to the J/105 RSS Feed
What is RSS?
RSS (Really
Simple Syndication) is a format for delivering regularly
changing web content. Many news-related sites, weblogs
and other online publishers syndicate their content as an
RSS Feed to whomever wants it.
The following diagram explains RSS at a high level:

Why RSS? Benefits and Reasons for using RSS
RSS feeds are great timesavers. They are not only a technology
but also a new communication medium. They enable you to customize
the flow of information and control the content that you
choose to read and share for work, for school, for business
reasons, or just for fun. You
save time because you do not need to visit each site individually,
and ensure your privacy since you don't need to provide your email
address to subscribe to a site's email newsletter.
The number of sites
offering RSS feeds is growing
rapidly and includes big names like Yahoo
News and
What do I need to do to read an
RSS Feed?
Feed Reader and News Aggregator software allow you to
grab the RSS feeds from various sites and display them for
you to read and use.
A variety of RSS Readers are available
for different platforms. Some popular feed readers include Amphetadesk (Windows, Linux, Mac), FeedReader (Windows),
and NewsGator (Windows - integrates with Outlook).
Once you have your Feed Reader, it is a matter of finding sites that syndicate content and
adding their RSS feed to the list of feeds your Feed Reader checks. Many sites
display a small icon with the acronyms RSS, XML, or RDF to let you know a feed
is available.
For more information, we
recommend the following... (and thank them
for their input)
How to explain RSS the Oprah way
Feed 101
What is RSS?
RSS 101 |