Fleet E-mails

The Fleet E-mails section of the J-105 web site is where to check for the latest information about what's going on with Fleet Fourteen. You'll find things like messages from the Fleet Officers, announcements about new races on the schedule, or new races not on the schedule, and general items of interest to Fleet members and J-105 sailors. So be sure to send any relevant information that you'd like to share with the rest of us to Nelson Weiderman. If you have e-mail you should already have seen this stuff, but it is archived here.

Roster Update

We now have over 38 boats who are on the roste who are from the area, plus 13 more who are planning to sail with us this summer!

Fleet Email sent out 4/11/02

X-Sender: nhw@mail.ids.net
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 14:51:24 -0400
To: fleet14local:;
From: Nelson Weiderman <nhw@sei.cmu.edu>
Subject: Fleet #14 News
Cc: supple_dailey@mac.com (Ed Daily, #444), drsalk@aol.com (Robert Salk, #413),
eielson@earthlink.net (John Eielson, #317) The 2002 sailing season is fast approaching. Here are some
things you should be aware of:
1. The web site has been updated recently. Go see what's
new at http://j105.org/fleet14/. Check the minutes of the
annual meeting and the current fleet roster.
2. We've set the schedule. There will be 6 regattas that
count toward the Season Championship. The scoring system
will pretty much be the same as last year. All the regattas
will be Level A, except for Newport Gold which will be Level
B (one Group 2 and one Group 3 (or 2) permitted).
3. It appears that they are trying for a one-design circle
for the Hospice Regatta on September 14 (rather than a pursuit
race). We have added it to the season series and have kept
the Around Jamestown as another fleet supported event, but not
counting toward the season series.
4. Block Island is shaping up nicely. We have about 35 boats
either committed or likely to attend. Latest status can be
seen at http://j105.org/BIRW2002/. Let Nelson know about
additions/deletions to the tentative scratch sheet.
5. On the web site there is a link where you can fill out a
form with your likely regatta attendance for 2002. It's okay
to guess. You can come back and refine your guesses as the
season approaches. You can also see what other boats are
6. We have 38 boats in our area now with 22 paid. Check the
roster and if you haven't paid, please do so ASAP. The dues
are $25 for local and $25 for national. Send your $50 to the
Treasurer whose address is on the Fleet Roster.
Please let one of your officers know if you have any questions
or input.
Ed Dailey -- Fleet Captain
John Eielson -- Measurer
Bob Salk -- Treasurer
Nelson Weiderman -- Secretary

Fleet Email sent out 10/03/01

Fleet #14 Owners and Associates:

Here is some late-breaking and some not-so-late-breaking news.
1. As many of you are aware, there is a benefit "Sail for Pride"
regatta on October 13 being sponsored by Sail Newport and others.
Details can be found at www.sailnewport.org/sailforpride.
2. The 89 m\2 spinnaker has been approved as the class spinnaker
effective 1/1/2003. This allows us to get one more year's use
out of our 77s before we start using the 89. New rule change
proposals will be posted shortly on the national site.
3. We have tentatively penciled in January 12 as a pot-luck get
together for awards and socializing. Please reserve this date.
We'd especially like to see the new faces and those not
participating in the racing this season. As was the case last
year, we would like to invite spouses and crew. More coming
4. The final Season Championship awards have been posted for
some time on the Fleet #14 web site. The top three were:
Jim Sorensen, WET LEOPARD, .862
Nelson Weiderman, KIMA, .841
Don Priestly, WET PAINT, .772
Robert Salk, PICANTE, was the best of the newcomers. There were
five regattas in the series with 23 races and with 12 races
needed to qualify. There were 11 qualifiers and 28 fleet members
participating (up from 15 in 2000).
5. The sharp eyed among you will notice that several boats that
did well over the season were not counted. MASQUERADE failed to
sail 12 races, HOSS (the eventual North American Champion) was
not a Fleet #14 member (they hail from Fleet #16 in Texas) and
NO SURRENDER was withdrawn for using ineligible crew.
6. Be on the lookout for your Class Newsletter later in the
If there are any issues you would like to bring to the attention
of the Executive Committee, please let me or fleet captain Ed
Dailey know.
Nelson Weiderman
Fleet #14 Secretary


Fleet Email sent out 7/11/01

This e-mail is being sent to Fleet #14 members and other J/105 owners
who will be sailing in Fleet #14 waters this summer.
The meat of our season is upon us.
Sail Newport Regatta, July 14 & 15
Not much is available at http://www.sailnewport.org/. No scratch
sheet for example. I called yesterday and got a list of boats
registered. If you have questions, best to call them at 401-846-1983.
Some of you have not gotten your crew declarations to me.
The entries I know about are:
Crew and sail declarations at http://j105.org/fleet14/.
Narragansett Bay Championship Regatta, July 27-29
I've not received many entries yet, but my list includes 22 boats:
STAR, PUGILIST, JATO. Registration material at http://j105.org/fleet14/.
Sailing instructions to appear there also. If there are any changes,
let me know.
Buzzards Bay Regatta, August 3-5
Ed Dailey is arranging for moorings for BBR in Padanaram (New Bedford
Yacht Club). It is likely that two or three J/105's will raft on a
mooring - which should not be a problem. Please contact Ed about
moorings (edailey@bromsun.com). He will arrange for the mooring and
the contact at NBYC. They will expect the first boats on Wednesday,
August 1. Registration and info at http://www.buzzardsbayregatta.com/.
Marion Regatta, August 11-12
More to come.
Leukemia Cup, August 18
Entry deadline is August 1. $25 late fee after that. Entries may
be requested at 401-943-1377 or email: rudeayj@leukemia-lymphoma.org.
North American Championship at Larchmont YC, September 21-23
NOR has been posted on http://j105.org/. See the June 18 entry.

Fleet Email sent out 6/14/01

This e-mail is being sent to Fleet #14 members and other J/105 owners
   who will be sailing in Fleet #14 waters this summer.

   Block Island Race Week, June 25-29
   It's looking like we will have 27 boats (plus or minus) this
   year. My current list appears at the end of the e-mail. There
   will be a weigh in on Sunday near the Narragansett Inn. Please
   fill in the on-line crew declaration at http://j105.org/fleet14/.
   Also fill in the sail declaration at the same place if you have
   not already submitted one for the season. Future e-mail on Block
   will be sent to just those on the list below.

   Newport Regatta, July 14 & 15
   If you have sailed in this regatta before, you should have
   received your NOR and Entry from Sail Newport. If not, check
   their website for registration. Entry fee is $140 for the
   J/105s. Their website is http://www.sailnewport.org/.

   Newport One-Design Regatta, July 27-29
   This regatta was announced last year by OneDesignCharter.com, but
   they did not follow through. Fleet #14 has taken over and we are
   planning an outstanding, three-day regatta. We have contracted
   with Pete Lawson's Atlantic Race Management Team (ARMT) who are
   able and willing to run a first class regatta just for 105's. 
   You should see the NOR and Entry details soon. You will receive
   further e-mail when the NOR is completed next week.

   Buzzards Bay Regatta, August 3-5
   More to come.

   Marion Regatta, August 11-12
   More to come.

   Leukemia Cup, August 18
   More to come.

   North American Championship at Larchmont YC, September 21-23
   NOR to appear shortly. Watch for it on http://j105.org/

Block Island Entries
   Tom Coates, MASQUERADE, #17
   David Spence, SYNERGY, #39
   Damian Emery, ECLIPSE, #50
   Hugh & Ken McLean, ALL RIGHT, #56
   John Coffey, TERN, #73
   Andy Skibo, PLUM CRAZY, #90
   Bob Leaver, HEADHUNTER, #130
   Ken Colburn, WITCH, #200
   John Peterson, LAST TANGO, #212
   Billy Baldwin, CYAN, #239
   Marv Pozevski, PEEKABOO, #240
   Linc Mossup, THE CAT CAME BACK, #256
   Nelson Weiderman, KIMA, #300
   Jim Sorensen, WET LEOPARD, #307
   Joerg Esdorn, KINCSEM, #324
   John Eielson, NORDIC EXPRESS, #317
   John Hourihan, PFM2, #315
   Bruce Lages, SUGAR FREE, #323
   Skip Young, DRAGON FLY, #333
   Don Priestly, WET PAINT, #334
   Bill Riggs, RIGADOON, #350
   Bill & Steve Purdy, 40 WHACKS, #354
   Peter Tuite, CURRAGH, #389
   Kenneth Mather, PATRICIA ANN, #392
   Richard Van Leeuwen, DREAM MACHINE, #399
   Robert Salk, PICANTE, #413
   Steve Small, YIKES!, #457
   Brian Tedeschi, IT WASN'T ME, #479

Fleet Email sent out 5/22/01

Here are the reminders for those sailing in Newport Gold
Regatta, the first of six counting toward our Fleet 14
Season Championship.

-- Registration deadline has passed. Late fee of $30 now
   applies. Website: www.newportgold.com
-- We are sailing only on Saturday and Sunday. Do not pay
   the "One Design Fee".
-- We are sailing one-design, but there is no "one-design
   certificate". We will have our 970 pound weight limit
   and using class sails per the class rules.
-- This is a Level B regatta (the rest are level A). If you
   don't know what that means, read our rules!
-- Floatation lines should be installed on all boats and
   you should float your boats to the lines. For this
   Regatta it is self-certifying, but please carry your
   certificate aboard.
-- Please fill in the crew and sail declarations on the
   Fleet 14 website (j105.org/fleet14)
-- Make sure your Fleet 14 AND National Dues have been
That's about it. If you have any questions, please e-mail
   me. See you at the starting line.
-- Nelson

Fleet Email sent out 5/9/01

This e-mail is being sent to Fleet #14 racers and others who may be
participating in our events in 2001. FLOATLINES
All Fleet #14 racing this season will be conducted using the new
rule interpretation for weight equalization. You must have
floatlines painted on your bow and stern and you must float your
boat to those lines. Go to j105.org. Click "Rules". Follow
link to the "official rule interpretations." See the diagram and
procedures. Fleet Measurer John Eielson has the templates to
make it easy to paint the lines. He has yet to hear from many of
you. His e-mail address is johne@parthenon.com
The sail declarations and crew declarations have been placed on
the Fleet #14 site. You can fill in an on-line form that gets
e-mailed to the Fleet Secretary. Submit a sail declaration once
for the season (unless you buy new sails and need to update or
unless you use different sails for different regattas). Submit a
crew declaration for each regatta. To get to the Fleet #14 site,
just enter j105.org into your browser and then click "14" on the
top menu bar.
Tuesday night racing starts this week in Jamestown. There will
be only PHRF starts for the spring series. Starting in five
weeks will be the summer series with one-design starts. You need
to register and get the PHRF certificates in. JYC RC Chairman is
Steve McGinnis. He can be reached at 841-8480 (day) or 423-3680
Registration materials have been out for awhile now. We are
racing just Saturday and Sunday, not Friday. If you did not get
a registration packet, call RI Foundation for Children
401.253.1264. Registrations due by May 21. Accepted with late
fee until May 30. Don't forget your sail and crew declarations.
Check the BIRW "format" at:
The crew declarations and sail declarations are due back before
June 1 (see above). There will be a weigh-in for this regatta.
Here's my Block Island list so far. I know there are more than
16, so please help me fill in the blanks. If you or somebody you
know is racing and not on my list please e-mail me. I'd like to
have a mailing list for the Block Island racers only.
John Coffey, TERN
Andy Skibo, PLUM CRAZY
Nelson Weiderman, KIMA
John Hourihan, PFM2
Skip Young, RAGTIME
Don Priestly, WET PAINT
Bill & Steve Purdy, 40 WHACKS
Steve Small, YIKES!
Damian Emery, ECLIPSE
Dimitris Spentzos, ODYSSEY
Billy Baldwin, CYAN
Jim Sorensen, WET LEOPARD
Robert Salk, PICANTE
Bill Riggs, RIGADOON
As in the past two years, CAT will have a special crew allowance.
Please contact me if you want more information.
-- Nelson Weiderman
Fleet #14 Secretary

Fleet Email sent out 3/29/01

   Fleet #14 J/105 Owners:

   Here's news for Fleet #14. You already got your info from 
   John Eielson about floatlines. If you haven't paid national
   dues, please do so. Note that I'm taking a straw poll on
   the Hospice Regatta, so please respond with your feelings 
   on that. And don't forget to sign up with Tim Dawson for 
   the North Sails Speed Day. Enrollment is limited.
   -- Nelson
North Sails J/105 Speed Day
   Friday May 18th 9:00am
   Sail Newport, Fort Adams State Park, Newport RI
   North Sails would like to invite owners or an owner’s
   representative of each boat in J-105 Fleets 14 and 2 to our
   rig tuning and sail trim session designed to help all owners
   get the maximum performance from their boats. The format
   will include a "classroom" lecture and on the water
   training. We will use two new J-105s equipped with North’s
   2001 sail designs. Using two boats will best display
   differences in tuning and trimming techniques in a
   controlled environment. Owners and North Sails
   representatives will split time crewing on the 105s and
   observing in two powerboats. The powerboat observation is
   very valuable for learning by offering an off the boat
   perspective that most of us rarely get a chance to have. At
   this time we must limit 1 representative per boat. Once we
   get a feel for how many participants we will have, we may be
   able to accept more people.
   Proposed Schedule:
   8:45 to 9:00 - meet at Sail Newport at the keelboat drysail area
   9:00 to 10:00 – Classroom lecture on rig tuning and sail trim
   10:00 to 11:00 – Complete dock tuning to North Sails tuning guide
   11:00 to 3:30 – On water training
   3:30 to 4:30 – Sail back to Sail Newport and put boats away.
   4:30 to 5:00 – Debriefing discussion / Q&A
   Lunch will be provided.
   If you wish to participate, please make your reservation with 
   Tim Dawson by phone 401-683-7997 or email tim@sales.northsails.com.National    

Hospice Regatta
   The 2000 National Hospice Regatta was conducted in J/105s
   this past weekend in Ft. Lauderdale. We still don't have
   a report back on how that went for owners, but Hospice is
   considering hosting the 2002 National Regatta in Newport
   in J/105s the weekend following the Rolex. This is not
   the same as the local Hospice Regattas. The winners of all
   the local Hospice Regattas are invited to attend the National
   Regatta and lots of pre-planning is necessary. They will
   need 18 boats, so it is a tall order for the Hospice people
   to make it happen. I've been asked to "sound you out" about
   lending your boats for this event. It is not a fund raiser
   for them, just a national event to build sponsorship. They
   do good work for the dying and their families.
   Which most closely matches your feelings:
   a. I would consider lending my boat if I was assured that
   it was well insured and I had an opportunity to have an
   owner representative aboard.
   b. I would in addition need some incentives to sweeten
   the pot, e.g. boat gear, free moorings for Rolex, free
   transportation to Rolex, etc. (specify, if you like).
   c. I would not lend my boat without receiving cash for
   the charter equivalent to the fair market value of the
   charter ($500+).
   d. No way, no how, would I ever lend my boat to anyone.
   e. I'm willing to listen to the options.
Tuesday Night One-Design Starts in Newport
   The Jamestown Yacht Club (jyc.org) has agreed to give one-
   design starts to the J/105 fleet if enough boats sign up.
   Since there will be 8-10 in the Newport Bridge area, it
   should be no problem. There will be 5 races in the spring
   (no separate start), 10 in the summer, and 5 in the fall.
   You will need a PHRF certificate for your one-design rig, 
   but there will be no weight limits. The cost for non-members 
   in 2000 was only $30 per series or $60 for all three series. 
   Victor Bell (VALE) is the J/105 ringleader (423-2487) and the 
   JYC RC Chairman is Steve McGinnis. He can be reached at
   841-8480 (day) or 423-3680 (eves).Fleet #14 Chooses Level A,
   Except Level B for Newport Gold
   This is your official notification that our Summer Series will
   be conducted using Level A Crew Eligibility (at most one US 
   Sailing Group 2 participant) for all racing, including Block
   Island Race Week. The one exception will be Newport Gold
   which will be Level B (up to 1 Group 3 participant).

Fleet Email sent out 3/2/01

Fleet #14 members,
It won't be long now. I hope to see you all at the J/Rendezvous and
Annual Meeting at TPI on Saturday, March 10. Our meeting will be at 1
p.m. followed at 2 p.m. by a seminar on Racing Tactics & Rules by John
Alofsin of the J World Performance Sailing School. There's a
J/Rendezvous website at:

Attached are a dues reminder and a tentative agenda for the meeting.

-- Nelson ------------------------------------------------------------------
It is important that you pay both local fleet dues ($25) AND National
Class Dues ($25). It is important to pay National Dues for three
reasons: (1) you get a great Newsletter, (2) its required to race in
one-design events, and (3) the number of votes that Fleet #14 gets in
National votes depends on the number of our members who are National
Members. You can pay dues by credit card on the National site
(j105.org), but if you have trouble doing that, just print out a
registration form and mail it in with your check for $25. After 31
March it will be $35 no matter how you send it in.TENTATIVE AGENDA FOR MARCH 10 MEETING
1. Call to Order and Introductions (Don Priestly)
2. Treasurer's Report (Jim Sorensen)
3. Review of National Class Association Rules Changes (Nelson Weiderman)
4. Fleet #14 Constitution changes (Don Priestly)
Delete 9.2 and 9.3 (exceptions to the National Rules) in their
entirety. See "Articles" at http://j105.org/fleet14/.
5. Buzzards Bay Regatta (Ed Dailey)
NBYC accommodations
Local knowledge
6. Newport One-Design Regatta (Bob Taylor)
7. NBYA Schedule (Nelson Weiderman)
Do we wish to participate in any of these? Have not had good
turnout in the past two years.
#1 May 19: Jamestown YC
#2 June 16: RIYC
#3 July 17: East Greenwich YC
#4 August 25-26: Herreshoff Museum
8. Late August event options (Don Priestly)
Narragansett Bay Yachting Association (August 25-26)
Leukemia Cup (August 18-19)
Buzzards Bay venue
Local YC Option
9. Summer schedule (Don Priestly)
June 1-3: Newport Gold (Newport)
June 24-29: Block Island Race Week
July 6-8: Sail Newport
July 27-29: Newport One-Design
August 3-5: Buzzards Bay Regatta
August ???: Something needs to go here
10. Scoring Systems (Nelson Weiderman)
How it was done in 2000
Cox-Sprague (see http://j105.org/fleet6/content/CSScoring.htm)
How many races to qualify (50%, 60%, 66%?)
11. Float Lines (Don Priestly)
What are they and what do we want to do about them?
12. New Business (Don Priestly)
13. Election of Officers (Don Priestly)
For Fleet Captain: Ed Dailey #444 STAR EYES
For Secretary: Nelson Weiderman #300 KIMA
For Treasurer: Jim Sorensen #303 WET LEOPARD
For Measurer: John Eielson #317 NORDIC EXPRESS
14. 2001 Fleet Activities and the Need for Volunteers (Ed Dailey)
15. Adjourn

Fleet Email sent out 2/1/01

Fleet #14 Members:
We had a great party at Jeff Johnstone's house on January 6 and
pretty much kept our promise not to discuss rules or business.
Awards were presented to the 2000 season winners and the 1999
winners (we were playing catchup). But the 2001 sailing season
is fast approaching and we should get ourselves organized. We
still need volunteers for leadership positions. If you are
interested in running for one of the four positions (Fleet Captain,
Secretary, Treasurer, or Measurer), please let me know.
There are currently 26 boats on this email list, and five more
boats with no email are from our area. As you can see, we have
five hulls numbered above 400, so there's new blood coming into
the area. We have out-of-town boats that join us in the summer
from New Jersey and Western LIS. There's talk of having a one-
design starts in Newport on Wednesday nights.
So let's get down to business:
You should have received a mailing within the last week (with a
self-addressed envelope) for your dues and your vote on the current
rules proposals. Please mail these back ASAP. Dues for this year
for Fleet #14 are still only $25. If you want to learn more about
the proposed rule changes, check http://j105.org.
National dues are separate. You should go to the website and click
on "Membership" to pay your National dues. They are $25 as well.
It is important to pay your national dues because the number of votes
we have on the National Executive Committee is determined by how many
members we have in the National Class Association.
At the annual J Rendezvous at TPI on March 10, we will have our annual
business meeting at 1 p.m. followed by a J/105 clinic and panel at
2 p.m. Whether you are a newbie or a seasoned veteran, you won't want
to miss this.
June 1-3: Newport Gold (Newport)
June 24-29: Block Island Race Week
July 6-8: Sail Newport
July 27-29: Newport One-Design
August 3-5: Buzzards Bay Regatta
August ???: We want to schedule something in late August
That's it for now. Let me know if you have any questions.
-- Nelson