Article I. Association Name
The name of the association is, the J/105 Class Association, Fleet Six, Long Island Sound.Article II. Purpose of the Association
These rules are to preserve J/105 recreational features, including ease of handling, low cost of ownership, safety, comfort, and equality of performance, while maximizing participation at J/105 events, and to provide a non-profit forum for the social and educational activities among the owners.Article III. Eligibility For Membership
3.1 An Active voting member for the J/105 Class Association shall be a legal owner of a J/105 who complies with the class rules and whose annual dues have been paid. The annual dues shall be determined by the Fleet VI Captain and Treasurer and shall be based on the projected fleet expenses for the ensuing year. 3.2 An Associate non-voting member is a family member, co-owner, crew or other individual supporting the Class with $25 annual dues. Article IV. Officers of the Association
4.1 The officers of the association shall be:
- Fleet Captain
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Measurer
4.2 Each officer shall be elected for a term of approximately one year at the Annual Meeting and shall immediately take and hold office until a successor is in good standing. The Fleet Captain, Secretary, Treasurer, and Measurer shall all be Active Members in good standing. 4.3 The Fleet Captain is the chief executive officer of the Association and presides at meetings, rules on procedures, appoints special committees and represents the Fleet at J/105 related meetings and activities. 4.4 The Secretary is responsible for the sending of notices of annual and special meetings, for preparing minutes of each meeting and mailing copies to Fleet members, and maintaining the Minute Book. 4.5 The Treasurer is responsible for maintaining a bank account and the financial records of the Association, for ensuring that all members dues payments are current, and for maintaining a current and accurate roster of Active and Associate members with their mailing addresses, phone numbers and other relevant data. 4.6 The Measurer determines whether the yacht of each owner conforms with the se Articles of Association and makes such certification to that effect as may be required. With the prior approval of the Fleet Captain, the Measurer may engage a professional on a fee basis to perform the required measurements or may accept the measurements of a US Sailing Association approved measurer. The Measurer shall maintain a log for recording the date of purchase and measurement of each sail. A Measurer shall not measure his own boat or sails without confirmation by another party. 4.7 In the event a vacancy occurs in the Fleet Captain position, the Executive Committee shall appoint a new Fleet Captain for the unexpired term. In the event of a vacancy in any othe position, the Fleet Captain shall appoint a replacement to the vacated office for the remaining unexpired term. Article V. Executive Committee
An Executive Committee formed of all the officers and the immediate past Fleet Captain shall assist the Fleet Captain in interpreting the letter, spirit and intent of these Articles and shall meet at the call of the Fleet Captain or any member of the Executive Committee.Article VI. Meetings
The Fleet shall meet at least once annually, the meeting that is held in the month of February shall be designated as the Annual Meeting. The Fleet Officers for the ensuing year shall be elected at the Annual Meeting. Any person wishing to serve as an officer of the Fleet may place his name in nomination by so advising the Secretary prior to the mailing of the Notice of Annual Meeting. Notice of any meeting shall be given in writing by the Secretary at least ten days prior to the date of the meeting, which shall set forth the agenda of matters to be considered at the meeting.A Special Meeting may be called by either the Fleet Captain or by 40% or more of the Active members, upon at least 15 days prior written notice.
Article VII. Quorum
Fifty percent of the Active members, represented in person or by written proxy, shall constitute a quorum for conducting the Fleets business.Article VIII. Voting
Each Active member in good standing is entitled to one vote, which may be cast in person or by written proxy. In the case of joint ownership, only one vote is permitted per boat. The vote of the majority of Active members present or represented by proxy at a meeting shall prevail.Article IX. Qualification of Yachts
9.1 Except where variations are specifically permitted by these rules, J/105s shall be alike in weight distribution, hull, deck, keel, rudder, and spar construction, weight, sail plan, equipment, and interior furnishings. Without limiting the generality of the forgoing, no alterations or modifications shall be made to the boat which may improve its speed, handling or maneuverability, except pursuant to an amend of these Articles. 9.2 Nothing in these Articles shall prevent modifications of the boat for cosmetic or convenience purposes, nor apply to the movement of any adjustable equipment on the boat, such as factory supplied turnbuckles, engine mounts and mast step, within the designed range of the intended adjustment. 9.2.1 If a member has a question about the application of these Articles to his boat, he may request an opinion of the Executive Committee, and its opinion shall be put in writing and attached as Exhibit A to these Articles. 9.3 All factory supplied equipment is to be carried during one-design races except the following: The two forepeak cushions, spinnaker snuffer, dodger, table and alcohol stove (if applicable) may be removed. 9.4 Safety equipment shall at least conform to regulations prescribed by the applicable Notice of Race and/or Sailing Instructions. 9.5 The following shall be permitted: 9.5.1 Tactical instrumentation. 9.5.2 Additional compasses. 9.5.3 Interior cruising and daysailing amenities which do not enhance performance. 9.5.4 Foredeck lifeline netting, shroud rollers and other anti-chafing gear. 9.5.5 Fine tune on mainsheet, with up to 24:1 power ratio. 9.5.6 Installed genoa tracks not used. 9.5.7 5/16" U-bolt (P&S) outboard of standard jib track for barber-hauling. 9.5.8 Spinnaker sheet twings led to stanchion bases or midship padeyes, with additional Cam Cleat (P&S) on cabin side. 9.5.9 Trimming the lazy windward jib sheet, or running a barberhauler through the cabin handrail to barberhaul the jib lead inboard. 9.5.10 GPS / Loran / VHF / radar. 9.6 The following shall not be permitted while racing: 9.6.1 Halyard locks or hooks. 9.6.2 Holes or tubes which feed halyards or control lines through the deck, hull or transom, except for the spinnaker pole control line. 9.6.3 Altering rudder or keel profile or exceeding tolerances in Official Offsets. 9.6.4 Use of a mast, boom, or bowsprit which has been modified in any way,such as cutting off the mast butt to increase rake, or the use of adjustable turnbuckles on backstays (which if already on a boat, shall be removed or rendered inoperable while racing). 9.7 J/105s shall be built only by builders licensed to do so by J Boats Inc., and shall comply with J/105 building specifications detailed by J Boats Inc. 9.8 No boat shall be deemed a J/105 class boat until it has been completed with a building number assigned by J Boats Inc. molded into the transom and equipped to qualify for one-design racing. 9.9 Molded fiberglass parts, spars, rudder, keel, engine and prop shall be supplied by J Boats Inc. or their authorized agent. 9.10 Any factory authorized modidfications made to recent J/105s may also be made to earlier models. Article X. Sails
10.1 Sails shall be measured and constructed in accordance with the current national J/105 Class guidelines. No variation from these standards shall be allowed unless approved by vote of Fleet 6. 10.2 All class sails must be registered with the Measurer, on a yearly basis, on the sail declaration form, with the appropriate fee. All class sails must conform to the standards and dimensions of the class. Once sails are registered and approved by the Measurer, the appropriate sail stamps shall be affixed by the Measurer and Fleet Captain before being used in any one-design class race. 10.3 Sails carried onboard, or used during an event or series, when competing for J/105 One Design Class or Fleet trophies, either in one-design or mixed fleet events, shall be limited to one class mainsail, one class jib, and one class asymmetrical spinnaker. 10.3.1 A spare class spinnaker may be carried aboard during a one-design event, provided that the spare spinnaker shall only be flown if the primary spinnaker is substantially damaged, or if due to high wind conditions, the boat owner reasonably believes that the primary spinnaker will be substantially damaged or destroyed. Only one spinnaker may be flown during any race, even if that spinnaker is damaged during the race. A spare spinnaker may be flown in subsequent races if and only if the original spinnaker is damaged in such a way that it can not be economically repaired prior to the start of the next race. 10.4 Sail purchases are limited to one mainsail in any 24-month period, and one jib and one asymmetrical spinnaker each in any 12-month period; provided that if any such sails are substantially damaged or destroyed, a new replacement sail may be purchased sooner. Substantially damaged or destroyed sails are to be inspected by a member of the Fleet 6 Bridge prior to replacement authorization. Article XI. Additional Rules
11.1 The maximum crew weight (in swimming apparel) for one-design racing is 970 lbs., with no limit on the number of crew. Upon request of a class officer or competitor made before, after, or during a regatta, the skipper of each boat shall produce a signed declaration listing all crew members by name and weight. 11.2 To control mast rake, the headstay system length, measured between the centerline of the headstay pin of the mast to the intersection of the stem line and the sheer line at the bow, shall not be greater than 13035mm nor less than 12985mm. 11.3 By participating in J/105 events, owners agree to permit J/105 Class Officers, Race Committee or their appointed representatives to board their boat for the purpose of inspection or measurement at any time during a regatta or within 24 hours before or after. Article XII. Helmsman and Crew
12.1 Fleet 6 will conform to the national class rules concerning primary helmsman and the designated categories. No variation from these current rules shall be allowed unless approved by vote of Fleet 6. Article XIII. Amendment of Articles of Association
An Active member may propose an amendment to these Articles by submitting a written draft to the Fleet Captain. The Secretary shall notify each member by mailing a copy to each member not less than ten days prior to the meeting at which the proposed amendment will be considered. Amendments may only be considered at the Annual Meeting or at a Special Meeting. To be adopted, a proposed amendment must receive the affirmative vote of a majority of the quorum present or represented by proxy at the meeting.Article XIV. Enforcement of Rules
The Executive Committee shall determine if there has been any violation of the Articles in a J/105 regatta and the appropriate penalty to be imposed upon the offending boat. The vote of a majority of the Committee present at the meeting and entitiled to vote shall prevail. No member of the Executive Committee shall participate in any proceeding in which his boat or the boat on which he crews is being protested. Meetings of the Executive Committee may be conducted by telephone conference.In Witness Whereof: These Articles of Association will become effective as of the 15th day of March 1998:
Fleet Captain: Dimitris Spentzos
Fleet Secretary: Robert Taylor These Articles of Association were modified in Sections 4.2, Article VI, Section 9.3, and 10.3.1 at the Executive Committee Meeting of March 13, 1999:
Fleet Captain: Terry Laughren
Fleet Secretary: Robert Taylor