What good is a web site without links to other relevant sites? Here's a selection of URLs to web sites related to J 105s, yacht racing, Long Island Sound sailing, and boating in general. Please feel free to recommend other links that you'd like to see added. Click on the graphic or on the hotlink to access the underlying URL. Enjoy!
Be sure to visit the official J/Boats J-105 web site, maintained by the Johnstone crew back where the wind blows in the summer. And while you're there, don't forget to drop by the J-105 National Class Association site, maintained by Nelson Weiderman, owner of Kima, hull #300. ![]()
The Fleet 6 site is a direct descendant of the site developed by Guy Rittger for Northern California Fleet 1. The graphics and photos here are works of art. They're consistently getting 12-15 boats to the line and they sail nearly year around. Give them a visit. The Yacht Racing Assocation of Long Island Sound is the governing body for racing in the Fleet #6 area. You need to know about their safety regulations and their activities. Check out the YRALIS website. And don't forget US Sailing. If you are not already a member, you should be. Not only do they provide us with the Racing Rules of Sailing, but they offer a host of other services, including the infamous Appendix R rating system of professionalism. Go to the ussailing.org to find out who is a Category 3. Fleet member and two-time North American Champion Bob Taylor has started his own yacht services company. If you need your boat chartered, moved, rigged, or detailed, give OneDesignCharter.com a try. ![]()
Though we hope you never have to contact them, except for a boom vang or something, Hall Spars is a good site to be aware of. Unlike Lawrie Smith, Hall Spars will tell you everything you need to know about your mast and/or boom and they won't charge you an arm and a leg for the information. So be sure to check them out. And tell them Paul Cayard sent you! ![]()
Sooner or later you're going to bump into something and when that happens, you'll want to be on good terms with the folks who know a thing or two about slapping glass on a J-105. I'm referring, of course, to our friends out in Warren, Rhode Island, TPI Composites, the company that brings us the boats we love so much. While you're visiting their site, you might also check out all the cool stuff on utility poles, flagpoles and marine pilings (ouch!).