Fleet 8 Contacts:

Fleet Captain
Chuck Driscoll
Asst. Captain
Jon Dekker
Fleet Measurer
Rick Goebel
Center Area Rep.
Gary Mozer
South Area Rep.
Rick Goebel
North Area Rep.
Need Nominee
J Concierge / Treasurer
Joanne O'Dea
Phone number: (619) 224-6200
Fax number: (619) 224-6278


Fleet 8 Local Rules:

In addition to the Class Rules, Fleet 8 has local rules that are described in the Fleet 8 Local Rules. Both the Class Rules and the Fleet 8 Local Rules apply for Fleet 8 Highpoint events.

Joining Fleet 8:

For a boat to be scored in the Fleet 8 High Point Series, the driver must be member of the national J105 class (as required by the J/105 Class rules) and must be also be a member of Fleet 8 (as required by the Fleet 8 rules).

The class defines 2 types of membership.

Owners and co-owners are defined as "active" members in the class rules. The Membership Application for owners and co-owners is available at this link Fleet 8 Active App, or by contacting the fleet secretary. This application specifies the documentation needed by Fleet 8 to verify Class Rule 3.3.

The class allows "Other Helmsman/Long Term Shipmate". These members are knows defined as "associate" members in the class rules. The Membership Application for associate members is available at this link Fleet 8 Associate App, or by contacting the fleet secretary. The application specifies the information needed by Fleet 8 to verify eligibility.

The Renewal Membership Application for owners and co-owners members is available at this link Fleet 8 Renewal App, or by contacting the fleet secretary. Associate members (Other Helmsman/Long Term Shipmate) must re-apply with Fleet 8 Associate App each year.

Co-owners and associate members must meet the ISAF requirements for category 3 participants per the J/105 Class rules. The easiest way for this to be verified by Fleet 8 is to register as such with ISAF. This can be done at this link. The fleet 8 officers will review this status as part of the application process.

The fee for joining Fleet 8 shall be $105, which includes $40 for membership in the National Class Association. Fleet 8 will automatically forward the $40 and your information to the class.

Fleet 8 asks that completed applications, support materials, and payment should be provided to a Fleet 8 officer at least three weeks prior to the first regatta to be driven by the applicant. This time allows for fleet officer review of applications.

Getting A Measurement Certificate:

The Class Rules require each boat to carry a measurement certificate. As of 2/1/08, the Class Rules will no longer allow the float line version of the certificate, so Rule 7.3.2 will be the only valid measurement certificate.

To get a weight certificate, please contact the fleet measurer or one of his assistants as soon as possible. They can help arrange an appointment. Start on this as soon as possible, as it can save you significant cost if several boats can be weighed in the same session.

The class specified weight worksheet is located here:
J/105 Class Weight Worksheet & Certificate

Race Forms:

For each Fleet 8 Highpoint event, a sail and crew declaration must be filed, as required by the Fleet 8 local rules. The preferred way is to send completed forms by email or FAX to the J-Concierge (see contacts above).

Weigh In:

For Fleet 8 Highpoint Events, the J/105 Class maximum crew weight (1,100 pounds) is measured per the Fleet 8 Local Rules. Each crew member is confirmed by a Fleet 8 officer or their designates using an official Fleet 8 scale prior to the first race they are aboard during the year. Once a crew member is weighed, the weight can be re-used for the remaining Fleet 8 Highpoint Events for the year. As stated in the class rules, bathing suit is the minimum attire.

Generally, Amanda schedules a time before each regatta for weigh in. Additional times can be scheduled by appointment.