegran and Jeremy Henderson on Conundrum started off well the first weekend, but the last two races hurt their chances to a podium finish to come in fourth. In fifth was George and Alex Wilbanks on Revelation. Website
03 May 2010 - San Diego YC's Yachting Cup The 15-boat J/105 fleet comprised the largest one-design fleet participating in Yachting Cup. Most of the fleet is from San Diego, and they take no prisoners when they play. Three different boats won races during the regatta, and Doug and Pam Werner's Javelin came out on top with 11 points. Everyone worked hard throughout the weekend, and Blow Boat moved into a solid second on Sunday. Sanity, Wings and Current Obsession finished 3rd, 4th and 5th with only four points separating them. Javelin is on a roll, as they also won the San Diego NOOD sailed in March. Complete article
02 May 2010 - Annapolis NOOD Regatta Peter McChesney from Annapolis Yacht Club dominated the 27-boat J/105 fleet at the Annapolis NOOD regatta from April 30-May 2. Scoring just 21 points over 8 races, he finished in the top 5 in every race including 3 bullets. James Rathbun of the Royal Canadian Yacht Club came in second with 42 points, followed by Jim Konigsberg of Annapolis Yacht Club with 47 points. Complete results
29 Apr 2010 - Not Mine wins Bermuda Race Week J/105 Class Not Mine skipper Allan Williams shared the glory of his fourth consecutive J/105 Class first place finish with co-skipper Glenn Astwood this week at Bermuda International Invitational Race Week. The duo won on a tiebreaker that put Chuck Millican's Elusive into second. Both boats finished with 8 points. After dropping a fourth place finish each, Not Mine had scores of 1,1,2,1,3 and Elusive scored 2,2,1,2,1. Not Mine wins with three firsts over two for Elusive. Third place in the five-boat class went to James MacDonald in Passion. Because of high winds early in the week the J/105s only sailed six of the nine scheduled races. Thursday and Friday were "No Race" days, so the competition ended there. Event website
28 Apr 2010 - Windy City Match Race The Chicago Match Race Center is hosting the Windy City Match Race from September 11-12. The website will be updated shortly with the NOR and other information. This event could be a tune-up for the North American Championship. Event website
27 Apr 2010 - Winter Newsletter Members should have received the Winter edition of the J/105 newsletter via e-mail recently. It is also posted in the Members area of this website. Newsletter page
27 Apr 2010 - Warsash Spring Series - Day 6 At 0830 when the committee boats left the Warsash Sailing Club pontoon for the final day of racing in the Warsash Spring Series, the day was grey and drizzly with poor visibility. It seemed very unlikely that the superb conditions of the Spring Championship the day before would be repeated but slowly, as the first start time approached, the rain died and by 1000 the south-westerly breeze was starting to fill. By midday, the Solent was basking in sunshine and the breeze was up to 15 knots--a perfect way to finish the country's premier early season racing event. The first three boats in the J/105 class had been separated by a single point so Rob Dornton Duff's second consecutive win in Java ahead of Journeymaker 5 (Chris Jones) was sufficient to take the series win. Paul Griffiths' Fay-J did not compete on the final day but finished third overall. Event website
26 Apr 2010 - AYC Spring Series 81 teams competed in the first weekend of the 2010 American Yacht Club Spring Series, with classes including one-design, IRC and PHRF. The series will conclude May 1-2. Damian Emery on Eclipse leads the J/105 division with 7 points, followed by Joerg Esdorn/Duncan Hennes on Kincsem (9 points) and Harald Edegran/Jeremy Henderson on Conundrum (11 points). 17 J/105s competed. Results
26 Apr 2010 - Newport to Ensenada International Yacht Race The J/105 Lucky Star, raced by Mark Wyland of American Legion Yacht Club, finished first out of 6 boats in the Sprit B Class of the Newport Ocean Sailing Association's 63rd Newport to Ensenada International Yacht Race. Complete results
24 Apr 2010 - Minutes posted. Minutes from the 4/13/10 Executive Committee meeting are posted. Class Business page
15 Apr 2010 - J Fest West J/Fest sailors were greeted by stormier than normal weather and with breeze directions that were nowhere near the norm for San Francisco Bay. Here's an account of what it was like to race in the J/105 fleet from the winner, Bruce Stone, sailing his boat Arbitrage, "It rained and was cold and gusty, up to 25 knots, out of the southeast, so they put the starting line between Harding Rock Buoy near Angel Island and Alcatraz, and ran us to the south near Aquatic Park, a routing I have never done before, across the shipping lanes and across the tide...and the wind near the shore was in the 8-11 range so setting the rig tension was tricky. Needless to say it was our kind of cockamamie race. We had a good start, duked it out with 4-5 boats who also sailed well, and ultimately won the race. It rained quite hard toward the finish, the front went through and they sent us home. The wind died after we hit the dock!" In the 22-boat strong J/105s, it was a donnybrook as usual for the top five sailors. Who won was determined by the finish of the last "cockamamie" race with St. Francis YC's Arbitrage avoiding a bad race and just beating Tiburon's Scooter Simmons on Blackhawk, getting a first to Scooter's ninth. Stone's team won, beating Simmons by four points. Lying third was Phil Laby and Rick Pipkin's Racer-X from Alameda just two points back....again with a mathematical chance to win in the last race despite their 9th place in the third race. Website
13 Apr 2010 - 2010 J/105 North American Championship website and NOR Fleet 5 has gone live with their website and Notice of Race for the 2010 J/105 North American Championship at Chicago Yacht Club (September 13-19). You can link to the website directly through the logo at right, the countdown at left, the racing schedule page, and right here: Event website
13 Apr 2010 - Warsash Spring Series Week 4 Back after an Easter break, the Warsash Spring Series continued on April 11 with the entries topping 200. There were challenging conditions for Week 4 with the wind ranging between 9-14 knots. The general mean direction was from the northeast, but local conditions prevailed on the three separate race tracks. IRC3 and the combined J/105 and J/92 starts were subject to individual recalls. As the wind lightened towards the Island shore, rounding Prince Consort buoy against the tide caused a few problems and the fleet became very spread out. The J class was finished early at the last windward mark. Rob Dornton-Duff in Java ended a run of third places with the J/105 win. Things are extremely tight at the top of the leaderboard. Anyone who can put together two more good results over the remaining two weeks could change things dramatically. Complete results
11 Apr 2010 - Charleston Race Week Jackson Benvenutti racing Little Booty won the tie-breaker with Damian Emery on Eclipse to win the J/105 Fleet at Charleston Race Week (both with 12 points). Eight races were completed, and Little Booty won half of those. Bill Zartler on Solaris came in third (15 points). Six J/105s competed. Complete results
08 Apr 2010 - BVI Spring Regatta In Racing F-Racer/Cruiser, Julio Reguero from Puerto Rico sailing J/105 Umakua finished 3rd. Reguero was winning class until they got DSQ'd in race 6. The other J/105 Abracadabra, raced by another crew from Puerto Rico and Carlos Camachio finished 4th. Event website
05 Apr 2010 - 3rd Annual Mudhead Benefit Cup for Hospice Southeastern Connecticut The Mystic River Mudhead Sailing Association will hold its annual charity regatta July 17 on the waters of Fisher's Island Sound. The organizers are very interested in providing a first-class racing event for one-design classes. For more information, visit the website.
30 Mar 2010 - Warsash Spring Series - Day 3 The third week of Warsash Sailing Club's Spring Series saw the first south-westerly breeze of the season. The wind stayed true in direction with the strength varying from 10 to 14 knots, providing near ideal sailing conditions if still cold. The standings are tight in the J/105 class. Paul Griffiths helming Fay-J won his second race but is tied with Rob Dornton-Duff (Java) in the series just one point behind leader Chris Jones' Journeymaker 5. Roger Williams on Jos of Hamble won the first race of the series and is a further one point adrift overall. The Warsash Spring Series now takes a break for Easter and reconvenes on April 11. The final weekends of April 17-18th and 24-25th lead up to a grand finale with the addition of Saturday racing for the Spring Championship. New entries are welcome. Complete results
24 Mar 2010 - Challenging Conditions for Warsash Sailing Club's Spring Series The sunshine continued for the second week of Warsash Sailing Club's Spring Series on March 21, but in stark contrast to week one, the breeze was often elusive and tricky. The weather forecasts varied, with wind speeds ranging from 4-15 knots, but in the main agreed a north-westerly was due to back to the southwest or south. For the J/105s, there's a three-way tie for first place--Roger Williams on Jos of Hamble, Chris Jones on Journeymaker 5 and Rob Dornton-Duff on Java. The Warsash Spring Series runs on Sundays until April 25, with a break for Easter. New entries are welcome. Complete results
23 Mar 2010 - Puerto Rico Heineken International Regatta Puerto Rico Heineken International Regatta sailors from throughout the northern Caribbean converged at the new 162-slip full-service Palmas del Mar Yacht Club & Marina for the Puerto Rico Heineken International Regatta and Puerto Rico International Dinghy Regatta, held March 19-21. "The attendance has exceeded our expectations for an international regatta in Palmas," said regatta director, Angel Ayala. Forty-two racing boats, with skippers hailing from Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands of St. Thomas and St. Croix, the Dominican Republic, British Virgin Islands, and St. Maarten, sailed in six classes. Winds gusting to near 20 knots on the last day which followed two days of sunny skies, moderate chop and winds that rarely dipped below 10 knots made a fitting finale to the regatta and allowed several boats to shore up and solidify class wins. The Performance Cruising class saw Puerto Rico's Carlos Camacho, on his J/105, Abracadabra, finish in first with nothing lower than a first place. "Light winds are tough, but today we saw gusts to 18 knots, and they ran us on windward-leeward courses, which is what we like," says Camacho. Complete results
22 Mar 2010 - San Diego NOOD The Sperry Top-Sider San Diego NOOD regatta covered the county with 169 boats competing on four courses between Coronado and Mission Beach on March 19-21, with race management provided by San Diego Yacht Club and Mission Bay Yacht Club. The largest fleet was the J/105 with 18 teams dominated by Doug and Pam Werner and their crew onboard Javelin. The team scored bullets in races 1 through 4, and came in second in the final race for a total of just 6 points. Dennis and Sharon Case on Wings finished second overall with 20 points, followed by Gary Mozer on Current Obsession 2 (25 points). Complete results
15 Mar 2010 - Warsash Spring Series - Day 1 Glorious sunshine and a steady breeze made for a perfect first day of this year's Warsash Spring Series on March 14. The Black Group was comprised of four IRC classes plus one-design starts for J/109, J/105 and J/92. The committee boat set up station between East Bramble and Universal Marina buoys. IRC1 had a laid windward mark near Calshot cardinal buoy with windward/leeward legs cascading to a finish at West Knoll. The family of J/Boats in Black Group has increased this year by J/92s joining the J/105 start. In first for the J/105s is Roger Williams (Jos of Hamble). The Warsash Spring Series runs on Sundays until April 25, with a break for Easter. Warsash Sailing Club
13 Mar 2010 - Charleston Race Week Register for Charleston Race Week by Friday, March 19 to avoid the $150 late fee. Racing begins in less than a month. Remember to purchase your party passes for the weekend. Shoreside passes are available online for $60 each until Wednesday, March 31 only and will be available again onsite for $75. Check out the updated entertainment lineup online. Each pass includes full access to the event village for the entire weekend, including live entertainment, food and drinks. Event website
07 Mar 2010 - Survey Says Thank you to everyone who participated in our recent Member Survey. We had 133 responses. Of the most significant results related to national championships: nearly 70% feel that major regattas should end on a Sunday, 52% support three races per day, and more than 67% favor a throw-out race. Log-in to view complete results on the Class Business page.
25 Feb 2010 - Corinthian Midwinters Last weekend marked the final installment of the Corinthian Midwinters in San Francisco, and much like last month's, featured a wet day and a dry day. The rain held off on Saturday, and in its place was breeze reported to be in the 15- to 18-knot range. Sunday was wet, wet, wet. The winner in the J/105 division was Shannon Bonds on Donkey Jenny. Corinthian Yacht Club
23 Feb 2010 - Yanmar Service Manuals No owner should be without this essential reference whether you do your own maintenance or not. This manual explains the operation and maintenance requirements for all aspects of the Yanmar engine in plain English with lots of ilustrations. Order yours in the Merchandise section.
18 Feb 2010 - Narragansett Bay Championship Tour Fleet 14 (Southern New England) is pleased to announce the J/105 Narragansett Bay Championship Tour consisting of three closely-spaced regattas that typically draw competitors from Marblehead to Annapolis: Coastal Living Sail Newport (July 10-11), NYYC Rolex/J-105 East Coast Championship (July 17-19), Wickford Yacht Club West Passage Regatta (August 7-8). To make it easy for out-of-towners, Brewer Wickford Cove Marina, adjacent to Wickford Yacht Club, will haul, power wash and store visiting boats during the Tour at deeply discounted rates. During the West Passage Regatta, Sampson Rigging will award the top boats their choice of its newest hi-tech sheets and halyards, West Marine will spice up the Saturday night dinner with some exciting product giveaways, and Waterline Systems, the Portsmouth, RI-builder of the J/105, will award the overall Tour winner the J/105 Narragansett Bay Championship half-model perpetual trophy along with gift certificates for spare parts (anyone need new floorboards, some stanchions or a pushpit?). Along with these generous product contributions, North Sails will provide mark set boats during the West Passage Regatta as well as offering on-the-water coaching for all comers on Friday, August 6, followed by a debrief and welcome party at Wickford Yacht Club. Fleet 14 website
17 Feb 2010 - Rules updates online The updated Class Rules are now available online for viewing under the "Racing" link at left (then click "Rules"). This document is at the top of the page. You can also review the Rule Submissions for February 2010 on the same page under the "Links" section. This document is the second one under that section (History of the rule changes).
13 Feb 2010 - Regatta Coming The Lloyd Harbor YC and the Masthead Cove YC have announced the Race for the Case on Saturday and Sunday, May 22 and 23, in Centerport, NY. The Flyer
03 Feb 2010 - 2011 North American Championship J/105 Fleet 2 is proud to announce the dates for the 2011 North American Championship! The dates are August 10-14, hosted by Eastern Yacht Club in Marblehead, Massachusetts. Wednesday is reserved for measurement and a practice race, followed by racing from Thursday through Sunday. Ken Legler is confirmed at the PRO. Check back for more information throughout the year! Eastern Yacht Club website
28 Jan 2010 - CRW: Early Registration Discount Available for Only Four More Days Today's times require boat owners to squeeze as much fun out of every racing dollar they spend, and Charleston Race Week's staff works hard to help, including an early registration discount that expires this Sunday, January 31. Racers can take advantage of early registration and save $50 by going to the official registration page. The event has maintained entry fees at 2007 levels for three years now, and provides block discounts for hotels. Book a hotel room at Charleston Harbor Resort and Marina where all the festivities will be taking place and ensure a place to call home each night after the races and beach parties. Book now and use the CRW code, SCMARACE. Event website
27 Jan 2010 - Video from KWRW Friday action taken by the brother of a Melges 24 sailor.
26 Jan 2010 - Miami Grand Prix (March 47) Miami Grand Prix has had a competitive IRC 2 class in recent years. So far, one J/105 owner has committed to compete this year if Premiere Racing adjusts the lower end of the handicap range. After looking at VPPs, Premiere Racing will indeed be posting an NOR Amendment making that adjustment because the J/105 is close in speed to some of the boats that competed in IRC 2 last year. Those of you who are interested in racing at this superb venue, please submit your entry this week. With the event not quite six weeks away, it would be good for the event and potential entrants to now list those who will be competing in Miami Beach.
Event home page
23 Jan 2010 - Minutes posted. Minutes from the 1/12/10 Executive Committee meeting are posted. Class Business page
22 Jan 2010 - Key West Race Week - Final results Congratulations to Brian Keane and his Savasana team for their second Key West Race Week victory in as many years! After dominating racing all week, the team scored two bullets in Friday's races to close out the event with just 20 points in 10 races. Ken Colburn on Ghost took the silver position with 42 points, and Scooter Simmons on Blackhawk came in third with 46 points. Complete results and event website
22 Jan 2010 - St. Petersburg NOOD deadlines The class formation deadline is February 1, and each class needs a minimum of six boats for a class to remain eligible to race. The late fee starts January 25 at 5pm EST, which is a tagged-on $50 fee if you register or pay after this date and time. The last day to receive a refund or cancel your entry is February 8. Racing takes place February 12-14. Get signed up to race! Website
21 Jan 2010 - Key West Race Week - Day 4 Two more races are in the books, but the top 3 remain unchanged. Brian Keane on Savasana stretched his lead to 18 points as he looks to repeat as the Key West Race Week J/105 champion. Keane scored two second-place finishes on Thursday for a total score of 18 points heading into the final day. The battle for the second through fourth place positions heats up, as Ken Colburn on Ghost has 34 points, Scooter Simmons on Blackhawk has 35, and Damian Emery on Eclipse has 36. Teams have enjoyed beautiful Key West conditions and have completed each day's scheduled races. The regatta concludes Friday. Complete results and event website
20 Jan 2010 - Key West Race Week - Day 3 Brian Keane continues to thrive in the waters off Key West as he looks to repeat as J/105 champion. Steering Savasana to a first and a fourth on Wednesday, he has a 12-point lead over second-place Ken Colburn on Ghost (Keane with 14 points, and Colburn with 26). Scooter Simmons on Blackhawk holds the bronze position mid-way through the week (31 points). The other race winner of the day was Travis Weisleder on Lucky Dog. Six races are now complete, and racing contiunes through Friday.
20 Jan 2010 - Bermuda International Invitational Race Week The Notice of Race is now available for the 2010 Bermuda International Invitational Race Week here.
19 Jan 2010 - Key West Race Week - Day 2 Brian Keane on Savasana continued his dominance at Key West Race Week. As the 2009 winner, Keane remains on top this year after scoring a 4,2 on day 2 for 9 points total. Two races were again completed Tuesday with terrific conditions continuing--warm temperatures, sunshine, flat water and good breeze. Ken Colburn from Southport, ME leaped into second place with a solid day. Ghost scored a 2,3 which leaves them with 15 points. Patrick Eudy on Big Booty holds the third spot (17 points). The day's race winners were Bill Zartler on Solaris from TX and Damian Emery on Eclipse from NY, both with 24 points. Complete results and event website
18 Jan 2010 - Key West Race Week - Day 1 Brian Keane leading Savasana topped the first day of the annual championship. From Marion, MA, Savasana dominated the 14 teams with second- and first-place finishes to end the day with a mere 3 points. Following them are Patrick Eudy on Big Booty from Charleston, SC (6 points), and Scooter Simmons on Blackhawk from San Francisco, CA (8 points). Two races were completed in beautiful conditions--warm temperatures, winds in the 6-9 range and flat water. Competitors experienced unstable air and big wind shifts. The other race winner was Travis Weisleder on Lucky Dog from Fishing Bay, VA. He currently sits in fifth place with 11 points. Compete results and event website
14 Jan 2010 - Key West Race Week Racing starts Monday the 18th in Key West! Check here for daily updates, and note the event website.
07 Jan 2010 - Congratulations Mike Schiltz's Money Shot took one of the top two spots in 48 North Magazine and Harken's annual Pacific Northwest Top 25 Sailboats of 2009. Money Shot tied for first after dominating on the race course all year. During 2009, 10 major events were tracked, and the Top 25 list includes boats that sailed in at least four of those events. Money Shot won four events and had an equal number of class starts for an unbreakable tie!
07 Jan 2010 - Charleston Race Week Discounts Extended January 22 is the deadline for a 10% hotel discount added to the CRW group rate, and January 29 is the deadline for the early registration fee discount. Event website
23 Dec 2009 - New Year countdown It's almost 2010! Have you ordered your J/105 calendar? If not, go to the Merchandise link at left.
18 Dec 2009 - Don't Miss These Upcoming Deadlines for Charleston Race Week December 31, 2009 is the eadline for a 10% Hotel Discount Added to CRW Group Rate. You'll be glad to call the hotel "home" after the nightly beach parties! And January 29, 2010 is the deadline for the Early Registration Fee Discount. If you know you're coming, why pay more than you have to? Event website
08 Dec 2009 - Making a list, checking it twice Remember your fellow sailors this holiday season by purchasing a 2010 J/105 calendar. Makes a perfect gift for your skipper, crew, fleet members, family members, and yourself (of course!). Go to the Merchandise link at left to place your order.
03 Dec 2009 - Online registration is up for the St. Petersburg NOOD Go to the event website below, then click NOOD Regattas, then click St. Petersburg under the list of locations. Under the St. Petersburg Info Center, you will see Online Registration along with some other informative links. More information will be added over the next few weeks. The Notice of Race is located on the Regatta Info Center. Class formation deadline is February 1; each class needs a minimum of six boats for a class to remain eligible to race. The late fee starts January 25 at 5pm EST, which is a tagged on $50 fee if you register or pay after this date and time. Please keep this is mind when sending registrations by fax or mail. The last day to receive a refund or cancel your entry is February 8. Racing takes place February 12-14. Get signed up to race! Event website
02 Dec 2009 - Charleston Race Week Getting a jump on the holiday season, the Organizers of 2010 Charleston Race Week are pleased to announce that online registration for this event is now open for all competitors, with the Notice of Race available online. "We know that sailors are anxious to plan their winter and spring schedule as soon as they can," said Event Director Randy Draftz. "And with an expected 200 boats in town for 2010 Charleston Race Week on two busy inshore courses and two action-packed offshore circles, the more time we have to prepare, the better!" Event website
01 Dec 2009 - Key West Race Week The first entry deadline for Key West Race Week is December 18. As of December 1, 15 J/105s are registered for the January 18-22 event, so put your name on the list too! Event website
30 Nov 2009 - Garmin Hamble Winter Series - Weekend 8 Driving rain and vicious squalls marked the final day of the 2009 Garmin Hamble Winter Series on November 29, and with around 25% of retirees it was clearly a demanding day. A rapidly changing low pressure system had made for a tough early morning call, and with both Black and White Fleets cleared for racing in what initially seemed acceptable conditions, it soon became clear that the sportsboats could not race safely in the increasing gusts. For the Black Fleet, the committee laid a start line near Fastnet Insurance buoy and two separate courses were set for the seven IRC and one-design classes. With a wind direction of 200 degrees and a west-going tide the DAKS race buoy was chosen as the first windward mark for all classes. The J/105 class had a short course finishing at Air Canada. Visibility was changing constantly as each rain squall hit the fleet, and but for some spectacular broaches and spinnaker failures the day was a testament to the good seamanship displayed throughout this competitive series. Even if some were hating the conditions, there were others who called up the race committee with thanks for a great day out as they crossed the finish line. With seven races completed in the Black Fleet series, one race result could be discarded. Overall results in the J/105 fleet: Paul Griffiths on Fay-J is first with 11 points, followed by Simon Curwen on Voador (14) and Chris Jones on Journeymaker 5 (15). The end-of-series prize-giving is next weekend, where the overall class winners will receive their awards, and the Garmin Yacht of the Year and Sportsboat of the Year will be announced. Complete article and results
24 Nov 2009 - 2010 J/105 calendars Introducing the fourth J/105 wall calendar (and the 2010 regatta schedule along with it). This high-gloss calendar measures 11" wide and hangs 17" tall. Each month includes a unique, dynamic, and full color photo from this sailing season. Photography has been contributed by professionals Charles Bergstedt, Allen Clark, David Mathias, Leighton O'Connor and Tim Wilkes. Treat yourself and your crew for the holidays by clicking on the J/105 Merchandise link at left.
23 Nov 2009 - Fleet 17 Turkey Day Regatta, plus season standings The Houston Yacht Club's annual Turkey Day Regatta concluded Fleet 17's (Galveston Bay) annual series of nine class regattas. The regatta was run in 55 degree temperatures, light rain, and 12-16 knot winds on Saturday. A lack of wind made racing on Sunday impossible. Bee Bednar on Stinger was first (6 points), Malcolm Bremer on Babe second (6) and Bill Zartler on Solaris third (8). The trophies for winning the Turkey Day Regatta are actual turkeys. The winner receives a big one, then a smaller one for second, a still smaller one for third and a game hen (if awarded) for fourth. Stinger took the overall 2009 Fleet 17 trophy (32), with Solaris in second (31), and Babe in third (24). With a high of 7 and a low of 3 boats, Fleet 17 managed to average 5 boats per regatta this year. Regatta results
17 Nov 2009 - National Keelboat Champions crowned at Royal Bermuda Yacht Club 25 keelboats from the J/105, Etchells and International One Design (IOD) classes hit the water Saturday morning with the intent of completing five races on the Great Sound to ultimately crown the Bacardi National Keelboat Champions in the three classes. Royal Bermuda Yacht Club race officer Jay Hooper and his team were constantly tested (along with the sailors) with winds shifting as much as 80 degrees between southeast and southwest throughout the day. Sailors experienced all types of wind conditions ranging from 10 knots to the mid-twenties. The highest wind conditions were seen during the fourth race in the middle of a 'whiteout' rain squall. A number of boats, slighlty worse for wear, elected to retire before the fifth and final race. The hottly contested J/105 Class saw five boats on the line with Jon Corless and his crew sailing Mayhem showing the most consistent form with four first place finishes and a second, posting a total of 6 points. Glenn Astwood sailing Ockham's Razor and James Macdonald's Passion battled it out for second place with Glenn prevailing with 13 points. Complete article and results
16 Nov 2009 - Garmin Hamble Winter Series - Weekend 6 After gale force winds on Saturday and rain squalls early on Sunday morning, the weather settled down to a picturesque day of sunshine and clouds for the sixth round of the Garmin Hamble Winter Series. With the 10am high water coinciding with the first starts of the day, courses for Black Group were set from the vicinity of Fastnet Insurance buoy across to West Ryde Middle. The moderate to fresh southwesterly breeze and strong west going tide required an offset reach leg to the east followed by cascaded windward leeward legs for the whole fleet. Chris Jones on Journeymaker 5 won the J/105 class. Next Sunday's racing (November 22) continues with the full Winter Series programme for White and Black Group racing. Complete article and results
09 Nov 2009 - Headstay templates Looking for a holiday gift for your J/105? You can buy an inexpensive template to repeatably set your headstay to a given length. Click the J/105 Merchandise link at left and scroll down to the item.
09 Nov 2009 - Garmin Hamble Winter Series - Weekend 5 The second half of the Garmin Hamble Winter Series 2009 kicked off with a cold northerly breeze gusting to 20 knots, marking a turn in the weather for this eight weekend long series. In the J/105 fleet, class leader Simon Curwen on Voador won again. Racing continues next Sunday.
Complete article and results
05 Nov 2009 - Chesapeake Bay Championship Peter McChesney and the Magic Mystery Machine (24 points) won the Chesapeake Bay Championship by one point after a magical mystery last leg that brought them from deep in the pack to finish 3rd in Race 5 and edge out Marty Hublitz and Eddie Hornick on Veloce (25 points). The top five was rounded out by Jim Konigsberg on Inigo (28 points), Andrew Kennedy on Bat IV (33 points), and Carl and Scott Gitchell on Tenacious (35 points). The 5 races over two days featured a mix of wind strength in the 10-20 knot range, strong currents in both directions, a 40 degree left shift in Race 4, and lots of lesser shifts in every race. The pivotal 5th race had the windward mark on the edge of the Severn River entrance (at heading of 0 from the start), where a band of left shifted breeze formed in line with the river. Boats that got on the upwind port layline in the upper 1/4 of the course were treated to a high pressure lift going to the mark. Boats who got on starboard layline were bonked on the head by a header going to the mark and many had to double tack (or spin a jibe) to make the mark. Downwind there were dead spots to the south but boats who immediately jibed at the mark were lifted on good breeze and made big gains on boats that did a bear away down the wind starved western side of the course. Individual races were won by Bat IV, Mystery Machine, Mirage, Inigo, and Veloce. In photo: Magic Mystery Machine team of (left to right) Peter McChesney, Mary Lynne Schultz, John Morrison, Julie Sitzmann, Stan Welle, and Jay Sterne have the look of joy resulting from their second straight victory in the Chesapeake Championship. Susan Taylor wasn't available for this photo but was part of the team for the three races on Saturday. Complete results
02 Nov 2009 - Power Play Congratulations to the Power Play team on their North American Championship! They are Nicole Breault, Bob Dearborn, Stuart Johnstone, Mark Lindquist, Dave Marshall and Bruce Stone.
01 Nov 2009 - Bruce Stone on Power Play Wins Subaru J/105 North American Championship Bruce Stone racing Power Play secured victory at the Subaru J/105 North American Championship at American Yacht Club in Rye, NY. The San Francisco-based team finished with 55 points over 11 races, beating their closest competitor by nine points overall. Stone and crew launched into the lead after winning four consecutive races from Races 6-9. The regatta runner-up is James Rathbun on Hey Jude, hailing from Toronto, Ontario. The bronze medal place goes to the Katonah, NY team of Joerg Esdorn and Duncan Hennes on Kincsem with 73 points. Two races were completed on the final day of the championship. Jeremy Henderson and Harald Edegran on Conundrum ended the regatta on a perfect note, winning both contests. Kincsem followed Conundrum in Race 10, then Kenneth Colburn on Ghost. In the concluding race, Damian Emery on Eclipse came in second, trailed by Hey Jude. Competitors benefited from four days of solid breeze on Long Island Sound. The top ten are: Bruce Stone, Power Play (55 points), James Rathbun, Hey Jude (64), Joerg Esdorn/Duncan Hennes, Kincsem (73), Josh Burack, Peregrina (74), Damian Emery, Eclipse (83), Jeremy Henderson/Harold Edegran, Conundrum (101), Brian Keane, Savasana (105), Kenneth Colburn, Ghost (111), David Greenhouse, Skipperdee (113), Kevin Grainger, Gumption3 (136). Complete results
31 Oct 2009 - North American Championship photos Check out the official regatta photos from the North American Championship at PhotoBoat.com
31 Oct 2009 - Power Play Rules Day 3 of the Subaru J/105 North American Championship Bruce Stone and Scott DeWeese racing Power Play won all 3 races on Day 3 of the Subaru J/105 North American Championship at American Yacht Club in Rye, NY. Including a win in the final race on Day 2, the San Francisco-based team on Power Play now has 4 consecutive victories. The current leaders of the overall regatta are pending protests. Following Power Play in Race 7 were Joerg Esdorn and Duncan Hennes on Kincsem and Damian Emery on Eclipse. In second place in Race 8 was George Wilbanks racing Revelation, then Kincsem in third. Trailing Power Play in the day's final contest were Kevin Grainger on Gumption3 and Paul Strauch on Andiamo. Competitors saw increasing winds on Long Island Sound, starting around 12 and growing to 18. Nine races have now been completed, and racing concludes Sunday. Complete results
31 Oct 2009 - NAC Photos on Facebook Become a fan of the J/105 Class Association on Facebook, and view some daily photos from the North American Championship. Fan Page
30 Oct 2009 - Kincsem Dominates Day 2 of J/105 North American Championship Day 2 of the Subaru J/105 North American Championship belonged to Joerg Esdorn and Duncan Hennes on Kincsem who scored a 1,1,3. After 6 total races, the Katonah, NY team sits with 17 total points, a 20-point lead over their closest competition. James Rathbun on Hey Jude (Toronto, Ontario) dropped to second place overall. Josh Burack on Peregrina (New Rochelle, NY) rounds out the top 3 with 40 points. Following Esdorn/Hennes in Race 4 were Rob Marsh on Blowboat! and Bruce Stone and Scott DeWeese on Power Play. In Race 5 after Kincsem's second consecutive bullet were Burack, then David Greenhouse on Skipperdee. In the day's final race, Stone/DeWeese came out on top, trailed by Rathbun and Esdorn/Hennes. Competitors enjoyed brisk fall conditions on Long Island Sound. Winds blew between 10-14 knots, and temperatures remained in the 50s. Racing continues through Sunday. Complete results
30 Oct 2009 - Manhasset Fall Series Weekend Blowout The Manhasset Fall Series concluded with a wild and woolly weekend on Western Long Island Sound. True to the forecasts, Saturday blew hard with 20-35 knot winds from the Southwest with driving rain and uncharacteristically warm weather. Sunday dawned bright, cool and clear with 10-20 knots shifty and puffy from the northwest, dying as the day wore on and shifting more north. Amongst the 15-boat J/105 One-Design Class, Kevin Grainger prevailed against all competitors to win overall with 14 points on Gumption3. Strong Long Island Sound sailor Damian Emery onboard Eclipse finished with 18 points. And, Nathan Boyle sailing his Joysea finished third with 28 points. More information and results
29 Oct 2009 - James Rathbun Leads Day 1 of J/105 North American Championship James Rathbun of Toronto, Ontario leads 28 other teams after day one of the J/105 North American Championship. The team, racing Hey Jude, finished with 8 points for the day at American Yacht Club in Rye, NY. Brian Keane from Weston, MA sailing Savasana lies in second with 11 points. One point behind are locals Joerg Esdorn and Duncan Hennes on Kincsem with 12 points. Josh Burack on Peregrina won the event's first race, followed by Rathbun and Keane. In the second race, Kevin Grainger on Gumption3 came out on top, with Keane in second and John Koten on Planet Claire in third. Rathbun closed out racing with a bullet in race three, trailed by Damian Emery on Eclipse and Esdorn/Hennes. Competitors were greeted with blue skies, temperatures in the 50s and winds between 8-12 knots that diminished throughout the day. Racing continues through Sunday. Complete results
29 Oct 2009 - Racing underway at North American Championship 29 J/105s are racing at American Yacht Club in Rye, NY for the North American Championship. Sunny skies greeted competitors, along with temperatures in the low 50s and winds about 8-12 knots. Check back for results at the event website.
27 Oct 2009 - J/105 North American Championship this week The North American Championship kicks off racing on Thursday at American Yacht Club in Rye, NY. Be sure to follow the daily action here and at the event website.
26 Oct 2009 - Garmin Hamble Winter Series - Weekend 4 The Garmin Hamble Winter Series, run by Hamble River Sailing Club, remains on track after delivering another full programme and excellent day's racing in the Solent on Sunday. MDL's Port Hamble Marina was the day sponsor. In contrast to last weekend's drifting conditions in bright sunshine, Sunday delivered typical Winter Series conditions above forecast with a constant 20-25 knot south Westerly across both Black and White fleet courses. Amongst the Black fleet one-designs, Journeymaker 5 scored a win in the J/105 fleet as two of her competitors were scored OCS. Next weekend (October 31-November 1) sees the traditional weekend break in the series with racing resuming for all competitors on November 8. Event website
24 Oct 2009 - Minutes posted. Minutes from the 10/15/09 Annual Meeting are now posted. Class Business page
23 Oct 2009 - Fall Newsletter The Fall edition of the J/105 Class newsletter is currently being printed. Members should look for their copy in the mail soon or may view an advanced copy in the Members area of this website.
15 Oct 2009 - 2010 J/105 North American Championship dates announced Fleet 5 is proud to announce the dates of the 2010 J/105 North American Championship--September 15-18 at Chicago Yacht Club. They have two yards providing package deals for boats traveling in and out. Plan for 3 races each on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, for a total of 9 races. A two-day regatta the weekend prior is also planned. A Notice of Race and further information will be available soon. Fleet 5
13 Oct 2009 - Intercollegiate Offshore Regatta Forty college teams participated in the 2009 Storm Trysail Club - Intercollegiate Offshore Regatta, hosted by Larchmont Yacht Club in Larchmont, NY. Teams competed in five classes: IRC 40, IRC 35, J/44, J/109, and J/105. Bowdoin/Carl Olsson sailing Morning Glory won the J/105 Division with 20 points, followed by US Coast Guard Academy/Kevin Grainger on Gumption3 (22 points) and Trinity/Barry Gold on Warhorse (25 points). 13 J/105s competed. Complete results
13 Oct 2009 - Garmin Hamble Winter Series - Weekend 2 The Garmin Hamble Winter Series remains on track after two more days of good sailing conditions in the Solent. The one-design action is tight: in the J/105s, Jeopardy beat Fay-J by 23 seconds. Next weekend sees the the conclusion of the Hamble Big Boat Series, with more Winter Series racing on Sunday.
Event website
09 Oct 2009 - Rigadoon wins wet, windy Humphrey Race Neither wind nor rain kept 42 boats from racing around Prudence Island in honor of the late Bud Humphrey on September 25. William J. Riggs Jr. sailed the J/105 Rigadoon to victory in the staggered start race, with Lars Guck and Kestral, a Fishers Island 31, coming in second. Sailors had to deal with a fresh southeast breeze gusting to 30 knots at the south end of Prudence, a strong incoming tide. "All in all made for a very fast race which was greatlots of smiles on sailors' faces," said organizer Tom Scott. 77 boats signed up; 42 started and 40 finished. The race is hosted by the Barrington Yacht Club.
Complete story
08 Oct 2009 - Wilson Trophy With a forecast of 20-30 knots, gusting higher, a small band or hardy souls ventured forth and survived the Santa Barbara Channel this past weekend. Larry Harteck from Santa Barbara YC sailed his J/105 Repeat Offender to first place in the 20 mile race. It was a 10 mile beat around the westernmost oil platform off Santa Barbara Channel with a long run home. As Larry reported, "We did the 10 mile run in about 45 minutes which included 3 jibes, one of which resulted in a knockdown. Wind peaked at about 30 knots, and we hit a top speed of 20.4 knots. This was a PHRF event with only five boats finishing. We finished first overall, second was Dr. Laura's J/125 Warrior and
third was a Santa Cruz 52."
Santa Barbara Yacht Club website
06 Oct 2009 - Garmin Hamble Winter Series - Weekend 1 October 3rd and 4th was the opening weekend of the annual Hamble River Sailing Club's Winter Series, sponsored by Garmin. On Saturday, a strong but steady 250 degree wind produced exciting conditions for the first day of the Hamble Big Boat Series. With a few broken halyards, some crew injuries, and a collision between two yachts, the IRC fleet dwindled from seven starters to three by the third race. Demanding conditions perhaps, but spinnakers were flown throughout as the gusts topped 30 knots. On Sunday morning, a more moderate and shifty westerly breeze provided a perfect opener for the main Garmin series, with the midday high water providing an ideal scenario for the race committee. Black Group racing was set along the Brambles Bank with windward marks at the Air Canada and Flying Fish buoys, while the White Group set up closer to the mainland shore. With more breeze than forecast, the windward leeward courses set for the Black Fleet races produced tight racing, with a gain for those on the left in Race Two as the breeze gradually swung from 265 to 230 degrees. This popular two races per day program will reduce to one race after the mid-series break based on competitor feedback, while for the sportsboats three races per day continues throughout the series. Results in the J/105 division: Race 1, Simon Curwen on Voador and in Race 2, Paul Griffiths on Fay-J. Website
04 Oct 2009 - Harvest Moon Regatta The 23rd annual Harvest Moon Regatta from Galveston to Port Aransas, TX started at 2:00pm on Thursday, October 1. 214 boats entered, and 200 started. Classified as a Cat 3 offshore event, the race usually has nearly 300 starters so this year's total was down considerably relative to years passed. The race is divided into four classes--Cruising with spinnaker, Cruising without spinnaker, Multihull, and ORC. This year's event was characterized by moderate (14-16kt) winds from the South resulting in the potential for a relatively long beat of 150nm. The arrival of a Texas sized cool front with winds backing from South to North at 37 knots caused several boats to broach. The 39-boat PHRF Cruising with spinnaker class was won by Bee Bednar on the J/105 Stinger. He was followed by the C&C 121 Parrot Tales skippered by Larry Blankenhagen, and the J/35 Liquid Courage skippered by David Weakly. Website and results
03 Oct 2009 - 2009 J/105 One-Design winners entered in the North Americans as of 10/1 2009 East Coast Champion and winner of Key West Race Week, the Annapolis & the Larchmont NOOD--Brian Keane of Beverley Yacht Club will be racing SAVASANA / 2009 Canadian Champion, James Rathbun of the Royal Canadian Yacht Club will be racing HEY JUDE / 2009 Block Island Race Week winner, Bruce Stone of St. Francis Yacht Club will be racing POWER PLAY / 2009 Marblehead NOOD winner, Michael Royer of Jubilee Yacht Club will be sailing BLOWN AWAY / 2009 Charleston Race Week winner, Patrick Eudy of the Happy Bottom Yacht club will be sailing BIG BOOTY / 2009 Longest & Closest Match Race winner, Kevin Grainger of American Yacht Club will be racing GUMPTION3 / 2009 Cedar Point One-Design winner, Nathan Boylan of Glen Island Yacht Club will be racing JOYSEA / 2009 Goose Island Long Distance Series winner, Clark Pellett of Chicago Yacht Club will be racing SEALARK / 2009 American Yacht Club Fall Series winner, Joerg Esdorn of AYC/NYYC will be racing KINCSEM / 2009 Bermuda Mid-Winter Regatta winner, James MacDonald of the Royal Bermuda Yacht Club will be racing DISTANT PASSION Event website
02 Oct 2009 - Women's Sailing Seminar Slated Island Yacht Club offers its 17th Annual Northern California Women's Sailing Seminar, where women learn about sailing from other women October 10-11. The seminar starts with an inspirational keynote speaker, Theresa Brandner-Allen, skipper of an all-women crew on a premier J/105. She says she "kicked her husband off the boat years ago." She and her crew recently competed in the Big Boat Series on the San Francisco Bay. On Saturday, students participate in a curriculum they build themselves, for courses taught in classrooms and on the water. On-the-water courses include basic and advanced sailing, spinnaker, crew overboard rescue using a Lifesling, docking and anchoring. Classroom courses are offered on navigation, engine repair/maintenance, basic sailing, advanced sail trim and racing basics. After a day of education in the classroom and on-the-water, a reception at the yacht club includes appetizers, camaraderie and raffle prizes, which include sailing gear and boat equipment. On Sunday, students again choose their curriculum; either one-design racing on the Oakland-Alameda Estuary or cruising on the Bay watching the Blue Angels during the Fleet Week celebration. WSS is made possible by donations of volunteers, instructors, boat owners and sponsors. More information
02 Oct 2009 - Maycroft Cup Regatta 32 boats in five divisions competed in the Sag Harbor Yacht Club's 13th annual Maycroft Cup Regatta last Saturday. Starting along the North Haven shore with winds blowing 10-12 knots and oscillating from the east to southeast then south, all classes sailed windward, then leeward legs in Shelter Island Sound and raced past Cedar Point Light out into Gardiner's Bay. With wind speeds building into the 10-15 knot range, Divisions 1, 2, 3 & 5 sailed to Crow Shoals and Division 4 sailed to Three Mile Harbor against a flooding tide. All divisions then returned past Cedar Point to Sag Harbor finishing at the Breakwater. In Division 5 (One-Design J/105), Bruce Tait on Buckaroo came in first, followed by Wayne Morse on Roxanne, Sedgwick Ward on Mambo, Eric DeMarchelier on Moana and Raymond Pepi on Sovereign. The Ron Lowe Cup went to Bruce Tait for best finish in One-Design division. Complete results
01 Oct 2009 - AYC Fall Series Second weekend of the American Yacht Club's 2009 Fall Series was a lot more fun with wind both days. Long distance travelers, Creative Destruction and Two Feathers were unable to attend but will be back for the North American Championship. The greatest comeback was achieved by Paul Strauch and the crew of Andiamo ending up sixth overall after a weak first weekend. Eclipse got a seventh on Saturday and an eleventh on Sunday so Kincsem won overall even though they got a thirteenth on Sunday. Bruce Stone and crew of Power Play won the last race and ended up third. Revelation, Gumption3, and Andiamo won the other races. Strange Brew and Peregrina each scored a second and third place over the weekend. Joysea and Warhorse missed the races on Sunday. Planet Claire and Woody held steady. All the boats above will be competing in the North American Championship at American Yacht Club the last weekend in October. Results
29 Sep 2009 - J/Fest Dennis and Sharon Case, racing Wings, defeated 18 other J/105s at J/Fest. Held from September 26-27, J/Fest is a major big boat sailing event on the West Coast. Competitors come from up and down the coast, with the primary attendance coming from Los Angeles, Orange, San Diego and Ventura Counties. Wings finished with 10 points over 5 races. In second place was Bennet Greenwald on Perseverance (16 points), and in third were Doug & Pam Werner on Javelin (17). Complete results
29 Sep 2009 - Hospice Cup Mirage was the big winner at Hospice Cup XXVIII, placing first in the 12-boat J/105 class and taking home a slew of special awards. Co-owners Fredrik Salvesen and Cedric Lewis sailed Mirage to victory in two of three races and to edge Robert Reeves and the A Train team by one point. It came down to the third and final race with Mirage winning and A Train taking second. Visit the event website at http://hospicecup.org and read the complete article here.
28 Sep 2009 - Canadian Championship Jim Rathbun on Hey Jude staged a comeback to win the J/105 Canadian Championship over the weekend. The team scored 41 points over 9 races. Glen Malcolm and Arthur English, racing Starcross, came in runner-up with 43 points, followed by Dave Shaver on Re:Tern (45 points). 18 boats competed. Jim Rathbun will also be crowned as this year's Fleet 4 champion, over Robert Baker's Planet B and Peter Hall's Jamaica Me Crazy. Fleet website and results
27 Sep 2009 - Houston NOOD Bill Zartler and Malcolm Bremer duked it out until the final point at the Houston NOOD, with Zartler emerging as the winner with 9 total points. Sailing Solaris, Zartler scored 3 firsts and 3 seconds over six races. Bremer, sailing Babe, finished with 3 bullets, 2 seconds and 1 third (10 points). Bee Bednar, racing Stinger, came in third (23 points). Very light to light air was the rule of the three-day event. Six J/105s competed. Complete results
22 Sep 2009 - Key West Race Week With January only 4 months away, Key West Race Week planning is now in full swing. Make sure to get this winter regatta firmly fixed on your racing calendar. Key West 2010, presented by Nautica, will continue to deliver what you have come to expect from Premiere Racing--top-tier competition, professional race management and unique shore-side fun. Ten races over five days for IRC, PHRF, Sportboat and One-Design programs from across the country and around the world make for a truly great start to the winter sailing season. The logistics and planning pages on the event website are continually updated, and the Notice and Conditions of Race is available via the link below. Please submit your entry as soon as possible, as a strong entry list sets the stage for great competition and builds enthusiasm. The Race Committee and Shoreside Team are prepared to once again bring you the high quality event you have come to expect from Premiere Racing. Event website
22 Sep 2009 - AYC Fall Series first weekend Saturday was a gusty northerly and clear air was hard to find, but the shifts and leverage made climbing the ladder pay off. With the Z flag flying, three races were completed on Saturday of the first weekend of the American Yacht Club Fall Series. The J/105s are once again the "big fleet" with 23 entered (twice as big as any other). Therefore the start line was short, similar to the Larchmont NOOD Regatta. And the gusts were curling across the sound so that by the time of the start sequence, the line was no longer square to the wind. Outsiders might think that the J/105 fleet was a wild posse of bumper boats. Yet when 20 big boats are trying to win the start on a short line with a highly favored end, even the gentlest men and women are tested. Sunday unfortunately was a dud, with no wind or races. There is a seven-point tie for first place between Revelation (hull #64) and Kincsem (hull #324). Understanding that there will be a throw-out after five or more races are completed, then Eclipse (hull #50) becomes the clear winner of the weekend with two first-place finishes. Results
20 Sep 2009 - Great Lakes Championship Jim Sminchak and Doug Moose racing 'it' won the J/105 Great Lakes Championship at Mentor Harbor Yachting Club in Ohio. The team finished with 17 points over 8 races. Ed Palm and Richard Listwan on Tenacious came in second with 31 points, followed by Michael Morin and Duane Rose on Junto. 12 boats competed. Event website
16 Sep 2009 - 2009 Rolex BBS Regatta photos Follow the link to Charlie Bergstedt's photo album showing over 100 photos of the J/105 fleet during the 2009 Rolex BBS Regatta. Charlie has high resolution versions of all of the photos on the website and would be happy to share them with participants free of charge if they contact him. Photos
14 Sep 2009 - Larchmont NOOD It was impossible to outsmart Joerg Esdorn's Kinscem, which aced the final day with a pair of bullets. Their collision on the opening day, and subsequent retirement, was too much to make up, so the real battle was between Damien Emery's Eclipse and Brian Keane's Savasana. Savasana, the overall winner from the Annapolis NOOD put in a solid effort match racing Eclipse and keeping the right amount of boats between them. Following Keane (24 points) and Emery (28) was George & Alex Wilbanks in third (30). 21 J/105s were registered. Complete article and results
14 Sep 2009 - Rolex Big Boat Series The Commodore's Cup, which was established in 2004 to be awarded to the largest one-design fleet, was awarded to the winner of the J/105 class, Chris Perkins' Good Timin'. "Honestly, Bruce Stone sailed a great series," said Perkins of the fleet. "He only had one bad race and won three out of seven sailed. His Arbitrage is clearly one of the quickest boats. Everyone would agree he is quicker than us." So what would Perkins credit his team's win to? "The challenge in a 25-boat fleet is consistency," he continued. "We didn't have any big mistakes and that is what made the difference for us." Event website
13 Sep 2009 - Rolex Big Boat Series Day 3 After a large area of thunderstorms moved through in the morning, the over 1,000 sailors competing in day three of the Rolex Big Boat Series were given a new challenge: light wind and minimum visibility through the dense fog hanging low on the water. As locals are apt to exclaim - 'It's never like this in San Francisco' - a theory confirmed by spectators lined along the sea wall and second-story viewing bleachers at St. Francis Yacht Club. Chris Perkins and Good Timin' lead in the J/105 class.
Event website
12 Sep 2009 - Rolex Big Boat Series Day 2 J/105 Class stalwart Chris Perkins (San Francisco) and his Good Timin' lead the 25-boat class, the largest competing, despite doing very little racing this past year. "It was really fun for us since our last race was last year's Rolex Big Boat Series," said Perkins. "It was interesting. In the second race, the fleet split. Some went to Alcatraz and some went to the City Front. It was after max flood where you would usually go to the City Front, but all our comp went to Alcatraz. We had a nervous 30 minutes or so until we came back together. We didn't lose a lot of ground even though going out to the middle (of the course) was the way to go." Perkins went on to credit his crew, Pete Scott, Tom Purdy, Melissa Purdy and his brother Jon Perkins, who calls tactics. "We're tickling the boat, and it all came back to us. These boats have a sweet spot and when you're sailing all year you find it. The local fleet really stepped up, of course we're missing Scott Sellers, but Jam Session (Adam Spiegel's boat in second place) and Arbitrage (Bruce Stone's boat in fourth) are quick." Jeff Litfin & John Case's (San Mateo, CA) Mojo is in third overall. Event website
11 Sep 2009 - Rolex Big Boat Series Day 1 The largest one-design fleet is the J/105 class with 25 boats. Returning champion Donkey Jack, owned by Robert Conrads, took 13-6 in two races and is now eighth overall. Bruce Stone's Arbitrage won the day's first race, while Adam & Guillemette Spiegel's Jam Session won the second, putting them into second overall behind class leader, Jeff Litfin & John Case's Mojo. Event website
09 Sep 2009 - Stingray Point Regatta The third and final event of the 2009 Southern Chesapeake Bay J/105 One Design Series was conducted September 5-6 at Fishing Bay Yacht Club's Stingray Point Regatta. Regatta organizers had hoped to conduct three races Saturday and two races Sunday, and conditions allowed all five races to be sailed. Although boats coming up the Bay from Hampton on Friday bucked a 17-knot north wind, and sped home Monday on a 20-knot east wind, conditions over the weekend were more moderate, in the 8-10 knot range on Saturday, and in the 10-12 knot range on Sunday. Six of the eight boats in Fleet 15 were on the start line, with Eddie Hornick's Veloce and Cyane Crump's She Crab Soup opting to compete in one-design at Annapolis Race Week. Complete story
09 Sep 2009 - J/105 NAC featured on Scuttlebutt Forum American Yacht Club is hosting the 2009 J/105 North Americans sponsored by Subaru from October 29-November 1 in Rye, NY. The Organizing Committee is expecting over 50 boats representing both coasts, the Midwest, South and Canada. Several past winners of premiere racing venues such as Key West, Annapolis and Block Island have already signed up to compete this year. "This is a very competitive fleet. New teams are entering each year, which helps to raise everyone's game. We expect this year to be another memorable competition," commented Joerg Esdorn, Event Co-Chair. American Yacht Club has excellent facilities to handle a large regatta; they ran 84 race days in 2008, including their annual, Spring and Fall Regattas each over two weekends, attracting over 100 boats racing in 10-12 divisions in two circles, with over 90 starts. October and November are among the best months for sailing in Long Island Sound. Wind speeds of 20-30 knots and beyond can be expected on frontal boundaries. AYC is located on the tip of a peninsula, overlooking Western Long Island Sound with the New York City skyline in the background. Entry fees increase after October 16, and the deadline for entry is October 23 (http://www.2009j105northamericans.com). Forum
09 Sep 2009 - Annapolis Race Week 19 J/105s fought it out at Annapolis Race Week with Jim Konigsberg's Inigo coming out the victor with 27 points over 8 races. He was followed by Denis Seynhaeve on Mopelia (32), Andrew Kennedy on Bat IV (42), Marie Klok Crump on Royal Danish YC (43), and Hugh Bethel on Jester (53). Mopelia entered the last day in first place but Inigo pulled out the victory on the last downwind leg when a new breeze formed down the middle of the course and allowed them to move from the back of the fleet to finish 4th. The series was affected by a coastal low that created a shifty easterly wind in combination with a strong ebb current. Full results
03 Sep 2009 - PHRF New Englands at Marblehead, August 27-29 The most competitive of all the fleets was the 22-strong J/105 fleet. Henry Brauer and Stewart Neff and their crew aboard Scimitar won the J/105s in the most impressive fashion--winning four of five races and scoring just seven points. Taking second was Peter & Doug Morgan's Steel Away. Third was Ken Colburn's very well sailed Ghost from Portland, ME with local hotshot Bob Slattery aboard.
Brauer and Neff sailed in a local one-design keelboat fleet in Marblehead for 15 years and just this past July started racing in the J/105s. Their results have been nothing short of remarkable. "We felt it was time for a change so we sold our old boat and moved to a bigger boat," Neff said. "In our debut J/105 regatta, we were third overall at Marblehead Race Week and first place here. It was fun to have a fellow Tufts Jumbo classmate, Stuart Johnstone, aboard to help on speed and tactics." The J/105 is one of the most dynamic racing fleets out of Marblehead today. "We have a lot more one design sailors coming into the New England J/105 fleet who really know how to work their way around a race course," said Fritz Koopman of Salem who raced with fifth-place finisher Mike Royer of Beverly. "I think the J/105 fleet has a lot more talent coming in and this has made the racing really interesting and far more challenging," Royer added. Event website
03 Sep 2009 - Rolex Big Boat Series at St. Francis YC starts September 10 The largest one-design class is the J/105 Class with over 20 entries. Defending Class champion Scott Sellers' Donkey Jack, the 2008 J/105 North American champion, returns and faces competition from Bruce Stone's local J/105 Arbitrage, which won its class in Richmond YC's Sarcoma Cup, in August, the Buzzards Bay Regatta and Block Island Race Week. "Blackhawk and Jam Session have moved up to the top of the J/105 fleet this year, and should be leaders, along with the usual standouts Good Timin, Aquavit, MoJo and RacerX," said Stone. "We have been racing in all of the local J/105 fleet events leading up to Big Boat Series, and have replaced sails, halyards and so forth to get prepared." Event website
25 Aug 2009 - J-Cup Grand Finale In the J/105 Class, going in to Race 7, Rob Dornton-Duff's Java was leading the Class on 8 points with William Newton's Jelly Baby in second on 12 points and Chris Jones' Journeymaker 5 third on 16 points. While Java was able to keep her hold on the Class with a third in race 7 and yet another bullet in Race 8, the other top slots were set for change. Richard Watney's Jeopardy scored a 1, 2 scoreline on Saturday morning; their first race win of the series, and enough to push them up in to second place overall. Journeymaker 5 scored a second and a third. So at the end of eight races, the Class win went to Java, Jeopardy had fought through in to second place and Jelly Baby and Journeymaker 5 were tied on 22 points, with Jelly Baby just clinching it, having had a race win earlier in the series. Jeopardy's race win secured her the North Sails Boat of the Day prize for the J/105 Class. Complete report
24 Aug 2009 - Stamford Overnight Race A scheduled Fleet 6 J/105 one-design season qualifier, turn-out for the Stamford Overnight Race was crushed by Hurricane Bill. But it became a great match race among J/105 Hall of Fame skippers (Kevin Grainger and Damian Emery) and their boats (Gumption 3 and Eclipse) under extreme conditions--both highs and lows with clear sky, clouds and squalls. For an all-night endurance race of boat handling and tactics in which two thirds of the race was sailed in unfavorable tide, the passing, crossing and wind changes kept the race on edge. No phrf boat rated 90 or higher finished before the time limit expired except Gumption 3 and Eclipse (finished 2nd and 3rd overall). Also Gumption 3 & Eclipse finished 4 minutes before a King 40, American Girl (phrf rating 6 sec/mile) and defeated an X41, Pendragon (phrf rating 15 sec/mile) on corrected time. Fleet 6 website
24 Aug 2009 - SoCal Title In the first annual J/105 Southern California Championship Sunday, co-owners Chuck Driscoll and Tom Hurlburt, San Diego YC, drove their boat Triple Play to first place honors in the event hosted by Long Beach Yacht Club. The 19 mostly San Diego area teams were greeted with light shifty winds of anywhere between 5-8 knots throughout the weekend. Of the five races in the regatta, Triple Play only had two first-place finishes, getting two fourths and one third-place finish in the last race of the day. But consistency paid off as they picked off competitors one by one, race by race. Posting second place for the regatta was local favorite Gary Mozer, LBYC, and his team onboard Current Obsession 2. Third place went to Bennet Greenwald, SDYC, and his crew on Perseverance. Praise came from many sailors for the event organizer, Dennis Case, SDYC, who also competed on his J/105, Wings. In photo: Chuck Driscoll (holding trophy), Tom Hurlburt (blue shirt) and crew of Triple Play. (Photo courtesy of Rick Roberts.) Complete article and results
22 Aug 2009 - J-Cup The five classes racing at the J-Cup completed four races on day 2 in a gusty and extremely shifty breeze from the west, which regularly topped the 24 knot marker. Rob Dornton-Duff's crew on Java continued to excel in the J/105 fleet, and now have a seven-point lead over the UK National Champion, William Newton on Jelly Baby. Jelly Baby did however score her first race win on Friday, and this secured them the North Sails Boat of the Day Prize. Event website
21 Aug 2009 - J-Cup Racing at the 2009 J-Cup commenced on Thursday in Torquay under the management of the Royal Torbay Yacht Club. The 63 boat fleet revelled in bright sunshine and a pumping westerly breeze that ranged from 18 to 35 knots, with most of the two races sailed in a blustery 25 knots plus. The J/105s just love the breeze and this Class saw thrills, spills, some fantastic racing and impressive sportsmanship. Race 1 belonged to Rob Dornton-Duff and the boys on Java who pressed Richard Watney's Jeopardy in to second place with William Newton's Jellybaby in third. Java had pressed in to the lead again on Race 2 before making an unscheduled detour to pick up a crew member who had fallen overboard from another J/105. Whilst this effectively lost the race for Java, redress was granted by the protest committee with the full support of the rest of the J/105 skippers. Java leads the class with a 1-1 scoreline with Jellybaby in second. Event website
17 Aug 2009 - Verve Cup Testing the boat handling skills of the crews, the morning winds were the strongest of the regatta, blowing about 15-20 knots. But it was the afternoon storm cell that really shook up the regatta, with puffs up to 30 knots. In the extremely competitive J/105 division, Tomas Petkus on Vytis was able to pull out the win. Vytis was one of a few boats awarded redress for their aid to Sociable, who had a crew member injured and taken to the hospital for treatment. Jon Weglarz on The Asylum finished second with 36 points, followed by David Wagner on Gigi with 41 points. Eight races were completed. Event website
15 Aug 2009 - Verve Cup Saturday Race Report Sunshine and a steady lake breeze at 5-10 knots made for another great day on the water in the Verve Cup Offshore Regatta, hosted this weekend by Chicago Yacht Club. Winds were out of the southeast for most of the afternoon, however a few tricky wind shifts kept the competitors on their game. Three races were again completed Saturday. Tomas Petkus on Vytis maintained his first-place position with 25 total points, followed by Brian Danaher on Gargoyle and Jon Weglarz on The Asylum (both with 31 points). Event website
15 Aug 2009 - Verve Cup Offshore Friday Race Report At Chicago YC, winds were light but steady throughout the afternoon, at about 5-10 knots from the south and southeast. All three circles were able to get in three races for a beautiful day on the lake. In Circle B, Tomas Petkus on Vytis leads the J/105s, but the competition is tight. Right behind Vytis' score of 16 is Brian Danaher on Gargoyle and Nancy Glover on Tempest, both with scores of 17. Fourth and fifth place are just as close, with Karl Brummel on Kashmir and Steve Dambrowski on Patriot each scoring 18. It was a great day of racing, but there were some big shifts. I think everyone who won a race, lost a race too, said a crewmember of J/105 Gigi. 14 J/105s are racing. Event website
13 Aug 2009 - Buzzards Bay Regatta The J/105s had a very closely fought event between Brian Keane racing Savasana and Bruce Stone sailing Power Play. The regatta between these two competitors came down to the last race--whomever beat whom would win the regatta. In this case, Bruce Stone won the last race and Brian Keane took a third to finish tied on points overall but lost on who had the most first places. In third was Charlie Shumway racing Sea Shadow. New Bedford YC hosted the annual event from August 7-9. Complete results
13 Aug 2009 - Santa Barbara-King Harbor Race A solid breeze built all day, sending the fleet off on a fast reach most of the way down to King Harbor. The J/105 fleet was won by Mark Noble from Santa Barbara YC aboard Escapade. In second was Scott McDaniel from SBYC racing Off the Porch, and third was David Gorney from AYC aboard No Compromise. After the 81 miles, the top three only finished ten minutes apart. Complete results
13 Aug 2009 - Aldo Alessio Perpetual Trophy Regatta St. Francis Yacht Club hosted 19 J/105s in beautiful conditions. Phillip Laby and Rich Pipkin, co-owners of Racer X, won the J/105 fleet. Finishing second was Jam Session co-owned by Adam Spiegel and Guillemette Brouillat. Third on the podium was Scooter Simmons on Blackhawk. Four races were completed. Complete results
11 Aug 2009 - Verve Cup The Verve Cup is gearing up at the Chicago Yacht Club. 14 J/105s are registered. Visit the regatta website.
10 Aug 2009 - Rolex Fastnet Race Follow the progress of the J/105s racing in the Fastnet at the event website.
30 Jul 2009 - Whidbey Island Race Week The Pacific Northwest was the scene for the five-day Ohana Harbor Coffee Whidbey Island Race Week regatta. Nine J/105s battled each other throughout the week. Mike Schiltz on Money Shot claimed first place with five bullets. JP Peterson's Last Tango and Erik Kristen's Jubilee followed. Results
30 Jul 2009 - Fiesta Cup at Santa Barbara YC The J/105s had the largest class with nine competitors showing up from as far south as San Diego Yacht Club and others from the Los Angeles area. The fleet was greeted with two gorgeous days of sailing on July 25-26--the local thermal developing each day late morning and building into a fairly steady WNW wind 8-18 knots. The winner of this year's event was Alex Rasmussen's team racing Free Enterprise. Just three points back in second was local hotshot Larry Harteck racing Repeat Offender, and third overall seven more points down the ladder was Peter Lufkin on Short Skirt. Results
30 Jul 2009 - J/105 loss With regret, Storm Trysail Club Chesapeake Station announces the loss of its youth training vessel, the J/105 named Team STC. Happily, no one was injured or lost when the boat grounded in the surf on the New Jersey coast. The volunteer crew, all adults, were rescued. STC-Chesapeake fleet captain Kevin McNeil found the boat in disrepair two years ago. Several STC members helped restore it to racing trim. Last summer it joined another Annapolis youth-sailed J/105, Team Tsunami, in races around Annapolis. The program is overseen by the 501-C3 organization Chessie Junior Racing; youngsters compete on Wednesday nights, some weekends and a few overnight races. The STC program stepped it up a notch this year by taking a youth team to Block Island Race Week. The racing was a success but the aftermath was devastating. Four veteran sailors who volunteered to deliver the boat back to the Chesapeake ran aground trying to go ashore at Absecon Inlet near Atlantic City in the wee hours of July 10. They were plucked off by Coast Guard helicopter but by daybreak the boat was a total loss. "We're just glad no one was hurt," said McNeil. "After that, it's just fiberglass and metal." The mishap severely impacts the Chessie Junior program, which has trained scores of young big-boat sailors. "We lost half of our fleet," said director Lorie Stout, who already had more applicants than spaces on two boats. The popular program is designed to augment local dinghy training and help kids learn the ropes on keelboats. It serves youngsters from all backgrounds, including at-risk youth. STC-Chesapeake is reaching out to STC members and the J/105 Class Association for a suitable replacement. Donations to Chessie Junior are fully tax deductible. Anyone know of an under-used J/105 out there that could be put to this important purpose? If so, please contact Kevin McNeil at Kmcneil@fleettransit.com.
28 Jul 2009 - To Merge Bike Racing With Boat Racing The Tour de France is the most well known and prestigious race in cycling. Just recently, the San Diego J/105 fleet honored the Tour. Here is the story from bike racer and J/105 owner Joseph Dagostino: "You combine the best aspects of bicycle racing into a format for yacht racing? The SoCal J/105 fleet experienced the sensation when the race committee decided to shake things up in honor of Le Tour de France. Twelve boats came together on an ultra short course, taking a mere four minutes to complete a leg. Combined with the fact that two laps constituted a race, and with only two minutes between races, you have the makings for close racing and some very tired crew." Read on in Scuttleblog
28 Jul 2009 - Pure Michigan Bayview Mackinac Race Nine J/105s competed, but Larry Smith on Sorcery took the top spot followed by Dean Walsh on Good Lookin' in second, and Con Ruffing on C-Jem in third. Results
26 Jul 2009 - Marblehead NOOD Jon Samuel, Mike Royer and Robert Mann on Blown Away emerged victorious at the Marblehead NOOD with 14 points, winning the tie-breaker with the second-place Jon Wales on Bantry. The team on Blown Away notched 3 bullets over the 5 races. Henry Brauer and Stewart Neff on Scimitar finished third with 17 points. 20 J/105s competed at the regatta. Event website
23 Jul 2009 - Screwpile Lighthouse Challenge Mirage, co-owned by Cedric Lewis and Frederik Salvesen, scored a resounding victory in the J/105 Division--the largest one-design class in the regatta with 11 boats. Salvesen steered Mirage to three bullets on Sunday then turned the helm over to Chip Carr for the final two days as the family-based boat placed first in five of seven races. Pat Donnelly (bow) and John Meiser (trimmer) joined tactician Lewis aboard the boat for all three days as Mirage totaled 12 points, 13 better than runner-up Veloce (co-owned by Marty Hublitz and Eddie Hornick). The race was held from July 19-21 on the Chesapeake Bay.
Complete results
22 Jul 2009 - 101st Chicago Yacht Club Race to Mackinac Jon Weglarz on The Asylum not only won the Mackinac Cup Division, but also netted the fastest adjusted time of the five division winners. The Asylum's elapsed time was just under 62 hours. With handicap adjustments, the boat's finishing time was 54 hours 35 minutes 39 seconds. Fifteen J/105s competed in the annual event, which is being described as the "flukiest" ever. Following Weglarz in the J/105 top three were Clark Pellet on Sealark and Peter Fray on Pronto II. Event website
22 Jul 2009 - Red Grant Regatta John Koten of the Manhattan Sailing Club dominated the J/105 Class of the Red Grant Regatta hosted by the Raritan Yacht Club. Team Warlock won all 5 races to finish with just 5 points. Following them were Paul Zajac on Skal (15 points) and David Spence on Synergy (19 points). Nine J/105s competed. Held from July 18-19, crews enjoyed 12-18 knot winds Saturday, and then lighter breezes on Sunday. Event website
22 Jul 2009 - J/105 Wins Doublehanded Competition Peter Rugg on Jaded topped the PHRF Doublehanded Competition at the 2009 Marblehead to Halifax Ocean Race that began July 5. Congratulations Peter! Event website
16 Jul 2009 - Coastal Living SailNewport Regatta From July 10-12, Newport hosted its annual SailNewport Regatta. In the J/105 Class, Brian Keane from Boston, MA raced Savasana to another class win. Challenging Keane was Bruce Stone from San Francisco, CA sailing Power Play, ultimately losing by only one point as a result of the closely fought last race. Between the two, they won six of the eight races. Nelson Weiderman sailed a beautiful last day to win the last two races. Third overall was Charlie Shumway from Newport. Complete results
16 Jul 2009 - OSTAR Opens Doors for Oscar In June, 18-year-old Oscar Mead became the youngest competitor to complete the world's oldest solo ocean challenge. Read the Sailing World article.
15 Jul 2009 - Call for Charters for J/105 North American Championship Fleet 6 is hosting this year's J/105 North American Championship October 29-November 1 at American Yacht Club in Rye, New York. Entrants are expected from around the U.S. and Canada, but not all will be bringing their own boats. If your boat is either still in the water or on land close by to Rye, it would be terrific if you would consider chartering it out so we could attract the largest number of participants. Jordan Mindich and Byron Callan are responsible for matching charterers with charterees for this year's NAC. Additionally, they can answer questions about insurance, charter terms and conditions and any other queries you have.
Jordan Mindich (516-383-3254 or telemon1@aol.com)
Byron Callan (203-655-7320 or bcallan@pwpartners.com)
15 Jul 2009 - Leukemia Cup: Fleet 15 competition heats up on an unseasonably cool weekend From July 10-12, Fishing Bay Yacht Club hosted the Southern Chesapeake Bay Leukemia Cup Regatta. Read the regatta report on the Fleet 15 website.
09 Jul 2009 - J/Fest Northwest in Seattle, WA In the J/105s, the largest and most competitive fleet with ten boats, Schlitz's Money Shot won on a nail-biting finish based on results of the last race...they had to at least tie or beat by one boat over Diercks' Delirium in order to win. Finishing third just off the pace but coming on strong in the last four races was Kristen's Jubilee only three points back. The event took place from June 20-21. Event website
08 Jul 2009 - J/105 UK National Championships at Hamble The J/105 UK Class Association held their 2009 National Championship over the weekend of July 4-5. Nine J/105s took part over eight windward/leeward races, with race organization superbly managed by Race with Condor.com. After an early morning shower on both Saturday and Sunday, the weather was fantastic--mostly sunny with a building southeasterly on Saturday from 6-14 knots and a southwesterly on Sunday, peaking at 20 knots in the final two races of the day. The racing was close--classic, unbeatable one-design racing at its best. Overall Results: 1st Jelly Baby, William Newton (13 points); 2nd Fay J, Paul Griffiths (17); 3rd Java, Rob Dornton-Duff (17).
More information
05 Jul 2009 - NAC NOR The Notice of Race for the 2009 J/105 North American Championship at American Yacht Club is now posted. Notice of Race
30 Jun 2009 - Free sailing program draws crowds At first the words were foreign: jib, spinnaker, mainsail, windward, leeward, tack, keel. But after three hours on the water, the rookies were speaking fluent sailor-ese, even helping trim the sails and guide a large and fast J/105 sailboat down the Severn River. Complete story
29 Jun 2009 - Long Beach Race Week The winds blew light, building to brisk the first two days, but Sunday the fleets were greeted by a carpet of whitecaps as they sailed out of the Alamitos Bay jetty to the race courses. Gary Mozer on Current Obsession2 excelled in the conditions, winning the J/105 Division with just 11 points. The team came in first in 5 of 7 races. Following Mozer, Doug & Pam Werner on Javelin came in second (24 points, 2 bullets), and Bill Logan on Pholly finished third (32 points). 13 boats raced for the 3-day event. Complete results
27 Jun 2009 - Block Island Race Week Bruce Stone/Scott DeWeese on Power Play took home several trophies after gaining victory in the J/105 Division of Block Island Race Week. The team also took the Everett B. Morris Memorial Trophy for Best Overall Performance, and the Justin Wasley Memorial Trophy for the overall winner of the one-design class with the largest number of entries. Stone said his biggest drama this week, however, was that his team sailed Saturday and Sunday in San Francisco and still made it for Monday's start. "We traveled by plane, taxi and sportsfishing boat to get to our borrowed boat here with seconds to spare." Stone, originally from Providence, R.I., says he loves Block Island Race Week, where the race management is superb and the venue is beautiful. "Ours was a tough class," he added. Following Power Play in the Top 3 were Brian Keane on Savasana and Joerg Esdorn/Duncan Hennes on Kincsem. Event website
26 Jun 2009 - Block Island Race Week - Day 4 Only one race was completed on Thursday at BIRW, and it un-seated the weeklong top-place boat Savasana (Brian Keane) who dropped to second with 26 total points. Power Play (Bruce Stone/Scott DeWeese) moved into first with 22 points. Kincsem (Joerg Esdorn/Duncan Hennes) remains in third with 28 points. Racing concludes Friday. See Nelson's daily feedback at http://j105.org/BIRW2009/commentary.php or view the link for complete results.
26 Jun 2009 - New J/105 Incentive Available J Boats is pleased to announce that US Watercraft is offering a complimentary Waterline Systems Club Racer bottom job (in epoxy or anti-fouling) for the first three J/105 orders placed between June 18 and August 1, 2009. This is a $6k+ value and provides you with a boat ready to launch out of the box. Please contact J/Boats or your nearest J dealer for details.
J Boats website
24 Jun 2009 - Block Island Race Week - Day 3 Brian Keane on Savasana finished the middle day of BIRW still firmly placed in the top spot with 13 points. The team has scored a bullet in 4 of the 6 races. Bruce Stone/Scott DeWeese on Power Play returned to the runner-up position (19), as Joerg Esdorn/Duncan Hennes on Kincsem follows (24). See Nelson's daily feedback at http://j105.org/BIRW2009/commentary.php or view the link for
complete results.
23 Jun 2009 - Block Island Race Week - Day 2 After 2 days of racing, Brian Keane on Savasana maintains his lead and now sits with 7 points. The second and third place teams have flipped from Day 1 with Joerg Esdorn/Duncan Hennes on Kincsem in second (9) and Bruce Stone/Scott DeWeese on Power Play next (14). Nelson Weiderman's daily comments may be found at http://j105.org/BIRW2009/commentary.php or view the link for complete results.
23 Jun 2009 - Congratulations to Tom Petkus and team Scoring two bullets on Sunday, Tom Petkus' Vytis team won the J/105 Class and claimed overall victory. Sailing World article
22 Jun 2009 - Block Island Race Week - Day 1 20 boats are racing in the J/105 Division. After the first day, Brian Keane on Savasana leads the fleet, followed by Bruce Stone/Scott DeWeese on Power Play and Joerg Esdorn/Duncan Hennes on Kincsem. Nelson Weiderman's blog may be found at http://j105.org/BIRW2009/commentary.php and view the link for complete results.
22 Jun 2009 - Chicago NOOD Tomas Petkus and his crew on Vytis were selected as the overall champions of the Chicago NOOD. 17 J/105s competed in their division. Following Petkus was Dorin Candea on Messy Jessy in second and Brian Danaher on Gargoyle in third. Complete results
17 Jun 2009 - Oscar Mead The 18-year-old completed the 2009 OSTAR and became the youngest ever finisher in this classic race. When he started the 3,000 mile OSTAR as the youngest ever competitor, Oscar Mead had already set his goal out as being the youngest ever finisher. In his own words, "It doesn't mean anything to be the youngest ever starter, that's do-able; racing the Atlantic, and finishing, that's harder!" Full Story
12 Jun 2009 - 2010 Key West Race Week While January may seem far off, Key West Race Week planning is well underway. Key West 2010, presented by Nautica, now in its 23rd year, will continue to deliver what you have come to expect from Premiere Racing--top tier competition, professional race management and unique shore side fun. Ten races over five days for IRC, PHRF and One Design programs from across the country and around the world make for a truly great start to the winter sailing season. Logistics and planning pages on the event website will be updated in the coming weeks, and expect to the have the Notice and Conditions of Race in the mail and posted on the website no later than mid-August. Premiere Racing website
31 May 2009 - Detroit NOOD Regatta Jim Sminchak on It won the J/105 Division of the Detroit NOOD Regatta by 10 points over the next closest competitor, Harry Bloom on Dirty Harry. 10 boats competed in 8 races. Event website
29 May 2009 - J/105 in OSTAR A J/105 is racing in the OSTAR, the world's oldest solo ocean challenge. Follow the progress online of Oscar Mead aboard King of Shaves. Website
26 May 2009 - Great Lakes Championship Bring your J/105 to Lake Erie for some late season fun! Mentor Harbor Yachting Club is hosting the 2nd annual Great Lakes Championship, and Fleet 22 is making it easy! It’s affordable--free launching, on-sight trailer storage and dockage at one of the most comfortable clubs on the lake. MHYC has 26 acres and beaches on Lake Erie. Talk about getting to the race course fast! That also means getting back to the dock to party fast! A top notch hotel is only 10 minutes away and offering discounted rooms starting at $99.00. The club is only 5 minutes off I-90 and just 24 miles east of Cleveland. This is an excellent opportunity to find out if other fleets have been getting faster, and an ideal stop-over with free storage at nearby Sailing Inc. should you be traveling on to the North Americans in New York. The winner takes home a half-hull perpetual trophy to keep for the year until the 2010 event in Chicago. Hope to see you there! Website
21 May 2009 - Southern California Lipton Cup The 98th sailing of the Southern California Lipton Cup was completed May 16-17. The San Diego Yacht Club boat "Wings" skippered by commodore Andy La Dow took first place with 16 points. Balboa Yacht Club "Perseverance" skippered By Chris Nisbett was second with 17 points. Cortez Racing Association boat "Sanity" skippered by Rick Gobel was third with 18 points. The event was hosted by last year's winner Southwestern Yacht Club. The J/105 has been chosen each year since 2002 as the event boat. The quality of the boat, availability of charters and the high compliance to one-design rules make it a natural choice for yacht club challenge events like this. The exposure of the J/105 in this high profile events has helped grow fleet 8. (Photo at left courtesy of Ullman Sails) Photo Gallery
19 May 2009 - Frank Stone Cup Invitational 23 J/105s raced at St. Francis Yacht Club on San Francisco Bay with Scooter Simmons on Blackhawk winning the Fleet (8 points). Rolf Kaiser on Donkey Jack followed (14 points), and Jason Woodley, Scott Whitney and Jon Titchener on Risk came in third (20 points). Four races were completed. Complete results
18 May 2009 - Jerry Diercks Wins Seattle NOOD J/105 Division Jerry Diercks on Delirium came in first (4 points), followed by Mike Schiltz on Money Shot (7 points) and John Peterson on Last Tango (8 points) at the Seattle NOOD Regatta. Nine J/105s competed in 2 races. Complete results
06 May 2009 - New Rules Interpretations posted RI 09-01 "10Kg Tolerance Specification in Exhibit 7.3A Item F" and RI 09-02 "Impact of new weight certificate in Exhibit 7.3B" have been posted. Go to Racing, then Rules Interpretations at left.
04 May 2009 - Leukemia Cup Rick Goebel on Sanity defeated 44 other teams to win the overall title at the Leukemia Cup at San Diego Yacht Club. Two other J/105 teams also placed in the top ten--Bernie Girod on Rock and Roll (6th place) and Jon Dekker on Air Boss (10th place). Complete results
04 May 2009 - The Yachting Cup San Diego Yacht Club hosted The Yachting Cup this past weekend. The J/105s were the largest class with 17 teams. Bill Logan on Pholly won the 5-race event with 11 points, followed by Tom Hurlburt on Triple Play (16 points) and Dennis & Sharon Case on Wings (19 points). Complete results
03 May 2009 - Eclipse wins AYC Spring by 1 point over Kincsem Racing on the second weekend was very tight again. With a forecast for winds of 5 knots or less, the RC had a tough time getting races off, but luckily, conditions were generally sailable. Team Eclipse got the best of it and showed great recovery skills, pulling off passes in the last few yards of most every race. Way to go, Damian & co! Congratulations, too, to Peter Rugg on Jaded who pulled off a third place, beating out a number of long timers in the class! The top five were rounded out by Revelation and Shakedown. Great sailing also from Bruce Stone from SF, who showed the locals how to master the light stuff, pulling off two firsts and a second. Had it not been for a late delivery resulting in a missed first day, who knows what Team Powerplay would have done? Fleet 6 website
02 May 2009 - Bermuda International Invitational Race Week The 2009 B.W. Walker Memorial Trophy was awarded to Allan Williams and Buddy Rego on Hull #888. The team finished with just 17 points in 11 races, followed by Chuck Millican and James McDonald (each with 27 points) in the top three. Jon Corless and Theresa Brandner-Allen completed the standings in the 5-boat fleet. Complete results
27 Apr 2009 - Keane named Annapolis NOOD winner Brian Keane of Weston, MA was named the overall winner of the Annapolis NOOD Regatta. Keane and his crew on Savasana will be invited to participate in the NOOD Regatta Championship in the British Virgin Islands in November (aboard Sunsail 39s) against the overall winners from each stop in the NOOD regatta series. Congratulations Brian!
27 Apr 2009 - Eclipse leads by 12 points after the first weekend of AYC Spring Twenty J/105s were out for this last weekend, a recent record. Damien Emery's team on Eclipse sailed brilliantly on the first weekend, finishing with only 7 points in 4 races. Kincsem, Peregrina, Jaded and Woody round out the top five. Conditions were challenging--more like Larchmont Race Week than the traditionally cool and windy AYC Spring Series. Long Island Sound served up races with wind speeds between 6-22 knots in one race on Saturday. On Sunday, it was very light and at times, redefining "shifty." Good fun was had by all nonetheless; everyone enjoying the warm and sunny conditions. Fleet 6
26 Apr 2009 - Annapolis NOOD Regatta Brian Keane on Savasana won the J/105 Division at the Annapolis NOOD Regatta with 23 points. Cedric Lewis/Fredrik Salvesen on Mirage came in second (39 points), and Arthur Libby on Dog House rounded out the top 3 (47 points). 30 J/105s were registered, and seven races were completed. Complete results
21 Apr 2009 - Charleston Race Week Patrick Eudy and team aboard Big Booty won the J/105 Division at Charleston Race Week (April 16-19). With nine points overall, Big Booty edged out Joe Highsmith on Dead on Arrival (11 points) and Billy Bremer III on High Visibility (14 points). Junius Grimes and John Demere rounded out the 5-boat fleet. Conditions varied from strong winds to kick off the regatta and also featured milder winds and beautiful sailing conditions for the 174 teams from 13 divisions. Results
14 Apr 2009 - Spring newsletter The Spring edition of the J/105 Class newsletter is currently being printed. Members should look for their copy in the mail soon or may view an advanced copy in the Members area of this website.
13 Apr 2009 - Minutes posted. Minutes from the 3/30/09 Executive Committee conference call are now posted, including the final 2008 budget. Class Business page
09 Apr 2009 - J/Fest John Horsch from Oakland, CA led his team on Business Socks to victory in the J/105 Division at J/Fest in San Francisco. Held from April 4-5 at the St. Francis Yacht Club, three races were completed, with Horsch finishing at 13 overall points. Adam Spiegel on Jam Session came in second with 15 points, followed by Scooter Simmons on Blackhawk who also had 15 points. The Class welcomed 24 boats for the weekend of racing.
Conplete results
24 Mar 2009 - No Excuse to Lose for Wings Dennis Case isn't the most famous D.C. that sails out of the San Diego YC. But with a consistent crew and a well-run program, he's had Dennis Conner-like success in the J/105 fleet. This year, Case and his team, including wife Sharon, won the overall trophy at the 2009 Sperry Top-Sider San Diego NOOD Regatta. Full Sailing World interview
22 Mar 2009 - San Diego NOOD The winner of the San Diego NOOD Regatta were locals Dennis and Sharon Case. "Wings" finished with just 11 points over 5 races, followed in the J/105 fleet by Gary Mozer on "Current Obsession2" with 20 points and Thomas Hurlburt on "Triple Play" with 30 points. Dennis and Sharon were also declared the overall winners of the entire San Diego NOOD event. Congratulations! The J/105s were the regatta's largest fleet with a total of 19 boats. Final Results
12 Mar 2009 - New Championship for Fleet 8 From August 22-23, Fleet 8 will race in the first Southern California J/105 Championship. It will be sailed out of Long Beach Yacht Club as a stand-alone event. This will be the fleet's premier event of the year and will have a grand perpetual trophy. The winner will be awarded a gold J to be carried in perpetuity on her mainsail to signify the Southern California Fleet Champion. 25 to 30 boats are expected. Out-of-town boats should expect good sailing with smooth water inside the breakwater and strong winds. The NOR and other pertinent details will be coming out soon. Fleet 8 website
11 Mar 2009 - Spring Newsletter The Class Office is currently preparing the J/105 Spring newsletter. Do you--or your fleet--have any news, photos, etc. to share with other Class members? E-mail the Class Office at howell@j105.org.
11 Mar 2009 - San Diego NOOD update 18 J/105s are registered for the San Diego NOOD Regatta from March 20-22. Check back next weekend for regatta updates. NOOD website
20 Feb 2009 - 2009 Charleston Race Week sets all-time attendance record While regattas around the world suffer significant drops in participation, the organizers of Charleston Race Week announced that the April 2009 running of this southern classic has already set an attendance record of 157 registered teams. Organizers will also bring back the popular 'chalk talk' given by local professional sailor Michael Miller. The seminar will be held at Charleston Harbor Resort & Marina at both 4:00 pm and 4:30 pm on Thursday, April 16, immediately before the Skippers Meeting.
Regatta website
02 Feb 2009 - Rules updates online The updated Class Rules and Key Rules are now available online for viewing under the "Racing" link at left (then click "Rules"). The revised Weight Certificate is also udpated and online under "Racing" then "Measurer Resources."
28 Jan 2009 - Fleet 17 annual trophy standings Malcolm Bremmer on Babe came in first with 26 points, followed by Bee Bednar on Stinger with 24 points and Bill Zartler on Solaris with 14 points. Due to Ike, these were based on 8 races. The Fleet expects to again have at least 10 boats this year: Aftershock, Stinger, Babe, Solaris, Double Dare, J Teez, Zippity, Exlir, Marion V, Xcitation, plus a new-comer--Hull 649.
23 Jan 2009 - KWRW Final Congratulations to Brian Keane and his team on Savasana who were victorious at the J/105 Midwinter Championship at Key West Race Week 2009. Brian finished with 26 total points over 10 races. In second, Damian Emery on Eclipse ended with 29 points, and in third was Gerrit Schulze/Patricia Santelle on Max Power with 30 points. Premiere Racing results
22 Jan 2009 - KWRW Day 4 Brian Keane on Savasana regained the lead on Day 4 of Key West Race Week. With 20 total points, he is 3 ahead of Damian Emery on Eclipse and 4 ahead of Gerrit Schulze/Patricia Santelle on Max Power. Eight races are now completed, heading into a showdown on the final day. Premiere Racing Results
21 Jan 2009 - KWRW Day 3
Gerrit Schulze/Patricia Santelle on Max Power took two bullets on the middle day of Key West Race Week and are now tied in points with Damian Emery on Eclipse at 14 to lead the J/105 fleet. Brian Keane on Savasana is currently in third, just one point behind.
Premiere Racing reults
20 Jan 2009 - KWRW Day 2
The J/105 and other fleets completed 2 more races at Key West Race Week with a 15-20 knot north-northwesterly. Brian Keane on Savasana is currently leading the 105 fleet, followed by Damian Emery on Eclipse and Gerrit Schulze/Patricia Santelle on Max Power.
Premiere Racing results
19 Jan 2009 - KWRW Day 1
A few rain drops didn't dampen the spirits of 12 J/105 teams at Key West Race Week. Damian Emery on Eclipse won the day, with Gerrit Schulze/Patricia Santelle on Max Power close behind and Brian Keane on Savasana in third after the first day of racing.
Premiere Racing website
19 Jan 2009 - 2009 Key West Race Week
KWRW kicks off this morning, with 12 J/105s on hand to race at the annual event. Class President Bee Bednar is pictured at left, and also visit the "Albums" section for more photos.
Premiere Racing website
08 Jan 2009 - St. Pete NOOD approaching Racing takes place February 13-15. The Class formation deadline is February 2, and each class needs a minimum of six boats to remain eligible to race. The late fee starts January 26 at 5pm EST...keep this is mind when sending registration by fax or mail. The last day to receive a refund or cancel your entry is February 9. After clicking on the regatta website link, click: NOOD Regattas, then click: St. Petersburg under the list of locations. Under the St. Petersburg Info Center, you will see Online Registration along with some other informative links. The Notice of Race is located on the Regatta Info Center.
Visit the website
21 Dec 2008 - Fleet 10 New Jersey/New York Harbor Fleet 10 has changed to New Jersey/New York Harbor. Last year, they organized four regattas where they had a J/105 Class start. This year, four new J/105s were added to the area, and more people are expected to buy 105s next year. The fleet currently has 12 boats, and is led by John Pearson (fleet captain), Paul Zajac (secertary/treasurer), and Marcus Wunderlich (measurer).
07 Dec 2008 - 2009 Class membership It's time to renew your Class membership for 2009. Dues are $35 for the first Owner/Co-Owner for every boat and then $25 for subsequent Co-Owners and for Associates. Pay here only if you do not pay National Dues through your local fleet. Visit the Membership page for easy renewal.
05 Dec 2008 - Calendars for the Holidays It's not too late to order a 2009 J/105 calendar for a holiday gift. You won't even need to battle the crowds! Merchandise page
05 Dec 2008 - Eight Bells The Class sends its condolences to the family of J/105 owner Barry Brown (Blue Max) from Texas who has passed away. Barry participated in Key West Race Weeks and North American Championships. He was involved in youth sailing, and at the Corpus Christi Yacht Club. The photo is from 2005 when Blue Max finished 18/40.
03 Dec 2008 - Key West Race Week deadline approaching Just a reminder that the first entry deadline is December 12th for Acura Key West 2009.
Premiere Racing website
30 Nov 2008 - J/105 with "Wings" Dennis and Sharon Case shared a photo of Wings 514 on the ragged edge. The photo was captured on November 15 in the San Diego Yacht Club Hot Rum regatta (147 boats). The Santa Ana-induced winds were gusting to 35 kts; these were the same winds driving the fires in Santa Barbara. Shortly after this picture was taken, the race was abandoned because the marks were blown away and drifting to Mexico.
Thanks to Da Woody.com for providing the photo.
20 Nov 2008 - Rolex on standby It was four days of racing in September, reveling in the conditions that San Francisco is famous for, but the region's hallmark event of the Rolex Big Boat Series had yet to hand out the trophies for its most populated class - the J/105. Amongst the 110 boats competing in ten classes (four IRC divisions and six one design events), one remaining Steel Submariner Rolex timepiece had been residing in the safe of the St. Francis Yacht Club for the past two months, and not on the winning skipper?s wrist. Complete story from Scuttlebutt
16 Nov 2008 - New J/105 Emergency Tiller Rudder Bearing To place an order for a new replacement bearing, please contact the Parts Dept. at Waterline Systems, LLC. They can be reached by phone at 401-682-1661, Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM or you can e-mail the Parts Dept. at mike@waterlinesystems.com or info@waterlinesystems.com. They ship via UPS and accept both MasterCard or Visa for payment. The cost for the new bearing is $33.50 plus S&H.
11 Nov 2008 - 2009 Calendars. Show off your 2009 J/105 Calendar to your Thanksgiving guests. They'll want one too! Or thank your crew by purchasing a team appreciation gift. Merchandise Page
05 Nov 2008 - Minutes posted. The minutes of the 10/23/2008 Annual Meeting have been posted. After logging in, choose Members --> Class Business on the left menu.
05 Nov 2008 - Brooklyn Ocean Challenge Cup Joe Cooper shares a tale of the Brooklyn Ocean Challenge Cup, DH on a J/105. Cooper is a sail consultant with Hood Sailmakers in Middletown RI, president and founder of the Short handed Sailing Association and blogs on sailing at www.practicallysailing.com. Complete stoty
03 Nov 2008 - Chesapeake Championship Results The Chesapeake Championship was contested over three days and five races under Annapolis Yacht Club management. The racing was very tight with the typically challenging Chesapeake Bay Fall conditions ranging from 5 to 20 knots, in a multitude of directions, with wind driven tidal current. Peter McChesney and The Mystery Machine team came out on top with 13 points and two firsts. Fredrik Salvesen and Cedric Lewis on Mirage were second (17), Carl and Scott Gitchell on Tenacious were third (20), Denis Seynhaeve on Mopelia was fourth (26), and Jim Konigsberg on Inigo was fifth (32). Link to full results
29 Oct 2008 - Ian Charles top Leukemia Cup fundraiser Ian Charles of Fleet #1 was diagnosed earlier this year with multiple myeloma and recently underwent a successful stem cell transplant and personally raised an astounding $220,536. Charles was the top overall individual fundraiser and his J/105 INDEFATIGABLE was the top overall winner of the XOJET Leukemia Cup.
“THE MOST REWARDING EXPERIENCE OF MY LIFE “ The Leukemia Cup Regatta started as an event held by the Pine Harbor Yacht Club for the benefit of the Society's Alabama Chapter in April 1988. The Eastport Yacht Club, in Annapolis, MD, pioneered the concept of competition among boats and crews to raise funds for the fight against blood cancers, with their June 1993 event raising $30,000. In 2008 there were 39 Leukemia Cup Regatta throughout the U.S., and while each of them made a significant contribution, none was greater than the XOJET Leukemia Cup Regatta hosted on October 4-5 by San Francisco Yacht Club. This event inspired participants and donors to a record-setting $662,000, breaking the all time record for top individual Leukemia Cup since the series began in 1993.
In just three years, the XOJET Leukemia Cup Regatta has raised $1.1 million in total donations and beaten all of the standing titles for the highest first-year gross, highest second-year gross, and highest third-year gross for a Leukemia Cup Regatta. This year’s winning combination was the result of the enormously dedicated committee led by Chairman, Ian Charles, and co-chairs David Joyner and Bill Nolan who are all members of the San Francisco Yacht Club. Ian Charles was diagnosed earlier this year with multiple myeloma and recently underwent a successful stem cell transplant and personally raised an astounding $220,536. Charles was the top overall individual fundraiser and his J/105 “Indefatigable” was the top overall winner of the XOJET Leukemia Cup. For Ian Charles this was a weekend he will never forget. He proudly said “It was truly the most rewarding experience of my life and I am eternally grateful for the support of my friends and family that made it all possible.” Complete report
29 Oct 2008 - Fall News. The Fall News just went to the printer and you should receive your paper copies in ten days or so. Members may read it on-line by choosing Members >> Newsletters on the left menu after logging in.
24 Oct 2008 - Annual Meeting The Class Annual Meeting was held yesterday at the Mentor Harbor Yacht Club in Cleveland, OH. President Robert Mock presided over the teleconference that included 13 members of the Executive Committee. We'll let you know when the minutes are posted, but significant events included the turning over of the reins for most of the administrative work to Chris and Julie Howell. You'll be hearing more from them and you can reach them directly using the e-mail address howell@j105.org. In the photo, seated (from left to right) are Colin Mills, Rob Mock, Nelson Weiderman, and Julie Howell. Standing are Chris Howell, Walt Nuschke, Don McCloud, Clay Mock, and Ed Crist. Click on the photo for a closer look.
24 Oct 2008 - The 2009 Calendars are ready to ship. We have received the 2009 J/105 Calendars and are ready to ship them. Photography has been contributed by professionals Bobby Alcott, Charlie Bergstedt, Karen Hirsch, Andrew Sims, and Tim Wilkes. Is yours a featured boat? Treat your entire crew for Thanksgiving or Christmas. Merchandise page.
14 Oct 2008 - Dozen J/105s used for Intercollegiate Offshore Regatta This year a fleet of 36 boats were sailed by 288 college sailors from 30 different schools. Some of the teams came from as far away as Ohio, Michigan, Maine, Maryland and Virginia. The boats were divided up into four one-design classes and a tight PHRF class. Twelve J/105s were donated by Fleet #6 & Fleet #24 owners. The top three J/105s were Dark ‘n Stormy #77, crewed by Cornell University, Gumption3 #59, crewed by the US Coast Guard Academy, and Warhorse #618 crewed by Drexel. Cornell University was also awarded third place overall for the best winning percentage across two days of racing in the fleet of 36 boats. More ...
06 Oct 2008 - Clear Lake after Ike. Bill Zartler sent this link of a slide show of the Lakewood Yacht Club and Clear Lake shortly after Ike went through. Slideshow
01 Oct 2008 - Chesapeake Bay Championships. The J105 Chesapeake Bay Championship will be hosted by Fleet 3 and the Annapolis Yacht Club 31 October – 2 November 2008. This three-day regatta offers big fleet racing (25-35 boats expected) on the same venue as the record breaking 2007 NAC. In addition to great sailing this regatta is the perfect stopping point for those J105s headed south for Key West Race Week. The NOR is posted on the AYC Racing website. Please contact the AYC Racing Manager or the Fleet 3 Captain for more information.
01 Oct 2008 - Minutes posted. The minutes of the Executive Committee's September 23 conference call have been posted. After logging in, choose Members --> Class Business on the left menu.
21 Sep 2008 - STARCROSS wins Canadians. Meanwhile, in nearby Toronto, there were another fifteen boats racing for three days. These racers got in nine races and there were also five different winners. In this case, owners Glen Malcolm and Arthur English got the best of the action with two firsts, three seconds and two thirds. Top three: 1. Malcolm/English, STARCROSS, 27; 2. Jim Rathbun, HEY JUDE, 37.5; 3. Dave Shaver, RE-TERN, 41. Full results.
21 Sep 2008 - C-JEM take Great Lakes Championship. Five out of fifteen boats in the J105 Great Lakes Championship registered first place finishes in three days of racing. That wasn't enough to unseat CJ Ruffing and the crew of C-JEM, which won the regatta. The last day of racing brought steady 8 - 12 knot breezes. "IT" -- owned by Jim and Mindy Sminchak closed the door on Phantom - owned by Jim and Cynthia Best with a second in the final race of the regatta. Next year's J/105 Great Lakes Championship is slated for the Mentor Harbor Yacht Club on Lake Erie. Top five: 1. C.J. Ruffing, C-JEM, 30; 2. Jim Sminchak, IT, 36; 3. Jim Best, PHANTOM, 44; 4.Richard Stearns, TYLISHAN, 47; 5. Harry Bloom, DIRTY HARRY, 59. Submitted by Harry Bloom. Complete results.
21 Sep 2008 - Rule proposals for your comments. The Technical Committee has posted six submissions for your consideration. Please read them and comment on the Forum. These are not the final proposals, just the preliminary proposals, so now is a good time to discuss them within fleets and more broadly. The final proposals are still about a month away.
18 Sep 2008 - Headstay templates restocked. You can again buy an inexpensive template to repeatably set your headstay to a given length. This is important whether we keep the current headstay rule or modify it. Click the J/105 Merchandise menu and scroll down to the item. We've reduced the total price (including shipping) by $5 this time around.
18 Sep 2008 - Photography. I'm putting together the 2009 calendar. It will be for sale in the Merchandise section in about a month. You'll want to get one for each of your crew. In the meantime, I want to give you the web sites of the photographers I've been prospecting for photos. Here they are (in alphabetical order): Bobby Alcott (Great Lakes Championship), Charlie Bergstedt (2008 NAC, Rolex BBS), Karen Hirsch (Chicago NOOD & Mac), Andrew Sims (NYYC Rolex, BIRW, Sail Newport), and Tim Wilkes & Jeremiah Tamagna-Darr (2007 NAC, KWRW). Great shots. Check 'em out.
16 Sep 2008 - At least three survive Ike in Houston. It looks like J-TEEZ, STINGER, AFTERSHOCK all survived Ike. If you look at picture number 4 in the page linked below, you can see J-TEEZ at the left. The black mast at an angle just to the right is the mast of Son of Boomer, a Cape Fear 38, that was just across from AFTERSHOCK. It has clearly sunk. The mast just to the right of the big boat is AFTERSHOCK. She is still floating and we are pretty sure she is okay. We can't say the same for HYC's marina, and nobody will be thinking of the planned NOOD this weekend. -- VP Bee Bednar [follow-up: ELIXIR, SOLARIS, BABE, BLUE MAX, MARION V, DOUBLE DARE, and XCITATION all made it through as well.] (more...)
15 Sep 2008 - GOOD TIMIN' wins Big Boats. Brothers Chris and Phil Perkins won San Francisco's prestigious Rolex Big Boats Series in the seven race, no throwout, thirty one boat regatta. Top three: 1. Phil & Chris Perkins, GOOD TIMIN', 26; 2. Tim Russell, AQUAVIT, 45; 3. Scooter Simmons, BLACKHAWK, 51. Complete results.
09 Sep 2008 - KINCSEM wins Larchmont NOOD. Perennial top guns, Joerg Esdorn and Duncan Hennes’ J/105 KINCSEM team, successfully defended the Long Island Sound Championship (which was sailed as part of the Larchmont NOOD regatta). In addition to Joerg and Duncan, the all-AYC crew included Fred Walters, Rich Hulit, Don Reeser and Chris Lange. The team has been racing KINSEM together for almost eight years. There were 19 boats and six races sandwiched around Hurricane Hanna, which proved to be a bust as far as enhancing the wind. Top three: 1. Esdorn/Hennes, ECLIPSE, 17; 2. Brian Keane, SAVASANA, 18; 3. Damian Emery, ECLIPSE, 24. Complete results.
29 Aug 2008 - NAC Photos. Charlie Bergstedt was the photographer for the NAC and you can see his photos either ordered by day or ordered by final finish position. Enjoy!
25 Aug 2008 - DONKEY JACK wins NAC.
After four days and ten races, Scott Sellers and his crew on DONKEY JACK emerged victorious at the San Francisco NAC. The photo shows the crew (Scott Sellers, Rolf Kaiser, Eric Ryan, Geoff McDonald, Cam Geer and Ted Conrads -- not necessarily in that order). Top three: 1. Scott Sellers, DONKEY JACK, 22; 2. Dave Wilson & Chris Perkins, GOOD TIMIN', 45; and 3. Tim Russell, AQUAVIT, 51. Stuart's commentary and final results.
24 Aug 2008 - And after the third day ... Scott Sellers and DONKEY JACK solidified their top position with three bullets on the day. Top three: 1. Scott Sellers, DONKEY JACK, 19; 2. David Wilson & Chris Perkins, GOOD TIMIN' 2, 40; 3. Tim Russell, AQUAVIT, 41. Stuart's commentary and complete results (plus bonus video).
23 Aug 2008 - And after two days ... The leaders after two days and five races are: 1. Scott Sellers, DONKEY JACK, 16; 2. Tim Russell, AQUAVIT, 19; 3. David Wilson & Chris Perkins, GOOD TIMIN', 26. Five different boats have won races. Stuart's commentary and full results.
22 Aug 2008 - NAC underway with 36 boats. After a postponement and two races in, the top three were: 1. Scooter Simmons, BLACKHAWK, 6; 2. Tim Russell, AQUAVIT, 7; and 3. Kristen Lane, BRICK HOUSE, 10. Fleet Captain, Stuart Taylor, will be providing some commentary with a link to complete results. Stuart's commentary.
13 Aug 2008 - For those who plan ahead ... The 2009 North American Championships have been scheduled for October 29 to November 1 at American Yacht Club in Rye, NY. Also, the initial e-mails have gone out for Key West Race Week (January 19-23). If you are considering KWRW in 2009 and did not get "Update #1", please contact Nelson to get on his distribution list.
01 Aug 2008 - PRONTO II wins Chicago Mac Race. There were 27 J/105s entered and six trophies collected for the 100th running of the Chicago Mac. Weather was rainy, dense fog, and on the lighter side presssure-wise, with scattered thunderstorms and occasional clear skies. Roy Disney was the honorary race chairman. Top three: 1. Peter Fray, PRONTO II, 55:47:20; 2. Sellers/Ryan, DONKEY JACK, 56:01:48; 3. Morin/Rose, JUNTO, 56:09:13. Complete results.
01 Aug 2008 - STEELAWAY III wins Marblehead NOOD. A Thursday storm cut the four day regatta to three days, but Peter Morgan won the first two races on Friday and never looked back, winning the seven race, one-throwout regatta by 11 points. Seventeen boats participated at the Eastern Yacht Club in Marblehead, MA. That makes seven NOODs this year with two to go (Larchmont and Texas). Top three: 1. Peter Morgan, STEELAWAY III, 11; 2. Jon Wales, BANTRY, 20; 3. Brian Harrington, UPROAR, 24. Full results.
31 Jul 2008 - Minutes available. The minutes of the July 15 Conference call of the Executive Committee are now posted in the Members Area (Class Business). In other late July news, ECLIPSE (Damian Emery) won the Newport Rolex and East Coast Championship among 19 boats (complete results), STINGER (VP Bee Bednar) was second in class and second overall in the three day, hurricane enhanced Texas Race Week, and MIRAGE (Lewis and Salvesen) won the Screwpile Regatta among 15 boats. The ECCs were jointly sponsored by Fleets 3 and 6 with a new travelling half-hull trophy, while Texas Race Week was in Fleet 17 territory, and the Screwpile was sponsored by Fleet 3.
09 Jul 2008 - Great Lakes Championship Regatta. Everything you need to know about this regatta (September 19-21, 2008 at Grosse Pointe Yacht Club) can be found by clicking here: Everything.
02 Jul 2008 - Fleet #17 announces Mid-Continent Regatta. J/105 Galveston Bay Fleet 17 is proud to announce it is hosting a “Mid-Continent J/105 Championship Regatta” in conjunction with the 2008 Sailing World Houston, TX, NOOD Regatta, September 19-21, 2008. The J/105 fleet will be racing in its own Division, on its own line, under national class rules with special trophies and awards awarded to the top finishers. NOR will follow very soon. Watch the fleet #17 site.
01 Jul 2008 - FREE ENTERPRISE takes LBRW. Ullman Sails Long Beach Race Week was won by Alex Rasmussen sailing FREE ENTERPRISE. Notable was that among the nineteen classes (including two PHRF classes), the J/105 class was the largest with 14 boats. Notable also was that two points separated the top three boats. The top three were: 1. Alex Rasmussen, FREE ENTERPRISE, 23; 2. Rick Goebel/Jeremy Davidson, SANITY, 24; and Bennett Greenwald, PERSEVERENCE, 25. Full results.
24 Jun 2008 - Single Handing the J/105.
Oystein Thorup of Oslo, Norway sent in this photo by Lars Johansson. This was an early morning shot in a southwesterly gale on a reach going north off the coast of Sweden in the doublehanded Watski Skagerak. They were doing 18-19 knots when the photo was taken. Thorup and Johansson believe that the J/105 is "perfect for shorthanded offshore racing." Click on the photo for a larger version.
23 Jun 2008 - NAC On-line Registration Now Open. You may now register for the 2008 North American Championship, being held in San Francisco from August 21-24. The link below takes you directly. The link in the right column takes you to the NAC website. Register now.
21 Jun 2008 - Jeff Janov takes Chicago NOOD. There were 23 boats competing this year for the Chicago NOOD, which was won in a seven race, no throwout regatta by Jeff Janov of Fleet #8. Top three: 1. Jeff Janov, INVISIBLE, 29; 2. David Wagner, GIGI, 37; and 3. Dorin Candea, MESSY JESSY, 42. Complete results.
20 Jun 2008 - BIRW finals. It went down to the wire in the last race on Friday, but Damian Emery prevailed when he found a favorable rip on the last downwind leg to pass at least four boats. Finals: 1. Damian Emery, ECLIPSE, 23; 2. Brian Keane, SAVASANA, 28; and 3. Ken Colburn, GHOST, 48. For more see the links below. Final results.
18 Jun 2008 - ECLIPSE leads at BIRW. After three days and seven races including one throwout, the leaders at Block Island Race Week were 1. Damian Emery, ECLIPSE, 9; 2. Brian Keane, SAVASANA, 20; 3. Nathan Boylan, JOYSEA, 25.
15 Jun 2008 - Block Island Race Week. This is the week. For Nelson's commentary, click here. For daily results, click here.
05 Jun 2008 - C-JEM wins Detroit NOOD. They had an even dozen for the eight race Detroit NOOD and C.J. Ruffing won it by 14 points. The press called it "Wild and Wooly" for the first two days on Lake St. Clair, but then it calmed down a bit for the final day. Top three: 1. C.J. Ruffing, C-JEM, 14; 2. Harry Bloom, DIRTY HARRY, 28; 3. Colin Mills, WISH, 31. Full results.
05 Jun 2008 - ExCom Minutes Posted. The Minutes of the conference call of May 27 have been posted. Go to Members --> Class Business (login required).
05 Jun 2008 - Two Unusual Events. In Chicago they just wrapped up their 4th Annual J/105 Match Race event. The top three boats were CONVEXITY, GIGI, and STRIKING. This event was sailed with owner/drivers, but pros were allowed as a seventh man. See the Fleet #5 site (fleet5.j105.org) for details. Meanwhile, in the Southern Chesapeake, Fleet #15 attracted some boats from "up north" to complete a milestone regatta at their Southern Chesapeake Bay Race Week. Fleet #3's Carl and Scott Gitchell's brought TENACIOUS and strung together a perfect series of bullets to win the competition. For details read about it on the Fleet 15 site (fleet15.j105.org).
20 May 2008 - Schiltz takes first at new Seattle NOOD. The press release called it "three perfect days of sailing on Puget Sound" and Mike Schiltz came out the winner of the J/105 Class in the inaugural NOOD in Seattle. There were 10 boats sailing in the fledgling fleet's six race, one throwout regatta. The top three were: 1. Michael Schiltz, MONEY SHOT, 5; 2. Erik Kristen, JUBILEE, 12; 3. Michael Pearson, BIFROST 3, 18. You guys need to head south in August for the NAC! Full Results.
13 May 2008 - Jim Sminchak wins Hospice Regatta. The National Hospice Regatta was won by the J105 team from IT, led by Jim Sminchak out of Fleet 22 on Lake Erie. Jim was representing the Grand River Hospice Regatta. 2nd was taken by Tom Doran representing Jefferson County, NY, and 3rd by Gary Schwarting, representing Naples/Marco Island, FL. The teams all rotated through a different boat during the three day event, all donated by Fleet #3. (More ...)
12 May 2008 - BER 888 does it again. The Bacardi (Bermuda) International Invitational Race Week was won by Alan Williams and Buddy Rego, sailing BER 888, NOT MINE. While the other four boats in the fleet mixed up their positions, it was the second year in a row for NOT MINE. Top three: 1. Williams & Rego, NOT MINE, 24; 2. James McDonald, PASSION, 26; 3. Adam Barboza, HARLEQUIN, 32. The Race Week (in Bermuda fashion) ran from April 27 to May 1. Full results.
10 May 2008 - San Diego Yachting Cup. The San Diego Yacht Club's Yachting Cup turned out 24 J-105's on May 3-4 to battle larger than normal quantities of kelp and shifty winds. The winner and best kelp dodger was Bill Logan's "Pholly" (Hull #3!) followed by Dennis & Sharon Case on "Wings" and in third was Jeff Janov's "Invisible". Full results.
09 May 2008 - Attention History Buffs. I have finally scanned and uploaded my stash of old Newsletter and they appear on the Newsletters page (Members -> Newsletters). They started in 1992 and there are about 15 new ones on this page. I think I have the complete set, but if anybody has additional Newsletter, please let me know (e-mail Nelson.) There are useful tidbits, old results, cruising information, tips from owners, etc., etc, etc. Did you know that Class Dues started at $50 per year in 1993? Did you know that the weight limit was 882 pounds prior to 1995? All this and more. Reminder: you need to be logged in to visit this page. Direct link.
02 May 2008 - Taxes Filed. Our 990-EZ 2007 tax return (due 5/15/08) was filed today. The J/105 Class Association is a 501(c)(7) organization and must file annually even though we owe no taxes. You may see a copy by going to Governance --> IRS Documents. You may also review our 2007 final financial statement by going to Members --> Class Business. The numbers are presented a little differently because of IRS requirements.
30 Apr 2008 - Single Point Lifting (updated). Walt has revised his article about lifting boats from the aft keel bolt and added more photos. It's really a "piece of cake" once you know how. See it on the Measurer's Resource page. First choose Racing, then Measurer Resources on the left menu. Direct link.
28 Apr 2008 - Annapolis NOOD. The third NOOD regatta of 2008 is now in the books. Held in Annapolis with 31 boats on the line, the three day event was plagued with the normal fickle winds and vicious currents. In the end it was a Naval Academy Team that won the event. There were six different winners in six races. The top three: 1. US Naval Academy, DREADNOUGHT, 35; 2. Brian Keane, SAVASANA, 46; 3. Rob Marsh, BLOWBOAT!, 46. Complete results.
25 Apr 2008 - Southern Circuit Results. The Southern Circuit (KWRW, St. Pete NOOD, and Charleston Race Week) is now complete and there were 13 qualifiers for the President's Trophy (sailing in 2 or more regattas). The top three boats were: 1. ECLIPSE, Damian Emery, .823; 2. RUM AT SIX, Worth Harris, .7268; 3. SEA SHADOW, Bill Riker, .7099. The winner of the Sportsmanship Award was Jim Flanagan, whose ACHIEVER V sailed in all three regattas. The President's Trophy (a perpetual) will be engraved with the names of the winners, plus the current year Class President (Robert Mock) and sent to Damian for display in his trophy case. Complete results.
25 Apr 2008 - Charleston Race Week. Everybody that participates in this Regatta says that Charleston is a wonderful venue for racing, and the weather cooperated with three great race days last weekend. The top three boats in the seven race, one throwout, twelve boat regatta were: 1. BIG BOOTY, Patrick Eudy, 10; 2. MAX POWER, Gerrit Schulze, 14; and 3. RUM AT SIX, Worth Harris, 20. Complete results.
18 Apr 2008 - Retrofit for 12:1 Outhaul. You can either pay hundreds to have this done for you by a rigger or you can Do-It-Yourself for the cost of a Harken 304 block and a few feet of spectra. For the diagram go to our Resources page (J/105 Information --> Resources on the menu). Direct link.
12 Apr 2008 - The Spring News. Our Spring 2008 News has gone to the publisher. You should see it in you mailboxes in about 7-10 days. If we have received your 2008 dues, you may read it on-line by going to Members --> Newsletters. Included are articles on the new boats (Jeff Johnstone) and behind the scenes at the 2007 NAC (Walt Nuschke). Enjoy! Direct link.
10 Apr 2008 - Single Point Lifts. Now that weighing has become the "law-of-the-land", we've been fielding quite a few questions about how to weigh boats. Thanks to Walt Nuschke, we have a writeup and photos of what is entailed to pick up a boat from the aft keel bolt (a method used with success in Fleet #3 for some time). Go to Racing --> Measurer Resources on the left menu. The direct link.
28 Mar 2008 - East Coast Championships. Fleets 3 and 6 jointly sponsor a half-model traveling trophy for the East Coast Championships. This year they will be held in Newport, RI in connection with the NYYC Rolex, July 25-27. Next year back to Annapolis, probably in April. (more...)
17 Mar 2008 - New Rule Interpretation -- RI-08-01. The Technical Committee has answered a number of questions regarding when a boat must be reweighed after changes are made to the boat. (Racing -> Rules Interpretations)
17 Mar 2008 - Minutes Posted. The minutes of the Executive Committtee Conference call of 3/4/08 have been posted on the Class Business page. (Members -> Class Business)
17 Mar 2008 - San Diego NOOD. The second NOOD of the season was completed in San Diego this past weekend with 20 boats and five races completed. Top three: 1. Jeff Janov, INVISIBLE, 9; 2. Dennis and Sharon Case, WINGS, 15; 3. Bennett Greenwald, PERSEVERENCE, 27. Complete results.
05 Mar 2008 - Southern Circuit Scores Posted. All of the 37 boats that participated in either of the two Southern Circuit Events is still eligible for the Southern Circuit Trophy, but among those who have completed two of the events, the leaders are: 1. ECLIPSE, .8230, 2. J'MAKIN' WAVES, .6224; 3. GUMPTION3, .5841. The overall leader with one regatta under her belt is MASQUERADE with .9818. Full scores.
05 Mar 2008 - St. Pete NOOD. Sorry I missed this one, but the St. Pete NOOD was held a few weeks ago (February 15-17). We had a dozen boats participating and after a shaky start (a ten), Damian Emery's ECLIPSE came back to win by two points with 18 points. Five races were sailed. Top three: 1. Damian Emery (ECLIPSE) 18; 2. Adam Rosen / Jeff Marks (WASABI) 21; 3. Kevin Grainger (GUMPTION3) 26. Combined with his second at KWRW, that puts ECLIPSE in the catbird seat for the Southern Circuit Trophy. Next up is San Diego NOOD, a week from tomorrow. (more...)
08 Feb 2008 - Rules for 2008 have been posted. The new rules have been posted. You will note that because we no longer have a floatline rule, and a few formatting changes, the printable version of the rules has shrunk from 18 pages to 11. Only seven of those pages are the Rules and the other four being the Exhibits for the weight Rule. Rules page.
07 Feb 2008 - More new J/105s. JBoats has announce that more J/105s will be built and that US Watercraft will be the builder. Pass the word. You should see some more advertising and new boats at your local boat shows this winter. The Class still has legs! Press Release.
29 Jan 2008 - Final KWRW commentary. A review of the early-week prognostications and the tale of the sails. (more...)
26 Jan 2008 - MASQUERADE romps in heavy air KWRW. Top five: 1. MASQUERADE, 13; 2. ECLIPSE, 55; 3. KINCSEM, 57; SAVASANA, 64; 5. RUM AT SIX, 84.6. Full results here. Commentary.
24 Jan 2008 - MASQUERADE marches on. Two races after a late start. Top three: MASQUERADE 1,3,1,2,1-8; SAVASANA 5,1,2,5,2-15; KINCSEM 4,4,20,3,7-38. FUN award winners: EAGLES WINGS, ECLIPSE, GRACE O'MALLEY, SEA SHADOW, TENACIOUS, CONVEXITY, ACHIEVER V. Standings. (more...)
23 Jan 2008 - No racing at KWRW. No wind, so no updates today. Standings remain the same. (more...)
22 Jan 2008 - Three races today. Leaders after three races are: 1. MASQUERADE 1,3,1-5; 2. SAVASANA 5,1,2-8; 3. PERSEVERANCE 2,7,7-16. Only these boats avoided double digit finishes on the day. (more...)
21 Jan 2008 - Still tied for first. They held us back, then sent us into the teeth of the blow, then sent us back to the dock. Most thought this was a good decision. (more...)
18 Jan 2008 - Key West Race Week 2008. The regatta starts Monday. Here are a few links that you will want to follow: Nelson's commentary, the results, the fun award standings, and the Kattack races. If all goes according to plan, you will be able to follow the races day-by-day and mark-by-mark after downloading the player at Kattack. The results link may not work right away, but that's what I'm told it will be.
14 Jan 2008 - Rules are getting shorter. Only the submission on allowing the outhaul purchase to be 12:1 (was 6:1) passed this year. This does not change the Rules since it only appears in the Specifications for new boats. But starting February 1, Exhibits 7.3C and 7.3D on the floatline rule go away, thus eliminating five pages. Submissions 2 and 3, having to do with what we have loosely been calling "traveling sails", were not passed by the Executive Committee. The voting on these three submissions is posted on the Class Business page.
11 Jan 2008 - Moving again. Tomorrow, j105.org will be moving to a new server. We will have to shut down the FORUM briefly, but hopefully the only thing you will notice on Monday is quicker response times. In case you do find something strange, please report it to Nelson. Those who are ftp-ing to fleet sites will need new credentials.
08 Jan 2008 - ECC's at Newport, RI in 2008 The East Coast Championship will be held at the New York Yacht Club Race Week at Newport presented by Rolex. Our event runs from July 25-27 in Newport, RI. The Rolex is run on even years and we are looking to improve on our record of 28 entries in 2008.
11 Dec 2007 - Bermuda Bound. The Bacardi sponsored Bermuda International Race Week will be held April 26 to May 2, 2008. [Great regatta and surprisingly affordable -- NW.] (more...)
21 Nov 2007 - West Coast sailors vs. East Coast sailors. Andrew Campbell's blog explores the saying "West Coast sailors go straight better and East Coast sailors sail the shifts better." This is an interesting read that might resonate with those who watched MASQUERADE find the winning shift in the final race of the NAC. He and other USA Olympic sailors are also looking for your financial support. Thanks to Doug Werner for providing this link. (more...)
20 Nov 2007 - Calendars arrived today. If you haven't ordered your 2008 J/105 calendars, now would be a good time. It's a great way to say "Thank You" to all the crew that have been sailing with you this year. All the pages are displayed on the Merchandise page. Take a look at the sheet bags and hats while you're there doing your Christmas shopping. (more...)
15 Nov 2007 - GOOD TIMIN' returned. For a few moments on Monday there was an article here about GOOD TIMIN' being stolen from its slip in the San Francisco Marina. Well the whole incident was reported in Latitude 38's electronic edition. Some will be interested in this saga. Read the initial report and the follow-up report (scroll down).
09 Nov 2007 - More photos of the NAC. These are by Jeff Johnstone on Friday. Note that you can run a slideshow, download full photos, or order photos from your favorite provider using this link. (more...)
09 Nov 2007 - More professional photography of the NAC. You can find more professional photograpy by Andrew Sims and J.H. Peterson at www.wavelengthstudios.com. (more...)
09 Nov 2007 - Senator's Cup to be sailed in J/105s this weekend. A Who's Who of competitive sailing will face off tomorrow and Saturday at the Inner Harbor for the renewal of the Senator's Cup. The skippers are John Bertrand, a veteran of four America's Cup campaigns and a 1984 Olympic silver medalist; Terry Hutchinson, a three-time Cup sailor; Chris Larson, Rolex Yachtsman of the Year and a helmsman in the Cup and the Volvo Ocean Race; Dave Dellenbaugh, the helmsman and tactician aboard Cup winner America3; Cameron Appleton, a two-time Cup helmsman; and Dave Perry, a member of Sweden's 2007 Cup challenger. In addition, Gavin Brady, a four-time Cup veteran, will be on hand to help the race committee and act as an alternate. (more...)
07 Nov 2007 - Sailing World article and photos. Sailing World has a great article here and their photos by Tim Wilkes are here. For photos by boatname, go to Tim's Site.
07 Nov 2007 - Annual Meeting Minutes posted. The minutes of the October 25 Annual Meeting of the Executive Committee Meeting have been reviewed and posted in the Members section. Congratulations to the new officers, Rob Mock (Fleet #22) as President and Bee Bednar (Fleet #17) as Vice President. Walt Nuschke takes over from Joerg Esdorn as Chief Measurer, and Nelson Weiderman will again be Secretary/Treasurer. All Members are reminded to review the change submissions which are posted on the FORUM under the topic "Class Rules Proposals". Please make your opinions known to your representatives. (more...)
04 Nov 2007 - God giveth and Annapolis taketh away. The final day was shifty to say the least and some of the top boats took headers. The final results put Tom Coates on top for the second year in a row. Top five were 1. Tom Coates, MASQUERADE, 33; 2 Cedric Lewis & Frederick Salvesen, MIRAGE, 38; 3. Don Wilson, CONVEXITY, 49; 4. Damian Emery, ECLIPSE, 57; 5. Steve Phillips, LE RENARD, 59. The top five won silver in the Silver division: 1. CJ Ruffing, C-JEM, 75; 2. Steve Olinger, J'MAKIN'WAVES, 89; 3. Joseph Colling, JA2, 101; 4. Don Santa, SANTA'S REIN DEAR, 104; 5. Richard Leavitt, MACCABEE, 107. The races were won today by ECLIPSE in Gold and DARK STAR in Silver. Click here for complete results and here for commentary.
03 Nov 2007 - MIRAGE moves into first at NAC. In the Gold division it is MIRAGE, 26; LE RENARD 31; MASQUERADE 31. In the Silver it is C-JEM, 69; JA2, 77; J'MAKIN' WAVES 84. Two races were sailed in excellent conditions.
02 Nov 2007 - MASQUERADE, LE RENARD, and INIGO at the NAC. We got in three fabulous races today. The winners of individual races were MIRAGE, MAX POWER, MASQUERADE, CONVEXITY, PERSEVERENCE, and KINCSEM. At the end of the day 36 boats placed in the Gold fleet and 33 in the Silver fleet for the final two days of competition. Leading the pack are MASQUERADE, LE RENARD, and INIGO. For direct links, see yesterday's post.
02 Nov 2007 - Direct links. Here are the direct links to results and commentary for NAC 2007. I haven't gotten Kattack working yet, but when I do, I'll try to help with that as well.
01 Nov 2007 - MOPELIA and LE RENARD win first races. The first start of the series was won by MOPELIA (blue and pink fleets) and the second start was won by LE RENARD (white and green fleets). The second race was abandoned. For complete results and Kattack video, click the NAC icon on the right. For Nelson's commentary click (more...)
31 Oct 2007 - Practice Day at the NAC. About half the fleet turned out for a great practice day. Nelson's commentary today picks the fourteen boats that will most likely crack the top ten. (more...)
30 Oct 2007 - The 2008 Calendar is ready. The 2008 calendar is now complete and ready to send to the publisher. The merchandise section is the place to order them. You will certainly want at least one for every crewmember who has sailed with you this year. Featured boats include KINCSEM, WALLOPING SWEDE, BAT IV, WIANNO, ROE RAGE, CHILAXN, RISK, BLACKHAWK, STRANGELOVE, WASABI, RUM AT SIX, BLINK, TWO FEATHERS, BRICK HOUSE, ADVANTAGE, and UPROAR. Regattas include Key West, Big Boats, Block Island, J-Fest, MayFest, Sail Newport, and Marblehead NOOD. Some good fleet shots. Photographers donating their shots include Chris Ray, Andrew Sims, and Tim Wilkes. (more...)
17 Oct 2007 - Last day! Today is the last day to register for the 2007 NACs. Let's see if we can get it up to 70 boats!
16 Oct 2007 - Fall News on its way. The Fall News was sent to the publisher and you should have it in your hands in advance of the NAC (now with 68 entries). If you are a Member, you can access the electronic version by going to Members --> Newsletters and clicking on "Fall 2007 Newsletter".
15 Oct 2007 - GUMPTION 3 wins East Coast Championship. Kevin Grainger and his crew on GUMPTION 3 won the ECs with 13 points, beating out INDEFATIGABLE (Phil Lotz, 15 points) and KINCSEM (Joerg Esdorn 17 points). ANDIAMO (Paul Straub, 25 points) and PEREGRINA (Josh Burack, 29 points) round out the top five. Conditions were vintage Long Island Sound, with breeze from 6 to 25kn generally from the West but with severe shifts. The MBYC race committee did their best with the conditions, getting in 7 races over the two days. (more...)
10 Oct 2007 - Minutes posted. The minutes of the ExecComm's September conference call have been posted. Go to Members --> Class Business.
03 Oct 2007 - NAC 2008 dates. Fleet #1 has firmed up the dates for the 2008 NAC in San Francisco. It will be held August 20-24, 2008 at St. Francis Yacht Club. For their flyer, click (more...)
02 Oct 2007 - Lined up in SF. This cover of the October issue of Latitudes 38 happens to capture Bruce Stone leading the pack. Guess you don't need to paint your boat flag blue to make the cover after all (but it helps to be chased by a passel of colorful kites).
01 Oct 2007 - RI-07-03: SAILS FOR CHARTERED BOATS. The Technical Committee has passed down interpretations on two questions related to the use of sails on chartered boats. (more...)
01 Oct 2007 - SOLARIS wins Texas NOOD -- runs J/105 NOOD consecutive string to 48. Nine J/105's entered and competed in the light air shortened Houston Yacht Club Texas NOOD regatta on September 21-23. The two races on the first day of the three day competition decided the outcome. The third race on day two was canceled on the last leg. No wind prevented racing on the final day. Three boats, STINGER, BABE, and AFTERSHOCK, were tied for second place. The tie breakers went to STINGER and then BABE. The top three: 1. Bill Zartler, SOLARIS, 2; 2. Kevin Bednar, STINGER, 6; and 3. Malcolm Bremmer, BABE, 6.
01 Oct 2007 - And the winner is ... The winner of the Ullman jib raffle to support the NAC is Barry Brown, from Texas Fleet #17, owner of BLUE MAX. Ironically, Fleet #17 is one of the only fleets not represented in the 2007 NAC at present (now showing 65 entries!). Barry obviously wanted to show his support even though he could not attend in person. The winning ticket was chosen from a champagne bucket by Ron Ward, Senior International Judge, at the Annapolis Yacht Club yesterday.
27 Sep 2007 - More RBBS photos from Bruce Cooper. These aren't in the professional category, but pretty good nevertheless. (more...)
25 Sep 2007 - BBS Photography. Andrew Sims (Wavelength Studios) has take some great shots of the Rolex Big Boats Series in San Francisco. Not to be missed. (more...)
17 Sep 2007 - RE-TERN wins Canadians. Seventeen boats participated in the Canadians in Toronto, won by David Shaver. There was 15-20 knot winds and 4-6 foot swells on Lake Ontario for this Fleet 4 sponsored event. Robert Baker on PLANET B had a 2, 1 and was leading on the last upwind beat of the third race on the first day, but she was damaged in a collision and had to withdraw. Top three: 1. Dave Shaver, RE-TERN, 36; 2. Mike Mountford, LIVE EDGE, 37; 3. Peter Hall, JAMAICA ME CRAZY, 42. Nine race were sailed. (more...)
17 Sep 2007 - GOOD TIMIN' prevails at BBS. There were 34 boats on the line for the Rolex Big Boat Series in San Francisco including five boats from outside Fleet #1. Seven races were sailed over four days. Chris Perkins got off to a slow start with a 4, 12, 11, but finished strong with a 1, 3, 1, and 5. The top three: 1. Chris Perkins, GOOD TIMIN', 37; 2. Scott Sellers, DONKEY JACK, 42; 3. Kristen Lane, BRICK HOUSE, 59. Scooter Simmons, Tim Russell and Tom Coates had the bullets not collected by the top three. (more...)
14 Sep 2007 - Annapolis NAC Update. The Annapolis Yacht Club and J/105 Fleet 3 are pleased to announce the support of these great sponsors for the upcoming North American Championship; Bombay Sapphire, Charles Schwab, North Sails, APS (Annapolis Performance Sailing), J/Boats Chesapeake, Hall Spars & Ullman Sails who is offering a great opportunity via a raffle for a new, Fiberpath Aramid jib. To buy a chance visit our Merchandise Page by clicking here. Forty four boats have already registered before the early deadline of Friday, Sep 21st. The entry fee for the 4 day event, including social passes for dining & drinks for Skipper and up to 5 crew is $650. After Sep 21st and through the entry deadline of October 17th, there is a late fee of $150. For more information check out the event site. (more...)
11 Sep 2007 - Two big regattas coming up. The Canadian Championship in Toronto and the Rolex Big Boat Series in San Francisco are both being contested this Thursday through Sunday. Should be a great week for the 105s. Good luck everybody!
10 Sep 2007 - KINCSEM wins Larchmont NOOD. There were 22 J/105s on the line for the two-day Larchmont NOOD in Larchmont, NY. There were seven races and after winning all three Saturday races, KINCSEM, cruised to an eight point victory with its six person team (none of whom is under fifty years of age). On Sunday second place boat SAVASANA won two races. ECLIPSE and MORNING GLORY won the other two, but REVELATION pulled out third place. Top three: 1. Joerg Esdorn, KINCSEM, 21; 2. Brian Keane, SAVASANA, 29; George Wilbanks, REVELATION, 38. This marks the 47th straight NOOD with a J/105 one-design start and an increase of five boats over the 2006 Larchmont NOOD. (more...)
07 Sep 2007 - After the NAC. The 2007 edition of the Senator's Cup Match Racing Regatta will be sailed in J/105s in Baltimore Harbor from November 8-10. Featured (pro) competitors include Gavin Brady, Chris Larson, John Bertrand, Terry Hutchinson, et al. (more...)
28 Aug 2007 - No Miami Race Week in 2008. We have been informed by Premiere-Racing that they are still constrained by transient slips at the Miami Beach Marina and will not be able to accommodate J/105s in 2008. Looks like it will be Farr 40, Melges 32, IRC, and NYYC 42 (or second IRC class). But we already have 18 confirmed for Key West, so we could hit forty again this year.
17 Aug 2007 - Larchmont NOOD. The 2007 Larchmont NOOD on September 8 & 9 will also be the Long Island Sound J/105 2007 Championship. Fleet 6 is expecting a significant number of out of town boats for this regatta and is sponsoring a J/105 half model as a traveling trophy for this regatta. Please go to the Fleet 6 website to register. This regatta will be the first in a series of great J/105 racing weekends in the Larchmont/Rye area, with American Yacht Club's Fall Series on September 22 & 23 and 29 & 30, followed by the J/105 East Coast Champs run by Manhasset Bay Yacht Club on October 13 & 14. This will give boats sufficient time to get down to Annapolis for the J/105 North Americans on November 1-4. Racing for all these weekends will be in the same area between Larchmont YC and American YC in Rye. If you have any questions regarding logistics, etc, contact Fleet 6 Fleet Captain Joerg Esdorn.
16 Aug 2007 - Key West Approaching. J/105 Central just got its copy of the NOR for KWRW 2008 (the dates are January 21-25). If you are planning on attending, you should get on your horse. There are only 153 days left (according to the countdown to the left). If you have not been on my e-mailing list in the past and would like to be, please send e-mail to Nelson at j105 dot org. I send out about a dozen missives between now and the event. To check on the NOR and other logistics issues, go to the premiere-racing.com site. This year they have a "Road Advisory" on their Logistics page. Premiere Racing
14 Aug 2007 - Wow! Get a chance to win a new Ullman jib for $100. Get (better) sheet bags for $40 apiece. Get a bow measuring template for $30. Have you visited our Merchandise page lately? (more...)
30 Jul 2007 - Marblehead NOOD. Local Peter and Doug Morgan took the 20 boat Marblehead NOOD over three days and six races. They were just two points clear of the second and third place boats who tied. Top three: 1. Peter & Doug Morgan, STEELAWAY III, 12; 2. Kevin & Dee Colcord, CIRCE'S CUP, 14; 3. Ken Colburn, GHOST, 14. (more...)
19 Jul 2007 - Fleet #3 takes top positions in Newport. Two boats from Annapolis (hosting the NAC later this year) were #1 and #2 at the Sail Newport Regatta last weekend. There were a mix of conditions varying from six to sixteen knots, mostly a seabreeze from the southwest. Fourteen boats from five fleets and eight states competed. Top three: 1. Andrew Kennedy, BAT IV, 14; 2. Carl & Scott Gitchell, TENACIOUS, 21; 3. Jay Schachne, COLTRANE, 21. (more...)
18 Jul 2007 - And then the wind died. They were off to a fast start on Sunday, but then the wind died. It turned into a 62 hour slog for the winner of the Race to Mackinac, Tom & Gytis Petkus on VYTIS, followed an hour and a half later by Clark Pellett's SEALARK and thirty minutes after that by Peter Fray's PRONTO II. VYTIS and SEALARK were also first and second in fleet (Macinac Cup) on corrected time. Fifteen of the seventeen boats finished. Congratulations to all the survivors! (more...)
13 Jul 2007 - Mackinac starts tomorrow. At 12:50 p.m. Central the Chicago-Mackinac race starts. That's 333 statute miles of sailing and there are 17 J/105s entered. Heavy southerlies are forecast so the fleet is hoping for surfing conditions all the way up the lake. You can follow their progress by going to trackinfo.fistracking.com/Mac2007/
11 Jul 2007 - Finally, a cover with a white hull! This is the cover for the August 2007 issue of SAIL. The boat is BECKON, #402, formerly GREY EAGLE, owned by Peter and Barbie Horneffer. This shot is taken off Bear Island Light in Bass Harbor, ME by Andrew Sims of Wavelength Studios. Click on the photo for more detail.
11 Jul 2007 - More Venue Specific Sails Discussions. On July 5 the ExCom devoted an entire conference call to the topic of Venue Specific Sails (aka Travelling Sails). You may find the minutes of that meeting, as well as the analysis of alternatives by the Technical Committee, as well as the original TC white paper, in Members --> Class Business. You can also read Chris Perkins' analysis at J/105 Information --> Tips / Articles, and last year's submission on the topic on the FORUM (Class Rules Proposals --> Final Submission #13). This is an important issue for the Class, which has no "right" answer for every type of owner. Please us know what you think by posting on the FORUM or e-mailing any of the people on the ExCom (see Governance --> Officers or Fleets --> Captains for your representatives).
28 Jun 2007 - PERSEVERANCE perseveres at Long Beach Race Week. Fifteen boats participated in Long Beach Race Week (actually a long weekend). PERSEVERANCE not only won five of the seven races, but also was the regatta's Boat of the Week for winning the most competitive class. (The J/105s were also the largest class in the 17 class, 131 boat regatta.) Top three: 1. Bennett Greenwald, PERSEVERANCE, 16; 2. Jeff Janov, INVISIBLE, 20; 3. Alex Rasmussen, FREE ENTERPRISE, 22. Complete results. (more...)
28 Jun 2007 - HEY JUDE wins Toronto NOOD. There were 16 boats and seven races at the Toronto NOOD. Five boats won races in conditions described as "light to moderate". Top three: 1. Jim Rathbun, HEY JUDE, 20; 2. Robert Baker, PLANET B, 26; 3. Glen Malcolm, STARCROSS, 30. Complete Results. (more...)
28 Jun 2007 - BIRW Photography. Check out the great professional photography of Andrew Sims and Tim Wilkes.
27 Jun 2007 - Block Wrap. I've wrapped up the Block Blog with some startling revelations on the sails used as well as some juicy quotes. (more...)
22 Jun 2007 - SAVASANA, KINCSEM, and ARBITRAGE at Block. Race Week ended with a beautiful sailing day with westerly winds of 14-20 knots. The RC ran one ten mile race, making eight races with a throwout. ARBITRAGE and TENACIOUS were one and two for the day and for the week the standings had 1. Brian Keane, SAVASANA, 21; 2. Joerg Esdorn, KINCSEM, 23; and 3. Bruce Stone, ARBITRAGE, 32. So it took an average of third to win the regatta. Competition was tight. (more...)
21 Jun 2007 - Perfect sailing Thursday at Block. The conditions were perfect today at Block Island Race Week. The RC ran two races in reasonably stable 14-16 knot breeze out of the west under sunny skies. Four boats avoided double digits on the day (KINCSEM, ECLIPSE, ANDIAMO, DRAGONFLY). KINCSEM moved into second for the week after the throwout came into effect. SAVASANA held onto first with ANDIAMO was third. (more...)
20 Jun 2007 - SAVASANA still in the lead at Block. The top three boats for the day were also the top three boats for the regatta. SAVASANA (9 for the day, 15 overall) led, followed by ANDIAMO (10, 24), and WOODY (10, 27). It is still anybody's regatta. (more...)
19 Jun 2007 - BIRW holds the (Nearly) Around the Island Race. Today they sent us around the island in light breeze. The winner was ARBITRAGE, followed by SAVASANA and KINCSEM. (more...)
18 Jun 2007 - SAVASANA leads at Block. The first race was delayed three hours by light breeze, but they finally managed to get off two races on day one. Leading with Brian Keane (SAVASANA) with 4 points, Paul Strauch (ANDIAMO) with 5 points, and tied at 12 are Damian Emery (ECLIPSE) Larry Hennessy (WOODY), and Bruce Stone (ARBITRAGE). See complete cumulative results. and Nelson's Blog.
18 Jun 2007 - MESSY JESSY takes Chicago NOOD. In a three day regatta that was described as light and shifty, the top three after two days, dropped out of the money. In their place was: 1. Dorin Candea, MESSY JESSY, 23; 2. Marty McKenna, REDPORTLEFT, 29; and 3. David Wagner, GIGI, 30. Over 20 boats participated in the regatta.
18 Jun 2007 - RI-07-02 has been posted. The Technical Committee's ruling on what is allowed for cleating the outhaul has been posted. (more...)
17 Jun 2007 - NOOD and Block. Two big events upcoming. This weekend is the Chicago NOOD and next week is Block Island Race Week. Those who can't wait, can peek at the results using the left menu. Racing --> Event Information --> ... Nelson will continue with his Block Island Blog here.
05 Jun 2007 - Your opinions solicited. There are some important discussions going on in the FORUM about various topics that the Executive Committee must decide upon. Things like venue specific sails, outhaul purchase, swiveling outhaul cleats, sailor classification, etc. Mostly these are on the Class Association Business topic. We value your opinions and would like broader participation from owners in these discussions. (more...)
04 Jun 2007 - INVISIBLE wins Pacific Coast Championships. This weekend was also the Pacific Coast Championships, hosted this year by Cal Yacht Club in Marina Del Rey. They had five races over two days with three different boats winning races in a twelve boat fleet. The top three 1. Jeff Janov, INVISIBLE, 13; 2. Rick Goebel, SANITY, 15; 3. Bernard Girod, ROCK & ROLL, 20. (more...)
04 Jun 2007 - JUNTO wins Detroit NOOD. There were three races and the boats that won the individual races finished 4th, 7th, and 8th overall for the regatta. Two points separated the top three boats. Now that's close competition! The top three (amongh twelve) were 1. Michael Morin / Duane Rose, JUNTO, 11; 2. Brian Smith, SORCERY, 11; and 3. Rick Listwan / Ed Palm, TENACIOUS, 12. (more...)
31 May 2007 - Bacardi International Invitational Race Week. In six races over three days, NOT MINE won four of six in the five-boat Bermuda fleet to win the Bacardi International Invitational Regatta earlier this month. Top three: 1. J Brewin/A Williams, NOT MINE, 7; 2. Jon Corless, MONKEYSHINES, 14; 3. Jamie Lewis, HARLEQUIN, 17. (more...)
23 May 2007 - Minutes of the May 15 ExCom meeting posted. Members may review the Minutes of our last meeting by selecting Members, then Class Business on the left menu.
21 May 2007 - Need housing at NAC 2007? Linda Ambrose and Carl Gitchell have a list of houses that will be for rent in Annapolis for the NAC. You may contact them at eventinfo@j105fleet3.org.
18 May 2007 - J-DREAM wins UK Nationals. Sailed out of the Hayling Island Sailing Club over the weekend of 12/13 May, the UK J/105 National Championship was sailed in plenty of wind with eleven boats. The top three were: 1. David & Kirsty Apthorp, J-DREAM, 2. Andy Bird, JAMBALAYA, and 3. Mike West, JUNEAU. See the photos by Eddie Mays here. And Fleet #13 has a new website where you can pull up the complete results here.
17 May 2007 - National Hospice Regatta sailed (again) in J/105s, May 11-13. Since 2002, Annapolis YC has hosted the National Hospice Regatta, which brings in the winners from around the country. Since then the event has been run using J/105s supplied by Fleet #3. Linda Ambrose is National Hospice Regatta Alliance Director and Donor Boat Coordator and has kept this event rolling year after year. This year it had twelve entries and was won by a group from Niagra County, NY. For some fabulous photography, check out the slide show shot and assembled by Dave Dunigan. Regatta home. Dave Dunigan's slide show.
17 May 2007 - New Rule Interpretation. The Technical Committee has issued a new Rule Interpretation (RI-07-01) that says that takeup lines for travellers are not legal under our Rules. (more...)
15 May 2007 - Tax Day. Today is tax day for the Class Association. We're a 501(c)(7) organization (social club) and we file a tax return even though we don't pay any taxes. We get an extra month to file our 990-EZ return. For those who wish to see the details (and to see how the Treasurer spends some of his/her time), go to the Governance Tab and then choose IRS Documents. (more...)
08 May 2007 - MASQUERADE wins Yachting Cup. There were five races, 21 boats, great weather, and a consistent 14-16 knot breeze for the Yachting Cup in San Diego last weekend. Top three: 1. Tom Coates, MASQUERADE, 7; 2. Dennis & Sharon Case, WINGS, 12; 3. Gary Mozer, CURRENT OBSESSION 2, 26. (more...)
07 May 2007 - REVELATION wins AYC Spring. Jay Lurie's team on REVELATION made up an 8 point deficit yesterday to beat KINCSEM on the second tier of a tie breaker, with both boats ending up with 23 points total. The racing was tight in great conditions yesterday one more time - sunshine and 12 to 17kn from the East. A total of 10 races were completed in the series. Third was Tom Boyle on MERLIN (47 points). Full results below. (more...)
01 May 2007 - NOOD photos. Andrew Sims has posted his gallery. (more...)
30 Apr 2007 - Meanwhile in the AYC Spring Series ... The J105s, with 20 boats entered, were the biggest one design class again this year and enjoyed great conditions and tight racing during the first weekend of AYC Spring. Winds were up and down, but mostly up with solid teens and even gusts to the 20s for most of the racing. Six races were completed. The first five (after throw out) were Kincsem (7), Revelation (13), Conundrum (22), Morning Glory (26), and Merlin (28). See link below for full results. (more...)
30 Apr 2007 - FREEDOM rings! They only completed three races, but former fleet captain Peter Schellie won the 45 boat NOOD regatta with 7-7-3. The J/105 class was by far the biggest one-design class, besting the next largest J/22 class by eight boats. No other class had more than 16 boats (and that included Melges 24s, J/24s, J/80s, Beneteaus, Mumms, and C&Cs). The regatta was having the same problem as the America's Cup in Spain. The top three were: 1. FREEDOM, Schellie, 17; 2. VELOCE, Marty Hublitz, 21; and 3. SAVASANA, Brian Keane, 21. (more...)
23 Apr 2007 - Records in the making. It appears that this weekend's Annapolis NOOD will not only be the largest NOOD ever for J/105s, but will be the largest non-North American Championship regatta ever with 44 boats. The NOOD record stands at 36 boats for the 2006 Annapolis NOOD and the largest regatta other than a NAC is the 2005 Key West Race Week at 40 boats. Clearly this is the year to beat the two previous NAC highs of 52 boat in Marion in 2004 and 50 boats in Chicago in 2002. This year's NAC is November 1-4 in Annapolis. Be there! (more...)
19 Apr 2007 - The results are in! The winner of the President's Trophy for 2007 is Don Wilson and his crew aboard CONVEXITY for coming out on top in the Southern Circuit events (Key West, St. Pete NOOD, and Charleston Race Week). Don was three thousandths ahead of Tom Coates of MASQUERADE (the 2005 winner) with a score of .843, .027 ahead of Brian Keane of SAVASANA (the 2006 winner), and .032 ahead of Gerrit Schulze of MAX POWER (the 2008 winner???). Two boats sailed in all three regattas (21 races), RUM AT SIX and FORERUNNER. The Sportsmanship Award goes to John Mathis on FORERUNNER. Eighteen boats qualified by sailing two events and forty four sailed in one of the three events. The names of the 2007 Association President (Eden Kim) will be engraved along with the other two on the Trophy which will be held by Don Wilson until the completion of the Circuit in 2008. Congratulations to all. Complete results.
16 Apr 2007 - Charleston Race Week. The top four boats were separated by only two points in this year's running of Charleston Race Week. We had fourteen boats and six races over two days. The top four were: 1) Brian Keane, SAVASANA, 14; 2. Worth Harris, RUM AT SIX, 14; 3. Patrick Eudy, BIG BOOTY, 15; and 4. Don Wilson, CONVEXITY, 16. Racing was abandoned on day three (Sunday) due to tornado warnings and bridge closures. According to the press release "60-knot gusts rolled through Charleston Harbor while winners accepted awards." This was the second consecutive win for Keane, who also won the Charleston Race Week Cup for the "best performance of any One Design competitor." (more...)
06 Apr 2007 - Spring Newsletter available. The Spring Newsletter just went to press, but I understand that it will take ten days to a couple weeks to reach your mailboxes because of the printing and mailing process. If your dues have been recorded as paid in 2007, you can Login to the site and click Members and then Newsletters on the left menu to read it on line or print it now. It is being mailed to all 2007 members and to 2006 members in anticipation of receiving your 2007 dues.
02 Apr 2007 - Memberships rolled. We rolled the memberships over to 2007 over the weekend (no foolin'). Fleets #1, #4, #8, and #21 have a large portion, or all, of their members renewed. Other fleets have nearly none renewed. Let's get the renewals in so that we don't have to waste postage on renewal notices. Still only $25 per year. More on the all fleets page.
28 Mar 2007 - Minutes posted. Minutes of the Excom conference call of 3/15 have been posted in the Members Area under Class Business. (more...)
27 Mar 2007 - CURRENT OBSESSION 2 top boat in strong SAN DIEGO NOOD. Twenty three J105s raced in the 2007 San Diego NOOD, hosted by San Diego Yacht Club, March 17 & 18th. Once again the J105s were the largest fleet of the 150 boats in the regatta. Race conditions on the ocean course off the Hotel Del Coronado had temps between 55-60 F with 10 -13 knot winds and 2 foot swells Saturday under clouds and sun, and 6-8 knots of breeze and 1 foot swells on an overcast Sunday. San Diego's famous kelp did not miss the regatta either. Over five races, 10 boats scored at least once in the top three finish positions, underscoring the competitiveness of the fleet. Of the top five, Gary Mozer's Current Obsession 2 (Naples Island) and Doug & Pam Werner's Javelin (San Diego) each had 18 points, with the win going to Current Obsession 2 on 2 to 1 1st place finishes. Dennis & Sharon Case's Wings (San Diego) placed 3rd with 28 points, followed by Thomas Coates' Masquerade (San Francisco) with 29 points and Jim and Sue Baranski's Space Cowboy (Chicago) with 35 points. Final results.
26 Mar 2007 - Another cover. This one happens to be Damian Emery's ECLIPSE at Key West. I'm afraid if you want to see your boat on a cover, you need to paint it Flag Blue. Fred Stone, Jr.'s PUFFIN, #472, trailing, just doesn't have what it takes.? ? ? ? ??
26 Mar 2007 - Be the first ... ... to register for the 2007 NAC in Annapolis (November 1-4, 2007). (more...)
14 Mar 2007 - J/Rendezvous. The 11th J/Rendezvous was held on Saturday, March 3, at the JBoats TPI factory in Warren, RI. I was happy to see three J/105s on the assembly line, the last of which, #665, is shown at the left. The Rendezvous is an annual affair which amounts to a mini-boatshow. Great to see how your boat is put together and meet some of the factory reps. I've made all but one of these shows. This year I learned that there is a coffee table book about the Johnstone family and the J/Boats company, published in 2005, called "J/Boats: Sailing to Success," by Anthony Dalton. From the first garage-built J/24 up to mid-2005, it looks like a fun book with plenty of interesting photos. The J/105 SIROCCO, sailed out of Massachusetts, made the cover! Saw WET PAINT, among others, as well. Link to JBoats News Item.
14 Mar 2007 - Minutes posted. The minutes of the ExCom conference call of 3/1 have been posted in the Members Area under Class Business. (more...)
12 Mar 2007 - 2007 North East Championiships. Fleet #6 would like to announce that on October 13 and 14, 2007 they will sponsor this regatta on the first weekend of the Manhasset Fall Series. It was be an ideal stop-over and tune up for the 2007 NAC in Annapolis that starts on November 1.
06 Mar 2007 - Southern Circuit Leaders. With two of the three regattas completed, the top three boats are MASQUERADE, .8791; 2. J'MAKIN' WAVES, .8692, and 3. CONVEXITY, .8562. None of these boats has sailed both regattas, so they will have to sail at Charleston Race Week to qualify for the trophy. The top boat that has sailed both regattas is GUMPTION3 with .7700. Scores.
27 Feb 2007 - GPS Tracking. For the 21.31% of you who have not seen GPS tracking in action (as a Flash video), click on the link below. From there you can see the first two races at Key West Race Week in their most fundamental form. The full viewer gives more controls. Kattack Race Video.
20 Feb 2007 - St. Pete NOOD. Worth Harris and the RUM AT SIX crew took top honors at the six race, eighteen boat St. Pete NOOD. Unlike last year when there was too little wind, the racing was cancelled on Sunday because of too much wind. Friday was heavy and Saturday light. Top three: 1. Worth Harris, RUM AT SIX, 15; 2. Steve & Dee Olinger, J'MAKIN' WAVES, 20; 3. A. Rosen & J. Marks, WASABI, 32. This runs the J/105 string of consecutive NOOD regattas with a one-design start to 40 and we were the third largest class (of 17) behind the Melges 24 (45) and J/24 (24) Classes. (more...)
07 Feb 2007 - Availability of new J/105s. Yes, J/105s are still being built. The most recent hull number coming out of TPI was #665. If you are interested in having a new J/105 built, see your JBoats dealer about pricing and availability. Or you can check out the used boats, which are holding their value very well compared to the new ones. Click on "Why Buy a J/105?" in the left menu or browse the Classified. (more...)
01 Feb 2007 - New Rules in Effect. The new Rules and Constitution (including the submissions that passed) are in effect today and have been posted. Please print off a copy using the .pdf versions. Use the menus at the left to access either the Rules (under Racing) or Constitution (under Governance).
25 Jan 2007 - The KWRW photos are up. Here are the direct links to four sets of photos: Nelson's action photos, Nelson's (and Walt's) venue photos, as well as professional photos by Tim Wilkes (sorted by boat), Andrew Sims and PhotoBoat. For my albums, you can click on the photo to get larger images (and note there are multiple pages of thumbnails). Not all my photos made it, so if you are looking for something specific ask me to search deeper into the archives. Enjoy! (more...)
23 Jan 2007 - Next up -- St. Pete NOOD. There are now ten entries and 5-10 more are probably for the NOOD next month. I am told by Steve Olinger that they are sailing by the "local Tampa Bay area crew weight rule", which means a maximum of six of any gender. If you have any questions or concerns about the regatta, Steve can be reached at solinger at kikorp.com. There's an electronic entry form on the regatta site. (more...)
22 Jan 2007 - Final KWRW blog. My summary of the event and the tale of the sails. Read it here.
19 Jan 2007 - MASQUERADE three-peats! MASQUERADE won the final race and KWRW for the third time in a row. This time she survived a 24 and averaged 6th place. Top five: 1. Tom Coates, MASQUERADE, 46; 2. Don Wilson, CONVEXITY, 53; 3. Gerrit Schulze, MAX POWER, 61; 4. Brian Keane, SAVASANA, 67; 5. Kevin Grainger, GUMPTION, 68. In the fun awards category, PASSION won Middling, TENACIOUS won Family, BLINK won Newbies, COLTRANE won Greybeard, JAVA won Mixed Gender, WASABI won Young Blood, and ECLIPSE won Five Aboard. Blog. and Fun final standings. Final standings.
18 Jan 2007 - MASQUERADE loses, regains lead. MASQUERADE lost the regatta lead with a finish in the twenties in the first race, but came back with a second in the second. Meanwhile, the second place boat for the regatta after the first race did even worse than MASQUERADE did in the first race. After four days and nine races: 1. MASQUERADE, 45; 2. CONVEXITY, 49; 3. GUMPTION3; 4. MAX POWER, 57; 5. SAVASANA, 64. For the day, winning silver (and losing fun awards) were 1. MAX POWER (4-2), GUMPTION (1,10), and RUM @ SIX (4,7). Blog. and Fun standings. Full results.
17 Jan 2007 - MASQUERADE pulls away. MASQUERADE had only a 3-4 on the day, but the close competition faltered and she now maintains a 13 point lead. Top five: 1. MASQUERADE, 18; 2. SAVASANA, 31; 3. CONVEXITY, 37; 4. GUMPTION3, 44; 5. PERSERVERENCE, 49. Please note that these are preliminary scores and may change. For the blog, complete standings, and fun standings, see entries below. Also winning daily silver were GRACE O'MALLEY (10-2) and MAX POWER (5-7).
16 Jan 2007 - Three within one after day two. Top five: 1. MASQUERADE, 11; 2. CONVEXITY; 3. PERSERVERENCE, 11; 4. SAVASANA, 18; 5. GUMPTION3, 28. The three daily winners were MASQUERADE, PERSERVERENCE, and CONVEXITY. For links see below.
15 Jan 2007 - CONVEXITY leads KWRW. Top five after day 1: CONVEXITY 3; PERSERVERENCE 7; MASQUERADE 8; SAVASANA 8; JAVA 9. See Nelson's Blog by clicking below. Direct link to full results.
11 Jan 2007 - Key West next week. Here are some of the links you can use next week for Key West Race Week. Nelson's Blog, and Premiere-Racing for results and fun award standings. Enjoy, and if you are not with us, consider coming down next year. (more...)
08 Jan 2007 - Voting on 2007 Submissions is complete. Seven of the thirteen submissions that went to ballot received some negative votes, but the only submission not passing was the "travelling sails" submission. To see the results of the ballotting go to the Class Business page on the Members tab. The changes go into effect on 2/1/2007. (more...)
05 Jan 2007 - Block Island Race Week 2007. Monday is an important date for those considering entering BIRW in 2007. It is the first day you can make your ferry reservations and book rental houses on the island. If you have not gone in the past and wish to be on Nelson's mailing list, please send your request to nelson@j105.org. This is the "high" year being sponsored by Storm Trysail Club. It will be the week of June 17. Let's get enough to beat our high of 33 boats in '03. Regatta link.
04 Jan 2007 - Happy New Year. Yes, Virginia, it is 2007. Sail fast in the New Year. For those in fleets that do not collect national class dues, please meander over to the Members tab and pay your 2007 dues before you forget. It will save your Class some postage to remind you later. Renew now!
29 Dec 2006 - Knowledge. Fleet #3 has a great "knowledge page". For example, do you know the trick for replacing all those little balls in your traveller? Or how to secure your mast chocks without resorting to Spartite? This and much more if you follow the link. (more...)
18 Dec 2006 - Last call for Christmas gifts. If you order calendars or hats from the Merchandise page today, you will probably have them by the end of the week. If you wait, you are rolling the dice. (more...)
11 Dec 2006 - NOR for NAC posted. Fleet #3 in concert with the Annapolis YC have posted the NOR for the 2007 North Americans. Best place to go is their home page and click "Documents". (more...)
29 Nov 2006 - Search Capability Added. Have you noticed the "Search" box that appeared a couple of weeks ago on the banner above? This is a "Google" feature that searches only this site (including the FORUM). For example, if you type "traveller" and then click "Go", you will find all the pages on j105.org that reference the traveller. This improvement was proposed by Matt Howell (BLINK, #434). Thanks, Matt!
25 Nov 2006 - New Page on Web Site. It was suggested at our Class Association Annual Meeting in October that we have a page entitled "Why Buy a J/105?" The result can now be seen and you are invited to refer prospective owners to this page. The link to it will appear shortly on the left menu. If we have forgotten any salient points, please let Nelson know. Click here.
22 Nov 2006 - Four Regattas draw 30+ boats. Four Regattas drew more than 30 boats in 2006: Annapolis NOOD (36), the North Americans (31), Big Boats (36), and the East Coast Championship (35). Two others just missed with 29 (Key West and the Pacific Coast Championships). This all bodes well for 40+ at the Annapolis NAC in 2007 and getting back above 30 at KW 2007.
09 Nov 2006 - Calendars and Hats Now Shipping. We have received the 2007 Calendars and a supply of hats for sale. We are now shipping out orders. See our merchandise section. (more...)
06 Nov 2006 - St. Pete NOOD 2007. Steve Olinger has sent some information on the logistics for the St. Pete NOOD in February. (more...)
06 Nov 2006 - Annual Meeting Minutes Posted. The Annual meeting of the class was held on October 26. The minutes of that meeting (and all the handouts) have been posted. On the left menu, choose Members, then Class Business.
31 Oct 2006 - Final Submissions Posted. The Executive Committee met on October 26 to finalize the 2007 Submissions. At that meeting, the Submission previously posted as #9 was dropped from consideration. Submissions #1, #2, #7, #8, and #11 were amended (some significantly). These submissions will be available for comments from the membership for 60 days and will then be voted on by the Executive Committee. Those that pass the final vote will be in effect starting February 1, 2007. Note that the dropping of Submission #9 means that backup jibs will still be permitted and that option #5 on the Weekly Poll is no longer an open option. For those wishing to see the proposals all together, the .pdf is here. For those wishing to see the markup of changes made since the last posting, the .pdf is here. Please post your comments on the FORUM.
30 Oct 2006 - Slingshot third in Rolex Middle Sea Race. Hasso Plattner's Morning Glory (the 86 foot maxi) won, but was almost overtaken by two smaller JBoats when the wind picked up at the end of the race. Two Brits, Shaun Murphy and Ric Searle sailed the 68 boat race doublehanded against fully crewed yachts. The course is 607 nm. sailed counter clockwise around the island of Sicily with start and finish at Malta. The course record is just under 65 hours. (more...)
30 Oct 2006 - Allianz Cup uses J/105s.
The Allianz Cup (a stop on the World Match Race Tour) was held in San Francisco Bay, was hosted by the St. Francis Yacht Club, and was sailed in J/105s. The prize purse was $100,000. In the finals, Ben Ainslie of Emirates Team New Zealand beat Ed Baird of Alinghi, 3-1. Our own Chris Perkins sailed in the first round of the competition and had a 2-5 record against the pros. To the left is the re-branded Larrikin (sans lifelines). For some daily video, go here and for complete results here.
30 Oct 2006 - INIGO takes ECC. The East Coast Championships were sailed in Annapolis this past weekend and gave a precursor of what to expect at the 2007 NAC. I was fortunate to be able to participate on Friday (after the Class annual meeting on Thursday). We had great sailing conditions with 10-14 for the three races with a little cold rain. In days 2 and 3 the wind picked up with steady 20s and blasts into the thirties (one correspondent reported surfing at 18.1 knots downwind on Saturday). Jim Konigsburg handled the heavy wind the best and staved off the about eight out-of-towners for the win in the 35 boat fleet. Top three: 1. Jim Konigsberg, INIGO, 26; 2. Joerg Esdorn, KINCSEM, 45; 3. Marty Hublitz, VELOCE, 49. A total of eight races were sailed. (more...)
24 Oct 2006 - The J/105 Store is Open! Some of you have already found the J/105 Merchandise section (new menu item on the left). Right now we have a 2007 calendar and hats for sale. I've just updated the graphic for the calendar to show all the photos that were included. This makes a great holiday gift for your crew and especially for anyone who is considering the purchase of a J/105. Order today for delivery in early November. (more...)
23 Oct 2006 - Rule Interpretations RI-06-01. This RI has just been posted and answers four questions about sail purchase limitations. Click Racing --> Rule Interpretations.
17 Oct 2006 - RUM PUPPY wins AYC's Fall Series. Jack Biddle's RUM PUPPY won the Annapolis Yacht Club Fall Series in a field
of 28 competitors. He was followed by Gerrit Schulze's MAX POWER, and Walt Nuschke's ZEPHYR. The AYC Fall Series is sailed on three consecutive weeks and this year involved a total of five races. (more...)
13 Oct 2006 - Newsletter on the way. The Fall News went to the publisher last week. You should be receiving it in the mail next week. If you can't wait, you can also read it on-line in the Members area.
10 Oct 2006 - Southern Chesapeake has own web site. Fleet #15 has re-energized itself and now has its own web site. Check it out at j105.org/fleet15/.
04 Oct 2006 - Submissions for 2007 Updated. Please go to the FORUM to see the latest list of 14 submissions for Rule and Constitution changes. Your comments now can have an effect on these preliminary submissions. After they are re-considered (and possible amended) at the 26 October annual meeting, they will be re-submitted for a 60 day formal review with only editorial changes permitted for a final vote early in 2007. (more...)
02 Oct 2006 - KINCSEM takes AYC Fall Series. There were 20 boats registered for the American Yacht Club Fall Series in Rye, NY, which took place over the last two weekends. With nine races completed and one throwout, KINCSEM scored eight points, besting her nearest competitor by 28. Top three: 1. Joerg Esdorn, KINCSEM, 8; 2. Damian Emery, ECLIPSE, 36; 3. Tom Boyle, MERLIN, 36. There were four other one-design classes. The closest of the rest in numbers was the J/109, which drew 12 boats for their East Coast Championship. (more...)
02 Oct 2006 - Quick Quiz disguised as Quick Poll. Apologies for not having a new poll last week. For those who would like to know the answer to the quiz, we have J/105s in more than 25 countries. If you have vacation plans to a foreign country, check our member list before you go.
27 Sep 2006 - SOLARIS wins Houston NOOD. Galveston Bay served up a healthy helping of breeze and waves to the eight J/105s entered in the Houston NOOD. In eight races over three days, Bill Zartler's SOLARIS placed no worse than second. This was the 39th consecutive NOOD regatta over five years that had a J/105 one-design start. Top three: 1. Bill Zartler, SOLARIS, 11; 2. Barry Brown, BLUE MAX, 33; 3. Vic Forsyth, AFTERSHOCK, 33. Full results.
22 Sep 2006 - NAC photography is up! Stacie McLean got some great photographs of the North Americans in Marina del Rey. Check them out here.
21 Sep 2006 - East Coast Championship Update (prep for 2007 NAC). Bert Jabin's Yard is offering discounts for loading, unloading, mast stepping, dry storage, wet storage, etc. Jabin's is a large full service yard that is convenient to the racing and easy to get in and out of. The web site is www.bjyy.com. Mears Marina has transient slips available at $87.50/day. The web site is www.mearsannapolis.com. Make sure to mention to Jabin's or Mears that you are coming to the J/105 East Coast Championship in order to get the best deal. Contact eventinfo@j105fleet3.org for personal assistance with any aspect of this event. NOR.
20 Sep 2006 - And the J/105 is RORC's Series Produced Boat of the Year You are going to be surprised how far the J/105 fever has spread around the world. (more...)
19 Sep 2006 - SLINGSHOT takes serious UK honors. Not only did Shaun "Spud" Murphy win the 2006 J/105 National Championship earlier this year, but he also won five other major awards for the 2006 season including the RORC 2006 Yacht of the Year for outstanding racing achievement. (more...)
18 Sep 2006 - GOOD TIMIN' wins Big Boats. Chris Perkins showed that it doesn't matter whether he is helmsman or tactician. As tactician he helped MASQUERADE win the NAC (and other majors). As helmsman at the Big Boat Series, sponsored by the St. Francis Yacht Club, he managed no worse than third in a seven race series in which he earned three wins. Nobody else avoided double digits in the 36 boat regatta. Top three: 1. Chris Perkins, GOOD TIMIN', 14; 2. Scott Sellers, DONKEY JACK, 32; 3. Tim Russell, AQUAVIT, 37. Photos by Andrew Sims at wavelengthstudios.com. Final results.
11 Sep 2006 - Kevin Grainger (CYAN) wins Larchmont NOOD. The headlines on the NOOD web site talked about "port tack starts and bizarre shifts", which apparently is not unusual for Western Long Island Sound. In the two day, four race regatta, there were seventeen 105s, the largest class in the nine class event. Some familiar names graced the leaderboard: 1. Kevin Grainger, CYAN, 17; 2. Damian Emery, ECLIPSE, 24; 3. Joerg Esdorn, KINCSEM, 25. (more...)
01 Sep 2006 - Rules Submissions on FORUM. The 2007 Submissions were posted on 8/16 and there has not yet been a single comment. Is this because of apathy, because they are all perfect, or because nobody reads the FORUM anymore?
30 Aug 2006 - Scoler family at the NAC. Fleet #20 (Northwest) was represented at the NAC by the Scoler family sailing the chartered J-OK. They made this a family reunion, as related in a post on the Scuttlebutt forum. Sounds like the ten of them had a bundle of fun! (more...)
28 Aug 2006 - NAC Video. Tucker Thompson of t2p.tv has video of the NA Championship on his site. You have to register with them, but access is free. Great stuff. There are also interviews of various people, including Tom Coates, Lowell North, and Tom Carruthers. Interviews here. Sailing videos here. It will help to have a fast link for the video.
28 Aug 2006 - GHOST wins PHRF New Englands. The name is deceiving since the PHRF group has embraced one-design for the purpose of this regatta. Seventeen J/105s started in this seven race series. Fleet #2 has ratcheted up the competition with three regattas making up their championship with 14 to 18 boats in each. Top three: 1. Ken Colburn, GHOST, 11.3; 2. Don Logan, KEEMAH, 18.8; P&D Morgan, STEEL AWAY, 19.5. (I guess they can't be PHRF if they don't come up with some kind of obscure scoring system.) (more...)
27 Aug 2006 - MASQUERADE wins NAC. From here in RI, it looks like MASQUERADE was covering her closest competitor, WINGS, in the final race on the final day when MASQUERADE took sixth to WINGS' seventh. Past President, Tom Carruthers, won his second race of the regatta. A total of seven races were sailed over four days. Top five: 1. Tom Coates, MASQUERADE, 30; 2. Dennis and Sharon Case, WINGS 37; 3. Mozer/McLean, CURRENT OBSESSION 2, 40; 4. Tom Carruthers, INVISIBLE, 48; 5. Brian Keane, SCARAMOUCHE, 48. (more...)
27 Aug 2006 - MASQUERADE leads NAC going into final day. I'm back from Alaska (Inner Passage cruise on the Norwegian Sun -- highly recommended). Walt has done a terrific job on the commentary and has provided far more technical detail than I ever could. Here are just a couple more links that may be of interest. The NAC program. and direct link to the series results.
24 Aug 2006 - The racing at this year's NA's is ready to begin. To follow the results and link to the video use the Cal Yacht Club link.
(Link to regatta site)
22 Aug 2006 - Daily Commentary on the NA happenings. Follow the link below to check out Walt's daily spin on the NA's.
(Link to Walt's commentary)
14 Aug 2006 - Distance racing, TX style. This past weekend marked the end of the Texas offshore race season and the overall winner was Bee Bednar on STINGER. This series consists of three different offshore races, the first two are both in excess of 100NM and the last set were shorter 25NM races covering three adjacent days. Bee and the STINGER crew bested a handicap class containing boats of the following type: 1D48, J/109, Tripp36, J/35 and J/44. This is quite a victory for Bee and for the J/105 Class, especially considering he was using the one-design configuration.
11 Aug 2006 - Mackinac. Sorry I missed this one. The J/105 class had 20 boats complete the Race to Mackinac sailing as a one-design class. The winners completing the race in a little over two days. The winning margin was three minutes 24 seconds over 333 miles (about 2/3 of a second per mile in handicap terms). Top three: 1. Mike Morgan and Duane Rose, JUNTO, 51:21:45; 2. Mark Gurney, BUZZ, 51:25:38; 3. David Wagner, GIGI, 52:48:28. Most of the boats finished on Monday, July 24. Complete results.
04 Aug 2006 - Morgans win Marblehead NOOD. There were 18 boats at the Marblehead NOOD this past weekend (a new record). Not only did Peter and Doug Morgan win the six race regatta (by nine points), but they also won the award for best performance and sportsmanship in the most competitive class. Top three: 1. Peter and Doug Morgan, STEELAWAY III, 12; 2. Vern Polidoro, VIGILANTE, 21; 3. Ken Colburn, GHOST, 21. This was the 37th consecutive NOOD with J/105 participation. (more...)
27 Jul 2006 - Canadian Championships. Scotia Securities is sponsoring the Canadian Championships on September 7-10 to include three days of great racing. Here's your invitation. Here's the website.
24 Jul 2006 - MASQUERADE wins Newport Rolex. In what must have been a tuneup for the NAC in August, Tom Coates and his west coast crew won the 20 boat Rolex Regatta in Newport, RI. Tom had fellow-SF-owner Chris Perkins calling tactics. Conditions varied from windy and lumpy to light and flat over the three day regatta. Coates won the three races on Friday and the final race on Sunday to win the biennial regatta by 12 points in the eight race series. Final results: 1. MASQUERADE, Tom Coates, 18; 2. INDEFATIGABLE, Phil Lotz, 30; 3. KINCSEM, Joerg Esdorn, 30. Both Coates and Lotz are heading west for the North Americans. (more...)
15 Jul 2006 - Boats available for NAC. John Downing reports that there are still three excellent boats available for charter at the North Americans next month. Contact fleet 8 Captain John Downing (john@dfwines.com) or Tom Carruthers (tom@jworld-sailing.com).
12 Jul 2006 - Menu Reorg. Note that the main menu at the left has changed a little. We moved some items from the Members Area to the public area and labelled it "J/105 Information". No reason to hide this important information from potential buyers (as pointed out by a former owner who authored some of the documents -- thanks Stuart Burnett, ex LEGACY, #198).
01 Jul 2006 - Smuttynose Regatta. For those in Fleets 2, 23, and 14 there's a regatta called Smuttynose in Portsmouth, NH on August 12 and 13. There are already 17 J/105 committed, so the turnout already guarantees that it will be the biggest J/105 Regatta in New Hampshire history. For more information contact Brian Harrington: jh458 at comcast dot net. (more...)
29 Jun 2006 - KWRW 2007. Believe it or not, now is the time to start planning for Key West Race Week 2007. If you'd like to join my mailing list, send e-mail to Nelson. There are about a dozen e-mails leading up to the event and you should join the list even if you're just thinking about it or even just curious about it. If you need a jump start for a 2007 program, there are several class officers available to crew for you. Next year's event is January 15-19, 2007. The easy way to remember the date is that it always coincides with the Martin Luther King Birthday holiday. And Premiere Racing is already on the ball with a special one-design page. Let's get back to 40 boats this year for our MidWinter Championship! Link to Premiere Racing.
27 Jun 2006 - Ullman Sails Long Beach Race Week. In the three day Ullman Sails Long Beach Race Week this past weekend, newcomer Gary Moser won the first two races and held on for a two point victory over hard-charging WINGS. There were twenty boats entered and six races. Top three: 1. Gary Mozer, CURRENT OBSESSION 2, 14; 2. Dennis and Sharon Case, WINGS, 16; 3. John Downing & Jack Franco, CHILLI PEPPER 617, 24. (more...)
27 Jun 2006 - Toronto NOOD. In the 36th consecutive NOOD with a J/105 start, David Shaver's RETERN topped the fleet of eleven (curtailed by defections to the Bermuda Race) in the seven race, three day series. Top three: 1. David Shaver, RETERN, 19; 2. Steven Corbeil, ECLIPSE, 24; 3. Peter Hall, JAMAICA ME CRAZY, 29. (more...)
26 Jun 2006 - BIRW 2006 Final Commentary. For the final wrapup commentary and the link to my snapshots click here.
24 Jun 2006 - BIRW Photos. Andrew Sims of WavelengthStudios.com has posted some great photography from Block Island Race Week. We had wind! (more...)
23 Jun 2006 - BIRW. The final day of Block Island Race Week had moderate winds and the RC got in two final races for a total of nine. Brian Keane smoked the fleet and did not need to sailt the last race. Top three: 1. Brian Keane, SAVASANA, 15; 2. Joerg Esdorn, KINCSEM, 26; 3. Damian Emery, ECLIPSE, 32. Here for commentary. (more...)
22 Jun 2006 - BIRW. The sent us around the island today. We had 12-16 knots from the SSW. The winner was SAVASANA. After four days and seven races (with one throwout) the top three were 1. SAVASANA, 10; 2. KINCSEM, 22; 3. ECLIPSE, 23. Last day tomorrow. Commentary. (more...)
21 Jun 2006 - BIRW. Current was a big factor today as the left paid each time upwind. Top three after three days and five races: 1. SAVASANA, 13; 2. ECLIPSE, 29; 3. MOPELIA, 31.5. Commentary. (more...)
20 Jun 2006 - BIRW. After two days and four races: 1. SAVASANA, 8; 2. ECLIPSE 20; 3. GHOST, 20; 3. WOODY, 20. Commentary. (more...)
19 Jun 2006 - BIRW. After one day and three races: 1. SAVASANA, 4; 2. GHOST, 10; 3. WOODY, 15. Commentary. (more...)
19 Jun 2006 - Chicago NOOD. The Chicago NOOD had 20 boats and eight races over the weekend. John Huhn broke away from the rest of the fleet with four wins and was 21 points clear of the second place boat. Top three: 1. John Huhn, KATANA, 21; 2. Jon Weglarz, CARESS, 42; 3. Robert Smith, NEW WORLD, 44. This was the 35th consecutive NOOD with a J/105 one-design start.
15 Jun 2006 - Chicago NOOD and Block Island Race Week on deck. This weekend is the Chicago NOOD and next week is Block Island Race Week. For commentary on Race Week you can follow Nelson's Commentary. For daily posting of results here is the direct link.
14 Jun 2006 - Bermuda's Renaissance Reinsurance Challenge Cup. NOT MINE and MONKEYSHINES tied for the Renaissance Reinsurance Challenge Cup held on June 8. All five J/105s in Fleet #21 participated. For photos go to the Albums page. (more...)
06 Jun 2006 - GOOD TIMIN' again at the PCC. Phil Perkins and Dave Wilson were the best of 29 owners at the five race Pacific Coast Championships hosted by the San Francisco Yacht Club last weekend. With a worst finish of fourth, they were 8 points clear of their closest competition. Top three: 1. Perkins/Wilson, GOOD TIMIN', 12; 2. Tim Russell, AQUAVIT, 20; 3. Tom Coates, MASQUERADE, 24. (more...)
05 Jun 2006 - Fleet #20 gets a web site. Fleet #20 (Northwest) comes aboard as the 15th fleet with their own website. It's still under development, but they've got a great start. Check it out.
05 Jun 2006 - C-JEM takes Detroit NOOD. C.J. Ruffing & family finished a little stronger than their closest rival to win the Detroit NOOD by one point. There were six races for eleven boats over three days. This was the 34th consecutive NOOD with a J/105 class start. (The last one we missed was the 2002 in St. Pete.) The top three: 1. C.J. Ruffing, C-JEM, 20; 2. Richard Listwan, TENACIOUS, 21; 3. David Klassen, MACHO DUCK, 28. (more...)
01 Jun 2006 - East Coast Championships, October 2006, Annapolis. If you are thinking of attending the 2007 NAC in Annapolis, this Regatta is a must for you. It will be held at about the same time of year (October 27-29) in the same venue as the NAC. Click for the NOR. (more...)
01 Jun 2006 - ExCom Meeting Minutes Posted. The minutes of the May 22 conference call of the Executive Committee have been posted. In the left menu choose Members, then Class Business.
23 May 2006 - The Vindicator Challenge. Rick Bernstein has announced that VINDICATOR will be participating in six Leukemia Cups across the nation and has pledged $100 to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society for every entered J/105 that beats them. The schedule includes Carlyle, IL, Seattle, WA, Keyport, NJ, Annapolis, MD, Chicago, IL, and Savannah, GA. Give VINDICATOR a run for their money! (more...)
19 May 2006 - NAC News. Tom Carruthers has established a mailing list and will be sending our regular updates for this year's NAC (goal -- 65 boats). Charter boats still available for owners. To get on Tom's list or to get the latest, click (more...)
17 May 2006 - Rod Rigging. Have questions about your rod rigging, how to inspect it, and when to replace it? Then you should probably read what Navtec has to say. (more...)
17 May 2006 - Hospice in 105s again. For the seventh year in a row they sailed the National Hospice Regatta in J/105s in Annapolis using borrowed boats. It was won by former owner Bob Johnstone from Maine. Their web site has lots of good stuff, including photos. (more...)
12 May 2006 - Key West Survey Results. Nineteen of 29 boats responded. Despite the conditions, the boats and the owners held up pretty well and most will be back in 2007. (more...)
11 May 2006 - Getting the kids out. Team Tsunami not only has a website. Click here. They have a Junior Sailing program with the Annapolis Yacht Club's Wednesday night series. Great stuff. Here are some photos by Dave Dunigan: photos.
07 May 2006 - ECLIPSE wins AYC Spring. After three more races there was no change in the top three boats. After two weekends of racing and eight races the results were 1. Damian Emery, ECLIPSE, 16; 2. Joerg Esdorn, KINCSEM, 18; 3. Hennessey/Whitehead, WOODY, 33. All three boats are expected to participate in Block Island Race Week next month. (more...)
05 May 2006 - Tempesta in a teapot. I don't pay any attention to what goes up on Sailing Anarchy ... and maybe you shouldn't either. (more...)
03 May 2006 - Rules Changes. The Executive Committee will be meeting later in the month on possible rule changes for 2007. If you have a suggestion, please forward it to Joerg (jesdorn at gibsondunn dot com). It's even better if your suggestion comes with your fleet's endorsement.
03 May 2006 - Newsletter Errata. The season results for Fleet #21 (Bermuda) should read: 1. Ratteray and Astwood, PASSION, #541; 2. Mark Cloutier, ADDICTION, #74; 3. J.T. Thompson, MONKEYSHINES, #178. The season results for Fleet #6 (LIS) should read: 1. Kevin Grainger, Gumption; #59, 2. Joerg Esdorn, KINCSEM, #324. The 2005 results inadvertently got mixed with the 2004 results.
02 May 2006 - MONKEYSHINES takes Bermuda Invitational John Corless drove MONKEYSHINES to victory in the Bermuda International Invitational Race Week. Eight races were sailed over two days. Top three: 1. John Corless, MONKEYSHINES, 14; Mark Cloutier, ADDICTION, 22; James MacDonald, PASSION, 23. More.
01 May 2006 - Looking to NAC 2007. Thirty six boats competed for the Annapolis NOOD. Not only was it the biggest NOOD ever for the 105, but the Class was the largest of 18 Classes (among them Etchells, Melges 24, Star, Mumm 30, J/22/24/29/30/35, and Beneteau 36.7 -- the J/22 had more entries, but fewer competitors). There were obviously boats getting ready for 2007 with half the boats in the top 14 from Fleets #1, #5, #6, #14, and #19 joining the boats from Fleet #3. MASQUERADE continued her KWRW dominance and was 15 points clear of the second place boat in the seven race, no throwout series. Top three: 1. Tom Coates, MASQUERADE 18; 2. Jack Biddle, RUM PUPPY, 33; 3. Jim Konigsberg, INIGO, 41. (more...)
01 May 2006 - ECLIPSE leads AYC Spring. Fifteen boats participated in the kickoff event for Fleet #6 at the American Yacht Club in Rye, NY. It wraps up next weekend, but the leaders after five races with one throwout are 1. Damian Emery, ECLIPSE, 9; 2. Joerg Esdorn, KINCSEM, 11; 3. Hennessey/Whitehead, WOODY, 12. (more...)
28 Apr 2006 - Rule Interpretation Withdrawn. RI-06-01 has been rescinded by the Executive Committee pending further study. To see the thinking that went behind the decision, you can find the minutes of their 4/25 conference call on the Class Business page in the Members section.
27 Apr 2006 - Taxes are filed! The J/105 Class Association needs to file a tax return every year by May 15 as a 501(c)(7) tax-exempt organization. Furthermore, these need to be "open to public inspection." Ours is here.
26 Apr 2006 - A whale of a tale from JUPITER. The Lightship Race was quite exciting for the crew of JUPITER this past weekend. (more...)
26 Apr 2006 - J/105 is "Yacht of the Year" Last weekend the San Diego Yacht Club named the J/105 as the "Yacht of the Year" at the club's opening day ceremony. This is an extremely prestigious award in the Club and the first time in the club's 120 history that this award has been given to a fleet rather than an individual yacht. A J/105 half hull plaque is now in the club trophy room right alongside of the plaques commemorating the club's America's Cup entries from the past. The J/105 class really rocks! -- Fleet #8 Capt. John Downing
13 Apr 2006 - Spring News. Our Spring Newsletter is off to the publisher and you should receive it in your snail mail box in a little over a week. If you enjoy reading off a screen (and if I have your 2006 dues) you can find it in the Newsletter page in the Members Area.
11 Apr 2006 - Entry form for NAC. Here's the direct link (discount applies until 8/1/06): Entry form.
10 Apr 2006 - SAVASANA wins CRW and Southern Circuit. Brian Keene broke his boom, but recovered nicely with four wins and a deuce for SAVASANA at the ten boat Charleston Race Week. Worth Harris in RUM @ SIX and Fred Stone, Jr. in PUFFIN tied for second at 12 points with Harris taking the tiebreaker. For the Southern Circuit, Brian participated in 15 races and had an impressive .862 score. No boats participated in all four regattas, so Worth Harris won the Sportsmanship award for participating in three regattas and 25 races. He also finished fourth with a .764 score. Forty boats participated in a Southern Circuit event and 17 qualified by sailing in two regattas. Southern Circuit scores. CRW scores.
05 Apr 2006 - New Rule Interpretation Posted. The Technical Committe has posted a new ruling, RI-06-01, which answers the question: May the hull of a J/105 (as opposed to its keel and rudder) be faired? Previously, the TC answered a similar question for the keel and rudder, RI-02-16. Rules page.
04 Apr 2006 - Dues again. You may have noticed that as of April 1 (no joke) our paid Association membership dropped from over 600 to about 300. Or you may have also noticed that your member access stopped working. I am aware that some of the big fleets (#1, #4, #6, for example) may have collected your national dues, but not sent it in yet. But if you are not in one of these fleets and still have not paid, try the easy on-line payment method under the Members menu. Still only $25. Fleet totals.
03 Apr 2006 - NAC NOR. The NOR for the North American Championship has been posted on the NAC site (click the NAC icon below the quickpoll results). Also, if you are planning to attend, please contact Karen Yingling at J Concierge (Karen at jconcierge dot com) for logistical information. (more...)
31 Mar 2006 - Fleet Newsletter. Ever wonder what an electronic Fleet Newsletter might look like? Well, thanks to John Downing, Fleet #8 has one and this is what Issue 3 looks like: (more...)
27 Mar 2006 - Want to sail in UK in June? Kirsty Apthorp is working on a list of possible UK boats available for charter for Deauville International Race week (7-11 June 2006). Please contact her (kirsty.apthorp at liverpool-victoria dot co dot uk) if interested. (more...)
21 Mar 2006 - SF also kicks off their 2006 Championship Season. On March 18-19 twenty-six J/105s hit the starting line at the StFYC Spring One-Design Regatta. The conditions were 10-18 knots with temperatures in the fifties and, for a change, no rain. After five windward-leeward races on the City Front the results were: 1. GOOD TIMIN'?- Phil Perkins and Dave Wilson (10 pts.) 2. AQUAVIT - Ted Wilson and Tim Russell (14) 3. NANTUCKET SLEIGHRIDE - Peter Wagner (18) -- PB (more...)
20 Mar 2006 - San Diego NOOD. John Downing and Jack Franco led CHILE PEPPER to a win in the 20 boat, 5 race NOOD. Top three boats: 1) CHILE PEPPER, 11; 2) Carolyn Hardy, MISCHIEF, 20; 3) Pete Lufkin, SHORT SKIRT, 29. With 18 OD classes from 5-0-5s to Flying Dutchmen to Beneteau 40.7s, the J/105 Class again had the most entries. (more...)
16 Mar 2006 - Class wins major US Sailing award. Tomorrow, I'm off to US Sailing's Spring Meeting in Chicago to accept, on behalf of the Class and its leaders over the years, the One-Design Service Award (John H. Gardiner, Jr. Trophy). We should all be proud of this award and what it means for our Class. Eligible are countless people across dozens of one-design classes from the Optimist, through all the Olympic Classes, to the Farr 40. Few (if any) keel boats of our size have achieved the bona fide status of one-design racers with fleets across the continent and the world. It is an honor to be able to accept this award for service to the Class. I am humbled by the nomination and proud to have served with many other national officers and fleet captains. -- N. (more...)
14 Mar 2006 - Southern Circuit Standings Posted. Of the twelve boats that qualified by racing two of the three regattas, the leaders are: 1. Phil Lotz, INDEFATIGABLE, .8532, 2. Kevin Grainger, GUMPTION, .7878, and 3. Worth Harris, RUM AT SIX, .7711. All thirty six boats are still eligible for the President's Trophy that will be awarded at the end of Charleston Race Week to the boat with the highest score. Complete standings.
14 Mar 2006 - ExCom Meeting. The minutes of the February 21 conference call have been posted. In the left menu choose Members, then Class Business.
13 Mar 2006 - Miami Race Week. Worth Harris brought RUM AT SIX to the top in the ten race, four day Miami Race Week. Kevin Grainger took second on GUMPTION and John Gottwald was third with EAGLES WINGS. Going into Charleston Race Week, twelve have qualified for the Southern Circuit Trophy, with 24 more capable of qualifying. (more...)
08 Mar 2006 - SPAM on FORUM The SPAM that was added to every thread on the FORUM was put there by a ?robot?(computer program) that has hit many of the Forums across the internet. Thanks to Cathy White this has been removed and temporary countermeasures have been established. Sorry about that. N.
07 Mar 2006 - Mexico. I'm in day 10 of a two week vacation in Nuevo Vallarta (a few miles north of Puerto Vallarta). Each day the fog burns off by 9, the land warms, and there's a sea breeze by 11. March is a big sailing month here and the last three days there have been regattas offshore. I saw a J/120 and today saw three J/80's of JWorld Sailing School sailing in. But the most amazing thing happened on Sunday when a woman came up to me an asked whether I was a 105 owner (I was wearing my 2004 NAC t-shirt). Seems she is the sister of an owner in Fleet #8 (MISCHIEF). Small world! Has this happened to any of you?
23 Feb 2006 - Southern Circuit. The scoring for the Southern Circuit has been updated with the St. Pete NOOD results here. Also, we have some snapshots of St. Pete from Walt Nuschke and Cliff Farrah here. Next up on the Southern Circuit is Miami Race Week. (more...)
22 Feb 2006 - St. Pete NOOD They only raced one day (of three) and only sailed three races, but Phil Lotz came out on top with a 1-2-1 on INDEFATIGABLE. His nearest competitor was Rick Bernstein on VINDICATOR (his second regatta in #649), and WASABI was third after their dismasting at Key West. Fifteen boats participated. Full results.
02 Feb 2006 - New Rules. The Rules that went into effect yesterday have been posted in the rules section. No changes were made to the Constitution. Let me know if you notice anything amiss. Direct link.
26 Jan 2006 - KWRW Photography. Professionals Tim Wilkes timwilkes.com and Andrew Sims wavelengthstudios.com have great photos posted of the 105 action. If you won a "fun award" these are the places to buy a 5x7 to fill your frame as a reminder of your accomplishments. My modest (annotated) snapshots are here.
25 Jan 2006 - Bermuda International Race Week. April 28 to May 5, 2006. Surprisingly inexpensive to ship your boat there and back. The flyer.
24 Jan 2006 - Final Update. Here's the last words on KWRW 2006. Still have photos to post later. Commentary.
23 Jan 2006 - Yearbooks. Our second annual Class Yearbook was distributed at Key West. We will be sending out a paper copy with your class decals when we receive your 2006 membership dues. If you can't wait, you can find a .pdf at Members --> Yearbooks in the left menu. If you'd like extra copies for marketing purposes for your fleet, please e-mail Nelson.
20 Jan 2006 - Near perfect final day. Winds calmed down to a managable 12-15 today. Top five winning silver were MASQUERADE, ZUNI BEAR, SAVASANA, GUMPTION, and CONVEXITY. Full results. Winners of the "fun awards" were VINDICATOR, J'MAKIN WAVES, ALLEGIANCE, JAVA, GHOST, CARESS, and EAGLES WINGS. Full fun award results and commentary.
19 Jan 2006 - More heavy air. If it were not for the last two days, this would be considered a heavy air day. MASQUERADE continued to dominate. Full results. and (more...)
18 Jan 2006 - More wind today. There was more wind, but the results were the same with the CA boats in the lead. Full results. and (more...)
17 Jan 2006 - It was a "Gear & Advil" day. As in "foul-weather gear" and "gear-buster" and "Oh, my aching bones." MASQUERADE started building a lead with another 1-2 and ZUNI and SAVASANA stayed close with sixes for the day. Full results. and (more...)
16 Jan 2006 - MASQUERADE takes early lead. Two races were conducted in perfect sunny conditions. MASQUERADE had a 2-1 for first, with GRACE O'MALLEY and CONVEXITY tied for second at nine. Full results. and (more...)
15 Jan 2006 - Great practice day. Boats were practicing in moderate breeze today. (more...)
14 Jan 2006 - Front reeks havoc. A front rolled in last night and reeked havoc for the KWRW fleet. (more...)
11 Jan 2006 - KWRW 2006. Yes, the eighth edition of Key West Race Week for the J/105 as a Class starts on Monday. And for those who wish they were there, I will again be doing my daily blog. Starting with my guessing of who might be leading the way. This year we will have twenty nine racers from eleven fleets. Read all about it. Nelson's Blog.
09 Jan 2006 - New Orleans. Ever curious about what happened to our boats and owners in New Orleans (Fleet #9) when Katrina went through? I was. Friday, I got an e-mail from the owner of SYNAPSE. Read on.
08 Jan 2006 - Slam Dunk! All six rules submissions passed by votes of 34-0. There were 20 voters and everyone voted affirmatively on all items. The new rules will be posted and go into effect on February 1. In the meantime, you can see the changes on the FORUM.
05 Jan 2006 - Block Island Race Week. I've started updating the information for 2006 on the Block Island Race Week portion of the site. Click Racing --> Event Information --> Block Island Race Week. If you have not received "Update #0" and wish to be on my e-mail distribution list, e-mail Nelson@j105.org. Now is the time to get ferry reservations and housing. (more...)
05 Jan 2006 - Traveling Sails. What's all this talk on the Quickpolls about "traveling sails"? To find out, read the Technical Committee's White Paper on the topic. Please discuss this with your representative on the Executive Committee. In the coming months we will be discusssing the possibility of a rules change in this regard and your input is requested. If you'd like to make your opinions public, I've started a thread on the FORUM under the Rules topic. (more...)
19 Dec 2005 - New NAC 2006 Website. Southern California is gearing up for the 2006 NAC, scheduled for August 24-27 in Marina Del Rey. Check out the details and plan to attend. (more...)
13 Dec 2005 - New Interpretation on Barberhauling. The Technical Committee has clarified what is meant by the new barberhauling rule that goes into effect on January 1, 2006. See RI-05-05 of the Official Interpetations. (more...)
12 Dec 2005 - Class Calendar For those wondering about the December 11 Quickpoll, the idea comes from the J/80 Class, which is selling a 2006 Calendar. Here's the link.
15 Nov 2005 - Galveston Bay NOOD. "The winds were just about perfect -- blowing at 8 to 12 with just enough velocity changes and wind shifts for an alert crew to capitalize on." Postponed from September 23-25 because of hurricane Rita, the Regatta drew fewer entries than it would have earlier. But six 105s turned out and Bill Zartler won five of the six races. The top three: 1. Bill Zartler, SOLARIS, 6; 2. Barry Brown, BLUE MAX, 10; 3. Vic Forsyth, AFTERSHOCK, 15. (more...)
11 Nov 2005 - More flags! I've just received a new batch of these beautifully constructed seven foot square battle flag like the ones first sold at Key West. I've already sold 17 and have 8 left. These would normally retail for $150 or more and make great Christmas gifts. They are the same as what J/Boats buys and come in their own case. We are selling them at cost to promote the class and the fleets. $75 plus $5 for shipping.
Sorry, sold out (again).
08 Nov 2005 - Annual Meeting Minutes. The minutes for the Annual Meeting, along with the ten handouts, are now appearing in the Members area. Click Members -> Class Business on the left menu and then any of the links for the files you would like to read. It's almost as good as being there (but without the San Diego sailing).
03 Nov 2005 - Annual Meeting. Here are some of the ExCom and guests after the meeting on October 27 at the San Diego Yacht Club. From left to right, Bob Smith, Nelson Weiderman, Elizabeth Paszkiewicz, John Downing, Walt Nuschke (photographer), Jaren Leet, Tom Carruthers, Stuart Taylor, Eden Kim, and Doug Werner. Nine others joined us on the conference call. Minutes of the meeting will be posted next week. In the meantime, the Rule Submissions have been posted on the FORUM and can also be accessed here.
Bob, Elizabeth, Doug and I had a harbor tour in Doug's J/105 JAVELIN after the meeting. Sweet sailing in San Diego in October! On Wednesday Bob and I were permitted to take out one of the J/80s belonging to JWorld. Not as sweet as a 105!
31 Oct 2005 - Chesapeake Bay J105 Championship. The Chesapeake Bay J105 Championship was contested this past weekend.??Saturday saw a fall cold front pass through with winds varying 10-20 and Sunday saw less wind but plenty of shifts.??Jim Konigsberg and his team on Inigo put on a boat speed and tactical clinic going 1-1-1-2-2 for the victory. The places were finished out by Cedric Lewis and Fredrick Salvesen on Mirage (18), Marty Hublitz and Larry Martin on Veloce (19), Kevin Grainger on Gumption 3 (39), and Steve Olinger on J'Makin Waves (42). Full results ...
18 Oct 2005 - Trailering Protocols. Andy Gillis has graciously shared his spreadsheets (and a photo of his butt rig) for taking his boat from the water to the trailer and vice verse. He includes the budgetted times, the manpower required, and notes. He has 67 steps and takes budgets 12.9 hours coming out and 47 steps and 10.0 hours getting back in. It's must reading for those on the go. Go to the Members menu and click Tips/Articles and then "JATO's protocols ..."
11 Oct 2005 - Fall News. The Fall J/105 News has been sent to the publisher. You will probably see it in your mailbox in a week to ten days if you are a 2005 member. If you want to read it on-line, select Members -> Newsletters on the left menu.
30 Sep 2005 - Texas NOOD. Bee Bednar reports that Fleet #17 survived hurricane Rita with no consequential damage. The NOOD has been rescheduled for November 11-13. Sailing World seems not quite sure whether to call this the Galveston NOOD, the Houston NOOD, or the Texas NOOD, but it is happening on Galveston Bay, TX in November. (more...)
27 Sep 2005 - Big Boats Photos posted. Andrew Sims of wavelengthstudios.com has posted tons of photos from Big Boats in San Francisco. (more...)
22 Sep 2005 - NAC Photos. I've posted my NAC snapshots of the venue and some of the racing (with captions). Click here. For the really good action shots check out Tim Wilkes' web site (searchable by boat name) here.
21 Sep 2005 - Rita and the Galveston NOOD. Hurricane Rita seems to have made an appointment with the Galveston NOOD coming up this weekend. Y'all in Fleet #17 keep your boats safe and don't fret about missing a regatta.
20 Sep 2005 - NOR for Chesapeake Bay Champs. The Chesapeake Bay Championship will be held October 29 & 30, 2005. Boats headed south for the regattas of the Southern Circuit are highly encouraged to attend. Water delivery from the Northeast is feasible. (more...)
19 Sep 2005 - Big Boats has new winner. The Big Boats Series in San Francisco managed seven races with 33 boats. There was a new name atop the leaderboard. The top three were 1. Scott Sellers, DONKEY JACK, 27; 2. Tim Russell, AQUAVIT, 33; and 3. Chris Perkins, GOOD TIMIN', 38. I think these are finals, but the stfyc site says preliminary. (more...)
18 Sep 2005 - They did it! Fleet #4 and the Royal Canadian Yacht Club completed ten races in four days for the North American Championship. The last day was perhaps the best day of all with the seabreeze filling in for two gorgeous races in 10-12 knots. Phil Lotz on INDEFATIGABLE won both races today and moved up. Final results: 1. GROOVADOR, Alex Baluta, 56; 2. INDEFATIGABLE, Phil Lotz 61; 3. STARCROSS, Arthur English and Ian Struthers 62; 4. SAVASANA, Brian Keane, 84; 5. HOT WATER, John McLeod, 87. So an average finish of 5.6 won the NAC in 2006. Click the NAC website for (more...)
17 Sep 2005 - Seven winners in eight races at NAC. After an hour delay because of light winds, the RC got one race in a northerly and one in a southerly. JESTER broke the string of unique winners by winning her second race of the series. RETERN became the seventh boat to win a race in the second race of the day. STARCROSS continued in first place after adding a 6-7 for a total of 39. GROOVADOR held second with a 4-11 for 43 and INDEFATIGABLE moved into third with a 19-4 and 61 total points overall. For more daily commentary on the Fleet 4 site click (more...)
17 Sep 2005 - NAC gets weather. Thursday started with light and variable. Friday we had wind and waves and rain and blown-out kites and Bubba Gumping. The top three remained almost the same, but the leader picked up 15 points in three races. GROOVADOR moved up to second while adding 13 and SAVASANA moved into third adding 13. After two days and six races: 1. STARCROSS, Arthur English and Ian Struthers, 26; 2. GROOVADOR, Alex Baluta, 28; and 3. SAVASANA, Brian Keane, 32.
15 Sep 2005 - STARCROSS leads after day one. The Commodore of the host Royal Canadian Yacht Club, Arthur English, took the lead after three races on day one on STARCROSS with 11 points. Second was Phil Lotz of Fleet 14 on INDEFATIGABLE with 14 points, and third on GROOVADOR was Alex Baluta, also of the host Fleet #4, with 15 points. It is shaping up as a wide-open regatta that could be won with over thirty points. (more...)
14 Sep 2005 - NAC in Toronto starts Thursday. There will be 35 boats lined up from ten fleets for the North American Championship starting tomorrow. For the posted results, click ... (more...)
13 Sep 2005 - GUMPTION3 wins Larchmont NOOD. The J/105 fleet tied the Shields fleet for the most entries with 18. Kevin Grainger sailed MACK DADDY under the name of GUMPTION3, which is laid up for repairs. After five races he won the tiebreaker with ECLIPSE with two wins to one for ECLIPSE. Top three: 1. Kevin Grainger, GUMPTION3/MACK DADDY, 15; 2. Damian Emery, ECLIPSE, 15; 3. George Wilbanks, REVELATION, 16. (more...)
02 Sep 2005 - Rule Change Submissions Posted. The Executive Committee has approved six rule submissions to be posted for owner review and comment. Comments posted between now and the third week in October have a reasonably good chance if being heard, considered, and acted upon. After the annual meeting on October 27, the submissions will be frozen and submitted to the membership once again. After the subsequent 60 day posting period the Executive Committee will vote them up or down with only minor editorial changes allowed. Click "FORUM" on the left menu and go to the topic "Class Rule Proposals".
31 Aug 2005 - Condolences. Condolences go to Filippo Bovio who lost his beloved PAPERMOON to Katrina's 90 mph winds as she passed through Miami. PAPERMOON is a veteran of four Key West Race Weeks (once under an alias) and was planning to return in 2006. Filippo is planning to donate a portion of the insurance proceeds to those in Lousiana and Mississippi who suffered even greater losses.
Filippo was in CA on business when Katrina blindsided Miami. He wrote, "That's not the way that she deserved to go. I can't tell you how sad it was to take the last walk on the deck once she was back afloat. But that's what 90 mph could do to your boat if left at the dock. The starboard lines could not withstand the wind and 6+ ft waves. I had two giant fenders on the pilings that exploded, and once that happened it was all over."
We have two boats listed in the New Orleans fleet and the chances for their survival are not great.
29 Aug 2005 - UK Anomaly. You may be wondering why the number of votes in last week's Quick Poll was so high and why UK apparently soared past North and Ullman in market share. You may also wonder to what lengths sailmakers may go to sell their product. But you shouldn't wonder why we keep the sailmakers off our boats for most of our racing. And yes ... I know who you are and how you stuffed the ballot box.
26 Aug 2005 - Minutes of ExCom Conference Call. The minutes of the 8/15 conference call have been posted in the Members -> Class Business section of the website. Decisions were made on the submissions for 2006 (coming soon) and the Southern Circuit. Among other things, the St. Pete NOOD was added to the Circuit. (more...)
23 Aug 2005 - Marblehead NOOD. There were 16 boats at the Marblehead NOOD (up from 12 in 2004), held July 28-31. Peter and Doug Morgan dominated the event with four wins in six races in a new boat, #620. Top three: 1. P/D Morgan, STEEL AWAY III, 9; 2. Jim Flanagan, ACHIEVER V, 11; 3. Ernie Hardy, JAGUAR, 18. (more...)
22 Aug 2005 - NAC2005 Warm-Up Regatta, September 3-4, PJYC. J105 North American Warm-Up Regatta - September 3 & 4 - PCYC, the home of the second largest fleet of J105's on Lake Ontario will be hosting a warm up regatta for the North Americans on September 3 & 4th. This will be a great time to tune up against the competition, get used to fresh water sailing and Lake Ontario winds. It will also be the first major regatta where Aramid jibs will be legal. PCYC is also offering a comprehensive launch and haulout package for boats doing the North Americans.
For the Warm up regatta, boats will be allowed to carry 2 jibs, for those that want to do testing with new aramid's. Regatta registration at $150 CDN includes racing plus 6 dinner tickets for Saturday night and 12 drink tickets for crew after Saturday's racing. Geoff Moore, from North Sails, and a highly regarded one design racer, will be having a post dinner presentation on J105 tuning and sail trim as well as a round table discussion on racing J105's. For more details go to the J105 NA web site or contact Bill Rourke at 416-200-3557 or brourke@salentica.com. (more...)
09 Aug 2005 - OpEd. Last week's Quickpoll was meant to illuminate the very first rule of the Racing Rules of Sailing -- "1. Safety: 1.1 Helping Those in Danger: A boat or competitor shall give all possible help to any person or vessel in danger." Those who stop racing are deserving of approbation and redress. Those who split hairs and continue racing are risking condemnation and penalties.
04 Aug 2005 - Key West Race Week 2006. It's time to start thinking about KWRW 2006. If you have not received "Update #0" from me, and you are considering attending in 2006, you should send e-mail to nelson@j105.org and ask to be put on the mailing list. I've started to update the KWRW page, which can be accessed on the left menu by going to Racing >> Event Information >> Key West Race Week. From there you can find a wealth of information about previous events including survey results from 2005 and 2004. It's a good way to start your campaign. We're hoping to top 40 boats (the number attending in 2005). (more...)
01 Aug 2005 - C-JEM wins the (254 nm) Port Huron to Macinac Race. In keeping with the family affair started in Chicago C-JEM owned by Con Ruffing and sailing with his two sons CJ and Eddie won the Port Huron to Mackinac Race in record time finishing Monday morning at 3:17:40 with an average speed of 6.6 knots. C-JEM was 52 seconds ahead of MACHO DUCK owned by David Claasen, sailing with his two sons Dan and Joe in second and 17:54 ahead of PHANTOM owned and sailed by Cynthia and Jim Best. They hit 17 knots surfing in big waves on Sunday.
01 Aug 2005 - Seven at Cowes. Seven J/105s are racing among the 1000+ boats at Cowes Race Week (with the J/92s). Look for them in the J-Sprit2 Class. Unfortunately, they are racing under the IRC rule which gives them five different ratings. The six J/92s have six different ratings. So much for one-design. Unfortunate also is that racing was abandoned today for this class and most others. (more...)
28 Jul 2005 - Save $150 CDN. Register for the Toronto NAC before August 1. (more...)
20 Jul 2005 - World's Best Regatta Ever. It's happening in Toronto in September and you can get a great deal if you sign up before August 1. To sign up go here. Or for the latest update, click here.
19 Jul 2005 - GIGI wins the Mac. Nineteen J/105s sailed the 300 mile Mackinac Race with much better conditions than last year, when most of the fleet retired due to lack of wind. David Wagner brought GIGI home four minutes ahead of Kevin Farrell's BANSHEE and 25 minutes ahead of Jon Weglarz's CARESS. Notably, David's boat had three Wagners aboard and Kevin's boat had five Farrells! PS: The Mac website has some great technology (largely through efforts of J/105 Past President Robert Smith) for tracking the racers -- looks like six of the 105s had transponders aboard and you can see each of their tracks. (more...)
12 Jul 2005 - Block Island Photography. Professional work by Andrew Sims here. Amateur (free) work by Jeff Johnstone here.
28 Jun 2005 - Slacker! I've been slacking in my duties and everybody has been too polite to tell me. Whilst worrying about BIRW, I missed posting results for four major regattas. So to make up for lost time, I will post all at once. Detroit NOOD, June 3-5, 7 races, 15 boats. 1. Colin Mills, WISH, 21; 2. Cynthia/Jim Best, PHANTOM, 29; 3. Harry Bloom, DIRTY HARRY, 30. San Francisco Yacht Club Summer Invitational, June 11-12 (when does summer start in SFO?), 5 races, 25 boats. 1. Tim Russell, AQUAVIT, 14; 2. Perkins / Wilson, GOOD TIMIN', 17; 3. Cooper / Deisinger / Thom, NATURAL BLONDE, 18. Chicago NOOD, June 17-19, 8 races, 18 boats. 1. Jon Weglarz, CARESS, 24; 2. Arthur Wong, CERTARE, 30; 3. Tom Edman, PRONTO II, 33. Ullman Sails Long Beach Race Week, June 24-26 (how many days in a week?), 7 races, 23 boats. 1. Birnberg / McLean, INDIGO3, 27; 2. Carolyn Hardy, MISCHIEF, 39; 3. Case / Loysen, WINGS, 41. None of these regattas had throwouts, so you can see that there's no domination by a single boat in these fleets (no winner averaged better than 3rd place). For complete results, go to Racing -> Results on the menu.
27 Jun 2005 - Toronto NOOD. Fleet Captain Robert Baker prevailed at the second annual Toronto NOOD in some very tight comptition. Six races were sailed. Top three: 1. Robert Baker, PLANET B, 21; 2. John McLeod, HOT WATER, 22; 3. Chuck Clayton, NBX, 30. (more...)
27 Jun 2005 - BIRW Final. I've posted one last Block Island Race Week commentary. (more...)
27 Jun 2005 - Minutes Posted. The minutes of the June 13 conference call of the J/105 Executive Committee have been posted in the members area (Members --> Class Business). The primary agenda item was suggestions for rule changes for 2006. The Technical Committee will take these suggestions and draft submissions for further discussion on August 15, after which they will be posted for membership comments.
24 Jun 2005 - BIRW Final. Great breeze and two races on the final day. Final results (9 races, one throwout): 1. Tom/Charlie Enright, PRETTY SKETCHY, 35; 2. Brian Keane, SAVASANA, 40; 3. Damian Emery, ECLIPSE, 43; 4. SEA SHADOW, 52.5; 5. INDEFATIGABLE, 56.
23 Jun 2005 - Block Island Race Week. Leaders had a trying day. In fact, the top three boats from yesterday added a cumulative 74 points in two races (9,9,19,12,10,15). New leaders after seven races (and one throwout): 1. PRETTY SKETCHY, 25; 2 SAVASANA, 30; 3. INDEFATIGABLE, 35.
22 Jun 2005 - Block Island Race Week. Top three unchanged after three days and five races.
21 Jun 2005 - Block Island Race Week. They sent us around the island today. SAVASANA won, pulling them up to sixth, but the top three remained unchanged. PRETTY SKETCHY (10), INDEFATIGABLE (15), and ECLIPSE (18). For direct ling to White fleet cumulative results. Here for Nelson's commentary.
20 Jun 2005 - Block Island Race Week. After three races on day 1 at BIRW, it's PRETTY SKETCHY, INDEFATIGABLE, and ECLIPSE. For details see the links below.
16 Jun 2005 - Block Island Race Week. The second of two all-week Race Weeks starts on Monday with 21 boats on the line. Here are the links you will want to follow the action. Results at the Storm Trysail site here. All the J/105 information here. And Nelson's blog (Daily Commentary) here. Enjoy ... even if you can't be there in person!
01 Jun 2005 - Fleet #24. We have a new fleet -- Fleet #24: Eastern Long Island Sound. Covering Eastern Connecticut to Western Rhode Island and across the sound to Eastern Long Island in New York, this fleet is a spinoff from Fleets #14 and #6. They will be encouraging one-design racing among the sailors who find it a long trek to the racing in Western LIS and Narragansett and Buzzards Bays. They start off with seven boats and four class members, but will grow quickly. The new fleet captain is Greg Locke, owner of EXCALIBUR.
31 May 2005 - SYNERGY takes Block Island Race. Storm Trysail's 60th Block Island Race was held this past weekend. Racers
of this years 185 mile race faced challenging conditions with light winds
and strong currents. With that said, SYNERGY, skippered by David
Spence, came out on top of their division and in fact won by such a margin
as to be awarded the "Commodores Trophy," which is awarded to the yacht
which has won her class and beaten the 2nd and 3rd place boat by the biggest
margin. Complete STC results.
17 May 2005 - J/105 Gets High Marks If you haven't heard about US Sailing One-Design Survey, you should have a look. The J/105 class has the second highest growth in memberships since 1997 (up 512 members and second only to the 420 class with 765). We must be doing something right! Have you paid your 2005 dues yet? (more...)
03 May 2005 - Coates takes B.W. Walker Memorial Trophy Bermuda International Invitational Race Week ran seven races spaced over six days. Racing was cancelled on Thursday due to a storm and finished up last Saturday. Tom Coates improved on his 2004 performance (a second) by earning six bullets and a third on MASQUERADE. Canadian John McLeod, owner of HOT WATER, took second and the Brewin/Williams team was third on NOT MINE. Six boats participated. (more...)
03 May 2005 - Hall Updated After a hiatus of more than a year, the Hall of Fame has been updated with the winners of the major regattas. If you have any corrections or new categories, please let Nelson know. Select Members, then Hall of Fame on the left menu. (more...)
03 May 2005 - GUMPTION tops AYC Spring Series After two weekends and eight races, Kevin Grainger's GUMPTION3 came out on top with 16 points. Second was Damian Emery on ECLIPSE with 28 and third was the Harald Edegran Syndicate on CONUNDRUM with 37 points. (more...)
02 May 2005 - Annapolis NOOD Thirty 105s raced in this weekend's NOOD regatta in Annapolis, Maryland. The fleet sailed seven races over three days in outstanding spring conditions. The Annapolis crowd was especially pleased to welcome five boats from out of town, now possible due to the Annapolis fleet's change over the winter from shoal to deep keels. Hugh Bethell's JESTER team from Baltimore won the event with the only scoreline of all single-digit finishes. New owner (but long-time 105 crew) Marty Hublitz and his VELOCE team were second, with Cedric Lewis and Frederic Salvesen's MIRAGE team a close third. Scott Gitchell and the TENACIOUS team were fourth and John Gottwald's EAGLES WINGS team, visiting from Chicago, rounded out the top five. (more...)
26 Apr 2005 - RI-05-04 INITIALLY UNTAGGED SAILS This rule interpretation clarifies how you can tag previously untagged sails and whether they can qualify as "used" under Rule 6.8. Scroll down to the April 25 entry on the page. (more...)
25 Apr 2005 - GUMPTION leads After four races at the AYC Spring Series on Long Island Sound, the leaders were: 1. Kevin Grainger, GUMPTION, 14; 2. Damian Emery, ECLIPSE, 15; 3. Langan/Lei, MOONSHINE, 19. (more...)
21 Apr 2005 - Addendum Nathan Boylan has additional thoughts on the advisory posted yesterday. It has been added to the bottom. (more...)
20 Apr 2005 - Emergency Tiller Warning If you sail a wheel boat and have not checked your emergency tiller lately, please read this. (more...)
13 Apr 2005 - Southern Circuit Results Twenty one boats qualified for the Southern Circuit President's Trophy. The winner for 2005 is Tom Coates sailing MASQUERADE with 24 points. Second was Don Wilson, on CONVEXITY, with 34. Third was Steve Stroub, TIBURON, with 39. Three boats sailed in all three regattas. Winner of the Sportsmanship Award is Don Wilson and his name will be engraved on the trophy along those of Tom Coates and the Tom Carruthers, the 2005 President. Overall, 46 boats participated in at least one of the three regattas. Please let me (nelson@j105.org) know if there are any corrections ... all results were calculated by hand. (more...)
13 Apr 2005 - Spring J/105 News The News is off to the publisher and you should look for it in the mail in about a week. If you can't wait to get your paper copy, and you have paid your membership, just go to the Members --> Newsletters on the main menu to view an electronic (.pdf) copy.
13 Apr 2005 - Charleston Results Jay Schachne took the Charleston Race Week Cup on COLTRANE. A total of nine races were sailed by 12 boats. Top three: 1. Jay Schachne, COLTRANE, 19; 2. Don Wilson, CONVEXITY, 29; 2. Gerrit Schultze, MAX POWER, 31.
10 Apr 2005 - SURPRISE! Hope you like the new look. Everything is still here, just organized a little differently. Explore and enjoy.
07 Apr 2005 - Surprise... Coming in three days. Stay tuned.
06 Apr 2005 - No Lee Bow Effect Dave Perry explains in today's Scuttlebutt (#1811) why there is no such thing as a "lee bow effect". Read it here.
05 Apr 2005 - Updating the Owner List. Matt Berger just sent along four changes to the Owners List (some dating back several years). Please be a friend to the class and pass along any confirmed owner changes that you notice have not yet appeared on our list. I'm counting on y'all to keep the data on our boats current -- the used boat dealers don't help me much with this. -- nelson@j105.org
01 Apr 2005 - Our Memberships dropped today from 632 to 381 (no foolin'). If you are one of the 251 who were 2004 Members but are no longer a Member, please consider paying your dues before we waste 37 cents tracking you down. Check your current status on the Owner List (under National menu).
31 Mar 2005 - I told you it was coming! The Class President has a message for fleets and owners concerning how to make it easier for handicapped sailors to participate in our racing. The J/105 is a wonderful platform for this. Read Tom's Second Missive. If you missed Tom's New Years greeting, here's Tom's First Missive.
28 Mar 2005 - Dues rollover to 2005 occurs on April 1. Check the owners list to see if we have recorded you as having paid 2005 dues. If not, one of the many benefits you lose as of April 1 is the ability to access the Members Area of the site. Please renew today to avoid those pesky reminder notices we have to send you. Choose "Members" then "Sign-up or Renew Membership" on the menu for the three ways to pay (to your fleet, by check, or by credit card).
22 Mar 2005 - Three new rule interpretations have been posted on the Rules page.
RI-05-01: COMPETITOR ELIGIBILITY -- "USS eligibility" means ISAF eligibility
RI-05-02: RUDDER ADJUSTMENT -- There must be minimum gap between hull and rudder
RI-05-03: CLOTH WEIGHT FOR CHUTES -- Published weight of cloth must be 42 gsm
21 Mar 2005 - Back on the left coast, the 22 boat San Diego NOOD fleet had twice as many boats as the nearest competitor class could draw. They ran five races. The top five were 1. WINGS, Dennis & Sharon Case, 14 points; 2. JAVELIN, Doug & Pam Werner, 17 points; 3. SHORT SKIRT, Peter Lifkin, 21; 4. GRACE O'MALLEY, Alice Leahey, 29; 5. FLAMBUOYANT, Barney Flam, 31. More details can be found at the NOOD site.
20 Mar 2005 - Congrats to Tom Coates and the MASQUERADE crew for winning Miami Race Week last weekend by a whopping 12 points. Second was Rich Bergmann in ZUNI BEAR and third was John Gottwald on EAGLES WINGS a point behind. Thanks also to the boats (Mr. Baker, for sure, was one) that flew their red J/105 flags so I could spot the fleet as my cruise ship was headed out of Miami on Saturday night!
11 Mar 2005 - They got started today at Miami Race Week with 18 J/105s racing. Tom Coates started where he left off at Key West with a win on MASQUERADE. Andy Gillis and wife Pam must have been smiling with their second on JATO, and Jim Doane, Jr. took a third on FLAME. I'm bugging out early tomorrow, so won't be updating the results here, but you can go directly to the Premiere Racing results by following this link. -- N.
10 Mar 2005 - There's a new page on the web site called the Measurer's Resource Page. You can find it on the Racing dropdown. If you can think of other things that ought to be there, please let Nelson know. We've got other plans for upgrades to the site coming in a few weeks.
23 Feb 2005 - The opening Sailing World/Land's End NOOD Regatta was held last weekend in St. Pete. Sunshine and wind was highly abundant, but most notable aside from the tight racing was the incredible service and prestigious venue of the St. Pete Yacht Club.
The fleet was mixed with locals and recent KWRW participants, including 10 deep draft and 8 shoal draft (who finished right next to each other in most races!
Those winning their divisions played the current and 20-30 degree wind shifts heavily.
The top three deep draft are: FLAME, SHOCK & AWE, PIPPIN: Shoal Drafts: JAMAICAN WAVES, CRABSTER, RIVA. The St. Pete NOODS definitely demands strong consideration for the Southern Circuit in 2006. -- Jim Doane, Jr.
16 Feb 2005 - The Treasurer has posted 2004 year-end income and expense as well as a year-end balance sheet in the Members Area. We remain fiscally healthy as a Class and can keep our dues low for all our members. (Please don't forget to send in your dues to your fleet or directly so we don't have to send out overdue notices.)
10 Feb 2005 - For those going to Miami Race Week (and those who want to know how to keep your Class hale and hearty), the ADDICTION team from Bermuda is bringing five gallons of their national drink (Dark and Stormies -- black rum and ginger beer) and inviting all participating J/105 sailors for informal cocktails on their boat/dock after the first day of racing (Friday, March 11). Yes, the Bermudians are a social lot. -- The Social Committee of Team Addiction Bermuda.
07 Feb 2005 - The Annual Yearbooks are being sent out with your 2005 decals as we receive dues from individuals and fleets (hint, hint). One correction. Charleston Race Week is April 7-10, not as it is listed in the Yearbook.
01 Feb 2005 - New Class Rules and Constitution go into effect today. They are now posted on this site in both .html and .pdf formats. Use the Racing --> Rules and Governance --> Constitution menu selections to view or print them. These will be the rules of the game and the rules of the class for the next year.
31 Jan 2005 - Sue Bodycomb now has her KWRW photos all cataloged and available. Also, we have DC Gallagher photos available (over 370 of 'em from the J Boats inflatable). And if you like action, you can find hours of Tucker Thompson's t2p.tv video, which you can preview for free (although Tucker has a little difficulty pronouncing SAVASANA and CONVEXITY). All the links are at the KWRW2005 page here.
24 Jan 2005 - Final Key West commentary is now posted here. My snapshots posted here. Links to all the professional photography (Andrew Sims, Tim Wilkes, Sue Bodycomb) here. Hope you all enjoyed the Regatta. Let me know if there's anything we can do to make it better next year. -- Nelson
21 Jan 2005 - Key West Race Week Results: 1) Tom Coates, MASQUERADE, 37; 2) Jim Doane, Jr., FLAME 55; 3) Jim Johnstone, USA 332, 58; 4) Tom Carruthers, INVISIBLE, 58; 5) Steve Stroub, TIBURON, 58. Yep, three tied at 58! Today's race results: 1) SAVASANA, 2) PUFFIN, 3) FLAME.
20 Jan 2005 - After four days and eight races the regatta leaders are MASQUERADE with 29, INVISIBLE with 40, and BOLD FORBES with 44. Daily silver went to MASQUERADE with a 6-1, VITESSE EXTREME with a 7-2, and USA 332 with a 3-7.
19 Jan 2005 - Day three saw three new winners, all East Coast boats -- KINCSEM, ECLIPSE, and USA 332. The daily silver went to ECLIPSE with 7-1-2, USA 332 with 2-10-1, and INVISIBLE with 4-11-5. Regatta leaders after six races are INVISIBLE 29, MASQUERADE with 30, and ECLIPSE with 43.
18 Jan 2005 - Tuesday the top three were INVISIBLE, ZUNI BEAR, and MASQUERADE. After two days and three races, the top three are INVISIBLE (9), MASQUERADE (10)and RUM N JAVA (13). The competition is shaping up to be very tight.
17 Jan 2005 - On Day 1, after a 3 hour delay due to high winds, they got off 1 race. The top three were MASQUERADE, RUM N JAVA, and TIBURON.
16 Jan 2005 - Big breeze for Sunday practice at Key West. Here are your quick links for the week: Nelson's commentary, Premiere-Racing Results, and Fun Award Standings.
15 Jan 2005 - Saturday was inspection day at Key West. See Nelson's commentary.
12 Jan 2005 - Our 2005 J/105 Yearbook will be distributed at Key West Race Week. I hope you will agree that this is a "Tour de Force" for the Class. Past President Bob Smith got the ball rolling last summer and contracted with Joy Advertising help us produce it. We'll send out hard copies with your decals at the end of the month (after we receive your 2005 dues). In the meantime you could read and print out this .pdf copy. We will have extras, so if you or your fleet need more to promote the Class for any events you are having, please e-mail Nelson for more.
11 Jan 2005 - Team MASQUERADE is going to Bermuda again this year for Bermuda International Race Week. For a "commercial" from them including some logistical details, click here. Surprising, perhaps, is that to get a J/105 back and forth to Bermuda may be no more expensive than getting it to Key West and back (maybe less depending on where you are starting out).
10 Jan 2005 - Key West Race Week starts on Monday. For a preview, check out Nelson's Commentary. I'll have daily updates once I get down there. Can't wait to break out of the dreary northeast!
10 Jan 2005 - The Class Rules will be changed to allow aramid (e.g. Kevlar) jibs as of September 1. In voting just completed, the Executive Committee approved all ten proposals for Rule and Constitution changes. To see how your representatives voted on the ten submissions, go to the Members Area. Most of the Rule changes go into effect on February 1, 2005. To see the changes themselves, go to the Rules page and follow the link on the first line.
04 Jan 2005 - Tom Carruthers, your new President, sends his New Year's greeting and his hopes for 2005. Tom's First Missive. (I just have the sneaking suspicion that there may be more before the year is out.)
29 Dec 2004 - Yesterday, j105.org quietly moved to a new server (along with about 20 other sites). This was due to obsolescence issues with the old server rather than any performance issues, but you might notice somewhat better performance as well. There was a momentary glitch with the FORUM, but I think everything is working now. Please let me know if you notice anything strange. E-mail Nelson.
20 Dec 2004 - It is time to start thinking about Block Island Race Week (June 19-25). If might attend or just want to see what's involved, join my mailing list (about ten e-mails between now and the event). E-mail nelson@j105.org.
13 Dec 2004 - Registrations for Key West Race Week 2005 hit 40 boats as of the first registration deadline (December 10). That will make it the third largest regatta ever for J/105s (after NAC 2004 and NAC2002). To see who's going, click here.
06 Dec 2004 - For a quick overview of the significant rule changes in the 2005-2008 edition of the RRS, click here. It contains exerpts from Dave Perry's "Understanding the Racing Rules of Sailing Through 2008" (which would be a great item for your Christmas wish list, by the way). Available from US Sailing by calling 1-800-USSAIL1 or ordering on-line from http://www.ussailing.org/.
19 Nov 2004 - A new Rule Interpretation, RI-04-2: REPLACEMENT PROPELLERS, has been posted. This ruling legalizes several alternate propellers for one-design use. The Technical Committee, through the efforts of Joerg Esdorn, Pat Benedict, and especially Tom Falck, has been researching this topic since early spring and have spent countless hours making sure that approved props do not give any speed advantage, while allowing owners choices for greater safety in maneuverability. You may read the detailed ruling here (scroll down to the second ruling for 2004).
11 Nov 2004 - The minutes and all the handouts from the Annual meeting are now available in the Members Area. We also have received IRS tax exempt status as a 501(c)(7) organization. All the documentation required to be available for "public inspection" is found here.
01 Nov 2004 - Your new National Officers are: President Tom Carruthers, Fleet #8, Vice President Walt Nuschke, Fleet #3, Secretary/Treasurer Nelson Weiderman, Fleet #14, and Chief Measurer Joerg Esdorn, Fleet #6. At its annual meeting on October 28 the Executive Committee voted to put forward ten Rule and Constitution change proposals, which are now posted individually on the FORUM for your review and comment. The complete package can be seen as a .pdf file by clicking here. Final voting on these submissions will take place in the beginning of January and those submissions that pass will be implemented as of February 1, 2005.
26 Oct 2004 - Fleet 3?concluded the regular high point season with the annual J105 Chesapeake Championship, sailed on October 23, 24 and?sponsored by Eastport Yacht Club. This year the fleet was split into two divisions as we are in the midst of changing keels, and our high point standings are based on SD configured boats only. There were 26 entries split evenly between shoal and deep draft boats. The SD racing saw Chris Groobey's, JAVA,?take a convincing?first followed by Bob Reeves', A TRAIN, and Jeff Harris', LIFT TICKET. The DD division was won by Bill Sutton's, DEEP BLONDE (formerly BLONDE ATTACK), in a tie breaker over Fredrik Salvesen & Cedric Lewis on MIRAGE. Jim Konigsberg's, INIGO took third. This will be the last split fleet event for Fleet 3 as the?keel conversion process will be complete for the start of the next high point season. -- Walt Nuschke, Captain Fleet 3.
25 Oct 2004 - The annual meeting of the Class Executive Commitee is this Thursday (October 28) in Chicago. We will be voting on what submissions to formally post to the membership for the 60 day comment period. If you would like us to consider your thoughts or opinions, please post them on the FORUM under one of the threads in the Topic "Class Rules Proposals." Two new submissions were posted this morning and the ExCom would be very interested to hear what you think about Kevlar jibs. Thanks!
22 Oct 2004 - The dates for Charleston Race Week have changed to April 7-10, 2005. This will make it easier for people wanting to do both this and Miami Race Week, March 10-13, 2005.
19 Oct 2004 - Malcolm Nicholls passes along these albums that may be of interest to some of you. First: Factory shots of hulls 632, 633, and 634. Second: THIRA in party mode. Third: Owner modifications/projects.
06 Oct 2004 - A new rule interpretation has (belatedly) been posted. It is RI-04-01: When may the sprit be deployed? Read it here.
05 Oct 2004 - Sue Bodycomb has J/105 photos of the Texas NOOD as well as previous 2004 regattas (Key West, Texoma Lakefest, North Sails Race Week) at www.yachtshots.com.
04 Oct 2004 - Fifteen boats participated in J/Fest SoCal this past weekend at Long Beach Yacht Club. There were five races in sunny warm conditions with 16 to 22 knots of breeze. Ed Cummins and Jack Franco, back from the NAC on the right coast, chartered BEOWULF and took three races and scored 18 points, but Peter Lufkin, back from Big Boats, guided SHORT SKIRT to one first, two seconds, a third, and a fifth for the regatta first with 13. Local JWorld Guy and National VP, Tom Carruthers on INVISIBLE, took the other first and also finished with 18 points, but lost the tiebreaker to Cummins and Franco. Results. Also of note was the Saturday evening "do" at Cheeseburger in Paradise hosted by Margarittaville and the awards ceremony with its usual mixture of laughs, lies, and cries.
27 Sep 2004 - Tropical Storm Ivan sucked the wind out of the area on the first day of racing at the Galveston Bay NOOD, and racing was cancelled. On day two they managed only a single race in light, shifty, and rainy conditions and finally on day three they got in two more light air races. With ten boats racing the winner was the most consistent, having failed to win any of the three races. Top three: 1. Ryan Glaze, GRINGO, 7; 2. Larry O'Donnell, DOUBLE DARE, 8; 3. Barry Brown, BLUE MAX, 11. Full results here.
25 Sep 2004 - Andrew Sims' J/105 photography from Big Boats is available directly here, or if that doesn't work, at Wavelength Studios.
22 Sep 2004 -  | Here is Glenn Darden (right) presenting the winning HOSS team (Reese Hillard, Peter Philpott, Philip Williamson, Tony Waldron, and Jim Brady) after receiving their awards for first place. My wrapup commentary is now available here. We also have professional photography from Fran Grenon of Spectum Photography here, some Friday action from Marian Howell here, and some of my "milieu" snapshots here. Enjoy! |
21 Sep 2004 - Meanwhile, out in San Fran, thirty one boats competed in the Rolex Big Boats Series on the same days as the NAC. In the seven race no throwout series, the winner, GOOD TIMIN', accumulated three firsts, two seconds, a third and a fourth and won by 13 points. Not quite as dominant as HOSS, but pretty darn close. Top three: 1. Perkins/Wilson, GOOD TIMIN', 14; 2. Tim Russell, AQUAVIT, 27; 3. Tom Coates, CHARADE, 38. Full results here.
19 Sep 2004 - There was sun and lots of wind from the Northeast. Some kites were shredded, but the HOSS team won two more races to make the margin over the second place team 48 points. Top five: 1. HOSS, 20; 2. BOLD FORBES, 68; 3. KINCSEM, 73; 4. INDEFATIGABLE, 79; 5. GIGI, 80. The top five covered five fleets, from Texas, SoCal, LIS, Southern New England, and Chicago. Great racing! Scores are posted. See links below.
18 Sep 2004 - No NAC2004 racing today. Winds NE at 30 gusting to 40. But there is commentary and finally, results.
17 Sep 2004 - Eight starts and three races today. Twenty one blacked flagged. HOSS won all three today. After six races, 1. HOSS, 2. ECLIPSE, 3. KINCSEM, 4. INDEFATIGABLE, 5. PHANTOM (NJ), 6. BOLD FORBES, 7. GIGI, 8. SAVASANA, 9. PLANET B, 10. HEY JUDE. Full results will be posted tonight, I am told. Sorry for the delay.
16 Sep 2004 - First day at the NAC was rainy, but with enough wind for three races. Top three: 1. Lague/Cutler, PHANTOM, 7-1-2; 2. Rathbun, HEY JUDE, 1-2-12; 3. Darden/Hillard/Williamson, HOSS, 3-7-5. It was a big day for PHANTOM's, with the Best PHANTOM winning race 3 and the Canadians, taking four of the top 13 positions. Beverly Yacht Club will be posting results here. For commentary, click here.
13 Sep 2004 - Damian Emery won the Larchmont NOOD (LIS) in an event that featured two days of racing in mostly light and shifty conditions. In the six race series with 19 entries, the top three were: 1. Damian Emery, ECLIPSE, 17; Leight/Langan, MOONSHINE, 20; 3. Anthony Legett, CONUNDRUM, 35. Complete results here.
10 Sep 2004 - It is looking like 51 boats for the North American Championship in Marion next week (which will will eclipse the record set in Chicago two years ago). The boats hail from 14 different fleets across the country. There are eight boats from Toronto's Fleet #4 (atta boy, Robert Baker!). Since I'll be racing (and commuting an hour and a half each way), my commentary may be a little spotty, but I'll try to give you a feel for things. You might want to bookmark this for reference. Nelson's Commentary. I'll start things off with my predictions of who will be the teams to beat. --Nelson
07 Sep 2004 - The minutes from the 8/23/2004 Executive Committee Meeting are now posted in the members area. Among other things, the ExCom approved the posting of the submissions that now appear on the FORUM and we also approved the appropriation of monies to start an Annual magazine. If you have any comments please contact one of the Officers or your fleet representative.
07 Sep 2004 - The Technical Committee has revised RI-03-03: WHEN MAY A BACKUP CHUTE BE FLOWN? This revision will be in effect for the North American Championship. To read this and all other interpretations of our Rules, please go to the Rules page.
31 Aug 2004 - Fleet 2 crashed the party at the PHRF New Englands August 27-19, with 16 boats and a one-design start (another all-time high). What a great advertisement for one-design sailing in a handicap setting! Many of the 105s will be heading to Marion next for the NAC (looking like about 45 boats now). The top three in the six race, one throwout series were: 1. Vern Polidoro (VIGILANTE) 14.5; 2. Rob Stein, RAPID TRANSIT, 15.5; 3. Ken Colburn, GHOST, 20.0. Complete results.
27 Aug 2004 - We've posted preliminary Rules and Constitution changes for 2005 on the FORUM. This is the opportunity for owners to review the work of the Technical and Executive Committees and to suggest additions, corrections, or deletions. Your comments do matter and will be thoughtfully considered before these Submissions are put in their final form for 60 day review (after the October 28 Annual Meeting). If you wish to view all ten submissions, please download this pdf document.
16 Aug 2004 - Fleet #13 had seven boats for their United Kingdom Skandia Cowes Week Regatta, held last week. In the eight race, two throwout regatta, the top three were: 1. Shaun Murphy, SLINGSHOT, 16; 2. Jason Rolf, WILD CHILD, 3. Gary Fry and Nick Martin, DIABLO-J, 17.
13 Aug 2004 - I missed the Marblehead NOOD! It was held July 31 to August 1 with 11 J/105s participating. Topping the fleet in the six race, one throwout regatta were: 1. Vern Polidoro, VIGILANTE, 8; 2. Hill/Lowden, DARK HORSE II, 14; 3. Jim Flanagan, ACHIEVER V, 15. Full results here.
13 Aug 2004 - The minutes for the last two Executive Committee conference calls have been posted in the Members Area.
13 Aug 2004 -  | I've just received a new batch of these beautifully constructed seven foot square battle flag like the ones first sold at Key West. We'll have them for sale at the NAC and this represents 100 flags sold so far. These would normally retail for $150 or more. They are the same as what J/Boats buys and come in their own case. We are selling them at cost to promote the class and the fleets. $75 plus $5 for shipping. You can send a check to J/105 Class Association, 127 Schooner Drive, Wakefield, RI 02879 or buy using Paypal here: SORRY -- SOLD OUT |
10 Aug 2004 - If you use our classified ads, please read the "Fraud Alert" that I have posted under Class Association Business on the FORUM. -- Nelson
10 Aug 2004 - Andrew Sims (www.wavelengthstudios.com) has posted 342 photos from NYYC Race Week here.
10 Aug 2004 - The Buzzards Bay Regatta dished out a variety of challenging conditions to those prepping for the North American Championship. In eight races over three days, we had everything from light and flat to very heavy with huge waves. In the last race we were seeing mid twenties and six foot seas. Rising to the top of the heap of the 21 boat fleet were: 1. Glenn Darden/Reese Hilliard/Phil Williamson, HOSS, 9; 2. Jim Sorensen, WET LEOPARD, 27; 3. Jack Gierhardt/Dan Cooney, AEGIR, 32. Complete results here.
10 Aug 2004 - The 2005 Canadians drew 14 boats in a Regatta held at the RCYC in Toronto July 29 to August 1. They got in 10 races in what sounds like a medium air day sandwiched between two relatively light air days. Fleet Captain Robert Baker took the prize with two firsts and three seconds. Top three: 1. Robert Baker, PLANET B, 30; 2. Chuck Clayton, NBX, 43. 3. Jim Rathbun, HEY JUDE, 47. The top five in the regatta are all headed for the NAC in Marion in September. Read the regatta summary here. Final results here.
30 Jul 2004 - I'm starting to take names for boats planning on, or thinking about, Key West Race Week 2005 (January 17-21), Miami Race Week (March 10-13), and Charleston Race Week (March 18-20?). If you were on my mailing list from 2004, you're still there unless you asked to be taken off. If you would like to be added (about 10 e-mails between now and the event), just send a note to Nelson@j105.org. We've been stuck at 29 boats for the last two years at KWRW, but I'm expecting a breakout year this year. You can also find a ton of information at the Southern Circuit page.
28 Jul 2004 - It must have been a long slog to Macinac. Eleven of nineteen J/105s finished the race and the top seven finished within 26 minutes of each other after three days and two hours (even after taking radically different routes). Topping the fleet were: 1. Jon Weglarz, CARESS; 2. Tom and Gytis Petkus, VYTIS; and 3. Marilyn and Tom Edman, PRONTO II. For full results, click here.
26 Jul 2004 -  | Tom Coates and the MASQUERADE crew won the Rolex watch at this weekend's NYYC Rolex Regatta. After ten races and forty legs over three days in winds rarely under 10 or over 18, they topped a star-studded group from at least seven fleets, many of whom were prepping for the North Americans. The top three were: 1. Tom Coates, MASQUERADE, San Francisco, CA, 29.5; 2. Ed Cummins/Jack Franco, BOLD FORBES, Newport Beach, CA, 32.25; 3. Glenn Darden/Reese Hilliard/Phil Williamson, HOSS, Fort Worth, TX, 37.5. Complete results here. Photos and more commentary at NYYC site. |
22 Jul 2004 - The Mackinac starts Saturday with 17 J/105s entered. Of special note is GIGI. Owner David Wagner is sailing with four sailors with disabilities -- Ricky Doerr, Richard Hughes, Jim Leatherman, Lee Buratti, and able-bodied Kevin D' Aprile. You can track their progress, along with the other J/105s at the CYC website.
19 Jul 2004 - RI-02-09 RUNNING RIGGING REQUIREMENTS has been revised. It is now clear that you are not permitted to make your halyards 2:1 purchase even if you do it without a block. Here's the redline. Or go to the rule interpretations page.
06 Jul 2004 -  | Sea View Yacht Club on the Isle of Wight played host to the
J/105 UK National Championships for the third time over the
weekend of the 22nd and 23rd of May. Four races were sailed on
Saturday and three on Sunday for a seven race, one throwout series
with eight boats participating. Top three 1. Malcolm Jaques, J SPOT, 6;
2. Andrew Bird, JAMBALA, 12; 3. Shaun Murphy, SLINGSHOT, 16. In the
photo on the left we have the winning crew: Malcolm Jaques and his
team, which included his wife Shirley, his daughter Naomi, and
her boyfriend Dave Waters. Also, Malcolm?s son Tristan and his
29er crew Alain Sign and Malcolm?s Laser 5000 crew Steve Mummery.
For complete results and commentary, see our Results page.
06 Jul 2004 -  |
Were you at Block? Andrew Sims of Wavelength Studios was there and took some great shots of every boat. Easy to review on his site. Here's my favorite of KIMA (we passed this PHRF boat safely to leeward). |
01 Jul 2004 -  | Aha! Now I understand. Cleveland Race Week is actually Cleveland Two Long Weekends. Here's the second report for the June 24-27 part at Edgewater YC: We had 5 J/105s in attendance which gave us our own start and class. JANE'S ADDICTION (Joe Colling & Jane Koehl - EWYC) captured its second '04 CRW title -- winning both the One Design and PHRF weekends. Second place went to WISH, owned by Colin Mills of Grand River Yacht Club, and Third Place went to UNBRIDLED owned by Rob & Clay Mock also of Grand River Yacht Club. Jane Koehl and her crew also grabbed a second place finish in the PHRF division of the CRW Women's Race held on June 22nd. There was never a dull moment in any of the races -- great competition and great times had by all. Photo by Jim Kransberger. |
29 Jun 2004 -  | The Block Island Race Week wrapup commentary is here. This includes the summary of sailmaker outcomes and my links to annotated results and a personal photo album. Photo by Nelson. |
28 Jun 2004 - I'm a week late on this one, but at Cleveland Race Week (June 19-20) there were seven J/105s among the 102 racers in 10 fleets. They completed five races, four on Saturday in what started out as big seas and big winds and one on Sunday in light and extremely variable winds. Top three: 1. Joe Colling & Jane Koehl, JANE'S ADDICTION; 2. Forrest Ellis, HIGHLANDER; 3. Jim & Cynthia Best, PHANTOM. In addition to winning the regatta, J&J hosted a great party with 100% attendance.
28 Jun 2004 - It was BOLD FORBES winning the tiebreaker with WINGS at North Sails Race Week, with CHARADE only three back. Twenty boats competed. Top three: 1. Ed Cummins/Jack Franco, BOLD FORBES 11-3-2-1-5-2/24; 2. Dennis & Sharon Case, WINGS, 5-1-3-2-4-9/24; 3. Tom Coates, CHARADE, 11(p40)-8-1-3-3-1/27. Complete Results and NSRW Commentary.
28 Jun 2004 - Eleven boats sailed in the first Canadian NOOD in Toronto. Walking away with the yellow winner's flag was Michael Jones on STARCROSS. He got off to a great start with four consecutive bullets and then held on for dear life. Top three: 1. Michael Jones, STARCROSS, 1-1-1-1-5-3-4-8-9/33; 2. Mike Mountford, LIVE EDGE, 3-5-3-7-9-9-2-3-2/43; 3. Robert Baker, PLANET B, 9-2-2-6-8-1-9-2-5/44. Complete results.
25 Jun 2004 - Block Island, Friday: No racing today because of fog and lack of wind. Finals: 1. Damian Emery, ECLIPSE, 1-5-(5)-3-1-2-2/17; 2. Mike Lague, PHANTOM, 2-3-3-1-7-4-(16)/20; 3. Charlie Enright, PRETTY SKETCHY, 1-7-7-5-2-(8)-1, 23; 4. Brian Keane, SAVASANA, 6-1-1-7-4-(18)-6/25; 5. Jim Sorensen, WET LEOPARD, 3-9-2-4-(13)-11-7/36. See commentary and results for more.
24 Jun 2004 - Block Island, Thursday: ECLIPSE: 17; PHANTOM: 20; PRETTY SKETCHY 23; SAVASANA 25. No runaway this year!
23 Jun 2004 - Block Island, Wednesday: PHANTOM 2-3-3-1/9; SAVASANA 6-1-1-7/15; ECLIPSE 4-5-5-3/17; WET LEOPARD 3-9-2-4/18.
22 Jun 2004 - Block Island, Tuesday: No racing, but check out commentary.
21 Jun 2004 - Block Island, Monday: SAVASANA 6-1-1/8; PHANTOM 2-3-3/8; WET LEOPARD 3-9-2/14. For more details see June 18 entry.
18 Jun 2004 - Block Island Race Week gets underway Monday with 26 racers from six fleets. If the computers and communication don't fail me, I should be posting daily commentary from the Island. Here are the direct links: Commentary. Results. Wish us luck!
15 Jun 2004 - The Technical Committee has handed up a new Rule Interpretations (RI-04-01: When may the sprit be deployed?), clarifying Rule 7.2. Please view it here. Note: If you do not see a June 15, 2004 entry at the top of the list, please "refresh" your browser.
14 Jun 2004 - HUGE NEWS: Fleet 3 has decided to go ahead with changing keels to the standard deep draft configuration. This was a difficult and unprecedented decision, especially when considering our 40+ member boats. 26 boats have currently signed up for the change and more are expected to follow along. Fleet 3 originally configured for the shallow draft configuration because the boat was considered to be dual purpose and many of the back waters, slips and home docks in the Chesapeake Bay are limited by water depth.??No one anticipated the success?the J/105 Class would experience at the time the original?decision to configure shallow draft was made. The change over will begin immediately with all boats to be converted by the start of the 2005 season. The keels will be supplied by the OEM, Broomfield, and the removal and installation work by several Chesapeake Bay marine contractors. --Walt Nuschke, Fleet 3
14 Jun 2004 - Meanwhile in Newport, the New York YC held their 150th anniversary regatta with 13 J/105's participating in near ideal conditions on Saturday and Sunday. They banged off six races which were won by four different boats in extremely tight racing. Top three: 1. Phil Lotz, INDEFATIGABLE, 14.5; 2. Nelson Weiderman, KIMA, 17.75; 3. Brian Keane, SAVASANA, 23.5. (Yes, the storied NYYC still gives an extra quarter point if you win a race.) Full results.
14 Jun 2004 -  | Fog in Chicago delayed the first start of NOOD, but they got two races for the 23 boat fleet on Friday. Then on Saturday they got three races in with David Wagner's GIGI taking a commanding lead of 12 points with three bullets. The wind finally kicked in on Sunday and GIGI hung on for the win (with a 4,7) and will fly the victor's yellow flag for the next year. Finals: 1. David Wagner, GIGI, 20; 2. Jon Halbert, VITESSE EXTREME, 36; 3. Tom Edman, PRONTO, 37. Full commentary and results at: NOOD site. Photo by Jim Kransberger. |
08 Jun 2004 - California Yacht Club in Marina del Rey, CA hosted Cal Race Week this past weekend. Nineteen J105's entered and were challenged on Saturday with very light winds, lot's of windless holes to avoid, and an unusual 2 knot current shear. Conditions were more predicable on Sunday with relatively even 6-8 knots of wind. After the five races, BOLD FORBES sailed by Ed Cummins and Jack Franco emerged in front with 14 points, followed by FLAMBOUYANT, sailed by the father/son duo of Barney and Steve Flam with 21 points, then SPEEDPLAY sailed by Eric Axford and Kurt Kammerer with 24 points. Complete Results.
07 Jun 2004 -  | After one light air race on Friday and two light air races in Saturday, the wind finally filled in at 10-12 knots for two races on Sunday. Cynthia and Jim Best have their friends (and their lucky stars) to thank. PHANTOM entered the last race tied for third six points behind the leader. But PHANTOM won the last race and put enough boats between themselves and the leaders to win the regatta by one point. Seventeen boats participated in the regatta. Final Results: 1. Cynthia and Jim Best, PHANTOM, 21; 2. Meade/Lattie/Lattie, PATRIOT, 22; 3. Chuck Stormes, DETOUR, 22. Full results. Photo by Jim Kransberger. |
27 May 2004 - The US Sailing Appeals Committee has responded to two questions that the Class Association posed regarding "normal position" of our bow sprits. See their ruling here.
27 May 2004 - Eight boats participated in the UK J/105 Nationals, held at the View Yacht Club on the Isle of Wight over the weekend of May 22 & 23 (first since 2002). Six races were completed with a throwout. The top three were 1. Malcolm Jaques, J SPOT, 6; 2. Andy Bird, JAMBALAYA, 12; 3. Shaun Murphy, SLINGSHOT, 16. For details and photos, click here.
24 May 2004 - Alec Cutler, who normally sails with J105?Fleet 3, Hull #418, Hooked On Tonics, teamed up with Max Skelley (from Ullman Skelley sails) and Paul Murphy of Annapolis to win the 128 boat J22 World Championship, sailed under sponsorship of the Annapolis Yacht Club. The regatta wasn't decided until the last race when Alec and team pulled out a 2 point win. The participants included a who's who of international sailing. Full results are posted here. -- Walt Nuschke
17 May 2004 - The 101st edition of the Sir Thomas Lipton Cup was sailed this weekend in J105's, hosted by Southwestern Yacht Club in San Diego. There were seven races over two days in wind ranges from 5 knots to 15. Thirteen yacht clubs entered this prestigious and venerable Regatta. The eventual winner with 18 points (4,1,3,3,3,3,1) was Balboa Yacht Club from Corona Del Mar sailing BOLD FORBES. Complete results.
10 May 2004 - Andrew Sims has posted some great photography of the Annapolis NOOD and the AYC Spring Series. Check out at www.wavelengthstudios.com/photo/. Quiz for Fleet #3: Where in the Class rules does it say that you can't have your Lifesling interfere with your swim ladder? Quiz for Fleet #6: How often do you you get the opportunity to broach in Western LIS (sorry Andy and Pam)?
07 May 2004 - The Technical Committee has revised rule interpretation RI-02-13: BARBER HAULERS. You should read the entire ruling in the Rules section, but essentially inboard barberhauling is restricted to use either the lazy sheet or a single line with no hardware and 1:1 purchase. This interpretion covers Rules 5.3.8 and 5.3.10.
03 May 2004 - The Annapolis NOOD saw 24?J105's competing in 12 - 22 knots of southerly breeze which kicked up some tough to drive waves that were confused by the currents always present in the Chesapeake Bay. Consistency proved to be?the winning ticket as Fredrick Salvesen and Cedric Lewis on MIRAGE took the win without winning any races. Their 3-2-4-4-2-3-2 finishes?provided a 23 point margin over the closest competitor. Jim Konigsberg?on INIGO managed to win three races but couldn't overcome two?over early restarts, and finished?in second place. Third place was captured on a tie breaker by Jay Corcoran on NO MORE TROUBLE over Hugh Bethel on JESTER, and Bob Reeves on A TRAIN. Jay was the hard luck competitor,?holding first place?after three races on Friday, he suffered a?broken forestay on Saturday for a 25th, which took him out of contention for first place. This NOOD saw the introduction of the Yellow Flag which quickly changed to the "Curse of the Yellow Flag", after?NO MORE TROUBLE's?problems on Saturday followed by a botched first spinnaker set by MIRAGE on Sunday as the tack line used to fly the flag was rigged wrong when they took?the flag?down prior to the race. Complete results. [Reporter and Fleet Captain Walt Nuschke had a bullet in race five, like a rose among thorns. --NW]
03 May 2004 - Six boats competed for the B.W. Walker Memorial Trophy at the 2004 Bermuda International Invitational Race Week in an eight race (one drop) event over four days. Adam Barboza (ADDICTION) took first with 12 points, Tom Coates (MASQUERADE) was second with 15 points, and Glenn Astwood (PASSION) third with 22. Complete results here.
03 May 2004 - The J105 Fleet with 26 entries was the largest class at the San Diego Yachting Cup Regatta run over the past weekend. The first day had 15 knots of wind, great sunshine, and close competition. The last race of the day turned the results upside down as the wind died very rapidly and a substantial hole developed a half mile around the finish boat. Sunday saw more sunshine and a real dogfight. Dennis Case from San Diego?on Wings prevailed with 23 points, followed by Ed Cummins/Jack Franco from Newport Beach?on Bold Forbes with 25 points, then Peter Lufkin from Santa Barbara on Short Skirt with 28?points. Complete results here.
03 May 2004 - After the second weekend of the AYC Spring Series the top three remained unchanged. Twenty seven boats competed in the seven race (one throwout) regatta. At the close it was Joerg Esdorn (KINCSEM) with 11, Damian Emery (ECLIPSE) with 15, and Jay Lurie (REVELATION) with 23. For complete results, click here.
30 Apr 2004 - How do you win regattas? Practice. How do you practice? Learn how by reading "Some Principles of Practice for Sailboat Racers" by Richard A. Schmidt on the Scuttlebutt web site. Highly recommended! Click here.
29 Apr 2004 - Nineteen boats participated in the five race Ahmanson Cup Regatta at Newport Harbor Yacht Club (Fleet #8) last weekend. The top three were: 1. Ed Cummins / Jack Franco, BOLD FORBES, 11; 2. David Levy, MISCHIEF, 22; 3. Dennis Case, WINGS, 23. For complete results, click here.
26 Apr 2004 - By mail ballot, the Executive Committee passed the following resolution by a vote of 22-5: "RESOLVED, that the 2004 North American Championshihp is hereby designated as a "national or international class event" within the meaning of rule 3.6 so that an Owner must be on board for that regatta."
26 Apr 2004 - Twenty five boats competed in the first weekend of the AYC Spring Series in Long Island Sound. After four races it was Joerg Esdorn (KINCSEM) with 9, Damian Emery (ECLIPSE) with 14, and Jay Lurie (REVELATION) with 16. For complete results, click here.
20 Apr 2004 - Fleet 3 hosted the National Hospice Regatta on April 16,17,18 with headquarters at the Mears Marina in Annapolis. 13 teams came from as far away as San Diego to compete in J105's donated by the members of Fleet 3. This is the fourth year that Fleet 3 has sponsored this event. ?There were 8 races over the three days. Going into the third day, the team lead by Joe Waters had a commanding 9 point lead. The team from Niagara, New York, lead by Chris Kasten had other ideas, and pulled out a victory with two bullets on the final day. Filling out the top three were Joe Waters from Hartwell Lake, South Carolina in second, and Bruce Roberts from Sandusky Ohio in third. Full info on the regatta can be seen at www.hospiceregattas.org.
16 Apr 2004 - Our site has a new home page for the Fleets. It contains fleet names, officers, contact info for the Captain, web sites, boat counts, member counts, and local and national wind. It's cool! You can click Fleets above (may have to refresh your browser or empty your cache the first time). But you can also get to it by clicking here. Just put your cursor over the name of a fleet to get more information. [If you still do not see "New Fleet Page" under the Fleet menu, then go here, then refresh, then go back to j105.org.]
12 Apr 2004 -  | You too can own a beautifully constructed seven foot square battle flag like the ones sold at Key West. These would normally retail for $150 or more. They are the same as what J/Boats buys and come in their own case. We are selling them at cost to promote the class and the fleets. $75 plus $5 for shipping. You can send a check to J/105 Class Association, 127 Schooner Drive, Wakefield, RI 02879 or buy using Paypal here: SORRY -- SOLD OUT |
07 Apr 2004 - If you are an owner, please complete this very short survey on insurance. We?ve offered to collect some data to help increase the knowledge database to better educate the underwriters. You must be registered member and logged in to complete the survey. Thanks for your participation. Click here.
01 Apr 2004 - The Spring Newsletter has been packaged up and sent off to the printer. It should arrive in your mailboxes in about a week. But if you would like to read it on-line, I have placed a .pdf version in the Members Area. Also, if you are considering "angle cutting" the aft edge of your keel this spring (to prevent vibration), there are some guidelines in the revised Rule Interpretation RI-02-16. Go to rule interpretations.
30 Mar 2004 - TA DA! The results are in. The winner of the first Southern Circuit is Richard Bergmann and his ZUNI BEAR team. They scored an impressive 17 points in their best ten races from the three regattas in the Circuit. Tom Coates with MASQUERADE was second scoring 25, and Jim Doane with FLAME was third scoring 29. Thirteen boats from eight fleets qualified and two boats sailed in all three regattas. The winner of the Sportsmanship Award as the "participant who sails in all three regattas and who is deemed to promote sportsmanship and the best interests of the Class" is Joe Highsmith. The names of the winners of the regatta and the sportsmanship award, as well as the 2004 Class President, will be engraved on the Presidents Southern Circuit Trophy. Congratulations to all! More details.
29 Mar 2004 - So much for local knowledge at Charleston Race Week! Eleven boats from six states and Canada competed in the three day, moderate air series. The event was won by Robert Baker of Toronto, Ontario, CANADA and placing second was Robert Brann of Houston, Texas. Joe Highsmith was the top local at third. Final places: 1. Robert Baker, PLANET B, 19; Robert Brann, SHOCK & AWE, 25; 3. Joe Highsmith, DEAD ON ARRIVAL, 25. Full results. Stay tuned whilst the Secretary sharpens his pencil to compute the winner of the Southern Circuit Events (Key West, SORC, and Charleston).
22 Mar 2004 - Fleet # 1 started its 2004 Championship Series with the March 20-21 StFYC Spring One Design Regatta. 2003 NAs winner, Good Timin' (Chris & Phil Perkins and Dave Wilson) had finishes of 1,1,3,2. Their third place finish in Race Three might have been higher if they had not stop racing in order to fetch a man-over-board crew out of the Bay and return him to his J/120. Nantucket Sleighride and Natural Blonde finished second and third, respectively. Twenty-five J/105s started the Regatta which was raced in 14-22 knot westerly winds.
Final results -- submitted by Pat Benedict
22 Mar 2004 - In the second NOOD of the season, we had the largest one-design class (26 participants) in San Diego. In the seven race, no throwout series, Ed Cummins had two wins and was the only boat to avoid the dreaded double digits. The top three: 1. Ed Cummins, BOLD FORBES, 28; 2. Scott Birnberg, INDIGO 3, 36; 3. Barney Flam, FLAMBOUYANT, 44. Full results.
15 Mar 2004 - Today we hit 50 (possible, probable, or firm) entries for the North American Championship in September in Marion, MA. Since it is only March, this regatta has excellent prospects to exceed the record of 50 boats racing in the 2002 Chicago NAC. To view to the list or to add yourself, click here.
08 Mar 2004 - The Executive Committee has approved a revision of Rule Interpretation RI-03-03: WHEN MAY A BACKUP CHUTE BE FLOWN? Since this is a complex issue, please familiarize yourself with this revised interpretation. See the Racing --> Rules ... -> Rule Interpretations above.
01 Mar 2004 - Once again the tie break went in favor of ZUNI BEAR at the Accura SORC (they won Key West on a tie break as well). In this seven race, one throwout series, ZUNI finished 8th in the last race opening the door for Jim Doane and FLAME, but Jim needed a second and could only manage a third, with Joe Highsmith (DEAD ON ARRIVAL) and Tom Coates (MASQUERADE) coming in 1 and 2 in the last race of the series. Finals: 1. Richard Bergmann, ZUNI BEAR, 16; 2. Jim Doane, FLAME, 16; 3. Mark Cloutier, ADDICTION, 19. Full results.
27 Feb 2004 - BOLD FORBES dominated with five bullets in five races in the SCYA Midwinter and High Point Regatta at the Dana Point Yacht Club last weekend. The second places were divided among five boats, with none earned by the second place boat for the regatta. Seventeen boats raced. Finals: 1. Ed Cummins, BOLD FORBES, 5; 2. Peter Lufkin, SHORT SKIRT, 26; 3. Dennis & Sharon Case, WINGS, 27.
23 Feb 2004 - Yes, that is the same Carol Cronin who edits the J/105 News who, with Liz Filter and Nancy Haberland, won the lone Yngling slot to go to the Athens Olympics in August. When Betsy Allison (many time Rolex winner) comes in fifth in a six boat regatta, you know you have been up against some heady competition. Go Team Atkins!
17 Feb 2004 - The NOOD Regattas for 2004 are underway and the J/105s were again represented at the first one in St. Petersburg, FL this past weekend. The top three boats were separated by only three points in the five race series with Fleet #3 transplant Steve Olinger coming from behind to edge out Robert Glaser on the second tiebreaker. Top three: 1) Steve Olinger, J'MAKIN' WAVES, 10 points, 2) Robert Glaser, ORANGUTAN, 10 points, and 3) Ed Chappell, ANOTHER HAZARD, 13 points. Full results.
04 Feb 2004 - Administrivia: The 2004 Rules that went into effect on February 1 are now available in the Rules section. The changes are minor, but download the pdf to print and keep on your boat. The Treasurer has posted the 2004 Financial Statement in the Members Area. Thanks to higher than expected income and lower than expected expenses, we ended the year with a surplus.
30 Jan 2004 - The Southern Circuit -- Key West Race Week, SORC, and Charleston Race Week will all be Level A events. That means at most one ISAF Category 2 crew allowed aboard.
30 Jan 2004 - Looks like we will have at least three boats making the trip down to join the locals in Bermuda for their International Race Week -- MASQUERADE, WET PAINT, and WET LEOPARD. Interested? See the News item for 8 January below.
28 Jan 2004 - The KINCSEM dismasting made the front page of sailinganarchy.com. Don't ask me about the J/100 described there. I know nothing about that. If you want to see high resolution photos, click here: photo1, photo2. Don't those sails look crispy? The Chief Measurer has recused himself from deciding whether they need to be replaced. The jib is on the bottom with the mast and furler. The main was recovered.
26 Jan 2004 - The final wrapup for KWRW is in. Click here. Also you can find my handpicked 99 photos with annotations here. If you want to see professional photography of the event (without annotations), you can check yachtshots.com, timwilkes.com, wavelengthstudios.com, or boatpix.com. They all have (or will soon have) the ability to find photos of a particular boat.
23 Jan 2004 - Key West Final: Rich Bergmann/Shawn Bennett, ZUNI BEAR, 28; Tom Coates, MASQUERADE, 28; Brian Keane, SAVASANA, 40; Joerg Esdorn, KINCSEM, 62; Damian Emery, ECLIPSE, 62. For commentary and details use the links below.
22 Jan 2004 - After three days, six races, and no throwouts, the California boys (Fleet #8 and Fleet #1) are giving a clinic in Key West. The top three are ZUNI BEAR (Rich Bergmann/Shawn Bennett, 25 points), MASQUERADE (Tom Coates, 33 points), and KINCSEM (Joerg Esdorn, 49 points). ZUNI will undoubtedly throw out a 19 today.
15 Jan 2004 - Next week is Key West Race Week. Here are all links you need to participate vicariously:
15 Jan 2004 - The Executive Committee has completed its voting on the 2004 Rules Submissions (which go into effect on February 1). Submissions #1 [Rule 3.4, Redefining a Driver], #2 [Rule 3.6, Owner Aboard for National or International Events], #3 [Rule 5.1, May remove halyard and outhaul shackles], and #5 [Rule 6.3, Backup jib] all passed. Submission #4 [Rule 6.3, Use of the second spinnaker] failed. Additionally, the ExCom voted to put Submission #5 into effect for the Key West Race Week Regatta. For the details of these submissions go to the FORUM. For details of how your representatives voted, go to the Members Area.
08 Jan 2004 - Such a deal! The Bermuda Fleet is trying to attract more boat for their International Race Week (April 24 to May 1). They've arranged for round trip shipping from New Jersey for $6000, free launching, free berthing, and optional housing with local fleet members. Plus parties and prizegiving that you won't believe. You might want to read my 2002 report here. Believe me, this is cheaper than taking your boat to Key West and probably more fun (even with fewer boats). Contact Marlee for more info.
30 Dec 2003 - There are 29 boats registered for Key West Race Week and it's time to start thinking seriously about SORC. It looks like about half the KW crowd will be taking advantage of the excellent regatta conditions in South Beach section of Miami. The dates are February 27-29 for J/105s and the web site is www.acurasorc.com. For those who are competing for the new President's Southern Circuit Trophy you can see a photo and the Deed of Gift here.
26 Nov 2003 - Your 2004 dues are due on January 1. If you do not pay through your fleet, you can pay through the web site by clicking on the Members tab above. If you pay the "old fashioned way," you can print off the membership form and mail a check to the Treasurer. The new 2004 decals are ready. Fleet Treasurers, please think about starting to collect 2004 dues from your fleet members. PS: If you have trouble paying using PayPal (an outside agent), please e-mail Nelson.
12 Nov 2003 - One of the things that distinguishes Fleet #1 (San Francisco) is their level of fleet organization and how they recognize their participants and volunteers. For a hint of how they do it, you might read Eden Kim's summary of their year-end Awards / Rally / BBQ. Click here.
12 Nov 2003 - The November 2003 issue of BoatUS Magazine has a review of the J/105. You can view it on-line here.
03 Nov 2003 - The five rules submissions for 2004 have been posted on the FORUM. Please review these and offer comments. They will be voted up or down in early January. Also, the minutes and supporting documents from the 21 October Annual Meeting of the Class Executive Committee have been posted in the Members Area (Members menu above). There is a lot to digest there and it is testimony to how much effort goes into administering a one-design class such as ours. Please thank your fleet officers for volunteering their time to make your class so successful.
30 Oct 2003 - The J/105s got a one-design start at the Puget Sound Sailing Championship for the first time this past weekend. Fleet #20 (Northwest) got out six boats in the seven race series. Top three: Lynn Adkins, MUDLARK, 15; Gerald Hirschler, JADED, 18; Dan Scouler, SUNDAY TICKET, 23. Full results. Thanks, Erik Kristen (future owner).
28 Oct 2003 - In the Southeastern J/105 Fall Championship was held in Calibogue Sound, hosted by the South Carolina Yacht Club, there were eight boats and four races. Here are the results: 1. Worth Harris, RUM AT SIX, 8 points; 2. Fred Stone, PUFFIN, 13; 3. John Demere, REVELATION 15. At least five of these eight boats are heading for Key West in January. Full results. -- Mark Cribbs
27 Oct 2003 - This weekend the Chesapeake Bay J/105 Championship was contested under race management by Eastport Yacht Club. We had 5 races in 15-22 kt conditions. Jim Konigsberg?on INIGO took first place, followed by Bill Sutton with BLOND ATTACK, Scott and Carl Gitchell on TENACIOUS, Cedric Lewis and Fred Salvesen on MIRAGE, and Bodo Von der Wense on TURBO DUCK. -- Walt Nuschke
27 Oct 2003 - Breaking News: At the Executive Committee's Annual Meeting, your new national officers were elected. Robert Smith (Fleet #5) President, Tom Carruthers (Fleet #8) Vice President, Nelson Weiderman (Fleet #14) Secretary/Treasurer, and Joerg Esdorn (Fleet #6) Chief Measurer. More on that later. Key West Race Week is shaping up nicely with 31 entries confirmed already and SORC and Charleston Race Week added as a "Southern Circuit". See KWRW page. Email Nelson if you think you might come down and are not on the list yet. Also, the Fall Newsletters have been mailed. If you don't get one in the next several days, check your membership status and mailing address. I'd like to hear what you think. --Nelson
13 Oct 2003 - At the request of the Technical Committee, J Boats has approved the following changes to the standard specification: 1. Permitting a new traveller setup, 2. A no dodger option, 3. Spectra shackles for main halyard and outhaul. The details of these changes are contained in a Notice from the Technical Committee that also gives the implications for owners of existing boats who wish to modify them. This notice can be found here.
26 Sep 2003 - Some of you may be interested to see the carnage that Isabel wrought on Fleet #3 in Annapolis. Click here.
22 Sep 2003 - I missed the Big Boats Series out in SF last week. They had seven races over four days September 11-14, just like the NAC. There were 34 boats including 8 from outside Fleet #1. Top three were 1. Tim Russell & Roy Steiner (AQUAVIT) 33; 2. Tom Coates (MASQUERADE) 38; 3. Perkins/Wilson/Perkins (GOOD TIMIN') 44. For complete results see our 2003 results page. Andrew Sims has 806 J/105 photos up at wavelengthstudios.com. He'll mail proof sheets of specific boats if you like.
22 Sep 2003 - At the ninth NOOD of the year in Galveston Bay there were 12 105's. That means the J/105s went nine for nine in the NOODS and had 199 different boats participating. Quite a feat! They cancelled Sunday's racing because of high winds, but still got in five races. Hal Haltom was the only repeater in the top three and moved up to the top of the heap. 1. Hal Haltom (CAYUSE) 12; 2. David Owen (PIPPIN) 13; 3. Ryan Glaze (GRINGO) 16. Full results.
08 Sep 2003 - The 8th (of nine) NOOD event was contested at Larchmont YC in typically light and fluky conditions. On the last beat Damian Emery put five boats between himself and the second place boat to take the title by a single point. Final results: 1. Damian Emery (ECLIPSE) 4,11,2,2/19; Harald Edegran, Tony Leggett, Mike Puleo, Jeremy Henderson (CONUNDRUM) 6,3,3,8/20; 3. Joerg Esdorn (KINCSEM) 3,2,1,16/22; Results and commentary.
05 Sep 2003 - Thanks to the efforts of attorney and Chief Measurer Joerg Esdorn we have rescued several thousand posts from the FORUM that were embargoed when the company hosting our old server went out of business. You can access this collective wisdom on the Old FORUM here. You can search, but cannot post there. At the bottom of each FORUM there will be a link to the other until I can merge them back together. -- Nelson
03 Sep 2003 - At the San Francisco NOOD it was GOOD TIMIN' again (Perkins/Wilson/Perkins), followed by MASQUERADE (Coates) and NANTUCKET SLEIGHRIDE (Wagner). And average of 6th place was good enough to win it in a competitive 36 boat fleet. Complete results. Back East at the PHRF New Englands we had CIRCE'S CUP (Colcord), THIN ICE (Browne) and VIGILANTE (Polidoro) in a 16 boat fleet. Complete results. Also, professional photos at www.wavelengthstudios.com.
03 Sep 2003 - Several rules proposals have been posted on the FORUM. Comments are solicited.
29 Aug 2003 - I finally have organized, edited, and captioned a subset of my photos from the NAC. They may not be professional photography, but they capture some of the local color and name the boats in the photographs. To go to the album, click here.
19 Aug 2003 - Chuck Lantz has put up an album of great photos from the NAC. Click here. He has more available and he can be contacted at chuck@2003ac.com.
17 Aug 2003 - Five boats won races, but GOOD TIMIN' was the only boat to avoid the dreaded double digits with a worst finish of 7. Owners Chris Perkins, Dave Wilson and Phil Perkins and their crew finally racked up a win on the last day of the NAC. Finals: Perkins/Wilson, GOOD TIMIN', 4,4,7,6,6,1,3-31; Bergmann/Bennett, ZUNI BEAR, 1,20,4,7,2,2,1-37; Cummins/Franco, 9,7,1,1,14,4,2-38; Commentary and Results.
17 Aug 2003 - A third leader after three days and only one boat without any double digit finishes. 1. Wilson/Perkins, GOOD TIMIN', 4-4-7-6-6/27; 2. Peter Wagner, NANTUCKET SLEIGHRIDE, 3-6-11-5-3,26; Cummins/Forbes 9-7-1-1-14,32. Check commentary and results with the links below.
15 Aug 2003 - After two days of the NAC: 1. Cummins/Franco (BOLD FORBES) 9-7-1-1,18; 2. Perkins/Wilson (GOOD TIMIN') 4-4-7-8,21; 3. Peter Wagner (NANTUCKET SLEIGHRIDE) 3-6-11-5,25. Commentary and full results, click below.
14 Aug 2003 - After day one of the North American Championship: 1. Perkins/Wilson, GOOD TIMIN', 4,4-8; 2. Peter Wagner, NANTUCKET SLEIGHRIDE 3,6-9; 3. Tim Russell, AQUAVIT 2,8-10. Contrary to the advice below, the latest results are at the St. Francis site, stfyc.org. You need to go to the calendar of events and then the NAC site. Here's the link to Nelson's commentary.
12 Aug 2003 - I'll be heading out to SF tomorrow for the North American Championship, which gets underway on Thursday. I'll be aboard the Committee Boat and, if technology treats me kindly, will be providing daily commentary here. You should also check the Regatta site for results. -- Nelson
08 Aug 2003 - The Secretary has posted the Minutes of the July 28 conference call of the Executive Committee. On the agenda were potential rule changes for 2004, Key West 2004, and the possibility of awarding the North American Championship for 2006 at our October annual meeting. Click Members --> Members Area on the menu above.
04 Aug 2003 - We had 20 boats (up from 15 in 2002) at the Buzzards Bay Regatta. It has taken on an international flavor with one boat from Toronto getting prepared for the 2004 North Americans. Glenn Darden, who won two years ago at Padanaram and placed second last year at Marion, won none of the nine races. He was just consistently in the top four with a six and an eight (thrown out). The top three: 1. Glenn Darden (HOSS) 25; 2. Jay Ryan (ANAMCHARA) 32; 3. Phil Lotz (INDEFATIGABLE) 33. See the Fleet #14 site for full results and commentary.
04 Aug 2003 - More photography. Norm Grant has shared some of his shots from Block Island and Sail Newport for our site (direct link to the album). In addition, Andrew Sims notes that his site has been updated with photos from the Marblehead NOOD (see July 24 link below).
28 Jul 2003 - There were 15 boats this year at the Marblehead NOOD (up from 10 a year ago). In four races over three days, the top three racers were: 1. Robert Hooper, M GO BLUE 11; Fred De Napoli, THIN ICE, 12; 3. Kevin Colcord, CIRCE's CUP 16. Full results.
24 Jul 2003 - If you sailed in Key West, Charleston Race Week, Annapolis NOOD, or Block Island, you might want to check out the professional photography of Andrew Sims. Go to http://wavelengthstudios.com/photo/.
24 Jul 2003 - Twelve boats participated in the 2003 Canadian Championship in Toronto last weekend. It was a tightly contested eight race series that was won by two points in which (oddly) the top three boats finished in 1, 2, 3 order in the first and last races of the eight. They were 1. Jim Rathbun HEY JUDE, 28; 2. Mike Mountford, LIVE EDGE, 30; and 3. Chuck Clayton, NBX, 38. For the complete story go to the Fleet #4 site.
17 Jul 2003 - If are thinking about heading south for Key West Race Week in January 2004, you should be on my mailing list. (You're already on if you received "Update #1" this week. We had 29 boats in 2003 and expect 30-35 in 2004. To get on the list, just e-mail Nelson. No obligation. Lurkers are wannabees are welcome too. You'll receive about ten e-mails between now and January.
16 Jul 2003 - I think the FORUM is ready to go again. Please read my post for a full explanation. If you have a direct bookmark, it will no longer work. Click on the FORUM menu item above for the new URL. The Fleet forums have the same password as before. If you see anything strange, please report it to me. George P. gets the prize for being the first poster. -- Nelson
15 Jul 2003 - Fleet #5 had 18 boats finish in the 2003 edition of the 300 mile Mackinac Race. Finishing in just over twenty four hours, the margin was only ten minutes. The top three finishers were 1. Dan & Teer Heun, LIQUID COURAGE, 2. Tom Edman, PRONTO II, and 3. David Wagner, GIGI. Full results here.
14 Jul 2003 - Brian Keane's SAVASANA won Sail Newport over 16 other competitors in five races in near perfect conditions (without winning a single race). The top five were all within eight points. The top three: 1. SAVASANA, 19; 2. Jim Sorensen, WET LEOPARD 22; 3. Don Priestly, WET PAINT, 23. For full results and commentary click here.
08 Jul 2003 -  | Tim Wilkes (timwilkes.com) has graciously given us permission to use some of his photography on our site. It is amazing what you can learn about sailing techniques and how others sail their boats from professional photos. I've selected these (from more than 360 on Tim's site) for their artistic and didactic value and have added annotations to each photo for your viewing pleasure. To view this album, click here. |
01 Jul 2003 - At North Sails Race Week (they have three day weeks on the left coast) in Long Beach, they managed the same number of races (7) as at Block Island. With 25 boats competing, it was another rout with Tom Coates' MASQUERADE (a Newport, RI boat) taking five of the seven races and counting a second for his seven points. Final three: 1. Coates, MASQUERADE, 7; 2. Ed Cummins & Sharon Case, BOLD FORBES, 21; 3. Dennis & Sharon Case, WINGS 21. Complete results.
01 Jul 2003 - For those sailing junkies who were so rudely interrupted last week during Block Island Race Week because of the website outage, I have reloaded my daily commentaries and even included a wrapup report with some interesting stats (click here). For the final results, click here. The short story is that Dr. Thomas Enright's PRETTY SKETCHY won in a rout in a seven race, 32 boat Regatta. 1. PRETTY SKETCHY, 13; 2. Bill Riker & Buddy Rego, SEA SHADOW, 39; and 3. Jim Sorensen, WET LEOPARD, 40.
30 Jun 2003 - The site is mostly back, having been gone since Thursday night. We're on a new server now with a company that has some staying power (... he said confidently). We lost some news, which I will try to restore. And we don't have the FORUM, which will take a little longer. If you notice problems, e-mail Nelson.
16 Jun 2003 - Who says you can't be a national officer, fleet captain, and webmaster and still win regattas? Bob Smith proved that the only thing holding him back was being regatta chairman at the 2002 North American Championship. This weekend he was the class of the 21 boat 105 fleet at the Chicago NOOD. The top three: 1. Bob Smith, NEW WORLD 23; 2. David Wagner, GIGI, 31; 3. George Petkovic, USA 370, 32. Final results.
03 Jun 2003 -  | They mixed it up a bit at the Cal Race Week at Marina del Rey. Scott Birnberg's INDIGO never placed better then third with a 3-3-5-3-3, yet won the 20 boat regatta in the light and shifty conditions. Unseated from their usual places atop the leaderboard were BOLD FORBES (Ed Cummins/Jack Franco) and WINGS (Dennis and Sharon Case).
For the rest of the story, click here. Photo by Rich Roberts. |
02 Jun 2003 - At the Detroit NOOD there were five races for 22 boats. Racing was cancelled on Saturday due to extreme conditions. The top three were 1. Jim and Cynthia Best, PHANTOM 3,6,3,6,2-20; Con Ruffing, C-JEM, 8,8,4,1,3-24; 3. Lattie/Purdie et al., PATRIOT (#559), 2,4,7,8,4-25; Interesting that the top three boats accounted for only one of the five firsts. Read more about it here.
28 May 2003 - Kevin Grainger teamed with Frank Conway on GUMPTION (#58) to take second place in the double handed division of the 58th Block Island Race. The185 miles were completed in a corrected time of 29 hours 32 minutes and 58 seconds. The conditions varied from 26-28 knots with 6-8 foot seas in Block Island Sound to 5 knots with flat seas off the CT shoreline in the final hours of racing. More...
23 May 2003 - By mail ballot of the Executive Committee, completed Monday, the 2005 North American Championship was awarded to Fleet #4 and the Royal Canadian Yacht Club in Toronto, Canada. This will be the first Championship held outside of the United States. The competing proposals and the voting can be seen in the Members area. This year we have the 2003 NAC in San Francisco (August) and next year the NAC will be in Marion, MA (September 2004).
20 May 2003 - Headed out to San Francisco for the NAC in August? Here's some logistical information that might interest you. Click here. For the NAC2003 website pull down either the "National" or the "Racing" menus above.
19 May 2003 - The Southwestern YC won the 90th Lipton Cup (their first) in a competition of fourteen west coast yacht clubs. Balboa YC was second and Coronado YC third. The top helmsmen and boats in the seven race, no throwout series were: 1. Geoff Longenecker (NEMESIS, #45) 23, 2. Jack Franco (BOLD FORBES, #523) 25, and 3. Scott Harris (QUICKSILVER, #515) 34. Read more here: the story and the results.
Twenty-four hours earlier, with a one-point lead after the first day, Longenecker said he wasn't sure his team belonged in that sophisticated company.
06 May 2003 - Some of the "if not more" was happening on the West Coast where they completed the three race Yachting Cup in San Diego. Topping the fleet of 23 racers were 1. Scott Birnberg (INDIGO3) 6; 2. Ed Cummins (BOLD FORBES) 6; 3. Dennis & Sharon Case (WINGS) 13. It looks like they had to go to the fourth tiebreaker to decide it as each boat had a 1, a 2, and a 3. Yachting Cup results.
05 May 2003 - Three major regattas (if not more) completed this weekend. At Bermuda's International Race Week there were five boats (up one from last year) and seven races over four days. It was won by the new kid, native Bermudian Mark Cloutier in Hull #79 (ex NO SURRENDER), which had an excellent record in the Northeast. Finals: 1. Cloutier (ADDICTION) 10; 2. Glenn Astwood (PASSION) 14; 3. Hilton/Riker (NOT MINE). Bermuda results. At the Annapolis NOOD, Alec Cutler, who had a 17th in the final race of the six race, no throwout, series repeated his victory of the 2001 NOOD. NAC Champ Steve Phillips trailed by four points in the 34 boat field. Finals: 1. Cutler (HOOKED ON TONICS) 31; 2. Phillips (LE RENARD) 35; 3. Sutton/Hublitz (BLOND ATTACK), 36. NOOD Results. Finally the American Yacht Club had their annual two weekend Spring Series in Rye, NY, but in the words of one competitor the conditions were "atrocious" and they got in only three races over four days for the 27 entries. Here again it was a new owner, Jay Lurie, in an old boat, Hull #60. Finals: 1. Lurie (REVELATION) 9; 2. Florence/Shulz-Heik 12; 3. Damian Emery (ECLIPSE). AYC Results.
30 Apr 2003 - On April 21 the Executive Committee held a conference call to consider two proposals for the 2005 North American Championship -- from Fleet #8 and the California Yacht Club of Marina Del Rey, CA and from Fleet #4 and the Royal Canadian Yacht Club of Toronto, Ontario. Both proposals were very well received and a vote will be tallied on May 19. The minutes and the proposals are posted in the Members Area. If you have an opinion to express, please contact your representatives on the Executive Committee.
29 Apr 2003 - At Charleston Race Week this past weekend the J/105's had a five race, no throwout series in which the top three boats were separated by one point. Tied with 18 were Lewis Gunn (DEAD ON ARRIVAL) and Gerrit Schulze (MAX POWER) and a point behind them was Robert Baker (PLANET B). Gunn and Schulze each had a win, but Gunn won with two seconds to Schulze's one. Complete results at www.charlestonraceweek.com.
29 Apr 2003 - I've been asked to remind you all that there is a new (2003) procedure for weight equalization (Exhibits 7.3A and 7.3B of the Rules) and that this includes the stipulation that the lifesling/MOB module can't be on swim ladder (for safety). Please download and print the new "Key J/105 Class Rules". I also note that J/105s don the covers of the 2003 Laylne Catalog (MASQUERADE) and the May issue of SAIL. If you know which boat is on the SAIL cover, please email Nelson.
27 Apr 2003 - The Technical Committee has passed up three new rule interpretations: RI 03-01: REPLACEMENT OF DESTROYED SAILS, RI-03-02: MEANING OF RULE 6.6.4 REGARDING 89 SQUARE METER CHUTE PURCHASES, and RI 03-03: WHEN MAY A BACKUP CHUTE BE FLOWN? Please read them in the Rules Interpretations section of the website.
23 Apr 2003 - And on the TX-OK border they sailed one-design in the abbreviated three day Texoma Lakefest earlier in April. The top three were: 1. Elizabeth Paszkiewicz & Roger Kerr (TIGER MOTH), 2. Ken Westfall (AMAZING GRACE) and 3. Mike Manila (ADIOS). Next up in the heartland is the Bartlett Regatta at the Grand Lake. Results.
17 Apr 2003 - Last weekend, April 12-13, was the Ahmanson Cup event at Newport Harbor YC in Newport Beach, CA. We had 21 boats in the J/105 fleet and the top three boats were only separated by 3 points. Generally fair weather and winds prevailed. This was event number 3 on our season high point series. Link to results. -- Bill Johnson
07 Apr 2003 - The Notice of Race for the North American Championship has been posted on the Fleet #1 site. Go to the Registration page at NAC home.
02 Apr 2003 - Have you paid your dues? We just lost 166 boats and four voting fleets yesterday (when the grace period ran out and we switched over to 2003 memberships). See the Owners List to check your status (the fleet summary table is down at the bottom). If you are paying individually, click on the Members --> Sign Up or Renew Membership and either print out the application and send a check or use Paypal to pay online. You will not receive your (beautiful, new) membership decals until we see the green here at J/105 Central Command.
31 Mar 2003 - Ever wonder why the Americas Cup skippers don't cover at critical times? Michael Hobson has an article on the topic exclusively for j105.org. You can view it (.htm file) or print it (.pdf file).
24 Mar 2003 - JBoats / TPI is now using a check valve on the fuel tank (since #605) to mitigate the air lock problem. A retro kit is available to owners for $45 from TPI. Please see the FORUM for details and a photo (Engine Failure/Air Bubble thread).
24 Mar 2003 - Andrew Sims has posted his SORC photos. PAPERMOON, RUM AT SIX, ABSOLUTELY et. al. Have a look (pages 3 and 4) at http://www.wavelengthstudios.com/photo/.
24 Mar 2003 - We are looking to get a few more boats on Lake Texoma (TX/OK) this year so we can race J105 class. The haul in and outs on Texoma are free to registered races and there is lots of fun on Friday and Saturday nights. This is our biggest reggatta and we raise a lot of money for the kids. We get close to a hundred boats every year but really struggle to get a J105 class. The objective is to get 10 or more J105's out there for the three day regatta (April 11-13). Details or on the web site, http://www.texomasailing.org/. -- Ken Westfall, #437, AMAZING GRACE
18 Mar 2003 - What a pleasant surprise! They were keeping it a secret, but Fleet #19 got six boats together for the first-ever St. Petersburg NOOD back in the middle of February. So 2003 will mark the first year that we've had one-design racing in each of the nine NOOD Regattas. The top three in the six race regatta were Geoff Burge in STAMPEDE, George Cussins in FIRE & ICE, and Dick Crowl in RIVA. For the complete results, click here. (Thanks to Bill Johnson of Fleet #8 for bringing this to my attention.)
18 Mar 2003 - San Diego was the first out of the box with their NOOD Regatta, which drew 24 entries. Dennis & Sharon Case got their "three-peat" in WINGS, #514, closely followed by Tony Harwood's QUICKSILVER, #515. A new boat, INDIGO, #621, owned by Scott Birnberg of Long Beachgot took 3rd in their first outing. Complete results at the SDYC site. Click here.
18 Mar 2003 - A word from President Jaren Leet on the Fleet #1 opener in light of the new rules in effect. Click here.
17 Mar 2003 - The answer to last week's quiz is (c) Invented Kevlar in 1964.
06 Mar 2003 - Last year Charleston Race Week drew 17 boats from across the country. This year it is being held April 24-27 and promises to be another fantastic event. The NOR and all pertinent information have been posted at www.charlestonraceweek.com. Joe Highsmith has offered to field questions. E-mail Joe.
04 Mar 2003 - The Class Association ended the calendar year in strong financial position. To view the year-end financial report, go the Members Area (pulldown the Members menu item and click on Members Area). If you have questions, e-mail the Treasurer.
03 Mar 2003 - Through a modification to Appendix P of the Racing Rules (a US Sailing prescription), US SAILING is seamlessly adopting the (nearly identical) competitor classification system of the International Sailing Federation (ISAF). Competitors can get their Group Status (1, 2, or 3) on-line at www.sailing.org without any fee. Have questions about your (or your competitor's) classification? See the excellent ISAF Frequently Asked Questions and Guidance by using menu above: Archives -> Etc or get the .pdf file using this direct link.
03 Mar 2003 - North Sails Race Week and the Pacific Coast Championships will be a seven race, three day event held in Long Beach on June 27-29. It is hosted by Golison & Golison with Premiere Racing. NOR will be posted on the Premiere Racing site in early April.
02 Mar 2003 - Nine boat competed in the three-day, six-race Acura SORC event at Miami's South Beach. Tom Coates' MASQUERADE eked out a one point victory over Jim Sorensen's WET LEOPARD. Each of the top three boats had two of the six bullets. Top three: MASQUERADE 1,2,(5),1,2,3-9; WET LEOPARD 2,1,1,3,3,(5)-10; Don Priestly, WET PAINT 3,(5),3,4,1,1-12. Complete results.
18 Feb 2003 -  | Robert Baker (Fleet #4, PLANET B) and Bill Sutton (Fleet #3, BLONDE ATTACK) pose at the stern of Northstar while taking in the third race of the Americas Cup on the Hauraki Gulf in New Zealand. What part of "Virtual Spectator" did they not understand? Anybody else down there? |
13 Feb 2003 - Congrats to 2002 North American Champion Steve Phillips who is one of nine men nominated for 2002 Rolex Yachtsman of the Year.
11 Feb 2003 - | | |